ESSIO SHOWER BLOGGER GIVEAWAY ESSIO is the greatest thing to happen to showers since running water itself. It clips onto any shower and diffuses 100% organic essential oils into the shower water at the perfect rate, rejuvenating the mind and body. WANT TO TRY IT? We are looking for awesome bloggers to review our product for our upcoming October giveaway. Simply click the button below to request your kit. The first 100 bloggers to sign up and also promote this giveaway announcement on their blog will be sent a free sample! Sign Up Now!

  • Get Help Now!!

    What works for one kid doesn’t always work for another. Every child has a different personality. Some children are quiet while others are outspoken. Every parent is different as well. Parents are sometimes paired with children who they get along well with. Some parents and children have to learn to get use to each other. For as many different personalities there are for children and their parents, there are endless types of relationships within these dynamics. It’s important to understand that raising a child into a healthy and productive human being is an individual process, and it is equally important to understand that it’s not always easy. It’s important for…

  • Pluto.TV, HERE! On Peanut Butter and Whine!!

    Have you noticed the new menu button under my header? Pluto.TV Pluto.tv began when Ilya Pozin, a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of the company, was showing his daughter videos of Elmo on YouTube and he had to continually hunt for new clips. That action led to Pluto TV!! 100 channels that are organized into categories; Music, Sports, Sci-Fi, Comedy and Kids. AND just like watching on your television, or DVR you can pause, rewind, and even fast-forward!! I picked Country Music Video for my main station. I LOVE it!!! I can listen while I write or watch video’s while I am vegging out. I LOVE watching my music videos! Watch…