• Bra sizing clipart

    Solving the Most Common Bra Shopping Issues!

    If you are anything like most women you are not great at going out and buying yourself new underwear. The majority of us own at least one bra that has seen better days. Yet we still will not go out and replace it. Why that is, varies from person to person, but there are some issues that are common to most of us. Fortunately, as you will see, there are some really easy ways around most of them. Finding the right bra feels like mission impossible. At least once, most of us have spent hours trying on bras, only to go home empty-handed. As a result, we kind of expect…

  • Will work for M & M’s

    UGH UGH UGH!!! I’ve been so good all week long! Weekend hits and BAMB I’m hungry all the time!!! COME ON!!!! NOT cool!! Weekdays my routine is pretty much the same. Up at 6:00 (okay so snooze button till 6:30 FINE 6:45 gesh! This honesty thing thing is so outta hand!) walk with Kaki from 7:00 am till 7:45. Shower/dress/breakfast and fly out the door by 8:30. Work 9:00am till 6:00pm (Lunch 1 to 2) Home by 6:30 or 7:00pm. When I get home DH is already asleep. I grab a light dinner. Check email. Blog. Do the exercises Tyler has assigned. Bed by 11. Weekends. UGH!!! Too much free…

  • $50 Your Way Single Blog Giveaway! August 2017

    Trying a little something different with August’s $50 Giveaway. Let me know what you think. I’m going to put the Giveaway Widget at the top of the post. For those that don’t want to read about my monthly blurb? gossip? update? Whining!! That’s it my monthly whine report then you can enter the giveaway and be done. If you are interested it’s all under the giveaway widget. So the Cliff Note Version is: This giveaway is hosted by me alone so all the entries are only about me and my social media wants and needs. You can find more information about this giveaway if you want to scroll all the…