How Safe Are Bitcoins When Used At Online Casinos?
Are bitcoins safe when used at online casinos? This is a question that many people are asking these days. The popularity of bitcoin has skyrocketed in recent years, and with it, the use of bitcoins at online casinos. While there are many benefits to using bitcoins at online casinos, some risks are also involved. Bitcoins were created to make investments and purchases online without peanutbutterandwhine.com/exploring-casino-policies-is-walking-around-allowed-at-18the need for a third party, such as a bank or credit card company. When you use bitcoins at an online casino, the transaction is between you and the casino only. How Safe Are Bitcoin Deposits? When you deposit at an online casino using bitcoins, the…
Debt! Now THAT Is A Topic To WHINE About!
Debt like time is a funny thing. I don’t know about you but when I was 15 getting to 16 took FOREVER!! Then 18. Holy Guacamole Batman time seemed to crawl. 21? Forget about it. By the time I was 21 I already had two little ones and trying to make ends meet. I tried all the tricks like sending the phone bill payment to the electric company. (APPARENTLY in the 80’s this was common, cause they caught on QUICK!) I clipped every single coupon I could find. Then someone thought it was a great idea to give ME a credit card!??! (Pfffftttt that was dumb!) I’m a Giver! I…
Hello April!! #Giveaway Win $50 Your Way! April 2022
Hello, little Peanuts are you ready for Aprils Giveaway? This month’s update is rather boring. I actually had to scroll through pictures on my phone to think of what I did in March. I was thinking that we didn’t do a hell of a lot. AND THEN I REMEMBERED! Got the car stuck on the drive. The driveway was solid ice. I slid backward and truly thought we were going over the side down the mountain. After three of those tries, The Husband brought out the tractor. While he was adding the shovel to the tractor our tenant Patty pulled up behind my car. While we were chatting, her car…