$50 Your Way Giveaway August 2024

Here I am again with another $50 YOUR Way Giveaway!

Remember last month I mentioned that I’ve been doing these giveaways since September 2012! Well, over the last couple of months, I’ve been trying so hard to get this blog cleaned up so I will rank better for SEO. (It’s always something right??) Anyway that’s the blah blah blah part…. while cleaning up a post in 2014 (Tamra you won a diamond candle, I haven’t gone further back yet there may be more!!) I found FIRST that Tamra and Kate have been with me almost from the beginning!! DANG! I love you ladies.

Anyway, cleaning up that post made me question WHY did I stop putting WHO had won the previous month’s giveaway on top of the current months?? Anyone? Yeah, me either. I do plan to start doing that again.  (WOW that was boring wasn’t it?)

If you’re new here I hope you will join us often. To my most awesome, amazing followers who have stuck with me for years, THANK YOU! I’m so happy to see you again.

JULY 2024

The first part of my $50 giveaway post is always a recap of the previous month. So, if this bores you feel free to scroll to the end. The Giveaway Tools widget is below. YES! I said Giveaway Tools. It’s back. Ahhhh you didn’t have to stand and applaud. BUT, thank you, thank you, thank you.

My eyes have healed wonderfully from cataract surgery. YEAH ME!! Reading is still a pain in the tush. Kate I took your advice and I have readers in every nook and cranny in the house. SMART lady! Thank you!

Summer finally made it to Sandpoint Idaho and my garden is dead. It’s not wilted it’s DEAD. I have one small section of wildflowers that is still thriving but that is IT! Since at the end of August I’ll be in Southern California huggin’ on my kids and it’s just too much for The Husband to mess with I decided to take the “Next year I’ll work on it” approach. SO, no more flowers in the front yard. I need to go and weed whack all it so it doesn’t look like the house has been abandoned. YIKES!! It’s embarrassing. Y’all wanna have a weeding party at my house??

Now for the REAL reason you are here!!

Giveaway Time!

This Giveaway spiel is the exact same as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you continually stop by.

The Rules

A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try.  This giveaway is $50 US.

This is a giveaway hosted by me alone. 

NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Connie@peanutbutterandwhine. I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.

I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!!
Amazon deals

There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.

$50 Giveaway August Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.


Have to try again for the winner….. 

Ed H check your email! You are my winner of July’s $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Congratulations!

August 14, All better now! The real giveaway tools is back. Thank you everyone for your patience and for the heads up. 


  • Jennifer Wilson

    DH did his best to fix the car but didn’t fix it. So it’s off to the mechanic on Wednesday. Thankfully we sold the concert ticket for Green Day in Pittsburgh.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Stormy today. I went out this morning to leaves all over the ground and thought Fall had hit overnight, lol, but it was 95 degrees out there, so no. Just windy storms blowing leaves everywhere.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Summer’s finally arrived in Irelamd!!! A beautiful sunny day, so I mowed the lawn, weeded, gathered seeds ready for nex year, you name it, if it could be done outdoors, I did it! Mum used to do the ironing in the garden on fine days!

  • gloria patterson

    I live in a university town and they had a big college football game today. They closed schools on friday because of this game on saturday. We got a major rain/hell/lightning storm a bit ago. They had to delay the game (on TV) storm has passed so guess they got to finish the game.

    Today I done a little then back in the recliner with my leg propped up. OFF & ON ALL DAY

  • heather

    It’s still dark outside here and I keep hearing a strange noise even with my headphones on it’s got me a little conserned. I keep telling myself it’s just one of our outside cats.I recently purchased some headphones for my laptop they are a game changer and I LOVE them. I am going to order another pair so I have a back up handy when these are worn out. The headphones were supposed to be noise cancelling but it’s more like they muffle outside noise. Hope you have a fun Saturday this holday weekend.

  • Michele Soyer

    The end of another month and it ends so wonderfully for me – I wish the same for all of you here – may you move forward into the new month joyfully….

  • Jill Y.

    I sort of have the next few days off. I’ll be doing a little housework for my sister, otherwise it’s rest and relaxation.

  • Terri Quick

    I woke up with a headache from the humidity increase, so I made some fresh potatoes. Turns out they help relieve headache pain.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It didn’t rain today! Managed to get half the lawn mown before I got tired. Went for a nap … 4 hours later … it’s dark. Definitely a feel of Autumn in the air. This morning there was a mist so thick I couldn’t see the garden!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the doctor today and came home with about three different sinus meds, lol. Hopefully one will work! Y’all, I just want to breath through my nose again, lol. These allergies have got me so congested and they aren’t even seasonal anymore, it’s year-round.

  • Anonymous

    Update on the Twitter problem- apparently things are back to normal, I still haven’t got an answer on why my account on X was flagged- all I use it for is to enter contests, really. Lots of Magpies around our apartment complex this morning. I’m doing okay.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the construction crew started early. the weather’s so nice, that they’ll likely be at it all weekend as well. enjoy your week-end. thanks

  • heather

    I think I am all ready for the holiday weekend went shopping yesterday. It is going to be 102 degrees here today and that’s a bit much for me. Hope you have a nice Friday.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Our check engine light came on today. Dh has a ticket to a Green Day concert in Pittsburgh on Suncay (was $250). Now hoping we can sell it for SOMETHING because I know the car won’t be fixed by then. 🙁 It’s always something.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I can’t even imagine how we got to the end of August so soon. I always think of this as the end of Summer. Well, Fall is nice but the last few years it has been straight to Winter, lol. I mean, I hope we get an actual Autumn this year.

  • Cindy Merrill

    Well, today I’m a little annoyed, to be honest. I just started a new account on Twitter (X); today I got flagged! I don’t know why, honestly, all I use the account for is to enter contests. Not only that “412 Tickets” on Twitter blocked me and I have no idea why.

  • Meg Boyd

    My favorite song really varies hour to hour lol, but recently I’ve had Emilie Autumn’s “Fight Like a Girl” on loop!

  • Meg Boyd

    It’s a beautiful day! Just brushed a second cat worth of fur off my adorable feline, Cypher Serafina and have some citrus-herb chicken slow baking in the oven for dinner. 😀

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I conked out before 11pm last night & slept till 4.30am! The cats were hungry, then they wanted out, so as I was already up & feeling refreshed for the first time in days, I (hand)washed 2 loads of laundry, 3 loads of washing up (had leaky sink) and prepped my meals for the day. A couple of emails, then back to bed & slept from 9.30 till lunchtime. Ate & slept again till just now 4.30pm! Right, what’s next?

  • heather

    I am thinking about doing some shopping today before the weekend gets here. Hard to believe it is already Labor Day weekend. I am ready for some fall weather thats for sure we need rain here.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m dealing with edema right now, so I have an appointment Friday to see about going back to the lymphedema clinic for their massage treatments. Swelling up all over makes eveything more difficult, I swear, like carrying heavy weights everywhere you go.

  • gloria patterson

    Therapy on tuesday was not happy with my swollen leg. They called over to the Dr’s office and got me a appointment (come over and we will get you in) to make sure there was not something going on. It only took a hour to slip me in.

    Long story short version…………. the leg is just swollen no problems. He prescriped for me to take to my bed at least 2 times a day and elevate my leg and take a long nap. lol Kate Drs. orders to nap!!! LOL

    Said the problem was I had my legs down to much and that was causeing the swelling.

    So I have been good and watched and done today…………. swelling is down a little bit

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Someone handed in a box with 11 puppies that they ‘found’. They’re Rottweiller/Boxer cross & only a couple of weeks old, far too young to be separated from mum. We’ve had confidential phone calls all naming the same couple as being the owners of the 2 parent dogs. The very people who handed them in . Makes my blood absolutely boil and all because they didn’t spay the mother.

  • heather

    I went to town yesterday and I noticed that the trees are just starting to change. The leaves are just staring to change color. I thought wow it’s a bit ealy. My day is off to an early start. I woke up at 2am and could not get back to sleep at all.

  • Michele Soyer

    Got up made a pot of coffee and took it downstairs – played with the cats and the pooch until now – thought it was about a half hour – no – 2 hours later here I am upstairs.. I just could not pull myself away!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I got some MadeGood coupons I won in the mail today. I nominated a local teacher in a giveaway and she won $200 and I get a year’s supply of snacks! 🙂

  • Annmarie Weeks

    My day was fine. It was pretty productive this morning, when I ran some errands & shopped at Walmart. I’ve just been puttering around here at home since then. So I consider that a good day, since nothing wrong or unexpected happened!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I don’t know if it’s the constant rain but I haven’t felt like doing anything for a few days now. If it wasn’t for the cats, I’d have stayed in bed all day today!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Do you ever get the feeling that you might like to turn your entire life upside-down just for some chgange, lol?? I feel like that today.

  • Jill Y.

    My job orientation is later this evening. Yay! It’s also making me stressed because I haven’t had time constraints for getting stuff done for about a year now. I have plenty of time to get everything done beforehand, too.

  • Michele Soyer

    Sitting here drinking coffee with no motivation to get going at all….I should get up make breakfast then go downstairs and dust etc…why does an empty apartment make dust??? LOL..I have lists to make for shopping this week should do that also… until I do its more music…

  • Tracy Robertson

    Right now I can’t get enough of “Bang Your Head” I think it’s by Alice Cooper. I hear it a lot on the classic rock station I listen to in my car and it always wakes me up.

  • Tracy Robertson

    It’s a really long work day today. On Mondays I work from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm (two different jobs). I am taking a quick break right now. Other than that, it’s been a good day and I look forward to crawling in to bed with a really good book tonight.

  • gloria patterson

    Some strange reason I just don’t have the energy to get on line a lot. Hopefully I get over this I do miss being on line a lot

  • Jill Y.

    I let my sister’s two dogs out so we could play. I threw a toy, and they just stood there watching it. Needless to say, they ended up back inside. LOL

  • heather

    I am gearing up for a trip to town today lots of errands to run. It was finally cooling off here and now it is heating up again. I am ready for fall to be here.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today my husband has been gone for 7 years – wow to me it still feels like yesterday…but no crying all day….putting on all the music that formed our 50 years together.. from the days we met in 1970 up until 7 years ago – all those songs, all those grooves…all the dancing we did…..

  • Cindy Merrill

    The sweetest song I have ever heard is “I’ll give you a daisy a day dear” by Jud Strunk, really gets my eyes teary, It’s the song I’d want to have played at my funeral.

  • Cindy Merrill

    It’s been a very slow day, nothing happened, really. Our neighborhood has been graced by a flock of Magpies; at least eight of them showed up this morning.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why do I like house repair shows so much, lol??? I am not remodeling/repairing/buying/selling any homes, lol. I’ve been watching them all day.

  • heather

    It was difficult to get my butt out of bed this morning I was snug as a bug in a rug. Just planning my day at the moment and listening to the news and sipping my hot tea.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Storm Lilian is well & truly on her way so I’m doing this now in case we lose power. It’s 2pm and I’m still in bed! Feeling so lazy but I’d getter check the torch batteries & cook a big pot of something.

  • Michele Soyer

    the site visit by thte buyers brother went very well – they he, his wife and children liked it very much and that apparrently is going to be their house…he then wanted to see our poinds (2) tilapia and turtle and the chicken houses and the barn – it appears to be perfect for what he has in mind for the land – this property IMO is perfect for them….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Leaves are already starting to change here. I can’t belive it’s fall already. I don’t have the crafts done for pignic (like a picnic but with guinea pigs), I haven’t started on Christmas gifts, etc.

  • l p

    the day is going well. we’ve been under a thunderstorm watch/warning all day – they’re ganging up on us, coming in groups. so it’s been an inside day. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Guess what? It actually stopped raining! For 20 minutes 🙁 Still enough time to clear the litter tray! Am sanding down bumpy plaster before painting. Have to wear a mask because of all the dust – felt really strange to wear one again.

  • heather

    I actually have a sweatshirt on this morning over my shirt and I love it. The weather is finally cooler here and we acturally got a little bit of rain last night.

  • Michele Soyer

    Up at 4am by the thunder, lightning and torrential rain….finally just gave in and got up, made a pot of coffee and cuddled the upstairs cats….eventually I have to wait for a break in the rain and go dodwn to feed and walk Delilah and the outside cats …chicken alfredo today so I better get moving!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Granted, I have health problems, but I don’t know how people who work full time do it. I am exhausted this evening, and all I did today was meet a friend at Dairy Queen, list a few eBay items, and I feel like I ran a marathon. Last night I was even worse, but we went to town yesterday, goodwill outlet, Kroger, to see about glasses for my husband. (Currently the cheapest quote is $177 for JUST lenses.) Last night I had so many aches and pains it was unreal. I’m only 50, but I feel about 80.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Watching Battle of the Blge on TCM. One of my favorite old war movies. with Henry Fonda, Telly Savalas, Charles Bronson, etc.

  • gloria patterson

    Up early at 6:30 it was 48……………. Long pants, and top with shoes and jacket. Trip to krogers to pick up a few things. Got home about 10 and it was up to 70

    We should warm up by wed of next week. Doing a little of this and that but not much

  • heather

    My day was pretty productive got up early and got out and did all my errands and was home before Noon! Woohoo now I am just reading some emails and going to chill on this Friday night.

  • Michele Soyer

    Here is the next.. whatever…now even though all the papers are ready for signature the buyer wants her brother to come tomorrow and go through the 2nd house….she saw the house, the private driveway going up and the gate surrounding it, now he wants to go up….this, to me, is the problem with these “family” arrangements – he has already been thru our house up and down and walked the land…waiting for the result of this now – I guess I got spoiled when we sold our home and even my mom’s in Jersy – everything was organized disciplined and when signing cam it was straightforward….anyway I have raking to do and I want to trim some bushes…Happy Weekend all!

  • Tamra Phelps

    So, I wanted to make cheesesteaks but the grocery had substituted a weird choice for the cheesesteak rolls I wanted–something called bolillos??? No way you could make cheesesteaks from them, lol. So, I tried just using sourdough bread. Kind of just meh. You really need the right roll.

  • Jill Y.

    My background check went through and am now scheduled for orientation! Woohoo! And last night, my sister and I were talking about funny things that happened when chatting with scammers (already knew they were scammers too). It was always funny when you call them out on copying and pasting from official websites.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well, that’s the end of what was left of Hurricane Ernesto. Now comes Storm L(I forget the rest) over the next day or two. The forecast is rotten, Rain till the end of the month. Irish summers used to be nice, these days we’re lucky if it gets to 15 degrees higher than winter. Fixed a leak in the downpipe of the bathroom sink and collected twigs brought down by the wind.

  • l p

    the day is going well. was out first thing this morning and had three more trips to go. finally home so it’s time for a rest and cuppa. thanks

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good this morning just getting things going here. Getting ready to make breakfast sure am hungry this morning.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I had my annual eye exam today. Everything was grea except the price of $192. I don’t have vision insurance. My husband had an appointment and now we need to get glasses for him. *sigh*

  • Tamra Phelps

    We’re having some really nice weather. It’s not too hot but the skies are blue and it’s just nice to be outside. But of course the weekend is bringing relly hot weather. Ugh

  • Jill Y.

    Enjoying the weather. It’s probably mid-80s right now, with blue skies. Oh darn. Forgot to call my doctor’s office. Will need to do it tomorrow morning.

  • gloria patterson

    3 PM and it finally got to 68 ……………….. I have on long pants and sweat shirt.

    I have got a lot of little things done today. So far no nap! Now I am thinking about what I would like to fix to eat

  • Donna S

    Happy Birthday to my brother Dale. Leaving today to visit family (4 to 4 1/2 hour drive). Then off to Ottawa on Friday to see Come From Away.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Really windy last night with the onset of the tail-end of Hurricane Ernesto from the Caribbean. There’s a lull for a few hours now before the 2nd wave hits the West of Ireland so doing this now just in case. Judging by the forecasts, I should get back from the animal rescue centre before the worst hits around 7pm. Let’s hope so anyway!

  • Tamra Phelps

    There’s not a lot happening today, It was a really nice day. It was in the mid 70s and just blue skies all over. But back into the 90s by the weekend.

  • gloria patterson

    I had therapy (THERE) today and I learned that I don’t have a lot of strength. Right now I have 2 sessions scheduled for this week and 2 next week……….. HOPEFULLY THEY TELL INSURANCE I NEED MORE TIME.

    Today is the first time I have gone somewhere and came back that I DIDN’T TAKE A NAP…………….. no nap today.

  • Jill Y.

    My job interview must have gone well because I was offered the job. Now they are just waiting on the background check before setting up my orientation. It will be weird working again after having been off for a year (due to mental health).

  • Anonymous

    the day is going well. lots of rain today so it’s a perfect one to visit friends, have a cuppa, and share the bread I made yesterday. enjoy your day. thanks

  • heather

    I had some seriously patchy sleep last night and got up a little later than ususal. I think that full moon messed with my sleep it was light daylight here last night pretty cool.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well today is “lawyer day”..our lawyer here is in court all day so no going by him …
    We have a scheduled call with our Greek lawyer for 9 am our time her last appt for the day…that should keep me out of trouble!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The contractors arrived at 8am sharp. They’ve put airvents in each of the rooms, drilling big holes etc. but actually surprisingly tidy! Cats are in a quandary, not knowing what the hell’s going on, but they’re almost finished now. Storm Ernesto is on it’s way from the Atlantic so everyone’s in a rush to get stuff done & get home before it hits. I’ll do more painting when the lads have gone and light a fire (in AUGUST, folks!).

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ha to finish some paperwork for government stuff–I hate filling those papers out. But I like the help with medical stuff. Otherwise, not a lot is going on. Feeling better today, so that helps.

  • gloria patterson

    Took my car in and they replaced the battery. Then to walmart temp this morning when I left this morning was 66 so I had a jacket on………………….. liked to froze in walmart

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Pouring down rain all day today so just did some indoor chores. Napped a lot as well! Early start tomorrow as more contractors are coming over to work on the ventilation – there’ll be a lot of mess 🙁

  • heather

    I am listening to some crazy Youtube video that popped up. My algorithm is like going down a rabbit hole on youtube. Hope you have a nice Monday I am doing stuff around the house today.

  • Michele Soyer

    I believe the lawyer will get in touch today for a signing appt….There is still nothing to do here so once again – my chair, my book and old school R&B….

      • Michele Soyer

        Still not fast enogh for me Kate..cardinal energy is always moving too fast and nothing seems to keep up with me! LOL

      • Michele Soyer

        First I have to make an appointment with the shipping company for a 20ft container…it takes two weeks after you do the paperwork – the port of entry of your move, all items in the container listed and approx values..after that it takes 48 hours for the container to arrive and you get 48 hours to do a self pack – affix the seal and they come and take it away…
        Wehave done two in the past 24 years a forty ft (wow that was something) and a 20 foot when we moved my mom both from NJ.. the container arrived both times in tthe early morning and with my crew of family members we did them both the day it arrived ( the drivers both times helped) and was gone by evening…from this end it might take longer, things move slower here.

        • gloria patterson

          WOW ……………. your head should be spending with all this information in it. Are these containers big enough to take ALL your stuff or are you getting rid of stuff??

          • Michele Soyer

            We are taking no kitchen or dining room sets – too big for our new life..I don’t need “formal” anymore…only taking 2 bedroom sets, desks etc.. Taking no living room, gallery furniture at all – basically selling the house furnished (almost and the 2nd smaller house ttally furnished) BUT I do have approx 300 boxes….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I’m going to try and get a few minutes of crafting in this evening before bed. Pignic (picnic but with guinea pigs) is coming up next month and I want to have a couple things done for the silent auctions.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the construction workers were here today – not their usual pattern. got me up early so I took advantage of the extra time to get some chores done. thanks

  • Jill Y.

    I’m enjoying the sunshine and blue sky right now. Green trees on the mountains, a few stray clouds in the sky, quiet environment…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Finished mowing the lawn today, played with the cats and went for a short drive to a local shop that sells the most delicious cheese! It’s raining tomorrow so I’ll do indoor stuff then.

  • gloria patterson

    Got up early showered and dressed and looked at the recliner………………. 2 hrs later

    So far today at least 3 naps……………. not a lot of energy

  • Lisa Vance

    My favorite song is Thank You by Dido. It was out in the late 1999 – early 2000. It makes me think of my late husband and the feeling I had when I was in his arms. I lost my husband just 9 months and 19 days after we were married because 9/11 occured and his Special Forces unit responded to Afghanistan. I cry every time I hear that song, and still love it after all these years.

  • heather

    I am just getting going this morning. I am so staying home today and doing nothing. I have been running around all week and I need a serious break. I am going to binge watch the new season of True Detective with Jodie Foster.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I took a long late nap yesterday. So now I am up late. Later today I amgoing to my sons to do laundry and have dinner.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I like Kate’s idea of a pamper day, lol. I can’t do the bubble bath thing–can’t get in and out of a tub from a sitting position, lol. But I can do chocolate and reading and doing nothing like nobody’s business!!

    • gloria patterson

      Tarma it has been 40 yrs since I was down in a tub. Sitting in my shower chair with hot water beating down on and letting my feet soak…………….. so relaxing

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Been fighting with IBotta and the boxtops for education app all evening. I bought 5 Cheerios Veggie Blends at the store. Should have been $1 back with iBotta (I gave up) but I want the credit through BTFE because they are having a promo if you buy 5 items you get an extra $15 for your school. I can’t believe neither place has the Veggie Blends in the system. (Even though it was an option for iBotta!)

  • Tamra Phelps

    I think my immune system is down, lol. I seem to have gone toxic–feeling blah, bloated, fever sore coming up on my lips, etc. Ugh.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Oh, poor you 🙁 Why not have a pamper day? DIY at home if you can’t get to a store/afford it. Warm bubbles, candles, lovely scents, soft music, hot water bottle on achy parts … and chocolate! Guaranteed to make you feel better xxx

  • Jill Y.

    I’m relaxing today. I was so tired this morning and didn’t get out of bed until noon-ish. I might look into job postings later today, and I might save that for tomorrow.

  • Jill Y.

    The song I’ve been listening to lately is The Sound of Silence, by Disturbed, Cyril remix. The number two song is Bon Jovi’s acoustic version of It’s My Life.

  • gloria patterson

    Trip to krogers the girls cleaned me out of mac & cheese and the kid drinks they like. I didn’t get a lot didn’t want to have to put it all away.

    I got some boar head turkey breast, colby cheese and some sour dough bread………….. OMG this sandwich is the first thing I have ate in 3 weeks that tasted good!

  • heather

    Today has got to be better than yesterday was I hate family drama! I am catching up on some projects today around the house.

  • Michele Soyer

    Once again thank you ladies for the support – the waiting is making me antsy and there is nothing to clean or trim or dust..lol…the pooch said well we could just play! So we now have another VERY large ginger boy who comes for dinner and ??? lunch.. Our ginger boy has accdepted him as he came in with head down and slow blinks…the girls could care less… so we have Missy, her daughter Coco, daddy Gary, and new kitty Jerry….our inside girls Jasmine and Judy look down from the gallery in disdain at them….Delilah is so used to cats that she just accepts it all!!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. we’re getting some more much-needed rain so it’s cooler but the dust is dampened down for a while. gardeners are happy – they don’t have to water today. thanks

  • Sue Brittain

    My favoite song has to be Walking In Memphis. It came out when I was working as a security officer. We would walk a total of about 8 miles a day on our rounds. It seemed to fit the job.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Went for an eye test today & expected some deterioration as I haven’t been since pre-Covid. Good news; the rest of me may be falling apart but the eyes are still healthy & doing their job well. After that, did the weekly grocery shop, got home, went for a nap & woke up 4 hours later.

    • Michele Soyer

      Glad your peepers are in good shape! As for the rest of you all you really need is a vacation.. Club Tropicana ask George! LOL

    • gloria patterson

      I agree with Michele you need a vacation…………….. NOW I know you have family and cannot get away. BUT why not take a day and go yard saleing, thrifty stores. etc. You don’t have to buy anything but you never know you could come across the perfect thing for your home. JUST TAKE A DAY FOR YOU! If you stay home you will work in the yard or in the house or just sleep.

      Congrats on the eyes 🙂

  • Ed

    Having a frustrating day. Trying to sell some items on marketplace and I thought I had deals in place only for them to fall through.

  • gloria patterson

    Got release this morning from my home therapy and start off site therapy next tuesday.

    Got company Zay and her little cousin and grandma showed up at my door. They walked yelling they were hungry, straving need mac & cheese.

    While they were here I got a call from the MANAGER at Walmart! I was up their on monday and looking for ear drops etc. Up and down the rows (I do use the riders) finally saw the sign that said EARS! NOTHING no ear stuff at all. So I decided to do more shopping and come back when the pharamcy opened. When I ask the guy ask some one and they told him where they were……………….. THE SIGN THEIR SAID EYES! I got what I needed.

    When I got home I did the walmart survey off the receipt. I did a LOW rating and told them all about my adventure. The manager called to tell me that problem has been correct and he apologized for the problem. I told him I never dreamed they read the surveys.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      The power of the pen!! I’m impressed with Walmart. One of the delivery drivers left my stuff IN THE SNOW at the end of our driveaway. A MILE AWAY!?!? On the corner where other drivers could see it?? If the driver hadn’t sent a picture of the delivery it wouldn’t have been found until spring. I was impressed that I got a phone call too. That’s impressive.
      Very COOL on the off site therapy. You are really kickin’ but. GO GLORIA GO!!

  • heather

    Ahhh it is so nice to see that the form is back up this morning. I spent a lot of time yesterday trying to make sure there wasn’t something wrong with my computer. My day is off to a pretty good start here hope yours is too.

  • Michele Soyer

    Yesterday the water and sewer inspector came – he parked, walked somewhere and within 5 minutes he was gone….they had asked for a drawing of the property which we submitted with the clearance application and it was quite easy to read so he came and went….as for us we are just waiting to hear back from our lawyer about the terms of the sale agreement….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I had been planning on sending a couple greeting cards to friends, but had the idea to go to Amazon, find something random in the $1 or $2 range and write my message on a gift receipt. I posted about it on Facebook and gave an example that for $1.25 you can send a box of Mac and Cheese if you have prime. I couldn’t believe how many people were like, “I wish I’d get a box of Mac and Cheese in the mail.” I didn’t send Mac and cheese to either of my would have been cards recipients. One got a soup mix, and the other a package of adhesive wiggle eyes. 😀

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Really tough day today. 80 cats, 7 dogs and only myself and another volunteer to look after the lot. I am exhausted.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        It’s kitten season. If you’ve a pregnant female (and they can get preggers from 3 – 4 months old), she has 4 or 5 kittens, they aren’t neutered … the mum can get pregnant again while rearing one litter … never ending. The dogs usually come to us from the local pound, where they’ve been picked up as strays etc. We never euthanise dogs, they stay in the pound & if not claimed in 10 days, are sent to foster homes & rescue centres to be re-homed.

  • heather

    My day is off to an ok start even though the giveaway form is not loading. I think giveawaytools.com is down right now as I tried on another browser and it didn’t work over there either. I also see that it is not working on other blogs too. Ahh computer issues are always so much fun. Hope you have a nice day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m feeling tired today. I had an A.R.T. therapy session and it went well, but they are sort of exhausting because you deal with a lot of old memories in those things. But I do think it seems to help.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Busy day today: another coat of paint in the bathroom, laundry, weeding, washed the car, sawed up a fallen branch from Sunday night’s storm and now I wish I could have a hot shower to get the kinks out of my back. One day I will have hot running water!

    • Tamra Phelps

      When I ws really young, before I was 5 when my grandparents moved from their farm into town, they did not have indoor bathrooms! Yep, they had an outhouse! And baths were taken in a metal tub on the porch, lol. (Kids, I mean. Adults I guess did the old water basin bath.) I remember those baths. Granny Phelps would boil hot water on the stove and pour it into some unheated water in that tub so it wouldn’t be a cold bath. So….go buy a big metal tub, adult-sized, like they use on farms, I guess!!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        My parents both used the tin bath in front of the kitchen fire. Saturday nights, ready for Church/Chapel next day! And had an outhouse – I remember using it as a child! You had to be careful of the wooden seat – splinters!!!

      • gloria patterson

        I remember having to go to the outhouse when I was a kid and we visted for dinner. I always thought of spiders!!!

        The last time I was at the house I had to go so bad! Outhouse..no way I got in the car and drove to a gas station

    • gloria patterson

      I have no doubt that you will get all you want and need for your home…………. just takes a little time. How far have you come from when you moved in!

  • heather

    I woke up with a pulled muscle in my back and could barely breath. I have no idea what I did yesterday to jack up my back so badly. Getting old sucks!

  • Michele Soyer

    Running around for days now getting all the things done required for the sale. What did not help was the torrential rain, flooding and traffic tie- ups…Our lawyer is handling the sale requirements today so all systems are go…today inside relaxing and planning!

  • Ashley S

    My favourite song is a tough question to answer. I love music so much. One of my favourites is All Too Well by Taylor Swift.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    After too much antibiotics, I’m feeling better. I swear, it sometimes feels like I never get a break. There’s a trailer in my state that is for sale that I would LOVE, wish I had the money to afford it. . . it has an in ground pool. lol. I’ve been wanting to move, and can you get any more unique than that!

  • Penny Lebaron

    My favorite song is It is Well With My Soul. If you are not familiar with the story behind it, you should look it up.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have another A.R.T. therapy appointment tomorrow, so I’m hoping that goes well. So far it seems to be going great. I’m not sure how many of these sessions I can expect but it only happens about once a month, so it’s not like it interferes with anythig, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Well I have discovered something very important…………………. AFTER SITTING OR LAYING AROUND FOR 3 WEEKS DOING NOTHING……………… I get exhausted quickly!

    Sunday I did laundry. All I did was push a cart to the laundry room. Washer & dryer, clothes folded and back in the cart. Time I got back to my apartment I was done. Parked the cartin the living room and hit the recliner slept for almost 3 hrs.

    Today therapy came in and asked what I wanted to do walk etc……………… I SAID NOTHING so we just talke for 45 minutes.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Amazing lightening show last night! The cats cuddled up close at every thunderclap. We had a nice lie-in then up & at it. Did the first mist coat of paint on the bathroom walls!

  • Marlene V.

    My day is going well. Being lazy and the rain has stopped with the sun coming out! Time to go outside and do some work outside.

  • l p

    the day is going well. construction workers arrived earlier than usual today so my day started earlier. that means more time to bake bread. hope your week goes well. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    Slow Sunday. I’m half way watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics. These things can get borinng, lol–when they get all symbolic it can be yawn time.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Thunder, lightening & torrential rain due soon & expected to last till mid-day tomorrow. I’m making a big lasagne in case the power goes & have candles & torches all lined up just in case.

  • heather

    Happy Sunday hope you are having a nice one. I am making a big country breakfast this morning I have been good all week. Having some computer issues this morning but decided that it is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too early to get in to techie stuff.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s a quieter day today – overdid it yesterday and woke up really tired. so, only the necessary chores were taken care of. lots of cups of tea while watching some TV. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    OK I admit the Dr told me on the 12th of august I could stop where the white support hose ………….. I quit wearing them on the 8th!

    Also the Dr told me I could start to drive on the 12th………………. Today is the 10th and out the door I go with my purse. NOW it has been 3 weeks since I drove. FINGERS CROSSED CAR WILL START…………………

    NO it does not so I call AAA have been a member for 43 years and it has been worth it. I call and they have a guy there in less then 10 minutes. He jumps it and it starts.

    I thank the guy and he leaves…………. I have all these light lit up……….. one of them even said engine. Off to place where I get all my work done. This was at 1:30 and a saturday I know they are going to be closed. But lucked two of the mechanices were sitting at a bench. And I told them my problem one got up and looked that OK they will go off.

    So now I have to run the car to charge the battery……………………… At 3 pm I had 45 miles on the time I got home it was almost 3:30…………… so 2 hrs of driving AND HOPEFULLY WILL START THE NEXT TIME I GET IN

    I didn’t have any problems driving

  • Tamra Phelps

    My oldest nephew left for college today. Now I really feel old. I still think of him as the little guy he used to be, lol. How did time pass like this???

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The sun came out today so I spent the day mowing my HUGE lawn, weeding & generally pottering about outside. I thoroughly deserved the spicy pizza I just devoured!

  • heather

    I am planning a trip to the library today. I have several items ready for pick up. Hope you have a nice Saturday. Making cheeseburgers for dinner.

  • gloria patterson

    Well I have done a whole lot of NOTHING!!

    Therapy came and they are running out of things for me to do. So we went on a walk through the building lower floors and out side. I live in a senior high rise that has a 100 apartments. It is a good place to live (10 yrs down)

    So came back to my apartment and she had been do a few leg things.

    I am cleared to start driving on Monday……………… I don’t really think I will make it to Monday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Last night, and all blame goes to Gloria, I watched a knee replacement video. That led to hip replacement, ruptured spinal discs, nasal polyps, abcesse & lipoma popping …

    • gloria patterson

      Kate you really should start with Connie…………….. remember she said she was watched her colonoscopy and ALL kind of surgeries on line.

      But me unlike Connie did not watch the knee replacement till AFTER my surgery.

      I have to admit that the knee replacement was interesting to watch…………… BUT have no want to watch any other ones

      • Kate Sarsfield

        I get regular colonoscopies (Mum died of bowel cancer & sister had pre-cancerous tumour removed) and always watch them on the screen! I don’t have sedation so I’m able to drive myself home afterwards. When I had all the ligaments replaced in my knee I watched it live but I think they conked me out to shut me up, I was asking so many questions!

  • heather

    Well, I woke up in a good mood this morning even though I have some running around to do today. Hope you have a great Friday and remember do something nice for yourself today I am thinking ice cream.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well all tthe sale is in the hands of our lawyer – yesterday we did have to go to the Water and Sewage Agency and get ” clearance” this is all so ridiculous – even though your bill is paid you still have to pay for a “clearance” certificate which takes 2-3 weeks to process….there are things about here that I will not miss..LOL…so we are in for the rest of the week, pantry and frig filled …time for my book!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I’m still feeling fine, but infection hasn’t cleared up, so doc called in another script for me, so had to pick it up. Meant another trip to Goodwill. Didn’t find anything too interesting.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh, I’m exhusted. Had to go to Leington for a doctor’s appointment today, and on the way back, we stopped to pick up 5 more people and drop them off, so it took several hours to get home, lol. I feel like I have been traveling for days. But ppointment was fine. Bone densty test shows all is good, cancer med not hurting my bones.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m aching & tired after yesterday followed by a bad night’s sleep. It’s absolutely bucketing down all day outside so I’m lighting a fire (in AUGUST) and being lazy today!

    • gloria patterson

      Kate YOU need to learn how to RELAX……………… you keep pushing yourself you are going to end up going to the Dr. Sooner or later it will all get done. Enjoy the fire and who knows ALL of your guys will join you 🙂

  • gloria patterson

    ghost might still be here………………….

    Its a nice rainy day and you know those are the days for naps…………..

    I have had several and can say I have done nothing today!!!

  • heather

    I got so excited today when I woke up and saw clouds! I am praying for some rain but I don’t think we are going to get any.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m not doing a lot today. I watched some artistic swimming on the Olympics broadcasts. I only see that during the Olympics, lol. I like to watch the oddball stuff that you only see every 4 years, i guess.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I managed to wash some of the cat-peed-upon evening gowns this morning and they’re fine! Tomorrow is due to be sunny so I’ll attempt the sequinned jacket, dress & opera coat in the morning. The rescue centre shift went well. So many abandoned kittens, it breaks my heart, but only 7 dogs which is a huge improvement on the last few months.

    • gloria patterson

      Got a face time from great niece she wanted to know when I was coming down stairs. Her mom cut hair today. Told her after therapy I will be down you want me to bring you something…………. YES one of my drinks, and some crackers and cheese and what ever.

      Had therapy this morning doing great. She suggested doing some steps and I told her NO !!! I am not a fan of steps.

      Got my hair cut, and we sat around and talked while Brit worked. Great niece grandmother was there and then I showed up and then her great grandma showed up.

  • heather

    I am doing stuff around the house today. Been doing a lot of running around and need a little break. Yesterday, I took a relative to a medical appointment that lasted for four hours. When we finally got out of there we were starving so decided to go to Mcdonalds because we needed some food fast! We got two meals and it was $24.00!!!!!!!!! I am still chapped about that and will Never go back! I could have bought a ham, bread, bag of potatoes and veggies with that money and eaten for a week!!!!! And to top it off the fries were size medium and now they have made the drink cups clear and smaller! Really chapped my a**!

  • Suzie B

    I have the day off work today, so looking forward to a relaxing day! The weather isn’t great today, so unfortunately, just one at home though!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Bad day here. Nerve pain in my feet last night and today. It isn’t horribke just steady, which is just enough to keep you from sleeping or getting anything done, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Today, I took Gloria’s advice & waggled my finger at the cats then started picking up all the clothes off the floor. All well till I reached those on the floor. CAT PEE!!!! I now have 2 evening gowns, a sequined jacket & a floor-length coat to wash. AGH!!

  • gloria patterson


    Having a good day just being lazy. I had to breakdown and turn the AC on. It just got so hot. But soon I will be cold and have to turn it off.

    Have not done much of anything today……………………. LAZY

  • l p

    the day is going well. parts of the house still have a faint wonderful bread-baking odour. the weather is wonderful – a great day to visit friends and distribute some of the bread I made yesterday. thanks

  • JoAnna Carpentier

    My day is off to a good start. It’s pouring rain here, which usually wouldn’t be a great thing, but I’ll take anything over this heat wave we’ve been having!

  • heather

    Well, now that our internet is finally back up my twitter account is all jacked up. Man, I tell ya the planets have to be totally aligned for me to be able to do anything online!

  • Michele Soyer

    did all my shopping yesterday in record time – then the rain came….today I am just fiddling around until it is time to go to the attorney….Afternoon appointments are not my favourite times….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I’ve been thinking a pet stroller would be perfect for RedBird. She LOVED smelling all the cherry blossoms this spring when we were in Baltimore. I saw one come up on Facebook Marketplace for $30 so we went and got it today. I’m hoping to take her to the farmer’s market this week. I have a feeling she will SCREAM until she gets some goodies. lol

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was supposed to start painting the bathroom walls (fresh plaster) 2 weeks ago but needed to rest my shoulder. Well, the shoulder’s still playing up & I sit on the loo looking at those walls … AGH! Will I ever get things finished? I’ve got corner shelves, mirror, towel rail etc. to put up and they’re gathering dust. In the meantime, last night one of the cats knocked over a clothes rail, which knocked over another clothes rail & that knocked over another … you get the picture. I’ll try to get that sorted tomorrow. AGH!

    • gloria patterson

      Kate ……………….. RELAX it will be there tomorrow or next week or when ever! Don’t push yourself to do everything at once. IF you do you could mess the shoulder up more.

      Your guys were just playing shake your finger at them and pick the rails up.

  • gloria patterson


    If you brusise this is the best cream and I get it on Amazon

    Reshape+ Arnica Bruise Relief Topical Cream For Bruising, Swelling, & Discoloration On Skin, Natural Skin Care Homeopathic Arnica Lotion W/Vitamin K, Horse Chestnut, & Collagen,

    My lower leg front and back including foot was dark purple and blue. Right now 90% of the brusing is gone.

  • gloria patterson

    Had therapy today and I am really doing good!!!! It has been 18 days and it is a second day of NO pain pills or even tyleno. It is healing great, good flex………….. and sometimes I will stand up and just start walking across the room without my cane.

    I unlike Connie (lol) DID NOT watch a video before my surgery. But I watch one last night. All I can say is WOW they do a lot of work on that knee replacement………… and use a lot of tools!!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s Monday – bread-baking day. going to try the Japanese milk bread again. fingers crossed. thanks enjoy the week.

  • pkg

    My day is going very well. I made some appointments I needed to make for a long time. It’s a lovely day outside so I had better get going to take advantage of it.

  • heather

    I am planning a big trip to the grocery store today. Seems like we are out of everything a. the same time. I have my list ready and keep adding to it

  • JoAnna Carpentier

    I also LOVE Teddy Swims!! I got to see him last year and I was so excited! I have a million favorite songs, but I always go back to “I Remember” by Damien Rice.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well, it’s official. July was the coldest & wettest since records began and here we are, in August, it’s raining hard for the next 24 hours, I’m in bed (10pm) wearing a fleece & fingerless gloves. 2 cats are already curled up & 2 more outside on the windowsill watching the world get dark.

  • gloria patterson

    Doing good but this weekend don’t feel like doing anything. It could be that ever thing I try to eat TASTE BAD. It could be my medications that is causing the problem. I was able to get some yogurt down. And earlier a friend brought me garden tomatoes. And I don’t want to try them because they might taste bad but then again they could taste could!!!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just happy we have internet today woohoo. I have to make a trip to the store this morning before it gets to be a hundred outside. Hope you have a nice Sunday.

  • Michele Soyer

    It is a bright and sunny Sunday here with 2-3 tropical waves on the horizon…I have to get to the shoppes tomorrow – the frig is pretty bare…need a small window of clear weather to do that….Planning a BBQ for today, my book, some great music and a single malt….

  • l p

    the day is going well. getting lots of outdoor errands taken care of as it’s such a lovely day. indoor chores can wait until the weather turns, as it will. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Not a lot to report – thunderstorm came & went. Another warning for 24 hours of torrential rain starting this evening. Spent as long as I could in the garden, then pizza & now chilling before letting the cats in.

  • heather

    I am back! Been without internet for the past four days! I had 700 eamils to read a little while ago when it came back on. I truly hate our internet provider they theeeeeee worst! Serious they need an award for being the worst!!!!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well things are moving along here – the prospective buyer agreed to our price and wants to buy our property! Her lawyer got in touch yesterday with his info and we have an appt with our lawyer on Tuesday afternoon…looks like a go and I am so grateful for the grace …..Happy Saturday all….

  • Tamra Phelps

    All it does lately is rain. Every day. Geeze, it is getting old, lol. Oh, well, at leat today’s rain didn;t bring wind and tornadoes with it.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m doing this early (7am) as there’s a major Metereological Warning out for the West of Ireland with a HUGE thunder/lightening storm on it’s way. Sooner it gets here the better. It’s been so headachey lately. Anyway, there’s not much to report on from here. Big Old Ginger Tom is still here. I think he’s fallen for Loki! Follows him around, cuddles up to him at night & generally acts as if the sun (what’s that?) shines out of his you-know-what! I heard, well the four of us that were in the bed last night heard, a kerfuffle in the hall … BOG Tom was playing! I’ve never seen him do that before in all the months he’s been hanging around. Right, admin (ie bills to pay) must be done in case the power goes …

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I never listened to much music growing up or until a few years ago because of church rules. I play Truckin’ by the Grateful Dead for my guinea pig and she loves it.

  • gloria patterson

    Have not done much of any thing today. Had a couple of naps, got on amazon ordered a couple of books

    A little on the lap top but just not in the mood to do much.

    I am walking using a quad cane slowlly but surely 2 weeks today

  • gloria patterson

    Connie you ask hard questions……………………. I am OLD!!! And have lived thru a lot of decades of songs. I do have favorites that I have listened to for ever. But if they come on the radio I am NOT getting out of the car till the song is over.

    The last song on the car radio ……………… She’s in love with the boy Trish Yearwood

    When I pull up music on the TV it could be the 50’s through today. My mother loved country music and I know a lot of them

  • Tamra Phelps

    Favorite song, huh? Hmm, there are a few, actually. For old standards, I like ‘Come Rain or Come Shine.’ For old style Rock/Pop I always like ‘What Becomes of the Broken-hearted.’ Classic rock, a few Zeppelin songs would rate, ‘Immigrant Song’ or ‘The Wanton Song.’ I just love music, lol. It’s hard to pick one favorite.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I remember that candle, Connie! It was one of those with jewelery inside the candle, remember those?? I’m not doing much today. I watched Simone Biles win gold, again. They really are amazing, all of the gymnasts. I sort of agree with those who joke we need an ordinary person to be forced to come out first and try to do what these athletes do, just to remind us how hard it really is. Every team should have an ordinary person–you never know who it will be; you might get called up, like jury duty. Like, you might get a letter at any time: Connie, you are representing us at the 2024 Olympics in Paris competeing in gymnastics, lol. I’d watch that!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    You’re welcome, Connie! Sorry about your lovely flowers, but at least that’s one thing you don’t have to worry about till next time. As for me, I spent a futile couple of hours trying to get to sleep but had a case of brain fever so when the cats woke at 5am, I got up with them, wrote a to-do list, prepped a couple of meals, re-organised the fridge & freezer, went back to bed (ALONE!!!) at 8 and have just woken up. It’s almost 3 in the afternoon.

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