• Happy Mothers Day tag

    Happy Sunday!! Happy Mother’s Day!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s out there. Not a Mom?  It’s okay, I hope you have a PERFECT day doing exactly what YOU want to do!!! Me? I drove back to California to spend the weekend with my kids. I surprised Alice and picked her up from school. Best SURPRISE EVER!!! I got the best HUG EVER!!!

  • family in the evening

    Tips For Making The Most Of Your Evenings!!

    Whether you are in charge of raising a young family or you spend most of your time at work, it is likely that your evenings mean a lot to you. They could be your one chance to get away from the demands of daily life. However, if you are distracted by your hectic schedule, you may find yourself failing to make the most of your evenings. If you are determined to turn things around, you should work your way through the following four tips. Power through your final chores You could use the first part of your evenings to power through your final chores. This is an excellent opportunity for…

  • College students

    8 Ways College Students Can Save Money!!

    Along with worrying about classes and the future job that they’re working towards, numerous college students are feeling the stress of a tight budget.  Read on to learn ways that students can save money. Fortunately, there are many solutions to saving money and make budgeting it a bit easier. Here are the top eight. 1. Don’t buy new / look for discounted options: The odds are that after the one course you bought it for, that textbook will never be used again. And in today’s modern age, electronics are nearing the same shelf life. There’s no sense in overspending for something that is shiny and new but will probably be…