• Is Balloon Sinuplasty Covered By My Insurance?

    Sinusitis is a disease of the sinuses and is a common problem that afflicts over 29 million Americans. The sinuses are cavities in the front of the skull around the nose region. They are lined with soft tissue that has a mucous membrane covering. Normally, the sinuses are open and air flows in and out of them. The mucus in them also drains down to an outlet at the back of the nasal passage. What is Balloon Plasty? If for whatever reason, the sinuses get blocked, then mucus piles up in the cavities instead of draining out. This trapped mucus could become the site for growth of bacteria, further compounding…

  • Having Time Away from the Kids!

    When you have children, they take up most of your time and energy, but despite sleepless nights and endless rounds of laundry, there’s something so wonderful and rewarding about kids that compensates all the hardship. Raising a family is one of the hardest but most important things you can do in life, and the kids will be your priority whether you work or stay home, or whatever other things are going on in your life. Sometimes though, you can become so used to putting them first that you don’t spend enough time looking after yourself, and that’s not a good idea for you or for them. Why you need a…

  • What is Ethnic Rhinoplasty?

    ‘Ethnic Rhinoplasty’ is a medical term used to refer to rhinoplasties that ensure patients retain their ethnic identities. Ethnic rhinoplasty can be considered as an opposite of the ‘one nose fits all’ mentality. Although the various ethnicities have different heritages in terms of anatomical configurations, research has shown that the general looks of all of them are similar. The similarities in the width of cheekbones, the distance between chin and mouth, and the size of eyes are similar and can undergo rhinoplasty to look natural. The quality of rhinoplasty ultimately will depend on how well a surgeon is able to evaluate a patient’s entire face and not just the nose.…