$50 December 2016 Your Way Giveaway!
Congratulations goes to Patricia C the my winner of the November $50 Giveaway. I had a hard time giving away money this month. My first winner didn’t respond to several emails. Patricia choose PayPal. Congrats!!
It’s December! The tree is up; it’s so pretty!! The house is decorated, it smells good, it’s still CLEAN even!!! The house just looks beautiful. I love this time of year!!
Kindergarten is still smooth sailing for five-year-old Alice. I got rid of last month’s cold and guess what?! ANOTHER cold hit me today! UGH!! This one better just be a 24 hour thing!
My big MYSTERY from the last several month is continuing. Mysterious postcards still arriving scattered throughout the month, no one will fess up. However, now I’m thinking it’s my oldest Daughter Selena. Or Dan. Or…. well NO ONE will fess up!! Yes, it’s making me CRAZIER!! These mysterious postcards arrive in the mail with one or two lines written out for a song that I hate! I HATE the song!! The postcard picture and lyrics are just enough to get that song playing in my head again. For DAYS!!! The plan is brilliant. It’s funny. The cards are postmarked from different states and NOW FROM FRANCE!?!? Still a funny, brilliant gag. NOW STOP IT!! And once again NO; I’m not telling any of you the song because I imagine KNOW that some of you are as funny and twisted as myself and my family and I KNOW I’d be getting all sorts of items to remind me of that dreadful song with more and frequent regularity! Except they would come from Ireland and perhaps Colorado! Ummmm hummmm….
My Elf On The Shelf breakfast was a huge hit with the Grandkids. My Elf Norgan ROCKS! He made matching t-shirts for the kids. He made a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, waffles and bacon. Fresh fruit and floating marshmallow snowmen in hot cocoa. Norgan provided several crafts to do after breakfast! What a great elf!! No you can’t have the Elf. Unnnnnless you are willing to fess up to the postcards?!?
So, that’s my monthly update. On to the Giveaway!! My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!!)
The December Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. It’s also very appreciated if you like any of my reviews on Amazon. (I AM the queen of subtle hints!! I just can’t make it an entry because of Amazon’s terms of service. But I will be forever grateful AND able to continue to afford this giveaway. See??? Subtle!!)
Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!!
The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.
If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!
Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!

Kate Sarsfield
Apart from wonderful memories, 2016 was a tough year – little did we know!
Sarah L
Happy New Year!
May the New Year be good to you and yours.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home entering a zillion sweeps that end today.
Well 2016 is coming to a close. It was a much happier year than 2015 for me and my family, and I am forever grateful for that. I hope 2017 brings happiness as well.
I wish Connie and all of her readers a Happy New Year! 🙂
My day is going great so far! Library trip, post office, grocery store and soon coffee with a friend without any kiddos!! Woohoo!
Cheryl B
Happy New Years Eve, hope you are ready to ring in the New Year.
Happy New Year! Our day is just peaceful and relaxing – looking forward to welcoming the new year.
I, for one, will be glad to see 2016 over. There were times when it all became too much and one wondered how much more could life throw at us. But throw it, it did. Not content with Mum’s cancer coming back, it threw her a stroke and changed our lives forever. Gone is the capable supportive mother-figure of the family and the fact that she knows her brain isn’t working properly makes it even harder for her.
Having said all that, throughout all the adjustment and the steepest of learning curves, we’ve laughed! Laughed at daft, silly little things, and laughed at the bigger faux-pas that have affected us. So here’s a big thank you to laughter: Thank you for being there; thank you for getting us through and please come inside & make yourself at home. We’re going to need you!
Here we are at New Years Eve… I must say I had a wonderful year.. love from my family and friends, good health, a lovely roof over my head and food in the frig… Happy New Year to all
Kelly L
My day was ok. Did some shopping at our local antique store and the Goodwill. Both my kids got colds so we also had to go out and get them so medicine..oh well!
today was a good day did some shopping and now sitting by the fire watching some college football waiting for the big game tomorrow The Ohio State Buckeyes!
Sue E
The day is great, but our emotions aren’t!
My husband’s sister died on Christmas Eve and she was laid out yesterday. So it’s been sad in our home! She was a widow and she was not having a funeral. She was laid out one day – yesterday. I don’t know why, but we’ve had a few deaths around the Christmas holidays! My dad died on December 23rd. My husband’s mother on January 1st. Now his sister December 24th & that’s just family!!
Sarah L
Good swim class with one new person. Now home for fun.
Margot C
Everything was fine until I decide to re-watch ‘Saving Private Ryan’; now I’m weeping like a child.
Well yesterday I was at work from 7am to 9 pm and today I’m still working…so it’s been a little stressful but I’m making progress which I’m super thankful for! Can’t wait for NYE tomorrow!
Mum had a bad night so we didn’t get an awful lot of sleep. I turned off the alarm and we slept till after lunch then ding-dong! Visitors on the doorstep and we were still half-asleep, un-showered and in our pjs! We’d have pretended not to be in but they’d driven a couple of hours to surprise Mum so what could we do but let them in?
I had the entire week off from work except for today. It was hard to actually wake up this morning.
Planning my menu for the weekend and making a cherry cheesecake today.. of course when in doubt bake something rich and creamy and comforting….
It is still pouring outside. My yard is a disaster. Mud pit. Disgusting. Bleh!
Margot C
Everything is good here in SoCal, all of the animals are sleeping (instead of barking)
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Entering a bunch of sweeps that end 12/31.
Today would have been Mum & Dad’s 60th wedding anniversary. We weren’t going to make a big deal of it, but she still feels married to him so we went out for lunch & raised a glass of fizz!
It is pouring… It’s a mud pit outside. So I am staying inside and doing nothing. No more chocolate to eat, I am on to the mixed nuts now. LOL. I did some cardio so I don’t feel too bad… 😉
Tamra Phelps
I don’t know about anyone else, but I am ready for 2016 to just go away. It started by taking David Bowie, then Prince & Glenn Frey & on & on. Now both Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds. And, especially, it took one family member that was far too young to go. Of course, there’s no guarantee 2017 will be better, I guess…
So sad. So much talent and vitality just gone. It has been a bugger of a year.
Noah where is the Ark?? It has been raining for so many days that even thinking about walking outside is a mistake.. Mud everywhere…guess I will have to take another day off…
Sarah L
Good swim class with 2 people who haven’t been in a while.
I ate. I vacuumed. I ate. I did some strength training. And then I ate some more. Gonna watch the Disney Christmas Parade that I recorded… then I will probably eat some more…. 😛
All I’ve done is laundry and vacuuming. Oh, and eat chocolates, which I usually never do but I’m only eating them so Mum doesn’t put on weight. Believe that and you’ll believe anything!
Tamra Phelps
Really, it’s a sacrifice you’re making because you love your Mum!! Otherwise, you’d never touch that nasty chocolate!!
Oh, absolutely, it’s nasty stuff!
I finally decided to get going and do a few loads of laundry,,, now thats done…..read and enjoy the rest of the day.. I might really get motivated and give our Isis a nice bath….
Sarah L
Quiet day at home eating lots of yummy leftovers including Prime Rib.
Susan Smith
My day went well. The weather was nice for December. I had fun spending some gift cards I got for Christmas.
And now Carrie Fisher’s died. Jeez, what next 2016? Enough, already.
I am being lazy today. I thought I’d do something productive but we had a power outtage earlier in the morning. It came back but meh… I don’t wanna do anything. LOL. Gotta love the holidays! 😉
It’s an official holiday here in Ireland, but of course many stores are open for the sales! Me? I’m just having an “I’m being a lazy slob” kind of day!
Well many folks go back to work today and in years past me too but not anymore and I am so grateful.. I can sit and look at the tree and read, listen to music and be happy and content….
Tracy Robertson
My day went well. It was my first day back to work after 4 days off to recharge my batteries and celebrate Christmas. It was nice to be well rested for my Monday.
Sarah L
Had a great massage. Then a trip to the grocery store to use my almost expired coupons.
My family and I opened presents today! I also got to meet my niece for the 1st time. She is adorable!
Karen R
I am in my pajamas and I am really comfy. I really enjoyed Christmas but I am beat.
Happy Boxing Day all!!!!
We had a really lovely day yesterday….there are times I wish we could all love each other the way we do on Christmas….even people who do not speak all year long phone relatives to give holiday greetings…. still celebrating in this house….
We had a lovely Christmas Day (even without Dad) but the news last night that George Michael had died – this has been a bad year. So much creative talent that will never be realised.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I did. I ate sooo much food though. I feel like a vacuum cleaner. lol. (I was so sad to hear George Michael died. I LOVED him. Been a fan since I was 4 years old…)
Sarah L
Lovely dinner with friends last night. Tonight another dinner with another group of friends.
Margot C
It’s Christmas! How bad could that be? Hoards coming over later. Merry 2 you!
My day so far is quiet, laid back and relaxed. I need to start cleaning a little bit this afternoon.
Merry Christmas!! To all here have a safe happy holiday and enjoy it to the max….
Merry Christmas everyone! I am gonna kick back and enjoy the day. I hope everyone enjoys themselves and if you have to travel, please stay safe on the roads! <3
Got to bed at 2am & up at 6am to put Doris the free-range happy bird in the oven. She’ll be on high for an hour, then slow cook till 12 noon. BIG tip for the perfect roast, cook the bird upside down then turn breast-side up for the last hour (the turkey, not you!).
Happy Christmas to all fellow Whiners 🙂
Sarah L
Had a lovely Christmas Eve dinner and presents with my friends.
My day has been relaxed and peaceful with family. Looking forward to celebrating Christmas eve with family. Happy Holidays!
Margot C
Everything is peaceful, just me and the animals. Everyone else went to the Mall, because they are insane. I have done whatever I was going to do, besides a little baking.
Tamra Phelps
Waiting on my niece & nephews to cross the street & come over here while their Mom wraps presents at home, lol. So, I have to keep them out of the ones under our tree for a few more hours. We open their gifts from us tonight. As for cleaning house, which so many of you guys seem to be doing today…no way! I do that AFTER the little heathens are done, ha!
Have a wonderful Christmas Tamra & you too Tamra’s Mum!
I am taking a break from washing all the tile floors downstairs. Otherwise I am almost ready to celebrate! Merry Christmas all!
Christmas Eve love it.. I am done for the day with cooking so on to cocktail time then a lovely salmon lunch.. movies this afternoon.. Hallmark of course..
Karen R
It is Christmas Eve and my husband’s birthday! Ice cream cake from Dairy Queen tonight.
Yay it’s Christmas Eve! It’s cold and rainy. I am chilling out and watching classic holiday specials on tv. 🙂
I was wrapping presents till the early hours and Storm Barbara kept me awake the rest of the night so I’m a wee bit grumpy today!
Happy Christmas Kate.. have a great holiday
You too Michele!
Sarah L
Good swim class. Got a free book at the library bookstore.
TGIF! Christmas is almost here. Party and relax time until 2017. Yay! 🙂
angie lilly
Today is…improving? Started out very badly but is mellowing a bit as it progresses. 😀
I’ve just fought gale force winds to collect Doris, the name we give each year to our turkey and, while I regret the fact that she had to die, at least she led a happy free-range life in the beautiful Irish countryside.
Tamra Phelps
Lol, love that you name the turkey! We have ham, so I guess we’ll call him Porky.
Here I am again in the kitchen baking panetonne for us and the neighbors….then my last endeavor the Buche dE Noel .. after this I am truly done baking….
Sarah L
Quiet day at home except for a quick trip to the post office. Found a little PO in a shopping center that only had 4 people in line.
i am a bit tired.. been baking since early this morning .. made 5 carrot cakes for gifts and an apple pie and a batch of cookies to add to the cookie tray…now it is shower time and ME time!!
I had the same thing happen with the entry form today! I had to reset my cache to get it to work again. Anyways… finished most of my Christmas cleaning, one more day to go. 🙂
Hoorah! I couldn’t open the entry form for a couple of days, but obviously, it’s back! I’ve done a bit of decorating, just tiny white lights in crystal on the front window sills – so pretty! Tonight I’m carolling in the local hospital then heading to the shops to get the veggies for the Chrizzie Dinner.
Audra OHara
Oh I’ve been so sick with bronchitis. My poor daughter had the stomach bug. The last few days have been horrid. Nothing like being sick around the holidays. So glad I think the worst is over.
Tamra Phelps
I made a couple of bunches of candy today for Christmas. Then I decided the cookies can just wait, lol. Wrapped a few presents, then decided that can wait, too.
Sarah L
No swim class today since the pool closed at 12:30 for their holiday party. I went early and just did my exercises by myself.
I picked up a bucket and when I came up I had a shooting pain go up my back into my neck. It isn’t as intense as when it first happened, but my neck is hurting. I’m constantly hurting myself, it’s ridiculous. Oh well… more Christmas Cookies!!! 😉
I’m just back from tidying Dad’s grave and putting fresh yellow roses on it. They looked lovely with the sun shining on them. It’s the winter solstice so the shortest day of the year – here’s to more daylight hours!
Off to shop today.. just really to walk around and see the shoppes for the last time before Christmas..wish a few people happy holiday then inside for the duration of the holiday….
Sarah L
Having a lovly quiet day before it gets crazy the rest of the week.
Got a lot done today. The weather started out cold but dry so I made the Christmas Wreath for the front door, then prepped the dinner & put it in the oven on auto. My sister came up so I got up into the loft & handed her down the Christmas lights as well as a set of dining chairs that we were storing for her. Then I had a shower to get the cobwebs out of my hair!
Kelly O
My day started out pretty bad. Got some news that made me sad. I then slipped and fell on my rump in the snow. Came inside and had a good cry. Since then I have reminded myself how blessed I am and to stop the pity party. Now I am cozied up to my husband and we are watching a movie 🙂
I am listening to Motown Christmas while I work. I am in a good mood. 🙂
Julie Waldron
My day is going okay. I need to wrap some Christmas gifts sometime.
angie lilly
Day going pretty well, all things considered. Just got off the phone with our mom and was happy to learn that we will be seeing them on the 26th to celebrate the Winter Solstice and Christmas and New Year. Wasn’t sure they would come this year due to not being able to stay with us and having to get a hotel. 😀
Making cookies today.. vast quantities….especially for the little girl next door… she is so cute.. after that your guess is as good as mine or should I say wine…..
Aha! Another one on the diet!
Sarah L
Good swim class. Glad it’s warmer today (up to 35)
Donna B
It’s been a pretty good day, stayed inside because it’s so cold out. Made some cookies and a huge pot of chili.
There was a lot of people gone where I work, so it was a pretty quiet day.
It rained all day so I couldn’t get the Christmas wreath made and we had no internet till after lunch so I went mad cleaning the house instead.
I am in holiday mode. I can’t concentrate on anything. Just food and fun. LOL.
Karen R
My day is off to a good start. I finished wrapping presents. Yay! Check that one off the list.
Up and going.. laundry then changing a few things in the living room for the holidays then I am finished ..we make wine so I have to sterilize about 25 bottles off to do that right now.. have a great day ladies…..
We used to make our own too! Great fun while it bubbles away! Do you use a kit or fresh ingredients? We made a strawberry wine one year that was just like rosé champagne only nicer and a peach & rice wine that would blow your socks off!
Connie Gruning
I would love to learn to make my own wine. Kate bring Michele and I over to help you. LOL!!
I basically stayed inside all day today because it is -9 degrees today!!
Up at 8am to take Mum to play the organ in church for the first time since she started on chemo back in May. It was lovely seeing the welcome she got but then when we got home around 11 we thought we’d take a nap. Yes, you guessed it. We woke up around 3 and it was getting dark! Hey ho!
Julie Waldron
The day is still fairly early. I’m waiting for our youngest daughter(a farm girl) to get home from doing her chores at the farm. Our oldest daughter(a hair stylist) is coming over later today, she’s going to cut her grandparents hair sometime today.
Nothing. That pretty much sums up what I am doing today. LOL.
Today is my mums birthday… gosh do I miss her… but she was a happy person and would not want me moping around so off I go!!
Sarah L
OK, so I wimped out on going to the concert last night (wind chill -25). Supposed to get all the way up to 20 degrees today.
Tamra Phelps
Wow, it actually got close to 60 degrees today. Of course it was a one day thing but I’ll take it. Not a great day, I mean it rained all day, but still it wasn’t freezing cold.
Sarah L
Soooo COLD. Today’s high 6 degrees, windchill -25 degrees. Going out tonight to a concert. Why?
My day so far has been pretty good: had a bit of a lie-in, followed by getting through a mountain of laundry, cooked dinner & prepped tomorrow’s, took Mum to Church to check on the organ then I walked around the fields, gathering stuff for the Sarsfield Christmas Wreath, which I’ll make tomorrow.
Alison King
My day has been going great. I have been hanging out at home, spending time with my puppy dog. I just can’t wait for my husband to get off work and come home.
It’s very cold today, so I have been staying inside by a cozy fire. We had soup for lunch. It has been a nice day so far.
angie lilly
My day is good so far! Sipping some chai and waiting for the ice to thaw from last night’s freezing rain. Then off to the grocery store. 😀
Listening to Christmas music as usual and remembering holidays from my childhood…I had a wonderful childhood with trips to Radio city with my mum and aunt for the spectaculars…shopping in downtown Newark.. family parties and then midnight mass… No matter how hard we tried I know we didn’t give our children that much family enjoyment….surrounded by aunts, uncles and cousins….
It is one week until Christmas Eve! WOW. Everything is ready for the holiday next week so I am staying in and having a quiet weekend. 🙂
Audra OHara
Cold, so so cold! Glad it’s Friday, even though I have to work some this weekend. Spent a while wrapping Christmas presents. I am terrible at it. But I figure it’s the thought that counts, right?
Tamra Phelps
Our weather is officially nuts. It’s been down in the single digits at night with highs during the days in the 30s. BUT tomorrow they say it might hit 60! I’ll believe it when I feel it. By Sunday, we’re due to be freezing again. I just want to feel the warm sun again—I want a warm Christmas, lol.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then dinner with friends. Now I’m tired.
Work today was not very busy. We are getting 10 inches of snow!!!
The house smells of christmas cookies baking and I finished my work for the day. TGIF!
AGHHHHHHHHHH! I’m still arguing with the blooming bank … takes deep breath … however (am now feeling bit better) now I’m going to get ready to go off carolling again followed by our Christmas party!
Tamra Phelps
I feel your pain, ha! Banks are always so sure they are right no matter what…even when they ARE WRONG!!
angie lilly
today is good! making sugar cookies and the house smells AMAZING! 😀
I had a marvelous day yesterday shopping.. yes spending money ladies… today back to work cleaning cooking and baking..
Sarah L
Good Winter Green outreach this morning. Had 12 people enjoy the plants we pass around and then they did seed art.
angie lilly
Aside from the fact that today’s high temp is 10F with windchills as low as -16F, today is good! I am blessed to be in a warm house eating left over pizza with the sun shining thru the window and warming my room and back. 😀
My arm hurts and my neck hurts. I can’t help but laugh. I am always hurting myself in some way.
… and the saga with the bank continues. I’m so angry that they would even consider blocking Mum having access to her own money not that they’ve said so in those actual words, of course.
Alright my shopping day is finally here!!! Getting ready as we speak.. comfy flats and my big bag so gas up the car!! Have a great day ladies..
Audra OHara
Ya ever just have one of those days? I can’t even go into it; it’s just too ridiculous. lol Nothing horrible, just “grrrr”. But on the bright side, work is good, life is good, health is good, all is good. Is it Friday yet?
Another kind of bleh day again today. I’m tired, it’s raining, my plans have to change constantly because Mum can’t remember that she wanted to practice on the church organ and was then too cold to go, then decided she no longer likes pork chops, after I especially made them her favourite way … BUT, she’s here, we have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and still have a laugh, so it’s nothing to complain about 🙂
angie lilly
Another good day, even though Meeko is having a rather bad morning. My mood is just where it needs to be to deal with it. 😀
Tomorrow is my big shopping day.. all lists done.. budget in other hand.. now to make sure I have everything on the lists.. one last look around….I love shopping at christmas time all the shoppes are decorated and even the people don’t bother me…
I pulled a muscle in my bicep when I was doing resistance training…. and boy does it ache. 🙁 Oh only if I could be thin by eating oreos…. lol. 😉
Fe M.
Our youngest is sick today but he still wants to go to school because he said he still needs to practice for their presentation at the end of the week. I told him to just stay home and rest so that he would be feeling better on the presentation day itself. Good thing he still listens to me.
Tamra Phelps
OK, it’s not even officially Winter yet & I am already over it. I mean it is cold! But it’s supposed to be back in the 50s this Saturday…but then back down to freezing on Sunday, lol. Our weather is just nuts.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Now off to volunteer at DBG for the Tibetan Bowls concert.
Is it just me or is December going by incredibly fast? I know I said that in November but I am feeling it again today. Can’t believe Christmas is less than two weeks away!
During this season I really miss my mum..
She loved the holidays and all the decorations and food..she was so happy during this time.I am glad that I had her with us when she passed.. I got to see her right up until the end.. I love you mum….
It’s not even 4 in the afternoon and it’s dark. My body’s telling me to get ready for bed but instead I have to get all dolled up to go carol singing in a local nursing home. Ah well, I’ll enjoy it when I’m there!
angie lilly
So far, today is really good. Aside from the fact that I wish my partner was here with me, nothing has happened yet to make me cranky. hahahah!
Fe M.
It has been raining the whole day so we opted to just stay home. I hope the weather’s better tomorrow since the kids have an outdoor activity at school (sports fest).
Today management informed me my neighbor has only told lies in past month, nice to hear right? I was told to not answer door for her and she was ignoring their phone calls. Why do people tell so many lies for attention I will never understand. Boy who cried wolf is what this is. I am so glad they informed me and not leaving me in the dark.
Patty wright
I worked outside today. It was warm enough. Bummed I haven’t got any Christmas yet. Hoping I win something. My husband and I only get for my autistic son who is 36 and lives with us and my grandaughter who is 2. My husband retired after 30 years on the job. I had a brain enuryism 6 years ago and had to retire because of a slow recovery and headaches. My husband and I have had illnesses and go to the doctor a lot.
Tamra Phelps
Got up early to let my niece in. She has strep & stayed here today instead of going to school. So, I’m so tired (didn’t fall asleep until after 3 a.m.) Really tired, lol.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Now a quiet evening at home.
It rained a lot today, so I had no desire to do anything. Barely got any work done. I felt like a zombie.
Well, so much for good intentions! I set my alarm for 8am but we must have had a power outage during the night so it didn’t go off (the one night I didn’t use my phone!). I woke with the doorbell at half-past one in the afternoon. I mean it’s getting dark by 3 these days, it hardly seemed worthwhile getting up at all!
angie lilly
Day going OK. Got a little cranky with another blogger trying to pass the buck and not being willing to follow up with a sponsor but after venting to my mom for over two hours I feel a bit better.
This is the way that I shop.. so lists lists lists…Thursday we hit the road and so I guess I should clean the cupboards and the frig and get ready…
Fe M.
Today was okay, I wasn’t feeling well but I was still able to finish some online tasks today.
Tamra Phelps
I didn’t do much at all today. I watched Christmas movies with my youngest nephew. I guess I wasn’t very productive, lol.
Audra OHara
I worked outside a few hours today, even though it was a bit chilly. Got some flower beds mulched and picked up sticks. I’m not ready for tomorrow to be Monday. lol
Fe M.
We had a very relaxing weekend at home; looking forward to another busy week ahead.
We had a great drying day so anything & everything got washed & hung out in the fresh air. Apart from that & napping, I’ve done very little today!
Sarah L
“I just won the #NationalGeographic #KidsBooks #Giveaway from #PracticalFrugality! Thanks @NGKids! @KappaVelvit” $120 value. Very fun.
jenn sparks
My day is going okay. I am working on reducing a cyst with some home remedies. Right now I am using turmeric and honey and coconut oil on the cyst, as well as icing it a few times a day. I am also taking Apple Cider Vinegar, and green tea. I’m waiting on Amazon to send me a few other things that I can use as natural antibiotics, like garlic oil, oregano oil. The delivery keeps getting pushed back, I guess since I went for the free shipping instead of being a prime member. December orders from amazon are NOT a good idea unless you’re willing to wait at least a month to get your items, OR pay a lot more for 2 day shipping. Anyway, thats my day. Hope yours was good.
angie lilly
Today is GREAT! Lazy day! I just woke up from a 2 hour nap and am eating homemade chocolate chip cookies, so…yeah. Good day! 😀
Well my granddaughter who just bought her first car is looking at Mercedes.. I admire your ambition honey but you will have to work 2 full time jobs, go to school and save every penny.. she does make me smile….
Sunday! Not doing anything at all. LOL. I want to post a book review on Amazon and then begin a new one. 🙂
Sarah L
Lovely, quiet day at home. Eating more of the chicken I got from Costco.
Bit of a tough day putting on a cheery face whilst carolling around town but all I wanted to do was curl up in bed. Flipping kidney infection’s flaring up again 🙁
Just a lazy Saturday morning. I am sitting behind my laptop listening to Yazoo and perusing different online stores. I do love the Holidays! <3
Loved Yazoo back in the day! Still have their cassettes!
I love Alison Moyet’s voice. It’s so unique and distinctive. 🙂
angie lilly
Today is a good day. We are going to put up our Winter Solstice tree, make lasagna, and make chocolate chip cookies! yay!
I am feeling so Christmas today!! Starting my cooky trays – just to sample you know…then cleaning out the frig and freezers to make way for grocery shopping this coming week….
HoHoHo everyone!
Audra OHara
Busy, busy, busy day. Glad it’s Friday. And I still need to finish hanging Christmas lights, but it’s been super cold out lately.
Today was a day hiding from my neighbor lady. Glad it was too cold to even go outside so I didn’t have to. Praying tomorrow will be easier and I have no neighbor drama to have to listen to, sometimes it gets to be too much.
Cheryl B
TGIF…hope you have a wonderful weekend. Lots of sun and fun!
Tamra Phelps
Today was my niece’s birthday, so she came over & opened her presents. Other than that it was just a cold, kind of gray (outside) day.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Outside temps are up 30 degrees over yesterday’s 14. Then to Costco for roast chicken and other things.
Today’s been good so far: I finished off lots of little jobs around the house and did some sewing that I’d been putting off for weeks, re-stocked the bird feeders, ironed laundry and addressed the Christmas cards that Mum wrote yesterday.
angie lilly
So far, knock on wood, today is going better than any day this week! Fingers and everything else in pairs crossed that it continues to be a good day!
TGIF. Gonna finish work and hopefully finish the book I am reading. I also want to watch one of those Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. 🙂
Connie Gruning
I do love the Hallmark movies! That sounds like a perfect way to enjoy my day off!
Today is my granddaughters birthday,, she is 17.. worked and bought a car for herself..I am very proud of her…
Connie Gruning
WOW good for her!!! Happy Birthday to her!
Wendy R.
I’m up again, in pain and can’t sleep! lol Hoping tomorrow will be a good day!
Fe M.
I started taking an online course today and I’m really excited about learning a lot from it.
I spent the best part of an hour on the phone this morning trying to explain that Mum had locked herself out of her bank account because she kept getting the PIN muddled even when it’s written down right in front of her. They suggested that an executor or agent be given legal authority to act on her behalf and then changing the PIN, denying her access to her own money. I’ve worked with vulnerable people and acted as advocate on their behalf when families have done this to them and quoted legal precedent and a whole lot of jargon at them, citing breaches of the UN Declaration of Human Rights ….. Thoroughly enjoyed myself!
Tamra Phelps
You go girl!!!
Tamra Phelps
Today was just one of those days where Christmas is getting close & you try to take stock of where you are as far as getting things done. I just know I’m forgetting something, lol.
Connie Gruning
Go KATE Go!!!!
Sarah L
Quiet day then off to Volunteer Holiday Party at The Gardens.
angie lilly
Today is horrid, again. This week has sucked. I am trying to stay positive but it is really hard. ugh. Left over spaghetti for breakfast may help. hahahahah
Connie Gruning
Angie, I’m sorry. I could sing to you!? It will either help with the mood or push you completely over the edge. Yeah…. never mind we shouldn’t chance it. I hope the weekend is better!!
OK back to washer stories.. whatever my husband did my washer is up and running.. not forever but it will get me til January.. Baking more cookies today and feeling great and positive….
Connie Gruning
I’m worried about mine (NOT even saying it out loud because I am certain it can hear me!) please let it hold on till after the holidays!! The car? Not so much! Just had to put on 4 new tires and brakes! UGH!! Merry Christmas to me!?
I feel a bit better today. I have some chores to do and a lot of paperwork to go over. I will put some holiday music on to get me in the mood! 🙂
Fe M.
We woke up early today to attend the 6 A.M. mass in celebration of the Feast of The Immaculate Conception. I was also able to finish some online tasks.
Audra OHara
Spent about an hour today trying to put together a hamster cage. Made me feel super duper dumb. lol I hate instructions with no words and only pictures. Luckily my eight year old stepped in and helped. Christmas is coming really quick this year, or so it seems to me.
Connie Gruning
This made me laugh. Because when I can’t figure something out one of the Grandkids no doubt can! Kids are so much smarter than when I was a kid!
Sarah L
Had a great massage this morning and then the warm water pool felt so good since it was only 10 degrees outside.
Another foggy, misty day with the sort of rain that makes my hair curly (but my sister’s frizzy, ha!). I took Mum for a bit of a drive & then we stopped off for pub grub and home to write the Christmas cards.
Feeling no bueno today. No energy. Bleh. So I took it easy.
abedabun dawn
My day is a bit better than yesterday. My husband is home from the hosp. but with no chance of being on his feet for a few more wks. We missed Thanksgiving and will more than likely miss Christmas. But as long as the healing process continues, its all good.
Melissa Storms
I am a little stressed today, we are painting 2 rooms in our home and can’t put up our tree until we are done and dry. I know I will be very happy when it is done though.
Connie Gruning
Melissa, did the tree get put up? I would love to paint inside my house. But, HOLY MOLY I have a LOT of ummmmm stuff…. (ie crap) that would have to be moved, pictures down and so on first. So…. no.
angie lilly
ugh. Another bad morning but I am feeling better with the sunshine warming my back thru the bedroom window, after not seeing the sun in DAYS! 😀
Fe M.
The day ended well for us. We were inspired by the messages that we heard during the Advent Recollection that we attended at our Parish Church.
An interesting morning … in the middle of a wash the machine puts its hands up and says NO MORE…ok so all the clothes come out.. rinsed in a large horse bucket wrung out by hand.. thank goodness for the help I got.. hung up then my husband tells me he fixed the washer….LOL Come January a new washer is on my list!
Day is beginning, coffee just made and it is freezing outside! I hope to finish a lot today, these tired spells are really becoming a nuisance for me.
Tamra Phelps
I went through my Grandma’s old recipes & I think I’ll try her Apple Stack Cake this Christmas. We haven’t made it since she died, over 20 years ago. It’s not hard, just a lot of layers & work, lol.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, did you make the Apple Stack Cake? Was it everything you remembered? I’m makin my Grandma’s Brandy Sauce it’s soooooooo good over pie or fruit cake. (Am I the only one that loves fruit cake?) Of course, it’s drenched in Brandy Sauce. (LETHAL Brandy Sauce at that)
Tamra Phelps
I made it Wednesday. It was an all day thing, lol. I made the apple concoction in the crockpot–cooked 11 hours! I did 5 layers & said “That’ll do.” My Grandma used to make 10, ha! Turns out, it’s not hard to make, just very time consuming!!–My Mom loves fruit cake, too, so you are not the only one! You should share that Brandy Sauce this Christmas (the recipe, I mean, lol.) That would be a great Christmas Eve post!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, That’s a great idea! I will try and get that posted. It also might get me off my tush and actually MAKE some Brandy Sauce.
Audra OHara
What a weird-o-crazy-o day. I do like cold weather, but it’s hard when it’s nasty rainy outside and I’m stuck inside all day. I’m starting to plan out my Winter Sowing in Containers list. If you’ve never tried it, and you like gardening, Google the process. It’s really fun and it works.
Sarah L
Got a haircut, went to grocery store to stock up for the SNOW that’s coming tonight.
angie lilly
meh. today is sort of sucky. not sure why, but I am SO cranky and everything is irritating me. started last night and, after a poor night’s sleep,it is still here. grrr hahaha!
Connie Gruning
I call those my “bite the heads off cute baby chicks days” That sounds very disturbing when I type that out!! It’s just that if I am in such a bad mood that I would hurt a cute, sweet baby chick you better get OUT of my way.
For the record, never EVER hurt a cute baby chick.
I was still awake at 4a.m. so I got up, made a mug of tea & read till 7 then I managed to get a couple of hours. Perhaps I should just give up trying to sleep ‘normally’ and just go to bed when I’m tired (i.e. at 3 in the afternoon!).
Tamra Phelps
One of the first jobs I had was a 4 til midnight shift. Ever since then I’ve been a night person. It’s not unusual for me to still be awake, reading in bed, at 3 a.m. I decided to just accept it a long time ago…but boy, it can be rough when you have to be up early, ha!
Me too (first job, I mean!) & yes, it can get tough!
Connie Gruning
I use to work 3 to midnight. It throws you all out of whack!
I had a fantastic birthday.. Today is back to reality.. looking around for something to clean and there is nothing.. everything is spotless and I have no work ethic.. maybe I shall just veg..
I’m buying you a plane ticket to Ireland & you can come clean our house ready for Christmas (I wish!!) 🙂
Connie Gruning
Can I come too??? I don’t know about anyone else but I want a video of you home. I want to hear cows, sheep and horses!! I am picturing such a heavenly place!!
Fe M.
Today was good, less stressful than yesterday so I’m not complaining.
My day was nice. I got lots done and made dinner for my family.
Tamra Phelps
What a day. Spent hours trying to talk to the right person to straighten out an issue with the cable company. No one seems to know how to change an appointment time, lol. Well, when the installation guy shows up tomorrow, he’ll just have to not do it I guess. Their problem, not mine.
Fe M.
I was able to do a lot of things around the house today so I’m really glad that it has been a very productive day.
Sarah L
Good visit with my friend at the pool. Then Arby’s Bronco special for lunch since they got 2 touchdowns (they also won, but that’s not important for this….)
angie lilly
I’m OK. Not bad, not great, just fine. I will take that and be happy. hahaha!
Audra OHara
As Mondays go, not too bad today. Gotta finish up some Christmas shopping online. So fun to shop online. Have no clue how my mom did it the ‘old-fashioned’ way going store to store by foot. lol
Thank you Clo and Kate!! I plan on having a fantastic day.. Doing only what I want to do.. reading all day.. listening to music.. having a lovely lunch and being grateful for all the years ….and everything I have..
It’s one of those very still, grey, slightly misty days and it’s so quiet (apart from birdsong, cattle, sheep & the horses in the next door field) that it feels like I should be whispering!
Today’s Mom’s birthday! Gonna hang with her and enjoy the day! 🙂
Happy Birthday Michele! Have a lovely day 🙂
Connie Gruning
Happy Birthday to Mom!! A little late but aren’t birthdays for Moms actually a whole MONTH long??
Sarah L
Home for a while from house sitting. Chorus rehearsal tonight and then a night in my own bed.
I had a couple of hours all to myself today when some friends of Mum took her out for lunch and while my ‘to-do’ list is getting ever longer I spent an hour in the bath with bubbles & a good book!
Dawn Monzu
My day is going awesome! I hope you are having a great day too! An old friend just left a very nice comment on FB for me, and it made my day. So sweet! God bless and Happy Holidays!
angie lilly
Today is good. Got our grocery/household shopping done for the next two weeks this morning and the rest of the day is all about relaxing.
Audra OHara
Going good; getting ready to hang some lights outside. I’m gonna try to step it up a notch this year. lol
I love Sunday, like I said before it is definitely my fun day. Listening to music now. I have a book review to post on Amazon and then I am off to read a new book. 🙂
I am having a very relaxing Sunday so far. It is snowing here but the roads look clear.
Off to a great day already…Preparing for lunch now so that I can just do the cooking later.. A wonderfuil Sunday ahead….
Had a good day today. Finished reading my book on mythology which I really enjoyed and I am gonna watch Miracle on 34th Street tonight. 🙂
Debra Guillen
It’s Saturday and one of my favorite days of the week because my son is off school and my husband is home. We had a nice big breakfast together and will spend the rest of the day working together in the yard.
angie lilly
So far today is good. Getting ready to decorate our Winter Solstice tree and put outside decor up, too. Should be a good time!
Fe M.
It seems it’s going to be another rainy weekend for us. I may not be able to go out to do some errands but there are still a lot of things that need to be done here at home.
I’ve got a busy day today with lots of things to get done before I go off & sing for 2 hours with my choir but what did I do? I slept till lunchtime, that’s what I did! I’m flapping around like a headless chicken trying to get everything done!
I am here sitting at the computer when I should be working doing laundry.. bleh.. want to have some fun.. internet wish listing and the such….
Kendra Ann Littles
We have an emergency update on my aunt Linda. She was brought to Upstate Hospital last night and admitted to the ICU for shortness of breath, a severely low oxygen saturation, and extreme exhaustion. They did a heart catheterization today and found that she has severe pulmonary hypertension, residual blood clots, and the right side of her heart is enlarged.
She is being airlifted shortly to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital to be evaluated further. We are not exactly sure what they are going to do with her but something does need to be done, and soon. Please say lots of prayers ?
We are still taking donations via the gofundme link to help with medical expenses as we are unsure if insurance will cover her airlift due to it being the weekend. Once we arrive in the city, we will provide information regarding hotel accommodations if anyone wishes to help cover hotel fees. Nonetheless we will take all the love and support we can get at this time.
Audra OHara
I had a great day. Got to have a nice dinner out with hubby. Been doing some online Christmas shopping and contesting. I’m hoping we get some snow soon.
My back hurts today but I was able to get some cleaning done. TGIF! 🙂
Marilyn Nawara
My day is going pretty good… I’m done working for the day and it’s Friday!
angie lilly
ugh. my day is not going too well today. had to argue with my vet because they double charged me. had to call the doc’s office because I didn’t get a november bill. and my cat has been pooing everywhere the past two days. bleh.
Sarah L
A quick visit home to pick up my swim things. Then off to swim class and back to my house sitting.
AGH! Isn’t technology grand till it goes wrong! I can’t access Mum’s bank a/c online because of what’s called a ‘split pin’ so I can’t transfer money to pay bills & now she’s all worried so I have to take a trip & find a wheelchair accessible bank so she can physically transfer cash to my a/c & I’ll pay the bills. What a load of fuss & bother 🙁
The sun is out after all the rain and that makes me very glad… Bathing the dog today then who knows what …
Tamra Phelps
Let’s just say it’s been a long day. It started out fine, but it wound up a long string of little problems & irritations, lol.
Today was good. All the house is decorated except my bedroom so I cleaned it out and decorated it for the holiday. Looks really nice! <3
Terri Quick
My day was ok except for the hail that we got earlier 🙁
My day’s going good, but I got woken up really early this morning, so I’ve been kinda tired all day!
Sarah L
Started my person sitting last night. Today I went to Costco and got a year’s worth of paper products.
Well here we are in December already.. where did the whole year go?? Had a wonderful 4 day holiday for Thanksgiving and I am now recovering…
I don’t know if I’m the only Whiner who lives in Ireland Connie, but, hand on heart, it ain’t me! Apart from that not a whole lot happening this side of the Atlantic!
Connie Gruning
Alright then. You are clear. I think you are my only Irish Whiner and I love you dearly!!
Just seen this and sorry to shatter your illusions Connie but I’m not Irish! Born in England of an English father (of Irish descent) & a Welsh mother, I’m British but we have lived here for years and years……………