Happy New Year Little Peanuts!

Happy New Year Everyone!! WOW! 2022 sure went fast, didn’t it??  I hope that 2023 is THE best year EVER for all of us!

Happy New Year 2023

Personally, I am thankful that 2022 is OVER!! So many things that could go wrong, DID!! The kind of serious stuff that makes you double check that your term life insurance policies are up to date.  The Husband had a horrible MS related summer. Then we both had Covid. Then the whole ladder/tumble/fall incident. Then the good ole John Deere Tractor was stuck in a ditch at the end of the driveaway. NOT good when it’s REALLY needed to clear the roads and dig out neighbors. The snow was so deep that the tow truck driver couldn’t make it up the mountain to help pull this monster out. I tell ya what, my heart was in my throat when I saw the tractor stuck! I had taken Bear (the big ole Bernese Mountain Dog) outside to do her business (in MINUS FOUR I might add!) and noted the tractor at an odd angel ….. hummmm I thought to myself that does not look right. I called out to The Husband, nothing. I walk a little further down the walkway and noticed something at the side of the tractor. I call out again. Bear and I gingerly made our way down to the tractor in about a foot of snow. What I thought was The Husband actually was only a piece of wood. HOWEVER, the closer I got to the tractor the more it looked like he was slumped over the steering wheel. It wasn’t him. THANK HEAVENS!!! However, NOW, I’m really starting to panic because he is NO WHERE to be seen.  Our driveway is a half mile circular drive, so I continue to walk the other side of the driveway. I don’t find him anywhere. It isn’t until I get to the barn, I notice the little side by side is missing. Okkkkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyy so I guess he went to the mailbox about 6 miles away.  GESH!! The man is going to give me a heart attack.  About 30 minutes later he hobbled in. Frozen! (The side by side; named the MULE is not enclosed and NOT heated) So, The Husband is fine. The tractor? Still stuck because it’s been snowing nonstop since. Needless to say, it’s gonna take some digging to get that beast out.

So, in case ANYONE still makes New Year Resolutions. Here are some of my take aways.

  1. Don’t drive your tractor too close to the edge of a dirt road. don’t take the dog outside without completely bundling up in minus 4º weather because you just might be outside for a good 30 minutes hunting for your husband.
  2. Don’t wait for emergencies to shop for low-cost life insurance, because something bad could sneak up on you in a moment’s notice, it’s so much better to be prepared.
  3. Don’t make your resolutions too hard to accomplish. I doubt I will actually lose 60 pounds. I doubt that I will declutter EVERYWHERE in the house. I doubt I will write a post 4 or 5 days a week. (Although, I would like to say I’ll try!?) Be kind to yourself and don’t set unrealistic goals.

Happy 2023 Little Peanuts!! I hope this is an amazing year for us all.

P.S. if you have a shovel and wanna come over. I have a project for you!!

tractor stuck in the snow


  • Michael Coovert

    Happy New Year, one and all, especially you, Miss Connie! Looking forward to 2023 and getting back to a more normal life hopefully, after nearly four years spent mostly bed bound as my legs healed.

  • Cindy Merrill

    Winter weather is a bit of a challenge- but I wouldn’t move down south if they tried paying me to- the further North, the less crime.
    For 2023, my goal is to go have my hair styled.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I would have been freaked out completely by thinking someone I was looking for was slumped over on the tractor!! 2022 has been less than stellar, lol.

  • l p

    my goodness – what a year for you. thankfully it ended on a somewhat positive note. resolutions aren’t my thing but small, achieveable goals are. Happy New Year.

  • gloria patterson

    You and hubby need to order a box of HOTHANDS SUPER WARMER 18 HR. from amazon. I buy them because of problems with my hand and heat helps relieve the pain. Hunters use them all the time. Christmas Eve -1 was just a little cold. My niece and her daughter picked me up. When they came in gave them each packs for their coats that I opened (takes about 10 minutes to heat up) That little bit of heat really works. You might be surprised at the uses you would find for them

    NO resolutions for me……… learned I don’t keep them.

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      Thank you Gloria, I agree no new year resolutions for me either.
      Thank you for the heads up on the warmers. I’m heading to find them right now.

      Happy New Year to you and your family. I’m hoping for an all-around calm year.

  • heather

    Happy New Year to you sure hope you have a great one. Wow sounds like your 2022 was crazy! I am so looking forward to a brand new year. I don’t make resolutions anymore they just stress me out!

    • Connie The Head Peanut

      Resolutions do stress a person out. Then I feel bad because I didn’t make it past the first week!

      Have a great, stressfree 2023!

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