Softy Individually Wrapped Hand Sanitizing Wipes Review

A normal week for Alice and I includes a LOT of activities! Last week Alice and I went and visited the brand new baby hippo at the San Diego Zoo. We went to Zoomar’s Petting Zoo and played with the Penny Pigs, the Alpacas, rode a horse and played in the corn. (For those of you that don’t speak Alice… Penny Pigs are Guinea Pigs; I’m going to be sad when Alice can actually pronounce Guinea Pig!) We rode the carousel at San Diego Safari Park and stood in line for over an hour to visit the Butterfly exhibit. While in line we touched everything from rocks to trash! From the chain fence to the bugs on the ground.  We played with Miss Vivian’s new baby chicks and laughed hysterically when it pooped in our hands! We went to Legoland and touched EVERYTHING from Legos to a dozen rides.

See how I snuck in the ballet picture? It has nothing to with my review… it’s just that Alice is so stinkin’ CUTE in ballet class that I had to share!!

So, where am I going with all this you ask? Hands, kids, touch and germs! Alice is 3-years-old and touches everything!!


I try to clean her hands with hand sanitizers as often as I can. Here is where it gets tricky, when Alice and I go places together I try not to carry a purse. It’s just too much of a hassle with a 3-year-old. My solution is to stop at every bathroom along the way; you can imagine how well that goes over with Alice!!

Softy wipes are the perfect answer!! PERFECT!!  Softy Wipes are individually packaged Hand Sanitizing Wipes! Easy to open and LARGE! Large enough to clean Alice’s hands and MINE!! The wipes are soft, and with enough moisture to do a fantastic job cleaning those little hands and destroying those nasty germs! Softy Wipes come in a 100 count package. The wipes are extra-large 7″ by 8″ wipes. These are the largest sanitizing wipes on the market!! The anti-bacterial formula kills 99.9% of germs in less than 5 seconds!! Not only do these wipes clean your hands, face or surfaces but since they are alcohol free and have Vitamin E and Aloe in them they feel amazing and leave your hands and face soft. These wipes don’t leave your skin or surfaces sticky at all. The wipes are strong and thick too! They are actually strong enough to hold a 12 kg kettlebell!!

Made in the USA


Not a single one!! After having a bottle of hand sanitizer explode all over the inside of my purse and destroying soooo many things! From receipts to that candy bar I had stashed; I’m even more thankful for these Softy Hand Sanitizing Wipes. No mess, no fuss. Easy to take with me anywhere. I always have at least one in my back pocket, several in my purse and some stashed in the car. Added bonus, these have an incredible citrus scent!!  I’m thrilled with these wipes!! No mess!! Bonus, these will clean a sticky face! Liquid hand sanitizers can’t do that! Well, not easily anyway.



  • Kortney Picker

    These look so convenient, I can definitely say there are so many times these could come in handy!! Especially with kids, I have a toddler and a preschooler and they get into everything!

  • Carol S.

    These are perfect to take anywhere! What a wonderful idea, and so convenient to throw in your purse and glove box. From shopping to the park or playground, very nice.

  • John Thuku

    This sounds great to have. My hands are always dirty and I never know how. At least with this, I don’t have to worry about that.

  • polly

    I am constantly washing my grandsons hands. The wipes would be easier(on both of us) He is 22 months old and his hands are always near his face and I want to always wipe his face!

  • Sandy Cain

    I like that these are so big! I could use them after a nice trip on the subway, after touching God knows what. (Some type of body fluids, I’m sure). And OMG, only 3, and she’s doing sur le coupe de pied already??????

  • Dee Lafrenz

    These would also be great for grocery carts. If you don’t have gloves on, it sure would save on germs. I cannot count on how many times I have seen people sneeze over the handles of their carts, then someone else pick them up, and now they have the cold also. I love that these are softer, most of them I have used are very hard and harsh. Thanks.

  • Angelica

    These are great! So much better than hand sanitizer exploding in your purse. I’ve never bothered buying the individually wrapped ones because they’re so gosh darn small, these ones look like the perfect size!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I see your point, lol. Considering how often little hands touch ‘yuck’ & then go on to touch their eyes, nose, mouths & us, lol, I definitely want to wash the hands that have had chick poop on them!

  • Donna Martin

    I ride the subway, which has very dirty poles and so they’re great to keep in my pocket to help freshen up the hands afterwards.


    I’m a practical sort of person & always have wipes in the car but buying big packs mean that they often dry out or ‘go off’ before the pack’s finished. And half the time they’re teeny, tiny, impractical & leave your hands feeling icky. These would be perfect.

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