• Yoga downward dog

    Yoga Helps Fitness Seekers at All Levels

    When it is time to improve fitness, especially for someone particularly out of shape, it is easy to jump straight into doing a bulk of cardiovascular work, ignoring other exercises. The fact is that, with variety in taking yoga classes or Pilates, fitness seekers will see results sooner and help avoid injuries. Adding your own DIY pre-workout supplement could also benefit your practice. By adding yoga into the mix, fitness fans will love how they feel as they get into shape and even lose weight, if that is one of their goals. Some of the benefits that yoga offers includes balance, strength, flexibility and agility. There are even yoga courses…

  • Killer beans soup

    The Non’s Killer Beans

    This is called multi-tasking. Amber, my son Zachary’s girlfriend wanted another of his favorite recipes The Non’s Killer Beans.  I would write it out here too. How smart am I?! Okay, fine ………. it’s just easier to type on the laptop than typing it all out on my phone. So, HECK, lets just make a post our of it. Truly!!!! This is a REALLY good recipe especially when it’s cold outside.  I promise it sounds weird but it works!!  It’s SUPER easy to make.  Tastes even better day two!  It’s easy to double or quadruple. ADDED bonus is it can be done in the insta-pot or the crock-pot OR stove…

  • Seo Social media

    Use Your English Degree as a Social Media Manager

    Do you often find yourself surfing the internet and wondering if there is any way to use your internet skills to get a job? One of the hottest jobs going right now is digital media manager. People in this profession use digital and social media to attract customers for businesses or supporters for non-profit groups. Let’s take a look at what you need to become a part of this rapidly growing field.   Social Media Savvy Anyone who was born after 1970 knows how to use social media, but people who make their living from the internet must understand it more deeply. Someone who wants to become a social media manager…