• Colorful fairy

    Day 8 Photo-A-Day Favorite Color

    Day 8! of my very own personal Photo-A-Day challenge.  For the month of March I am posting pictures from inside my amazing craft-room. We live in Sandpoint, Idaho. It’s really close to the Canadian Border. It’s really COLD! It’s SNOWING yet again! Come ON SPRING!! Today’s prompt is Favorite Color  Growing up my favorite color was always yellow. Bright sunshiny yellow. Then pink totally kicked yellow to the curb. Now I drift more to orange and turquoise. Down in my craft-room there isn’t any ONE color that really sticks out, making this a challenging photo. Seriously, I walked around my space clicked several pictures, deleted them, took a few more.…

  • Lady with purse

    Ensuring That Outfits Accentuate Your Natural Appearance

    We’re all shaped differently, and that’s wonderful. But the important thing is to value your natural appearance. Whether you’re particularly enthralled by the world of fashion or not, you should take pride in the clothes you wear. The right outfit can really help you shine, but the wrong outfit can hide you away from the world. You need to be confident in your natural beauty, and body confidence starts with the right wardrobe. In this article, we’ll talk about ways to start ensuring that outfits accentuate your natural appearance. Focus on flattering your physique. The first step to ensuring that outfits accentuate your natural appearance is to focus on flattering…

  • Bernese Mountain Dog

    Day 7 Photo-A-Day Low Angle

    Day 7! Oh my very own personal Photo-A-Day challenge.  For the month of March I am posting pictures from inside my amazing craft-room. Today’s prompt is LOW Angle  I want to point out that my craft room has 16, yes count them SIXTEEN recessed lights!! I also want to point out that laying on the floor of my craft-room means that Bear the puppy goes INSANE. She bounces around barking as if to say “Play time MOM?!?! MOM!! MOOOOOm whattcha doin? Can I help?!!? Can I get you a rag? WHAT IS HAPPENING!?” Ahhhhhhh the life of a puppy! A spoiled puppy at that! So, now I’m off to paint! Or…