• healthy choices

    3 Ways to Create Healthy Food Habits With Your Kids

    Kids can be the pickiest of eaters, and at times you might find yourself giving up and giving in, letting them have mac and cheese – yet again – for dinner tonight. About 20% of children are picky eaters. While most grow out of it, it’s important to instill healthy habits in your little ones now, so they can grow up to make healthy, nutritious choices as adults and work on improving their health throughout their lives.  So, how can you create healthy food habits with your kids now? Some experts make it sound like a complicated task. But, you don’t have to know much about GMOs, preservatives, or things…

  • Party time Freshen Up Your Home Home Renovations House in Sandpoint Idaho

    How to Freshen Up Your Home (Without Spending a Fortune)

    If you feel like your home is looking a bit old and tired, then you may want to give it a new lease of life by freshening it up. However, many people wrongly assume that home improvements cost a lot of time and money, and unless you have a fortune to spend, then you are stuck with your old, tired house.  This is far from the truth, and there are many cheap and affordable ways that you can transform your living space and give it a brand-new look, without it costing your bank account. Here are some of our top budget friendly home improvement ideas.  Declutter and Organize  All of…

  • Can I Pull My Child out of School go back to school

    How Can I Pull My Child out of School When We’re Going on Vacation?

    Are you planning on going on a family vacation in the middle of the school year? Are you asking yourself; how you can pull my child out of school? Here’s how, to pull them out the right way. There is compelling scientific evidence that family vacations help make children happier and smarter. This alone is enough to make someone want to take their kids on multiple vacations every year. However, going on vacation with your kids, especially on a whim, is not always possible. Most of the time they’re in school, which means you have to plan your trips around the school’s calendar. Or is it? Well, if you really…