• Trail Cam picture

    Trail Cam Friday….. As Sad As Can Be

    WHERE is everyone?? Here are the highlights of the Trail Cam this week. One lowly turkey. One cat? Squirrel? Who knows what it is. One sad, but big eared deer. And I have no idea what movement the camera caught because I see NOTHING! on several shots. See?? Uneventful Trail Cam. I really, truly have to move these again.

  • Vacation written in the sand

    Want to Forget About Money While on Vacation? Three Budgeting Tips to Help You Plan in Advance

    When you’re dreaming of your upcoming vacation, worrying about money every time you pay for a meal is probably not what you have in mind. But even if you have the best intentions to relax while you’re on holiday, money worries can creep in if you haven’t prepared adequately for the financial side of things. Here are my three budgeting tips. Preparing doesn’t mean getting a head start on worrying. Rather, try these tips to get your travel budget in order well ahead of time. (Who knows, you might even be able to afford those new wireless headphones for your flight…) and if you need to Send money to the…

  • What It Really Takes To Make A Successful Move To The Cloud

    We’ve taken a look together at Cloud-based systems and how they can help businesses of all sizes be much more secure, more flexible, and more efficient. However, despite how many advantages one can list off about Cloud-based systems, there are always concerns about how to make the move to the Cloud in the first place. It can require some work, so here are the considerations you need to make.   Make sure you know what Cloud you’re moving to There are different kinds of cloud systems available. To know how safe your data is going to be and what data you should entrust to the Cloud, you need to know…