• Yeeeeee HAAAAA!!!

    THREE POUNDS this week!! Woooo hooooo!!! (That’s 3 pounds down!! I should clarify that just in case you think I would be doing the happy dance for a gain…. which ummm well………NO! I wouldn’t) Total loss of 7 pounds. Who knew such small changes would make such a difference. I’ve cut out a large portion of carbs. Added a lot more vegetables (yes that gagging noise WAS from me!) more fruits. I changed to the Hershey’s sugar free dark chocolate bit size pieces (which is REALLY GOOD! Even better if you accidently drop it in the peanut butter jar first. Not that I would know that myself…. I’m just guessing……

  • Dad and child holding hands

    How To Help Children With Their Emotions

    Having a child is likely to be the most rewarding and frustrating feat that you ever attempt – and that’s a fact. Indeed, you’ll probably feel as though you’re lurching from one developmental minefield to another, all the time wondering whether your child is reaching their milestones with plenty of room to spare. When it comes to nurturing a child, it can be easy to neglect their emotional responses, perhaps taking your child’s comprehension of certain feelings for granted. However, emotions are as confusing and frustrating for our children as they are for us. As adults, we have to be prepared to nurture every stage of their development, regardless of…