• Little girl doing experiments Photo-A-Day L

    May 12th Photo-A-Day L

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh today’s Photo-A-Day L letter just happens to coincide with Mother’s Day and our Anniversary! So I will take this opportunity to use the letter L for LOVE. The LOVES of my life!! Hummmm….…. should I be politically correct and add The Husband first? It is our anniversary after all.  Or should I just skip straight to Alice?? (Okay I’m going to start with The Husband; but y’all know the truth right?!?!) Cause really, I am NOT that nice! The Husband; without him the rest of my LOVES wouldn’t fall into place. Thank you for all you do. All the love you give. All your hard work to provide a…

  • EduKid Toys Magnetic Letters & Numbers

    May 11th Photo-A-Day K

    Today’s is Photo-A-Day K is a fun photo. When we first moved up here I noticed this little sign. It’s placed just under the larger PRIVATE ROAD (the very last house on the road is us!) and under the neighborhood watch signs. There is a yellow, super small sign. Since I always felt like I was in a hurry to go somewhere or do something I never took the time to stop, get out of the car and actually READ the little yellow sign. I honestly didn’t think it would be anything of interest. Except of course why is it so small?!?! After months of driving past, I finally stopped…

  • Bail bonds sign

    May 10th Photo-A-Day J

    Did you see yesterday’s Letter i? Today’s Photo-A-Day J, SO I thought I would share an embarrassing story with you. I know……. what could you possibly NOT know about me already?!?! Well, did I ever tell you that I’ve been in JAIL?!?! Okay, your eyes had better be BIG and WIDE and you better be thinking “WHAT?!?!?!” Or, you know me in real life and you’re thinking “What only once?!” Yup, that’s me. In JAIL!! Now, here is the story, of course not near as dramatic as you were thinking. In 2000 the new Escondido Police, Fire and Jail was opened. Since my daughter Selena is part of the Escondido…