$50 Your Way Giveaway January 2023!!

My First Giveaway for 2023!

Happy New Year Little Peanuts!!!

2023 has come in with a vengeance, hasn’t it!! Because BABY it’s cold here in Idaho!! We’ve been in the negative numbers for so long that I practically live under my heated throw!

Remember last month when I said I was going to dip my toe in the craft fair pool?? I made some snarky Christmas t-shirts, and I am GIDDY THEY SOLD!!! OHMYGOSH!!! They sold!!! I can sell stuff!!! THEY SOLD!!! People bought my t-shirts!! I’m so excited, I’m also full of anticipation for the next chance to do a craft fair. I promise you; I thought I would be bringing home each and every single t-shirt. I SOLD STUFF!!! (insert giddy me clapping wildly and maybe squealing like Sally Field “They like my stuff! They REALLY like MY STUFF!”)

I thought I would share some of the things I did make for Christmas 2022. My craft room is always busy! I saw a video on HammonsNest to make a wall ornament or a plaque. Using $1 Tree items and they came out AMAZING!! I used the remaining tile to decorate a coffee can and put my Mom’s miniature Christmas tree inside.

Money holders for UPS and USPS. (As close to their colors as my cardstock supply would allow) Paper angels, star and mittens for the tree. I was busy, busy, busy. Of course, t-shirts for Alice and Olivia

Now for the real reason that you are here………………….


$50 Your Way Giveaway. Single Blog. Open WWI truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you every day. As always, I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!

This month’s giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide. $50 American $$.

This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me. 

So, coming back often and staying around for a while, and looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated!! Seriously, HOW subtle is that?!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • gloria patterson

    We got a light dusting of snow but I think with the cold temps and snow made roads icy. So they delayed school a couple of hours. I WAS going out BUT…………… when you are retired you don’t have to drive in it if you don’t want to.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh my gosh, it has gotten so cold in the last 24 hours. And it snowed, with a dose of freezing rain, too. Ugh. Not much stuck but it’s so cold that the little there won’t ,melt, lol.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good sure caught up on some much needed sleep last night. I can’t believe it is the last day of January boy that went fast.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Day off today as Viktor has English lessons so just tidying room, catching up on laundry & going to give the car a very much-needed power wash.

  • Michele Soyer

    So the way evaluation works here- their fee that is – is a percentage of the value of the house….all I called use the same formula – now to decide when to do this….before February end it has to be done…

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had a doctor’s appointmentt with the doctor who is trying to figure out how all of my issues link together after the sepsis. So, the results are that I do have neurogenic issues–everywhere. But it’s likely mostly due to the fact that when I was unconscious for those weeks, my nerves shut down just like muscles do. That means they are trying to work again but it can take time. Still, that’s better than permanent damage that could result if the sepsis actually attacked the nerves.

  • heather

    My day is going just okay just got in the door and really got the run around today trying to use a gift card so now I have to call the company and do a bunch of research on it.

  • gloria patterson

    Running around all morning

    Aldi love to get my veggies there Price are so great I got 6 small avocado for $2.99 tomatos, min cukes for $1.99 a bag. Lets say i got lots of veggies and some frozen meals and total $29.50

    Had a amazon item for return dropped it off at UPS store

    Picked up lunch and then took a nap

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The insulation for the floors has arrived at last!!! Viktor finished de-plastering the bathroom while I cutback brambles in the SPRING SUNSHINE!!!

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Today I slept a lot as well. I seem to be depressed. I am trying to get myself back to myself if that makes sense.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have to get up early tom orrow for an appointment with the doctor in Lexington–ugh. If I really tyhought it would ever do any good, I might be up fpr it but I don’t, so I’m not, lol. Oh well, I’ll make the trip. We’ll see.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I have my grandsons birthday party today. It’s so cold here my car door locks are frozen. I hope I can get them unfrozen.

  • gloria patterson

    Had 3 naps YESTERDAY…………………. and I was not sleepy finally crashed sometime around 2:20 am

    BUT my interal clock woke me up 6:05 am

    Done a little bit of this and little bit of that and have had NO naps 🙂

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just made a huge potato salad and it is chilling right now should be so yummy later on this afternoon. Also did a lot of work outside now I am so out of energy.

  • Lindsey

    I have a little shopping to do, so I’ll be heading to the mall. I’m also going to make Lucky Irish Stew for weekday meals.

  • gloria patterson

    This has been my major lazy day. So far I have had 3 naps!

    Read a little sleep a little play on the computer then nap time again 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Man, I guess I was just tired or som ething because I actually went to bed at 8 p.m. last night and except for getting up once around midnight for the bathroom–I slept straight through iuntil noon today!! I just wasn’t feeling great. I do feel better today, so maybe I was just exhausted by a long week.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good had a nice country breakfast this moring and now off to do some chores around the house and outside.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        He’s only 33 – I’m old enough to be his granny! Have to admit tho’, I wouldn’t say no!!! We do have lots of laughs & that makes the work easier.

        have to admit tho’,

  • Michele Soyer

    Sewing all done – today is cleaning out the papaya bed – the trees are getting big – whomever buys here will get some lovely trees! Good for them….

  • gloria patterson

    Still in a little bit of mood of cleaning out and washing storage jars (kinda dusty 🙂 )

    Niece and great niece 6 stopped by for a little bit.

    Just another day 🙂

  • heather

    My day is going better now that the Internet is back up and working for how long who knows – hate our provider they are the worst. Hope you have a great Friday sure is chilly here.

  • Michele Soyer

    I have been putting off sewing too long and today is the day to tackle the basket – arghh – mending and hemming..it takes me forever and I find this so boring…where is my mum??? LOL

  • gloria patterson

    I cleaned out my pantry yesterday bagged it up to take to giveaway table in our building.

    Pushed my cart to the table and by the time I pulled the first bag out people were helping me unload They were so excited this is my favorite, have not had this in while. oh look spices eTC ETC

    It was a good feeling to clean my pantry out and to share with people that would eat the stuff.

  • heather

    Just got in the door from running around town getting stuff done and grocery shopping. I am soooooo not happy that my sliced turkey is now $8.50 a pound in the deli that pissed me off! Hope you are having a good day.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well getting numbers together for a property evaluator to come in February – next week I will call them and see what they charge – After that getting together the paperwork for sale from the relevent authorities…
    I love moving forward day by day in an organized matter…

  • gloria patterson

    Early morning nap then a little of this and that. Somewhere i was reading about getting rid of stuff. And they were doing it room by room ETC ETC

    I ended up going through my pantry. Getting rid of stuff that had experiation dates. And pulling out stuff I know I am not going to eat or use. I have 8 can of corn I never open can corn. I buy a bag of frozen and use a handful her and there and it last for months.

    I have a lot of stuff…………. Pantry looks good

    I live in a senior high rise and any body that has any thing they don’t want can place it on the giveaway table. So tomorrow I will take it down stairs

  • Michele Soyer

    today I am doing the finishing touches on a bookcase that I restored awhile ago…it is over 50 years old and has great sentinmental value to me…I could not leave it behind….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I was so tired this morning that I just kept rolling over and going back to sleep. I finally decided to get up–at 1 o’clock, lol. Geeze.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Just got back after another trip to Dublin with Ukrainians doing the safety course for industrial/construction jobs. Left at 05.15 and it took an hour longer than usual to get there. Traffic was crawling, bumper to bumper for the last hour – horrible. Drove another 1 1/2 hours to visit sis & slept for 3 hours!

  • gloria patterson

    My niece (beautian ) cut and colored my hair this morning. At 72 I have half gray and half brown……….. I had her add more gray.

    Ran up to walmart picked up a few things then took a long nap.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. Just got done cleaning out the refrigerator now on to cleaning the bathroom just one of those cleaning days here.

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    I went to the grocery store and had a wonderful chickpea salad that I made from ingredients I got from the store.

  • Tamra Phelps

    This has been one LONG day. I don’t know why, maybe because I had a little bit of stomach pain earlier–my occasional recurring left over from sepsis thing–, but it seems like this day has just been one that won’t end, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Back out at the house again. Tamra, you’ll be relieved to know that Spring is well & truly on it’s way! Daffy dillies coming up all round the garden, birds proclaiming their territory and it was still daylight at 5pm!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    Back to work – out cutting limbs cleaning the trees and pruning – when will this end? Cannot wait to put this up for sale and leave….grateful but impatient….

  • gloria patterson

    Full of pep after sleeping in today…………… Clean refrigerator out Have got to do better in not wasting my veggies.

    Started on my pantry and got half a shelf of stuff out………………………… AND I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS.

    So I just put it all back

  • Polly Hall

    I had to go to the grosery store today to pick up what I needed for company I am having tomorrow, what a mad house on Sundays.

  • heather

    Just got done makeing a huge three bean pasta salad and it is now chilling in the refrigerator can’t wait to eat that later today. Hope you are having a nice Sunday. God Bless.

  • Michele Soyer

    Sunday.. well a total day of relaxation – not even making to-do lists for the week…breakfast, my book then maybe a movie after lunch…lazy day..

  • Tamra Phelps

    Still feeling a ;ittle blah–maybe partly from that booster shot. The injection site is itching and sore, so for the first time I’m having a litle reaction to the vaccine: maybe becuase it’s the one that covers new variants?

  • heather

    Well, I got all of my outdoor work done for the day and I am inside for the rest of the day it is super chilly here. Hope you have a nice Saturday we are having pizza tonight.

  • Michele Soyer

    Another dark rainy day so no paintng today either – cannot go out and weed so organizing boxes and packing some more – by the time I am done we will be living off paper plates and chipped mugs!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hey Connie, I have a question: is it possible to turn comments back on for older posts? I feel like I have commented on everything multiple times, but if I try to go back past about May 2020, comments are turned off. Just curious.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good sure is a chilly one here today I still can’t warm up. I am making egg salad right now been craving it latley – Oh and hey the eggs were only $6.28 yesterday at the grocery store that is such a joke!!!!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We finished de-plastering the kitchen and moved into the shower room. Heading out soon to collect one of the guys from train station (about 30 mins away), the hot shower & bed.

  • Michele Soyer

    All errands done and ready to get back to painting – it is dark and rainy today so natural light is so-so in the house – i will have to see whether it is worth starting to paint the study today….

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some running around doing errands. Spent way too much money but now I am home and resting my tired feet.

  • gloria patterson

    Just got home from getting gas……………… price is going back up Krogers $3.61 per gallon. I had 60 cents off so that helped a lot still it was over $50.00

    Our temp has been going up all day right now it is 57 ………… then temp will slowly go down next week to the 30’s

  • Polly Hall

    Trying to catch up on my computer work today because my internet went down yesterday for 4 hours in the afternoon and then again at 8:30pm. Thank goodness it has been working today.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Today is the Ukrainian Epiphany and the Bastism of Jesus. Traditionally an Orthodox priest blesses the sea, nearest lake, river etc. & the shape of a cross is cut in the ice, then the locals immerse themselves in the water. Taking day off to rest my bones while Viktor is at English class.

  • gloria patterson

    Wide awake at 4 am finally got up cleaned and dressed. Walked into the living room sat down on the recliner and that was it. Woke up 3 hrs later.

    Doing a little of this and not much of that.

  • heather

    We are finally getting some rain here today I have been missing it lately. It is supposed to be winter and I like to get some wet weather during the winter to help with the local water levels.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day of removing old plaster from the kitchen. We had about 2 inches of snow overnight & the 3 Ukrainian children made a little snowman – so lovely to hear them laughing!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just finished getting all my goodies in the crockpot for dinner tonight. I am trying out a new recipe that I found online and am excited to try it.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still lifting the old kitchen tiles & started getting rid of the plaster work on the kitchen walls. Left earlier than I’d planned because it started to SNOW!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    Have to give the house a quick clean today then get ready to go out the next 2 days – tomorrow to the bulk shop store and other small shoppes – will probably take me the whole day – then Thursday to the real estate lawyer… I live in shorts so time to press some going out clothes!

  • gloria patterson

    This weather is so strange…… one week its in the 50’s and the week sometimes it barely reachs 30

    So far car is still running after lower temp for 2 days no driving……………. fingers crossed

  • Polly Hall

    My husband & I went to a very interesting talk today, about what they call the White Huricane of Nov. 1913 on the Great Lakes. Fifteen ships were lost and hafe of those have never been found.

  • Tamra Phelps

    We are just half way through January and I feel like it’s been a year since Christmas, lol. This is the longest year ever already…

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some grocery shopping. I am making a new crockpot recipe in the moring and I had to get all the ingredients for it today hope it turns out.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Headed to the house this morning with Viktor. I hired a plate compactor and we compressed the rubble in the floorspace and on the driveway. I started lifting the v.old vinyl tiles from the kitchen. Tomorrow I’ll finish the job.

  • Michele Soyer

    Totally enjoyed a relaxing Sunday so ready to begin again today – just a small bit of 2nd coat in the guest room then out to weed….

  • katrine

    Today is going very quickly. I was surprised to sit down at the computer and looked at the clock and realised it was 4 hours later. Time to finish the laundry.

  • gloria patterson

    Another one of those lazy days…………… got up early and about 10 am hit me needed a nap 3 hrs later. Ready for a day with some energy

  • heather

    My day has been super busy. I have been catching up on cleaning and doing laundry and now I am taking a serious break and chilling for the rest of the day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Took a Ukrainian woman & young child to nearest bus station in the early hours – they’re off to Poland to try to meet up with family members. Heading to the nearest town later for groceries & more paint.

  • Michele Soyer

    Sunday again.. I feel the days are zooming by..still no closer to getting to Corfu but I prevail…have to be much more patient and I try I try!

  • gloria patterson

    Maybe I am letting some stress go over ever thing with my car…………. Hopefully taken care of..

    Sleep almost 9 hrs last night

    got up shower etc made a cup of tea sat down in the recliner 3 hrs later good nap

    about 3 decided I needed another nap 2 hrs later …………….. 14 hrs I do feel better

  • Polly Hall

    Not enough cold days to freeze the lake enough to walk on so I’m watching some die hard fishermen using their boats to break through the ice so they can fish.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. I am so chilling out this weekend as I have been running around like crazy all week and I am worn out. Making meatloaf tonight and looking forward to that it’s been a while since we’ve had it..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Bloody Hell, it’s freezing today so haven’t felt like doing much other than wrapping my hands around a mug of soup.

  • Michele Soyer

    Enough sitting around today I plan on finishing the guest room and I have to do a paint inventory again for a trip to the hardware next week!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the doctor today–actually saw the nurse practitioner. I like her, she’s great. I probably do have a cyst on my wrist and it might be causing the pain in my hand but it might also be arthritis or tendinitis from having to use this wheelchair. We’ll have to find out.

  • gloria patterson

    Picked up a few things from krogers. Raining spitting a little snow, temp was high of 37.

    Put everything away and decided needed a nap…… nothing like a nap on a cold day

  • heather

    My day is going super fast. I just got in the door from a Costco trip and it was cray cray why is that place always a mad house. I thought going early on Friday would be a good idea to avoid the crowds I was wrong.

  • kkp

    It’s a lovely day here. I’ve decided it’s my lucky day. I’m going out for a long walk this afternoon and hoping to pick up the winning powerball and mega millions tickets.

  • l p

    the day is going well. getting lots of little things done on the computer – should have done them last year. c’est la vie, they’re getting done today. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Going to the chiropodist in half an hour, finally found a medical Dr. in new town (!!!) and have an appt. later this month & trying to organise hiring a plate compactor for Monday. Not bad for a Fri. 13th!

  • Michele Soyer

    Taking the day off.. maybe it is all the paint fumes but I need a day away from brushes, rollers and paint! Well could pack a few boxes.. could weed the garden..or I could just relax and play with the dog and cats!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I just heard that Lisa Marie Presley has died. That’s unexpected. Sad for her kids, especially the teenagers. Today in KY, we had storms, pretty big hail and tornado warnings.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some running around. I can’t believe tomorrow is already Friday this week went by so darn fast.

  • gloria patterson

    Got up got dressed etc etc about 10 am decided I needed a nap 2 hrs. Car started !!!!!!!

    Couple stops Have to admit the whole time I was in the car I talked to my car. How do you like your new battery?? How are you feeling etc etc…..


  • l p

    the day is going well. lots of ups and downs but overall, it’s good. saw a news story about a pharmacist who does pharmacy counselling so I dropped in on the way home. I don’t need the service but others do. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Early-ish start for an appointment – the weather is horrible: wet, windy and miserable BUT and it’s a big but, it was still daylight at 4.30 yesterday afternoon!

  • Cindy Merrill

    I went on some dates art a fruit bowl but I didn’t have much luck: The banana was not appeeling, the grape bunch were rather sour, I asked the peach about his background- he was rather fuzzy about it, I went on a date with a few cherries but it turned out to be the pits. the oranges and tangerines were too busy discusing their sections, and were rather pithy about it, as well. So I went home.

  • Polly Hall

    My older brother is moving back to Mi. from Ca. drove for an hour to check out an apartment for him, it was a nice drive.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the grocery today. It’s still sort of rainy here, so not as cold as it could be but I’m tired of rain, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Last night was the best sleep and I had a 3 hr nap so far. I am hoping that tomorrow when I go my car starts with no problems

    Made hanburger with med hot peppers in sauce……………. so good. Have ate it twice and have not made the pasta yet.

  • heather

    My day is going great to far. I finally have the Internet back after almost two weeks. Just got done putting a yummy chicken soup in the crock pot so dinner is cooking and the house smells so good.

  • Kk P

    My day is going really well. I have a lot of appointments to set up and they are all falling into place – a rare situation! I sure hope it continues.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the fog has yet to leave. lots of car accidents and air quality advisories, so it’s safer to be indoors. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    My goal is to give the guest room the second coat of paint today and move on to the next – to be honest this is better than going out onto the land and doing cutting and trimming!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Doctor’s office called to reschedule my next appointment because he won’t be in next week. So i rearranged my schedule. Other than that, it’s been a slow day.

  • gloria patterson

    Drove my car twice on monday to make sure it would start for car appointment tuesday. It is a good thing I did ………. it gave that sound Don’t Want to Start. BUT it did.

    Made it the apointment told everthing about what had been done and what was going on with it. They checked it and said the battery was very low and he didn’t think I should do the diagnostics ($400) and just get the battery ……. $150. All I want is for my car to start and run FINGERS CROSSED

  • heather

    I miss the internet ours has been out since December 31st!!! I am using a friend’s right now to check my emails. So I am not too happy at the moment need a new service provider for sure.

  • l p

    woke up to fog from an inversion event – thought it was snowing. hope the sun comes out soon to burn the fog away. otherwise the day is going well. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m having one of those days when I just feel fed up and emotionally done. Oh well, it will pass and I will just get on with life, but right now I feel like going back to bed, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Left at 05.15, got back at 22.45! One heck of a long day & my sis was out so couldn’t pop in for a cuppa and a nap. So, what did I do? Went shopping, of course! Had a small list of decorating stuff for the new house and some groceries, ended up spending €400. Saw a big floor rug marked down from €300 to €99 – couldn’t pass that by! Very tight squeeze on the way home in my little car with 3 Ukrainians, plants, shelving & a carpet!!!

  • gloria patterson

    GOT to drive the car……….. got 20 miles round and round on the interstate.

    Just got to get thru today and pray the car starts in the morning. Hopefully these guys can figure it out…………. I am so tried of driving round and round and burning gas

  • Michele Soyer

    Well the weekend is over back to painting! hopefully by today I will be done with my bedroom then on to the guest room! First the paint store for the correct color scheme…

  • gloria patterson

    Off to walmart again for more surge protrectors power strips. I made a guess on how many my mother would need ………… I was off

    Have to get 3 more of them and one of them has 15 ft cord.

    This HUD bldg was build in the early 1980’s. Back them you didn’t have that many things to plug in. Bedroom has 3 outlets, bathroom 1 outlet, kitchen 3 outlets , and living room has 3 outlets.

    Today we need a whole lot more. Couple hours I will go and get 3 hooked up and then I am done
    I HOPE

  • gloria patterson

    Have you ever counted how many power strips you have in your home and the best part where they are.

    Another trip to walmart for more surge protrectors power strips

    My STUPID moment of the day. Have this desk with the top on it. The plug is behind the desk in the ver center. So after cleaning the top off and moving some stuff…………… I tried lifting. I did get it to move so I could get to the plug. Long story short verson pluged in, moved the desk back . One of strips didn’t work, back out push and pull………… desk back does not work………………

    STUPID MOMENT — I didn’t turn the strip on

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Our Ukrainians celebrated their Orthodox Christmas last night/this morning – had to make my apologies – all partied out! Helped with the clear up today though as did the 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses, who don’t party.

  • heather

    Our Internet has been down for a week now and it is making me really upset to say the very least. When you call them they avoid helping you and it is really making me mad.

  • l p

    today is going well. after a couple of really chaotic days, it was so nice to wake up to a day without a rigid schedule, and just take the time to do what is needed and/or wanted. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Plans set out for my day – after breakfast finishing up painting my bedroom – the rest of the day free to relax!

  • gloria patterson

    Quick trip to pick up surge protrectors power strips.

    DRIVE the car ………………………… Stopped and talked to a repair shop and told them all my problems. So apointment tuesday for a diagnostics test and battery replacement.

    I AM SO TIRED OF DRIVING THE CAR!!! On the interstate round and round the town.

  • Polly Hall

    I got so much done yesterday that I am albe to take it easy today, I made enough soup last night that we are even eating leftovers for dinner tonight.

  • Michele Soyer

    Painting the bedrooms one by one…I want when we sell to have lovely painted rooms with matching linens… started yesterday and managed to do 2 coats on the contrasting walls and today the other walls…Need to bring up the 20 foot ladder for the high places…

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, we are back to being cold after a week of pretty warm temps. Ugh. I’m just not made for cold weather anymore.

  • gloria patterson

    Drive the CAR!!!!!!! 40 miles today most of it was interstate. NO breakdown on my yet but I feel one coming on…. I don’t know what to do does not make sense to me.

  • Shelly Peterson

    Today I ran and got coffee and breakfast with my daughter. I am so happy to be your December giveaway winner! Thanks so much Connie!

  • Tamra Phelps

    We still have 60 degree weather today…but it’s about to go back to Winter cold, lol. It was nice while it lasted.

  • gloria patterson

    Called AAA to jump my car first time in almost 3 weeks I have been in it. Had a 8am apointment at the garage…………………. 3 hrs later after puttingi it on the machine……………… THEY TELL ME I DONT DRIVE ENOUGH TO KEEP THE BATTERY CHARGE………………….. $90.00 later — I think that is a load of crap.

    So don’t know where that leave me!!!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. the weather is surprisingly decent. there’s always lots to do so the priority will be the outside errands/chores. thanks

  • heather

    Well it’s been one of those days not a great one but I am trying real hard to turn it around. I better so something nice for myself today.

  • Michele Soyer

    Talked to my neice by marriage over the holidays – she is an officer in a government position – said that it is ridiculous that I am still wiating for approval of sub division – going in the agency to help me today – my angel!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Rain, rain, rain here in KY. At least it’s not snowing, but they actually cancelled school today because of flooding in the county.

  • gloria patterson

    Well great niece was here for a couple of hours and then we got a FaceTime call. It was another aunt and she has Zay’s cousin Celeste (1) who was spending the day with her. They talked threw kisses and hugs and then we hung up. Just looking as Zay I knew she wanted to go to her aunts house. So I asked her and it “well no its ok I don’t etc etc” I finally asked DO YOU WANT TO GO TO YOUR AUNTS TO PLAY WITH CELESTE………..YES So her mummy contacted her grandmother who came to get her. Cousins need time together

    So now I think I am just going to take a nap………………………………..

  • heather

    Our internet has been out for four days and I am about ready to freak out over it! I wish we could get a reliable service provider!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Polly Hall

    Husband & I took our son out to dinner for his 32 birthday, can’t believe how old he has gotton, which means I really old.

  • gloria patterson

    Great niece is 6 and she spend the day with me. She loves to craft, paint etc. And she knows that when we finish one project we clean up and put away before we start something else. Then we visited great grandma for about 3 hrs then back to my house.

    She wears me out but I enjoy ever minute with her. She has one more day off before school starts back so she will be back tomorrow. 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been rainy for a few days now but at least it’s not cold. It’s actually been in the high 50s. I know it won’t last but its good while it lasts.

  • Kari

    Belated Happy New Year. I’ve got so many lists on the go that it’s a little daunting. One step at a time, I guess – or make just one big list?

  • l p

    the day is going well. lots to do dealing with left-overs and cleaning up but it’s a pleasure, given the last years of solitude on holidays. thanks

  • l p

    Happy New Year. the day is going well. woke up to some lovely weather and managed to get out for a bit, then got some work done at home. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    Happy New Year may this year be a lot better then last year. Have apointment wed to take my car in fingers crossed with hope they find the problem and that it is cheap

    Did nothing today got up late, had a nap and may go to bed early!!

  • Kim Pincombe-Cole

    Quiet start to the New Year for us. It’s about to be a little crazy as as I start medical treatment for some serious health issues. Hoping 2023 brings me better health!

  • heather

    My day is going great so far. Happy New Year to you. I put up the 2023 calendar and cleaned out the refrigerator and am now cooking.

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