3 Important Health Benefits to Cross-Stitching

There are many different reasons why a person takes up cross-stitching. Many times we learn that it was a skill passed down from generation to generation. Others take up cross-stitching later in life as a hobby. Regardless of how you started, one thing is certain: cross-stitching is good for our health. But how is it healthy for you to pick out detailed cross stitch patterns and commit hours toward such an intricate project? Here are 3 important health benefits associated with cross-stitching.

  • Calming power. Cross-stitch enthusiasts who were recently interviewed overwhelmingly agreed that they feel a great calm as they work their way through a cross-stitch pattern. In fact, stitching’s been compared to meditation. That task of pulling thread through fabric over and over again is like the repetition of a prayer or chant. In fact, when people feel overwhelmed by life, they can regain their composure by simply sitting down, breathing, and doing the simple and repetitive task of cross-stitching.
  • Increased focus. Although the motion is repetitive, you can easily miss a stitch, which is why you have to remain extremely focused. In fact, the repetitive motion of cross-stitching makes it even more challenging to stay focused, which is why when you do you’re increasing your mind’s sharpness. Remaining focused with your mind staves off unwanted effects of aging, like dementia. Studies consistently show that a working mind is a healthy mind. Remaining focused is an extremely effective way of working your mind and keeping it youthful.
  • Flexibility of your hands. One of the best ways to keep your hands from stiffening up is to keep them moving. But what can you possibly do to keep them moving? Cross-stitching is the answer. The simple act of cross-stitching can help combat the effects of arthritis, while actually working to improve your hands’ dexterity. In fact, sufferers of arthritis claim that activities like cross-stitching help treat their aches and pains as good – if not better – than prescribed medications.

The beauty of cross-stitching is that not only does the activity produce some beautiful artwork that you can give to others as gifts or hold onto for yourself, but it’s also good for your mind and body. Cross-stitch enthusiasts of all ages and skill level love discovering that next best cross-stich pattern or kit to conquer. Learn why more of these enthusiasts turn to Threaded Needle for their cross-stitching needs. Visit them online at http://threadedneedle.com.au/.


  • Bridget

    I like cross stitching and crochet. My late aunt gave me a small gold Xmas tree and I decorated it in different Xmas themes and crochet ornaments.

  • Stacy

    I used to cross stitch when I was younger, but one day I kind of decided I did not want to do anything “girly” anymore and stopped cross stitching, sewing, and crocheting. Now that it is kind of becoming “trendy” again I want to re-learn how to do all of that. I actually found some really amazing constellation cross stitch patterns on etsy that I am going to buy. I have friends that cross stitch at night when they watch TV, and I think that is a good way to unwind at the end of the day.

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    Cross stitching is beautiful. I can really see where this would be calming and take your mind off things. You also receive that gratification when you are finished. Thank you so much for sharing

  • Kristin Knudsen

    I tried cross-stitching once. And, I was terrible at it! It is too finicky for my large fingers! And, I kept sticking myself with the pin, and bleeding on the material! Same with knitting…too finicky!!

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