• Christmas giveaway logo

    Welcome to the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways Series!!

    Welcome to the 12 Days of Christmas giveaways series! Days One through Four Hosted By: Tyrneathem Co-Hosted By: Peanut Butter and Whine Thank you to all the wonderful bloggers that helped make this great! Santa told us that you have been very good this year, so we got together and decided to give you 12 days of giveaways! A new giveaway begins each day… and the prize value goes up with each passing day… so check back often! We have almost $700 in prizes! A huge thank you to Santa’s elves: Newman’s Own Organics, Glass Dharma, Old Time Candy, PetBox, Moffett Watches, Zipz Shoes, Aluminyze, Highlights Magazine, Lugz, Maggie Bags,…

  • Coconut candle

    Coconut Candles In A REAL Coconut Shell Giveaway

    I have a really unique candle for you today. These are Coconut Scented Soy Candles. In a REAL COCONUT!! Coconut Candles are such a fun and unique idea!! These would be perfect to announce a trip to Hawaii! Such a great gift for anyone because they smell divine! Not only are they made of highly scented 100% soy wax, the packaging is so UNIQUE!! I love that these are actual coconut shells!! I LOVE these candles!! I am instantly transported to right back to Hawaii!! MORE TO LOVE Wiki Wiki candles are made and shipped directly from Hawaii. The moment you open the package you can smell the coconut. If you…

  • Outcast Jewelry

    Outcast Jewelry GIVEAWAY!!

    I love Christmas!! I love the lights, the music, the food. I love shopping to find the perfect gift! Especially when the gift is personalized!! I am so excited about today’s find! AND ADDED BONUS!! A GIVEAWAY!!! I love, love, love metal stamped jewelry. Outcast Jewelry has a lot of fun and unique items! Ashley the craftswoman behind Outcast Jewelry is so talented. She can add any word, date, place, name, just about anything you would like on on a key chain, necklace, bracelet, or even magnet. Ashley created two key chain’s for me. I am totally in love!! Y’all know I am head over heels in love with my…