• The exterior of a red brick house with beautifully kept landscaping including well-shaped bushes, trees, and potted flowers.

    What are the Best Trees for Privacy?

    Trees are beautiful. They are amazing! Ever wondered how the world would be without trees? It’s inconceivable. We all want privacy at some point, regardless of the size of the yard. And not even palatial homeowners can concentrate when the thoughts of insecurity keep lingering on their minds. What if I told you that planting a live fence is one of the easiest ways to ensure your privacy?  Maybe your nosey neighbors are quickly becoming a nuisance. Or you are just looking for a way to ascertain your privacy at home. Whatever reason it may be, a living fence is easily one of the best ways to isolate yourself from…

  • Trail Cam photo

    Trail Cam Friday August 7th 2020

    Finally, a few pictures worthy of Trail Cam Friday! Check out the baby!!! How cute is this fawn! Spots and all!! I also caught a little make out session! Kissy kissy! Of course my favorite!! Two different bears. All black and one with a white nose. Note. One decided to lick the camera!! Next week I will be adding pictures from a new trail camera! I put this new one down on the animal trail so hopefully we will see some new ‘action’ type pictures Which picture is your favorite?

  • Sliding Barn Doors

    Sprucing Up Your Small Spaces With Sliding Barn Doors

    It can always seem like a challenge when you’re working with a small space. Whether it’s a loft space or a bathroom, they both have characteristics similar to one another as the need to increase the space becomes more necessary. Using a sliding barn door allows you to create a way to use all of your space in order for it to be as practical as possible. They can also provide a beautiful touch to your rooms. As you look for interior sliding barn doors for sale, you’ll notice that they offer many selections to choose from. Sliding barn doors have always been known to both save and create space,…