• September Giveaway Logo

    $50 Your Way Giveaway! Single Blog Giveaway! PayPal, Amazon, Starbucks

    Are you ready for Septembers Giveaway? I have to say last month was BUSY!! Between my kids Selena and Zac coming for a visit. Alice spending 3 weeks here IN THE MIDST of remodeling. (BTW I do not recommend entertaining and remodeling at the same time. It’s stressful!) Remember just last month I complained it was HOT outside?? Well, a mere 30 days later it’s COLD!! I know whine, whine, whine! It’s weird, not really freezing but unpredictable. One day it will be in the 60s and today? 63! Then yesterday it bad it to 80’s. Everyday is different. I’m learning that this is Idaho. However, the nights? In the 40’s,…