$50 Your Way April 2016 Giveaway!
Here it is…….. My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!
The April Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and definitely going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases are always appreciated. It’s also very appreciated if you like my reviews on Amazon. (Again… I am the queen of subtle hints!! I just can’t make it an entry because of Amazon’s terms of service. But I will be forever grateful)
Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway
Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!!
The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.
If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!
Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!

Aishah Bukhari
my cousin’s engagement party went smoothly but goodness me, it tires all of us out! and now I’m helping one of my closest friend with her wedding reception. fun!
Kenya F
It’s a beautiful day today. Going to do the laundry later, have a nice dinner and continue with my job hunt.
Lily Kwan
My day is going okay. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Is it really Spring? Sleet and snow & frost on everything this morning so I went back to bed. Have now just got up again and it’s 2pm! Now to whizz around the house. Spring cleaning? What cleaning?
I love that it is the weekend despite the fact I have to work. I am planning on taking down my Christmas tree today!
michele soyer
I am so grateful for the life I have and I wish the same to one and all…
Crystal F
I’m just waking up so I’m not sure yet. It should be a nice lazy day at least I hope it will be. Thank you!
Is it spring? I had to turn my heat back on yesterday and I have a cold. 🙁 On the other hand, spring *cleaning* continues, slowly. The next time I decide to go through everything and plan a garage sale, someone stop me!
Sarah L
Gripe, gripe, gripe. It’s snowing right this minute. Rain tomorrow, snow again tomorrow night. Today’s high was 37 degrees – normal high temp is 65. Come on weather! Tomorrow is May first….
Trisha McKee
My day is going great. It is the start of my three-day weekend. I am going fishing this weekend. And then Sunday I am staying home and reading and napping all day.
courtney hennagir
Well hello there! My day was so long,but the whole week has been like that too.So glad it’s the weekend! Think I just might stay home in my jammies all weekend!
Richard Hicks
My day started off hectic. Now it is still hectic and looking forward to bed!
Amy Deeter
My day is going pretty good. Been raining here all day, so we have been watching movies
Sarah L
Good swim class, then visit to the library and a trip to the grocery store where they had many of my favorites on sale. I saved 35% on my bill.
Becky Richardson
My day is going quite well. Weather is beautiful and have been working outside most of the day.
My day is all right. I slept in way too late, which really frustrates me. I’m not sure if my alarm went off or not..? Regardless, I’m kind of on-edge. Oh… my sister arrives late tonight, for the weekend. She was on one side of the country, and is making a quick stop here before flying back home to another part of the country. I might not even see her while she’s here, because she’s always so busy.
Did some cardio felt like my heart was gonna explode out of my chest and then I worked. It’s rainy today I wish I could stay in bed all day! LOL.
Cathy French
Ran some quick errands today so I can concentrate on grocery shopping tomorrow
Wanda Tracey
I am having a beautiful spring day with a little warmer temperatures.
At least the sun is shining and I am about to get outside for a walk.I
hope your day is a nice one too.
Yes we are closer to the weekend..hopefully it’s nice out and I can go biking
Aishah Bukhari
Doing last minute engagement party arrangements for my cousin today. Tomorrow is the actual party. Plenty of food!! YAY!
Even though I am tired today, it has been a good day of working so far.
All I can say is TGIF and try to stretch that into eight words! That should do it!
Donna B
Enjoying my morning coffee, expecting a few showers here today.
Jill Rivera
I had very good new yesterday. My son found out he is having a son, so he will have a pair. He has a daughter and also he will be settling on his new house soon. He will be moving out soon.
michele soyer
Up and moving today.. No shortage of energy.. today is my grandsons birthday so Happy Birthday to my great boy! 15 today….
Heather E
Conference day at work ~ mingle with the county’s other library staff. Should be interesting…
Kenya F
So far the day is perfect! No work! Whoohoo! I’m going to be productive by applying for a new job, updating my linkedin and start networking. Happy Friday to All!
Eugenia Hall
So far so good, its almost over. I’m just getting ready for hubby to come home from his night shift work this morning and we’ll tuck in to bed.
Kim Avery
Im up bright and early because I have to take my son to work. Then I’m off running errands before enjoying my day off!
My day is fine; reading books in library. FREE. . Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂
Mai T.
Friday is finally here. I’m excited for this weekend with the Labor’s Day party and grilling. Let’s see what fun we’ll have this year.
Andrea Amy
Sick kids. I think my 7 year old has tonsillitis. I thought we did really good, made it through flu season with hardly a cold, but the last month has been just awful. My 6 and 8 year olds appear to be better so they are going to school tomorrow while I take the other one to the doctor.
Heather E
God’s funny. 🙂 He answered one of my prayers today in the most unusual way, and it made me giggle.
Sarah L
Got up early to go to the gardens for a wonderful activity with the Hort Therapy program.
I’m all right… My mother just dropped by, and left maybe 10 minutes ago.
I’m still tense.
Sorry I’ve been MIA for a couple of days. Mum’s schedule means that we drive & sleep and not a whole lot else. Yesterday though was a bit different: there we were driving at 120 kilometres/hr along a 5-lane motorway when one of the tyres blew out! Did we panic? Hell, no, we’re too tired to be panicking about anything. I managed to get onto the hard shoulder, put on the temporary tyre, then after Mum’s radiotherapy we bought a new one. Oh, and this was in sleet, rain and hailstones!
Having a good day..chatted with a friend..it’s great when we reconnect!
Cathy French
Nothing special going on today just waiting for the NFL draft to start
Carolyn Daley
My day is going well. We lost power for about an hour, but it came back by the time I finished my workout.
Aishah Bukhari
Still helping my cousin with her engagement party arrangements while running errands for my mom. Today is a productive day!
Wendy hutton
my day is going good so far, wanted to go out and do some yard work but its pretty windy out and cool.
michele soyer
Well I plan on making a chai tea cake today…I have made a cake using earl grey tea but never chai.. wish me luck!
My day has just started but luckily I am only working half day today! It is going well so far.
It’s time for me to start my day. I gotta get up and get my cardio in before I start working. I have not motivation though, LOL! 😉
Kenya F
Today is my Friday since my job is closed tomorrow for the holiday so I am super excited. I’m going to try to be very productive and don’t waste anytime doing things like a netflix. Have a great day all!
Kim Avery
My day is going fantastic! Im going to where my mom is going to beauty school to have a mani/pedi!
Mai T.
Another sunny day shooed away the blue. It’s only Thursday but I feel great. I hope my presentation at work gets appreciated.
Andrea Amy
Its been a day. Woke up to 2 of my kids vomiting. My 7 year in particular was very sick all day, fever, and he couldn’t keep anything down. Very stressful day, didn’t sent the boys to school and they’ll be staying home tomorrow too.
Sarah L
Won a bouquet from Teleflora that will be a Mother’s Day present for my best friend. She’ll get it on Saturday.
Kathy Ross
My day isn’t going very good. I was up for a few hours and I started feeling weak and sick. Unfortunately I still don’t feel good.
I spent today packing in order to move into a new condo! I am pretty tired now.
Aishah Bukhari
Helped my cousin with her engagement party arrangements today. The said party is this Saturday, I’m so excited for my cousin and her fiance!
Day is going well..parents 59th wedding anniversary today..what a feeling having Mom and Dad married and happily married at that
Heather E
Tired. Hungry. Bored. I think I’ll take a nap when I get home and then take a walk. Such an exciting life. Lol!
Today is a meh kind of day. I did my upper body and abs and now it’s time for me to work. I would like to have a vacation to somewhere nice!
michele soyer
Raining again today but my mood is much improved over yesterday.. Think I am just missing my mom so very much these days…
Kenya F
Feeling good today and toe doesn’t hurt as much. Looking forward to my 3 day weekend so that I can shoot my resume out. I’m on a mission to get a new job ASAP. Have a wonderful day!
The sun is just starting to come up. I didn’t go to bed at all, and I’m fine without. I did take a nap yesterday evening, though– I got really upset, and fell asleep crying. It was about this time of year that I was supposed to receive my doctorate, but instead learned that my school… ugh. I couldn’t get my degree. Plan for today is to win a billion dollars.
Kim Avery
Today is a great day! Its my “friday” and I’m looking forward to a couple of days off!
Mai T.
It’s always a difficult thing to transfer money abroad. You never know what exchange rate you’re gonna get. But convenience has a price I suppose.
Andrea Amy
Kids were back to school after a 3 day weekend. I volunteered in the kindergarten class this morning helping with the memory books for the kids and helping with the Mother’s Day cards the kids will be making for their Moms. Mostly a quiet day, and now taking some Netflix time before bed.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home except for a quick trip to get my annual physical (looking good).
Aishah Bukhari
I spent my day proofreading an assignment for a friend and then went on pinterest to pin and save some workout sequences. Not sure when I’ll start working out but at least I’ve pinned them, right?
Cathy French
Today I’m playing catch up since I took a long nap yesterday afternoon.
Day is going great..homemade bread done, had family visit and the weather is changing
michele soyer
Feeling low today… Husband went shopping for me and now I think I will put some jazz on the stereo and get out of this mood…
Not sure what to do today… I did my cardio which was awful. It’s kind of rainy. I think I will clean up my office.
my day just started, but i’m healthy and awake and have my coffee. life is good.
Kim Avery
Its a dreary rainy day today but going to make the best of it!
Kenya F
I found out on Sunday that I dislocated my pinky toe. Smh. Urgent care dr tried to place back which was extremely painful. Stay home yesterday resting and went to the foot dr who was able to snap it back. Yay! Still have to keep it wrapped up and in that special shoe for the week but at least its not broken! 🙂
Mai T.
I had a day off from the restaurant to go eat PHO at a local place with the boyfriend. It seems to be his favorite now.
Andrea Amy
Rainy and chilly day today. No school for the kids, so just hung out at home. Back to school tomorrow.
After almost eight weeks of headaches, chaos, confusion, and overall hellishness, I GOT A PHONE! …It does come with some baggage, though. My father went out and paid for it– we’d known this was going to wind up being the case– and I feel terribly guilty about that. :-/
Daniel M
just another blah day
Kathy Ross
My day is going really good! Got too hot today though and had to put in the air conditioner. But I think we’ll be needing it more! It was 79+ degrees this afternoon.
My best is going great! It’s a beautiful day and I’m hanging out with my best friend 🙂
Sarah L
Good swim today at the open pool time. (I miss teaching on Mondays). Then a stop at the bank and the library.
Day was ok. I am in a strange mood, dont have alot of ambition. I just want to lie in bed and eat chocolate and drink coffee… LOL!
Day is going well..just arrived from my trip..visited family for the past several days..it’s been long coming
Aishah Bukhari
Just got a wedding invitation from one of my high school friends. The thing I hate about meeting people who are married is that they have only one question for me and it is “When are you getting married, Aishah?”
Florence c
My day is going good. I received a nice package today from a blog win.
michele soyer
Laundry again .. where does it all comes from? My amazon order is coming today so that is always a happy day.. shopping with out having to leave the house sometimes is a Godsend…
Mai T.
The weather celebrates my birthday with heavy snow. Plowing through the snow to work on summer tires is no joke. When will spring be here?
Kim Avery
For some reason I’m wide awake at 4 a.m. and I dont have to be to work until 10 a.m.! Going to be a long day if I dont go back to sleep soon!
Kathy Ross
My day was going fine until we went to eat at a Chinese Restaurant. It was a buffet but they weren’t putting out fresh food or filling the empty containers. We complained and they still charged us. They still had 40 minutes to be open when we left. It was a total rip off!!! It wasn’t an all you can eat buffet at all!!!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home after a fun-filled day yesterday. Caught the free light rail to Union station with the intention of catching the new Airport line. Wait time for that was 3 hours so I just had a lovely lunch inside Union station & listened to live jazz.
Heather E
My weight is creeping back up and I don’t want to go to work tomorrow. Dreading it actually. 🙁
Robyn Bellefleur
So far so good. It’s a beautiful day outside and the sun is shining so I am going to take my dogs out for a hike in the wooded area near my house.
Pretty well! I finally slept for a while, maybe 8 hours, after 2 days/nights of not going to bed. Now I’ve just got some laundry going, and am listening to the birds chirping outside as the (very content) cats sit in the windowsill.
Aishah Bukhari
I don’t know if it’s just me or it’s the weather. But I’ve developed a fondness of sleeping. I woke up at a ridiculous time today.
Andrea Amy
Not having a great day. My idiot husband decided to get drunk last night and lost our rent money in the vlt slot machines.
Today is Sunday and I am just going to sit down and relax. I am going to read a book watch a little tv and enjoy my day. I don’t want to do anything. LOL!
Christina Sparks
Just got up about an hour ago the birds are singing and the sun is up had my first cup of coffee and I am ready for the 2nd cup!
michele soyer
Glorious Sunday and the sun is shining after 2 days of rain.. I feel great and know my day will be awesome..
Kenya F
My day could be better. I hurt my pinky toe yesterday and it still hurts like crazy. I’m going to continue to ice it but it doesn’t get better I’m going to get it checked out in urgent care. 🙁
Mai T.
I received 2 early birthday gifts today from the boyfriend. Typing from my new laptop now! Awesome!
Tamra Phelps
Well, I got a surprise wake up at 8 this morning from my youngest nephew, lol. He didn’t want to go to his brother’s baseball game, so he decided to spend the day with me & his Granny. Otherwise, it’s been a normal, lazy Saturday.
I had a good day today. Did some strength training and then did my work. And because my mother is such a wonderful person she made me dinner because she loves me! 🙂
It is Saturday and hopefully things will be wonderful.
Aishah Bukhari
Just got back from a weekend getaway at the beach. It was quite fun, we had bbq last night and then today my mum and I went to hi-tea event organized by our school’s alumni. It was nice to meet everybody.
I’m all right! (And that’s good.) Didn’t go to bed last night; I’m getting used to that, the day after. I need to do A LOT of errands, but will only do a few today (don’t want to push myself). Feeling stressed because I have very, VERY little money– but many things on various shopping lists! On some of the stops of my errands-route I will only be returning things. So… Yes; very stressed out about that.
Kenya F
So far my day is going well. Woke up early, went to Trader Joes and was back home by 9:30am. Then I cleaned out the fridge. Now I’m just relaxing and about to go work out and look for a new job. I feel very production today and its only 11:30am. LOL
michele soyer
Raining again…Looking around to see what I can accomplish today and my level of motivation is very low.. but I do plan on making some Mexican Lasagna today as requested from my daughter….
Lovely lie-in this morning after Mum’s first week of chemo AND I get to inject her everyday with a warfarin replacement! A real-life voodoo doll! I’ll go to town later for a bit of shopping and get our clothes ready for the week ahead but other than that it’s a ‘pizza-in-the-oven-and-a-bottle-of-wine day’!
Sarah L
I’m off to bed. Won’t be on computer tomorrow. First a light rail trip out to the airport since they just opened the line yesterday and it’s free to ride today. Then a concert up in Boulder.
Mai T.
I suddenly feel the interest for kickboxing and DJing. If only I had the time for them. Great hobbies enrich soul life.
Andrea Amy
Good day. Got a new pair of sandals, had a nice walk, didn’t have to cook as I made enough last night for a leftover night and tomorrow is a sleep in day 🙂
Sarah L
Good swim class and then dinner with friends.
It was a rainy day today. I did my cardio and I was exhausted. I took a shower did some light cleaning and then did some office work.
I somehow managed to get a bunch of garbage-y text “stuck” in the text bar of the “Hit that HOME button!” part, and have been unable to deleted. Today I submitted it for entries, as-is, and maybe this will clear it out.
Is there any way that you could (please?) award me those entries for today? The title of the post, which I had wanted to type in, is the same post that I commented on today. If no, I understand.
Finally– I don’t think that this Comment needs to be posted to the wall here, but I will of course leave that to your discretion.
Thank you!
It’s going pretty well! The grocery store just up the street is closing very soon (not good, esp. for the convenience!), and when I went up there earlier today I found out that EVERYTHING in the store (except alcohol) was 30% off. So, I stocked up on a lot of things. Good stuff!
Cathy French
Its a beautiful day here in central Ohio and am enjoying the breeze and spring smells with open windows.
Heather E
Some sort of a threat against our daughter’s school district today by email. We kept her home…
I am getting ready to move into a new condo so I am very busy with packing!
michele soyer
Good morning! It is pouring rain this morning so whatever I decide to do today it will be inside.. Sometimes I love a rainy day to sit reflect and be grateful for allI have…
Kim Avery
My day is going fabulous! I will be going to see my mom today so she can cut and color my hair plus do something about this unibrow I’m starting to sport!
Today’s chemo doesn’t start till 4pm-ish so Mum & I have enjoyed a lazy morning, catching up on laundry etc. before we have to hit the road. We’ll hit the traffic coming back but oh, it was worth it just to be able to wake up naturally!
Mai T.
My Jojo Moyes book arrived from AMAZON UK yesterday and I’m so excited. I need to read the whole of it right away this weekend.
Kathy Ross
My day is going really good. I got a lot more of my spring cleaning done.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Lovely weather for a walk around the lake.
Aishah Bukhari
I was out for most of the day today and then went out again for dinner with my high school friends. Been awhile since we last met.
Tammy Woodall
Today was definitely not a good day. My Mom was admitted to the hospital with Congestive Heart Failure. We’re praying for her.
I do hope she’ll be ok.
Heather Ellis
The Prince is dead. Long live his music…
Michelle Elizondo
I really want to win this for my kids. I feel its my way of giving back.
Cathy French
Today I’m playing catch up for all the things I didn’t get done yesterday.
Michelle Elizondo
My day has been ok. Not eventful.
Andrea Amy
It has been a really long week so I’m exhausted! Lots of laundry to catch up on, but its almost the weekend!
Mum’s first week of chemo is going pretty well although the 5 hour-long drive there & back is hard on both of us. I’m going for a nap then I might feel like doing a bit of ironing, cooking, cleaning etc. etc. Or not!!!!!
I still feel about meh…. I did my cardio this morning and now I feel dead tired. I think I am gonna curl up and read some books and magazines. 🙂
michele soyer
The electric company is upgrading lines today so I will have no power for a short time this morning…Better get moving we all use electricity without even thinking how it would be without it!
It’s ok. I think it was Tuesday that I somehow got part of the entry form (above) all messed up. In the “Hit that HOME Button” part, I copied and pasted– only I C&P’d too much text. I can’t delete, and it won’t go away on its own. Slim odds anyway, so it’s all right.
Mai T.
It’s been quite a busy Thursday but I still had time to think about a dream trip to Canada some day. And also, maybe living in New Zealand would not be such a bad idea.
Veronica Morin
I had a great day. Walked my neighbor’s dog Charlie four times today. My knee feels better.
Kathy Ross
My day is going pretty good. It just now started to rain. But I feel pretty good and happy.
Sarah L
Had a nice massage today and then a good swim class. Went to Village Inn for food and their free pie day.
Cathy French
Today I finally realized I’m going to have to take someone to small claims court to get what I’m owed. So frustrating it came to this.
Today was just meh. Worked on my lower body and did some light cleaning. I feel very sleepy for some reason.
I can’t believe it but today’s the first anniversary of Dad’s death. Sad but we have to concentrate on the living & Mum needs all our support right now as she’s just started chemo etc.
Aishah Bukhari
Today is my lazy day. Slept in and then went on youtube and watched a bunch of wrestling videos, revisiting my memories of watching classic Stone Cold Steve Austin matches.
michele soyer
Today I have decided to clean out the closets.. What a job but it has to be done.. I also want to make a list of all the summer clothes I need to buy.. What a list!
Kim Avery
My day is going fabulous! I have the day off and I’m ready to head outside to enjoy this beautiful weather!
Heather E
Kinda bored with my job, but not ready/willing to give up that paycheck…
Carrie H.
sometimes I wish I were a cat so I could sleep in the sun all day
Andrea Amy
Long day but productive! Volunteered in my son’s kindergarten class this morning assembling hats for their spring concert which is tomorrow (I guess technically tonight as its after midnight now). Vacuumed, did some laundry and sweeping this afternoon. Went grocery shopping this evening, managed to stay on budget and get enough for 18 nights of dinners. Watching a bit of Netflix, then to bed because tomorrow I volunteer in the grade one classroom 🙂
Eh, it’s/I’m all right. My ex wants us to try and get back together. I’d like that, too, but I know in my heart, head, and gut that things would be basically be the same. We shall see.
Mai T.
It’s been snowing and hailing for 2 days. I don’t see spring anywhere. Instead, winter is actually back to scare everyone.
Sarah L
Bit of sunshine today for my trip to the infusion center and dinner at Smashburger.
Heather Ellis
Tax season is over! Tax season is over! Yaaaaaaaay! Tax season is over! 🙂
Cathy French
Seem overly tired today. Taking it easy
I worked on my Upper Body and did some pilates. I also cleaned out the Study, Vacuumed and Mopped the floor. I feel sleepy now so I am just gonna veg until dinner time.
Aishah Bukhari
Today went well. Went out to lunch with my mom and then we went shoe shopping.
Well, that’s Day 2 of chemo/radiotherapy over & done with. So very tired but I have a choir practice tonight that I’m looking forward to as we’ve got a couple of performances coming up.
michele soyer
Looked around and there is barely any bread left so today I plan on baking bread and some scones.. Oh and I have to bathe the dogs.. Off and running to have a great day!
Carrie H.
alright, yard- today we do battle. again. I wish I had a magic wand to wave and make it perfect in an instant
How… is my day. Well, it’s 4:30am; haven’t gone to bed yet. Despite the perky music I’m listening to, I’m feeling this bummed-out sense of defeat. It’s pretty typical. It’s anger that’s tired of being active anger. Went from being a brilliant doctoral candidate to… this. My department made numerous errors, and after 6-7 years [of unpaid work, helping others…] I couldn’t get my degree that I’d earned. The amount of debt I’m in over that un-awarded degree is mind-blowing. (No other debt/loans.) I had to move in with my father. Can’t work (medical). No income. Miserable, every day. Miserable and stuck. …I had been a psychotherapist, and a good one at that, but I can’t fix this. This is hell.
Sorry about this post.
Andrea Amy
My day went well. tried a new recipe for dinner that I saw shared on facebook and it was delicious. Will definitely be making that again!
Mai T.
I saw a recruitment notice on Facebook from a friend and I really want to apply but maybe I need to wait to get my citizenship first. It’s so much easier to travel or work abroad as a European.
Kathy Ross
My day is going about the same as always. Kind of boring. The weather was nice today, but now it’s raining.
Sarah L
I sadly had to watch the guy cut away a bunch of branches on my blooming crabapple tree that got crunched by the big snow we had.
Andrea Amy
Beautiful spring Monday. Blue skies, the leaves are growing, the flowers are starting to grow. Its a beautiful day. Spending it doing laundry lol but its a beautiful day.
Today was exhausting. We left the house at 6am for a 9.30 appointment in Dublin. Mum’s started chemo & radiotherapy so there was a lot of sitting in waiting rooms. VERY early night tonight!
My day is going well..managed to get 3 loads of laundry done and tidied up some of the house..looks great
Aishah Bukhari
Today was spent running errands for my mom. I hope that June comes faster because I just can’t handle another high temperature day. It is annoying to be sweating all day everyday. -_-‘
Cathy French
Today is such a beautiful day I think I’ll take a nice walk around the neighborhood. I’ve been putting off getting more active but with a day like this it would insane not to go outside.
Today is better. The phone company completed the fix on my landline so all is well!! Internet running smoothly and so is the phone itself. I finished doing my Plyometrics workout. (My legs are killing me!!!) Now I will clean my living room. 🙂
michele soyer
Monday already? Well I better get in gear.. Looks like a beauitful day and there is alwasy something to do..Have a great day!
Carrie H.
yesterday was gorgeous and today promises to be even better. here I come yard work!
Heather E
Last day of tax season! I’m looking forward to only working one job again. Of course, there are always the bills to contend with….. lol….
Good morning. 🙂 I think that my day is going pretty well. Or, is it still “yesterday” for me? It’s a little after 4am, and I haven’t gone to bed/sleep yet. I will soon, in a while, maybe.
Mai T.
Half of my day was covered in hangover. It was worth it though. I watched many episodes of SUITS and it is such a brilliant show.
Sarah L
It’s finally stopped snowing after 3 days. Even cancelled chorus for tonight.
patricia skinner
My day is going pretty good. The weather is sunny and near 80 degrees so I washed a heavy quilt and put it on the line to dry. We went to the store to pick up a few things and now I am just enjoying the day.
It’s going pretty decently! Except… ANTS! Ants. I’d been looking forward to heading to bed relatively early, when around 3:15am I discovered they had decided to return for another season of tormenting me. And I am not kidding when I say that these horrifying creatures were virtually INDESTRUCTIBLE! Ugh. Ew. Ew. Anyway… Hope you’re doing well; enjoy your afternoon!
Better today! Had no home internet access for two days and I was gonna go CRAZY! It’s semi-fixed now so I am happy.
Aishah Bukhari
Met my high school friend today after leaving school for nearly 10 years now. I missed school!
michele soyer
It is a glorious sunny Sunday.. Went to mass and now making Sunday lunch.. Grateful to be alive on such a beautiful day..
happy Sunday to you all…
I didn’t get home till 4am this morning (PARTY!) and slept till 2pm so now all I’m doing is getting ready for the week ahead. Mum starts chemo tomorrow so we have to leave the house at 6am – ugh!
Mai T.
We had girls’ night at a pub where there was a band playing Bruno Mars. It was so fun with all the dancing and singing along.
Kim Avery
Its a bright sunny Sunday morning and as usual I will be working.
Sarah L
Snow, snow and more snow. Not going to concert tonight. Glad they have performance next Saturday.
Heather E
It’s the last Saturday of tax season, so I am excited today ~ at the prospect of not having to set my alarm next Saturday!
Having a fantastic day..childhood friend showed up ..what a great visit we had..love her so much
Aishah Bukhari
My day was eventful, was out with my mom and my sister the whole day.
Andrea Amy
Its Saturday. I’m not a fan of weekends, school holidays, vacations etc. The kids have been at one another since 7am. We can’tgo outside because they won’t listen, i can’t open a window because they won’t stop fighting. Is it Monday yet?
Again I didn’t go to bed/sleep last night at all. Worries, legitimate problems and stressors… And, now I’ve been without a phone for over six weeks (mine was killed by a software install gone wrong)– and do not have any money to replace. I’ve brainstormed, explored options, etc… I just… can’t. // Also, this is only the second time I’ve been able to log-in through this giveaway form– I’ve tried multiple times, every day, but haven’t had any luck until now. …I apologize for the down-and-out-ness. I’m just… stressed, and very much so. I hope that you all are having a wonderful weekend.
I’ve cleaned the house, the car inside & out, topped up engine oil, checked tyres etc. Heading for a shower then off to the final night’s performance of Oliver! followed my a much-welcome wrap party. Yay!
Kim Avery
Back to work today! But its going to be a gorgeous day and can’t wait to get home and fire up the grill!
Carrie H.
today is neighborhood clean up day. then we will be attempting to move our compost piles.
Florence c
Just got up. Enjoying my morning tea.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then went to the grocery store to get a couple of things before our big snowstorm hits this weekend.
My day was great – made almost $200 at my garage sale!
Krista M
Took my son to the dentist today, everything looks good with no cavities so today is a great day!
Day is going great..the sun is shinning and the temperature is amazing..finally Spring!
Carrie H.
waiting for the HVAC guy who is supposedly on the way……and putting away unsold consignment items
Aishah Bukhari
We went to the beach today, it was windy and I loved it!
Andrea Amy
Its Friday, the sun is shining, and not a cloud in the sky. Not much to complain about regarding that is there? 🙂
michele soyer
is it really Friday already? Where did this week go…Baking some peach individual pies for the family….hope thwy like them…
We’re almost at the end of the run of Oliver! and I’m asleep on my feet! I’ll do the weekly shop on the way to the Theatre this evening so that I’ll have most of Saturday free for housework. Mum starts chemo on Monday so I’m frantically getting everything done before then.
Heather E
It’s my birthday! And Friday. And payday. What could be better?!
Kim Avery
Its a beautiful morning here! Going to pick up my paycheck and do laundry later!
Mai T.
I’ve become so scared of Fridays recently when the restaurant is always packed til closing hour. I just want to have peace but work seems to never agree with me.
Carrie H.
I will be so happy when my front yard stops begging me to re-arrange it. I swear I have moved the same rocks 4 times in the past montj.
Kimberly Flickinger
My day was long, busy, but good. How was your day?
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Got a few things done around the house.
Aishah Bukhari
It’s still too hot out there, the temperature is still 36°C so I just stay at home and drink a lot of water
I did some low impact cardio and I worked on my abs. I felt fine this morning but then as when the afternoon came I started to feel unwell. I am gonna take it easy for the rest of the day…
It’s a beautiful day today..the sun is shining, great feeling turning down the thermostat on the furnace..awe it’s so nice
I’m so, so tired: busy all day then the show every night and little or no sleep because of my jaw/head aching … heaven help anyone who gets my temper up today!
Kim Avery
I am totally enjoying my day off! Its suppose to finally warm up and I just may get out to start prepping my garden!
Heather E
It’s raining this morning, but I didn’t let it stop me from walking my 3 miles. 🙂
michele soyer
well today is shopping day.. Grocery, drug store and all the rest.. Will wind up in the mall and who knows I might get somehting for myself.. Have a great day everyone..
Mai T.
There’s a fashion show today in town and I wish to go but I have work. I so hate this. Sometimes I want some fun but work has to go first.
Andrea Amy
Not a bad day, but I’m feeling down and really tired. Seems like its been a really long week and its not over yet lol
Tamra Phelps
What a day. I’m so tired of allergies. This has been going on for months. I think I need to find new allergy medicine!
Sarah L
Good swim class. Then a trip to Costco for milk & roasted chicken.
Day was ok. I did some yoga and also worked on my lower body. I have a bit of a tummy ache right now so I think I might go to bed early…
Day is going well..my parents came for a visit..always love when they pop in
Cathy French
Today I’m stressing a bit about this being the last weekend to do my taxes that I haven’t even started yet. UGH
Aishah Bukhari
Today was actually going great until I received some crappy news just 10 minutes ago. Now I’m just listening to music, trying to stop thinking about it.
I want to eat really crisp pastry or maybe nuts, anyway, something with a good crunch! My jaw’s really sore from all the dental work & I’m so sick of yoghurt & custard diet.
michele soyer
Wednesday the middle of the week..Laundry day but I still don’t know where all this laundry comes from? It seems in grows in the hamper.. Have a pleasant day everyone….
Kim Avery
My day is starting slow but its my “Friday” and I’m looking forward to two days off after a long six days!
Carrie H.
2 doctors to visit today and some plants to get in the ground.
Heather E
I have a cat curled up in my lap. That’s a good start to the day. 🙂
Mai T.
Tax paper is here and I’m getting some of my precious earning back! Can’t be happier since I have big plan for the summer!
Sarah L
This is National Volunteer Week and since I’m a volunteer at DBG there are many places in town that offer free entry. Today I visited the Butterfly Pavilion and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Nicole Bowers
I am so BLESSED to WAKE UP today..
Today was ok. I did Pilates (which is very hard because I have trouble with my back but I keep trying) and worked on Upper Body. Trying to keep going and working on my weight loss goals.
Andrea Amy
Good day, volunteered in my son’s kindergarten room today (every Tuesday) and just having a quite afternoon now.
Cathy French
Today I am a bit jealous of my neighbor. The tree service has been there absolutely all day getting rid of a very old and tall tree. Wish I had the moolah to get rid of ours.
Not sure what is going one..fighting the urge to just go to bed..maybe its the depressing weather, cannot stop yawning
Aishah Bukhari
I slept a lot today. It kind of weirded me out a little because I don’t usually sleep this much. Must be the weather or maybe I got bored doing nothing.
Heather Ellis
I’ve got a case of the blahs. Too much work and not enough play…
Kathy Tracey
My day is going well. However I just woke up so I hope it keeps going well. It should I got plenty of rest. Off to work again tomorrow.
michele soyer
Today is an awesome day! Everything is going so well.. Baking some cinnamon rolls forlater and planning on going to the mall on Thursday so lists lists lists! Hope everyone here has a great day also..
Well the musical is in full swing and I’ve broken a tooth so emergency dental appt. this afternoon. I also had an abscess at the gum so pain, pain, pain. However, as the saying goes, the show must go on. I’m hoping this will be the last of it as Mum starts chemo next week.
Carrie H.
working at our preschool’s consignment sale today. Let’s hope I come home without our stuff!
Your Way, good deal, thanks. from missdinky.com
Mai T.
A bright and sunny Tuesday welcomes me. However, I feel depressed with my sore eyes. I do not know what’s wrong with it. I do not have money for this kind of mundane pain now.
Tamra Phelps
Well, the abscess in my throat burst, so my throat feels better, but my sinus drainage is still going nuts. The weather needs to decide if it’s Winter or Spring! I can handle the effects of one season or the other, but not both at once!
I’ve just been through the same thing so I feel your pain! Thousands of miles apart!
Sarah L
Went late to the pool. I miss teaching that Monday class and giving structure to my days.
Shannon Weel
I’m having such a great day today! My kids are out of school for spring break so we are having a relaxing day at home. Later in the week we are going to go on some adventures, but for now it’s nice to just be at home with my little ones.
Spending the day with my daughter..love when we spend time together..so many great times
Cathy French
Today I’m trying to do everything a little bit slower as I have some serious anxiety today. Wish I could get my troubles off my mind.
Aishah Bukhari
Been sleeping at 4AM these past few days, so I wake up really late everyday. Need to work on my sleeping pattern. And, the temperature today is still blazing hot so I did not get out at all.
Andrea Amy
Today is a good day 🙂 The sun is shining, the kids are in school, my youngest is feeling better from his bout of strep last week and its all back to normal.
Lesley F
I slept terrible last night so I am a little tired but I don’t leave for work until late this morning.
michele soyer
WEll it is Monday again and the week starts to roll on.. Did not sleep well last night so Iam kind of slow in getting my day started…
I woke up over 2 hours ago but I don’t feel like doing anything. I have Plyometrics to do today. Lots of jumping. Bleh. I am motivating myself to do it and get it over with! LOL
Heather E
I ate terribly all weekend. Scared to take my BP and weight this morning…
Carrie H.
wide awake at 2:30 was not how – or when- I planned on starting my day. So many things to do today, too.
Mai T.
There are many papers to fill out and submit to invite my mom here for a visit. I so hate the paperwork, it’s long and complicated. And we just want to have fun but before that, pain has to be resolved.
Sarah L
Back from Estes Park where we had a great chorus retreat this weekend.
My day has been pretty good. On Sundays I don’t like to do much, no working out (thank God!!) Just internet surfing and reading. Later on I will watch some TV. 🙂
Kim Avery
My day has been great. Work was smooth and easy! Now relaxing and enjoying my Sunday evening!
Having a good name with hubby today..baking bread and making chicken wings..love the times that I get to spend with him
Judy Cowan
Going better today, feeling a bit better so that is good. Got a few things done around the house today.
Last night’s opening performance & today’s matinée were both wonderful! Packed houses and lots of praise from the audience. I’ve got the dentist first thing in the morning and then 6 more nightly performances of Oliver! before we finish up next Saturday night.
michele soyer
I tell myself every Sunday I am going to read the papers and then do nothing! Think again. By the time I make breakfast, do the dishes then start Sunday lunch half the morning is gone.. but I am enjoying the day and it will only get better!
Aishah Bukhari
I live in Malaysia and it’s the start of the dry season I guess because today’s temperature was 36°C and it was so very hot that I started to get headaches. So today is mainly stay at home day.
Cathy French
Today I happily only have to clean the bathroom and do some laundry. My boyfriend cleaned the kitchen yesterday, vacuumed the house and swept and mops the floors. Is he great or what
Andrea Amy
we are having a lazy sunday. back to school tomorrow, including for my youngest who was off most of last week because of strep throat.
Heather E
Up and at ’em early. Getting my parents on the road, then church, then a relaxing afternoon…
Carrie H.
I have no idea. Woke with a sinus headache thanks to weather shifts. At least I have my good friend coffee.
Mai T.
I was at a concert and it was wonderful. It’d been a long time before I’d had any. I wish I could go to concerts more often.
Heather E
It’s been a good day, and tomorrow will be even better. 🙂
Becky Richardson
Today has been very relaxing. I have been reading my new book all day.
My day’s going well. We’re inside watching the pouring rain outside, then heading off to visit friends this evening.
Had another great day with my sister, great niece and her Mom..shopping day was fun
Judy Cowan
Still sick so day is not going too great, just hoping that the antibiotics kick in soon to get rid of this infection.
Ohh dear; ohh, no no no– Be careful! Careful with giving me the go-ahead to ramble on, because that’s what I generally do! (And, tangents and side-notes. For example, Twitter’s 140 characters! Oooooh….) ….But I want to digress. It’s my first time posting here! I discovered your site/blog by way of a Pinterest-pin just a little while ago. And I’m so glad that I did! Already I’ve found some really neat things. And I like how your “Leave a comment” prompt is so… conversational!
My day so far is… Well, it’s just after 11:30am; I didn’t go to sleep last night at all. Sometimes I simply don’t like going to bed/sleep! :-/ I know, I know. It’s not good for my health. But sometimes, it feels almost like… a reprieve? (Going to keep on typing, rather than check to see if I’ve selected just the right word there.) My life right now is… Oh, …..oh, I’d rather not, and it’s best if I didn’t, go into it. It’s extremely stressful; full of stressors. At night, with just my two cats wandering around and sleeping next to me, I can feel almost more… normal. Normalized. As if the worries of the day have left with the sun.
But for now, I’m feeling all right. Listening to old-timey music on an eccentric public radio station, and quite happy to have found your PB&W site. 🙂
People who always look for what they don’t have, don’t see what they have, and dream of what they don’t really need
Aishah Bukhari
Today was a running errands day. And oh, we also celebrated my aunt’s birthday, so that was fun!
Cathy French
I’m not sure how todays’ going to go. Have to go grocery shopping and mother nature has dementia and can’t remember what month and season it is. Winds gusting around 40mph and snow dusting on the grass. We just mowed the lawn last week!!!
Stephanie Mitchell
it’s snowing in Pennsylvania. I wish spring would come and stay, but no, more snow!
Carrie H.
our weather today is a real slap in the face. I just want to get my yard work done!
Heather G
So far my day is not to bad. It is pouring snow here so it will be a Netflix day
Yesterday’s trip to the hospital took almost 12 hours and we were so worn out that we both went straight to bed! I’ve got up early (for a Saturday) in the hope that I can get to see my dentist as I’m getting an abscess on a tooth. Ouch!
Andrea Amy
was a quiet day. my youngest has strep so he had to stay home from school. we just took it easy, hung out on the sofa and played games.
Mai T.
I watched the movie THE LOBSTER yesterday and it was the weirdest movie ever. Highly recommended! It’s not a family movie, though.
Rita M
The day is just about over, but it started raining this evening. In my part of the country (central California) we just say “Thank You Lord!!”
Buffy G
Well hey, thanks for asking. My day has been okay. My daughter (who is 5 on Monday) absolutely hates brushing her teeth, so that took about 40 minutes this morning. No worries, we were only 10 minutes late for her preschool class.
But Dunkin Donuts gave me a large latte when I purchased a small, and then gave me a free donut for my little guy. Also, I got to drop off about 700 pounds worth of toys and stuffed animals to a second hand store from my kids’ play room to make way for a birthday party this weekend. These things make me happy.
Rebecca O.
My day has been long and windy. I’m anxiously awaiting warmer weather this spring.
Gina Ferrell
My day was great and the weather is so pretty. I love spring and all the pretty flowers blooming and of course the birds chirping in the morning.
Annmarie W.
My day has been pretty relaxing! And kids came home from school, and it’s been pretty uneventful. Then hubby came home & built a fire in the fireplace. Nice way to start the weekend!
Had an amazing day..spent the day with my sister, her daughter and law and grand daughter…wow we had so much fun
Cathy French
Today is going ok but not great. Think I’ll get in the kitchen and make a nice cheesecake to get my mind off of things.
Michelle Elizondo
My day is fine.
Judy Cowan
Still not feeling well today, now on antibiotics so I am just taking it easy today and resting.
Russ Reynolds
It’s been a nice quiet day so far – no complaints. A light rain in the morning to perk up the garden and quiet time with coffee – beauty!
Kim Avery
My day is just starting but looks like its going to be an alright day!
Carrie H.
I swear there are some days when I wonder why the human species does not consume their young. *sigh*
Heather E
Stressing. My parents are coming this weekend. I just had a verbal altercations with my 19 year old. Sigh. Happy weekend, everyone…
Sarah L
Teaching my swim class then heading up to Estes Park thru Sunday for the chorus retreat. Weather is supposed to be lovely.
Andrea Amy
Its been a long week. Took my son to the doctor today because he was still sick and he has strep throat.
Mai T.
I arrived early to work today and found nobody’d gotten here yet so I got to do some tasks in peace before they poured in. My visa has not arrived and I’m getting nervous.
Honestly the last few days have been pretty rough. My grandma is starting chemo next week and she is having a hard time emotionally. It has been difficult to get through all of the many things you have to coordinate with cancer.
My day was okay today. Still in a lot of pain from my surgery.
Tamra Phelps
I got up early to get Mom prepared for her doctor’s visit (hook her up to her portable oxygen.) When I get up early, I just drag after about 1 or 2 in the afternoon (even if I had plenty of sleep.) I’m just not a morning person!
It has been a beautiful day so far. Blue skies and just the right temperature.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home getting ready for my trip up to Estes Park on Friday for our chorus retreat.
I’m having a nice day, thanks. 🙂
My day is so so..I’m getting a little depressed again..sun needs to start shinning..that would be lovely
Taylor Closet
My day is going well. I’m now thinking about doing my spring cleaning but just don’t know where to start.
Aishah Bukhari
I couldn’t sleep at all last night, so today I slept in till noon. It was a wondrous feeling! =D
Cathy French
Today is a bit better than yesterday. However I keep thinking about the huge blowup with my dad the other day. Suffice it to say we’ll never speak again.
Judy Cowan
Woke up not feeling too great today so not the best day. Hopefully it will be short lived, have too much to do over the weekend to get sick.
Florence c
Got up at 10 a.m.. Late night watching Netflix. Nice sunny day that puts me in a pretty good mood.
Heather Ellis
Broke the weight plateau. 🙂 Only 4 lbs to go until I am “overweight” rather than “obese”!
I want to go back to bed! I had a really bad night. I’ve hurt my back but when I lie flat to help it, I start to cough & that wakes me up. Can’t win!
Tamra Phelps
When I had a pinched nerve in my back, I couldn’t lie flat. Try laying just slightly on your side, with a pillow slightly under your back. Might help. Helped me.
Tamra Phelps
It’s sort of like the pillow is propping you up on your side a little.
Kim Avery
My day is just starting! Its my day off or otherwise known as “laundry day”!
Judy Thomas
It has been a lovely cool day here which is a lovely change from the hot and humid summer that we have been having.
I am decluttering and packing to move. Yesterday and today so far have been productive. I ran out of empty boxes so I arranged to get more today with a friend of mine. Until then …
Carrie H.
since it is supposed to rain all day, looks like it will be cleaning basement time. again.
Andrea Amy
My youngest had to stay home from school today, he’s very feverish. Will have to take him to the doctor tomorrow if they fever doesn’t break.
Mai T.
Hopefully this day will end up fine though all my limbs are aching like hell after yesterday workout. I only with for weekend to be here already so I can relax.
Kathy Ross
My day is going fine. The only thing is there aren’t enough hours in the day to get things done.
Stephen Lee
So many things to do, yet so little time! But such a wonderful and sunny day! Everything’s fine, looking forward to the rest of the day.
Tamra Phelps
What a day. Babysitting 3 kids, when at least 2 are always fighting, makes me want to scream. I feel like passing out old-fashioned ‘whoopings’ lol!
Sarah L
Fun swim class today – had 8 people. I think we’ve got the classes settled now that one of the instructors decided to only do subs. I’ll be teaching on Fridays.
Kim Avery
Had a short day at work so just relaxing and waiting to spend my day off doing laundry!
Aishah Bukhari
Minus the sinusitis, today was an okay day. Half of my day spent in bed and another half spent on food-hunting activity with cousins.
My day is going well..a little cold here today…raining again but better than snow..cannot wait for the beautiful weather to arrive
Judy Cowan
Nothing exciting going on today, just laundry. Hubby working evenings so don’t have to cook dinner tonight.
Cathy French
I’m afraid to say nothing could get worse because, well, you know. Bad day
Florence c
Lots of snow overnight. So once we get that cleaned up I probably be too tired to do anything else today.
Heather E
I have DECIDED to be positive today. Not really feeling it, but I’m going to “fake it til I make it”. 🙂
Carrie H.
I am having one of those mornings where there is a lot of little stuff to do but I’m having a hard time gettng motivated
Last night’s rehearsal went really well and we got our costumes. I’m a bit disappointed as it’s more Sister Act than Victorian London but other than that not a whole lot happening.
Andrea Amy
My youngest son spiked a pretty high fever this afternoon.
Mai T.
I browsed AMAZON for some nice cross shoulder bag to buy. It’s hard to purchase online since I can’t try it on to see if it suits or is big enough. There are many good looking ones though.
Melanie Borhi
my day went well, rook my son out to walmart with me and my boyfriend and exchanged an diaper bag we only bought 11 days ago but it has already had a rip in it. had iced coffee and relaxed, was great.
Jennifer Reed
My day was pretty good. I am recuperating from a minor surgery and I may have overdone it physically but overall I am feeling well. I got my house cleaned up and feel positive today.
Kathy Ross
My days going pretty good! It’s not over yet, but I’m sure the rest of the day will go well also. The only downside is it’s a bit cold out. But no rain or snow yet.
Terri Quick
It’s cold & snowy here in NY I stayed in watching tv & reading today.
Judy Cowan
Day is going pretty good, did some running around doing errands and did some shopping with my sister.
Sarah L
Quiet day. Went to open swim at the pool but nobody I knew was there.
Day is going very well..visited with my great niece and her Mom and I baked cookies today.
Robin Abrams
My day is going great so far. It is nice out sunshine today.
I woke up feeling horrible this morning but not doing to badly right now. Hoping the sun comes out actually. It always perks me up! Missing my kids 🙁
Cathy French
Today finds me quite anxious. My father and I are estranged but I recently found out hes in a nursing home and I don’t know whats going on. I’m going to try to visit him today if he’ll see me.
You know that feeling when you wake up more tired than when you went to bed? Bleh! These are the times I wish I liked coffee – my engine needs a jump start!
Heather E
Not sure what’s up with me today. My three mile walk took a full hour. I normally finish 6-8minutes faster than that. It honestly may be the music choices I had available… 🙁
Carrie H.
why does my 3yo say he wants to sleep with us when what he really means is whisper/sing to himself and roll around?
Andrea Amy
today was good. the kids were back at school after easter break and it was nice to get back on schedule.
Mai T.
“Nature, the soul, love, and God, one recognizes through the heart, and not through the reason… Reason is a tool, a machine, which is driven by the spiritual fire.” I came across this saying today and it has me thinking all day.
Deborah Caudill
My day has been good. It was a beautiful spring day with flowers blooming and brillant sunlight. I am recuperating from 2 falls and 2 surgeries to repair and replace numerous broken bones. I was able to get out in the sunshine and fresh air even though I have to use a walker to get around. Now, they are calling for a freeze tonight, but that’s the way the weather is in North Carolina.
Meh. My other 1/2 told me I didn’t need another beer…It’s not my team down in the NCAA.
Judy Cowan
It has been a good day, went shopping and got a new summer outfit! Snow is melting again and hopefully will begone for good this time.
doug gerard
well, went to the dr. this morning and she said my blood pressure was 140 over 106, but I took some pills and am better now!
Becky Richardson
My day has gone really well. I bought a new book and have been reading all day.
Becky Richardson
My day has been very pleasant. The weather has been in the 70’s and has really cheered me up.
Sarah L
No swim class today. Had to take my car in since the belts they installed last week were screeching. A quick tightening and all was good.
Deborah Wellenstein
It’s a beautiful day today, although we could use some rain.
Day has been full of ups and downs..had an appointment..got up early to get ready and beat traffic then get a call on my way out to say the appointment is cancelled due to the weather..so much for waking up at 6:00am
Jessica M
My day is going well! I’m due with my first baby in August and had a great dr. appointment this morning and everything looks great. I feel like a beached whale but at least it’s all for a good cause! 🙂
Cathy French
I’m contemplating my trip to see my father in the nursing home. Seems hes been in and out of hospitals recently and is now in a nursing home. We have been estranged and he didn’t even let me know what was going on.
Catherine R
Well, it’s Monday, so things could be better LOL. To make things harder, I accidentally left my coffee at home this morning. Certainly makes for a long, tired day.
Heather Ellis
After losing 25 pounds this year I have hit a plateau. 🙁 Time to kick it from 3 miles a day to 6. #justdoit
I’m going to spend the day cooking! I’ve got rehearsals every evening this week as well as taking Mum up and down to Dublin to see her oncologist, her new surgeon …. I shall fill the freezer with individual portions of beef curry, lasagne & shepherd’s pie so we can still eat properly even though we’re rushed.
Carrie H.
spring break is over, kids are back to school today! wooooooo!
Andrea Amy
Was a good day, just about ready to call it quits and head up to bed. Easter break is over, so back to school and back to routine tomorrow.
Mai T.
Boss is not in the office today so I get to leave early for my second job. It’s sometimes nice to actually have 2 different jobs in case you get bored with one.
Tamra Phelps
Well, it’s spring break week for the local schools this week, so that means a week of watching my niece & nephews while their parents work! So, up early tomorrow.
Christina Sparks
I am exhausted, got sunburned yesterday pulling weeds.
Day is going well, my parents came over for a visit..nice to see them. Snowed last night come on summer
I’m having a nice peaceful and happy Sunday with my family.
Andrea Amy
Beautiful spring day. Just about ready to take the kids for a walk to get slurpees and then play at the park.
Rae C.
I don’t know yet how it’s going. I just got up. So far, so good.
My day is going well. I did chores and am now taking a break from studying.
Blessings ,
Heather E
I went to church on my computer this morning. 🙂 I kinda liked it!
Russ Reynolds
So far so good I think! Got some new plants in the ground and hoping for glorious color in the summer
Deborah Wellenstein
I am having a great day-we are having homemade chicken tenders for dinner, and I hope to make a lemon ice box cake for dessert!
I’ve just got back from a 6-hour rehearsal for the musical Oliver! It was the first time to do it onstage & with props etc and it went surprisingly well!
Judy Cowan
Woke up to snow this morning, not impressed! Other than that my sister is coming for a visit today and we are having her birthday dinner so it will be a good day.
Suzanne K
I’m up and had my morning coffee and am getting ready for a nice jog thru local orange groves, so pretty well.
Cynthia C
After weeks of beautiful spring like weather, we woke up to snow this morning. Definitely not welcome!
Carrie H.
it has been so windy/gusty that we have our across the street neighbor’s trashcan visiting. Looks like we’ll be on debris duty today
Janet W.
My day is going well so far! I have a list of errands I need to run today so afterwards I’m hoping to feel accomplished!
Well, it’s about 3:00 a.m. and the cat woke me up by sticking her butt in my face…the day can only get better! I’m going to go have pancakes because I need a sugar hit.
Heather G
It has went from rain to snow storm today.
Terri S
Today was a good day. I didn’t get really anything done except a huge dent in my book but that is what Sundays are for…
Lori Humphrey
My day has been exhausting. The kids have been out of school all week and we have been spring cleaning. But it seems like every room I clean is dirty again the very next day.
Wanda Tracey
I had a great day with my husband daughter.I even got to talk to my baby grandson
on the phone.I am not sure what he was talking about but I loved it anyway.It was kind of a
foreign language he was speaking. LOL 🙂
elizabeth p
I was kind of grouchy today. After work I snuggled with my dog and felt much better.
Stacey Dean
My day was just marvelous. I got to spend the majority of the day with my fiance. We ate at Subway and then went grocery shopping at WalMart. Every day that I’m with my fiance is like a honeymoon to me.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Read my book, fixed lunch, got on the computer.
Lorna Ledger
Hi, still full of a bad cold here in the uk, hope your weekends are going well 🙂
Kathy Tracey
My day went real well today. Last day of work for three days. I plan on relaxing all day tomorrow.
It was SNOWING here today. Not just flurries either, real snow. In April. That’s not right. I had to go out in it too but I went to get my hair cut and I like how it turned out so it’s overall a good day, right?
Diana Corlett
It is a beautiful sunny spring day with a promise of flowers…errr…showers. Truly everything is budding like crazy and I have an urge to search out my old skipping rope! Yay spring!
Heather E
No alarm this morning. What a great feeling! 2 three mile walks today. Down two pounds this week. Life is good. 🙂
Mendy Dinsmore
My day has been ok. Just dealing with depression. People don’t think words hurt, but they do.
courtney hennagir
Yes,words really do hurt. I will be thinking good thoughts for you.
Victoria K
The day was alright but it’s snowing here. Very depressing.
Margaret Smith
Nice day today. Got some chores done and now relaxing for the evening.
Having a great day..went and visited my great niece and we had a great visit together..she’s so cute and growing so fast
Judy Cowan
Been a busy day, laundry, cleaning and cooking. Just finished making a peanut butter cheesecake & homemade french bread. Mind you it is snowing out so not liking that!
Tamra Phelps
After nice warm temps last week, I can’t believe it’s going to drop down below freezing the next 3 night in KY! What happened to Spring? Right now, the wind is blowing so hard that outside my window it looks like snow (it’s actually the white blossoms from the big pear trees across the street being blown off!)
Debbie Yoder
My day is going great! The husband and I are going out for a nice lunch today!
Debra Guillen
Today is Saturday and cleaning day which I always dread, but it is going good and I always love it when I finish and look over the end result.
I don’t know where the Spring went – it’s cold & wet out there, like November with daffodils!
Lorna Ledger
Hello, I am not bad thank you, thank you for a lovely giveaway, we all have colds here (my family are in Nottingham, the UK) – Have a great weekend all
Carrie H.
yesterday was weeding, today is house cleaning and researching how to get the #%&&##%! squirrels out if my garden
Mai T.
A Saturday at work again, and then run for 4km. 2nd time of running this year and it feels great. I hope I can keep up with twice a week schedule til the autumn.
Andrea Amy
Its 1:13 in the morning and I can’t sleep so I’m on the computer. Hoping for a nice quiet weekend, the weather is supposed to be gorgeous here in Calgary.
Christy Peeples DuBois
My day is going good. I am a sahm and my two daughters are in college but I still look forward to the week end. The reasons are different now; now I am always hoping the girls get to come home and that’s always a treat. I hope your day has gone good and that you have a great week end.
Deb P
I don’t feel too good today , but the car is doing better today. Today it was 64 out side. It’s raining this evening , good for the flowers. Have a nice weekend.
Sarah L
Good swim class even if I didn’t teach it. Major changes at the pool. Not happy about them.
Florence c
My day is going good. Went to my favorite fish and chip restaurant for supper.
My day is going well, it’s a beautiful day outside and I’m inside relaxing!
Heather Ellis
After much drama, I got signed up for my final two classes toward my bachelor’s degree this summer!
Nikki D
I’m so happy that it’s finally Friday. This week has been dragging a little. I’m ready to sit back and relax!
I am very tired to day because I have had a full case load of patients. I also have to work tomorrow.
Judy Cowan
So far my day is going okay, spending some time on the computer but I soon have to do some cleaning and make dinner for tonight. Hope you are having a good day.
Steve Weber
Doing pretty great — it’s Friday and I have a buddy coming to visit this weekend – we are going to show him a good time.
Mendy Dinsmore
I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I hope it is not one of the ‘bugs’ going around.
Day is going well..I’m going to bake blueberry muffins, my first time baking them..I cannot wait to see how they turn out
Andrea Amy
My day is going crappy. April fools day and my immature husband woke me and the kids up at 7:30am (the FIRST day all week that the kids have actually slept in) for a fake family emergency because of April Fools. All it did was prove that after 10 years, my husband knows nothing about me. I hate practical jokes and pranks, and I hate being woken up when I’m sleeping (I don’t sleep well). So, its set up my dad poorly and I’m in a bad mood. Bet you’re glad you asked lol
Cathy French
My father hasn’t spoke to me in over 2 years and today I just found out hes in a nursing home. Sad day
We’ve been so busy this week travelling up & down to Dublin for tests & scans but the good news is the cancer is contained and hasn’t spread to Mum’s lymph nodes etc. Chemo here we come!
Carrie H.
80 today and everyone here is coughing and sniffling. But it will be 80!