• Teenager screaming

    How to Respond to Disobedient Children and Teens!

    If you ask a seasoned parent about the most challenging phase of development, the might tell you it’s the teenage years. You were probably expecting a nod to the sleepless nights of infancy or the terrible twos, but those are a walk in the park compared to the rebellious teenage years. Disobedient children and teens are make you pull your hair out.   From the time your child is born, you know your role. Keep this tiny human alive. Sure, it may get a little challenging when they first start exploring their world, but you’ve got this. Then come the teenage years. From about 13 to 17, it can seem like…

  • Arguing couple

    Ways of Dealing with Difficult Emotions as a Man

    When it comes to men and their emotions, they are often expected to suppress them. However, irrespective of your gender, it is key that you’re able to talk about how you feel and effectively express yourself. Life comes with its ups and downs, and as a result, there are many different emotions that you’re going to need to learn to deal with. You can’t always control circumstances, but you can choose how you react and how you deal with the situation. On that note, this article is going to explore a few ways that you can deal with difficult emotions as a man. Know When to Ask For Help Sometimes,…

  • $50 Giveaway August

    August 2018 $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

    Hello Peanuts welcome to my August Giveaway!!! HOLY GUACAMOLE Batman Idaho get’s HOT in the summer!! Temperatures in the high 90’s and 100’s. With no air conditioning……… Yup, started this post right off with a whine. I really shouldn’t whine at all, the guy that is replacing the siding is outside all day in this heat!! YOUCH!!! Alice was delivered by Uncle Zac on Saturday. We drove him back to the airport the 31st. Alice and I get our three weeks together now. I’ve missed this baby!!!!!!!!!! She flew into my arms and I got the best hug EVER!!! This post isn’t making much sense because THIS kid has no…