3 Reasons To Get Winter Tires if You Live in a Cold Climate

Are you considering investing in seasonal winter tires for your car but aren’t sure they’re worth the investment? We explain a few key reasons to get winter tires if you live in a cold climate, from the safety they provide to their long-term economic value.

Safety in Snow and Cold Weather

Tire driving through waterThe most obvious and primary benefit of getting winter tires for your car is their enhanced safety and control in winter conditions. Those who’ve lived in cold climates know how dangerous winter roads can get from the freezing cold, snow, and ice. Even with regular plowing and salting, you should always take caution when driving on winter roads.

Winter tires are much more adept at control and traction in these hazardous conditions than regular, all-season tires. Winter tires feature softer and more flexible rubber, increasing acceleration traction and significantly shorter stopping distances. Safety is always the priority when driving, and there’s no comparison of safety when it comes to winter tires vs. all-season tires.

Preserving Your Regular Tires

An indirect benefit of getting winter tires for the cold season is that they preserve your regular tires for longer. All-season tires may be for all seasons, but winter roads’ frigid and hazardous conditions take their toll on the tires—even if you park in a garage.

But when you swap out your regular tires for winter tires, you can preserve and extend their lifespan for years longer than normal if you properly store the tires to maintain their quality. So, while investing in winter tires may be a heavy initial expense, the long-term value of extending your all-season tires is well worth the price.

Winter Tires Can Last Years

The last reason to get winter tires if you live in a cold climate is that they offer great long-term value when used and stored properly. Winter tires are far from one-season tires. They can last for five to six seasons if you take care of them and only drive with them during the winter.

Plus, car owners can strategically mount winter tires when needed. Some years, you may not have to put them on until December and may be able to take them off as early as March. Just make sure you swap them out as soon as spring rolls around, as they’ll wear down faster on dry and warm pavement.


We hope drivers in regions with frigid fall, winter, and spring seasons can see the benefit and importance of winter tires for their vehicles. If you commute to work through the snow, you’ll do yourself and your car a great service by investing in winter tires.


  • Suzie B

    I live in a place that can get some pretty harsh winters – I KNOW I should get winter tires for the safety/longevity of my regular tires, but the cost is my deterent!

  • heather

    I so need to get these tires. I was driving this morning and it was a little scary out there on the road in the area where I live.

  • gloria patterson

    I can remember WAY back in time. We GOT SNOW overnight it could be 8 to 10 inches. Back them we had sawdust winter tires, studded winter tires, Chains and idiots with no winter tires. And ever year I put those tires on.

    Today I am retired!! Look out the window…………… I am not going any place. My niece is always on the road she has winter tires just put them on last week. She also has chains for in case she needs them. Some people are just not made for winter driving.

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