$50 Your Way Giveaway! June 2023
Hello Little Peanuts! It’s so great to see you again!!
May’s Update
May went by super quick, after the fire and all. The highlight being North Pacific Land Management has returned!! The masticator has been running like crazy! The mulcher is cleaning up the debris. Our little mountain top is looking really nice.
Okay, so I wrote that the week of Memorial Day and they haven’t been back. Hummmmm should I be worried?!?! I am. VERY much so.
Today, June 1st, the Stiltz elevator is going in. Talk about major upheaval in the craft room. But, as The Husband’s MS progresses an elevator is necessary. Trouble is I designed my craft room with cabinets, counters and my roll top desk to fit perfectly. Now the craft room is…. Well….
A disaster!!
The Stiltz will go all 3 floors. I will update pictures as the installation continues.
Main floor looks like this right now.
Here’s an example of the Stiltz Lift
Enough about that for now………………………
Okay, now for the REAL reason you are here!!
This June Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff:
This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo and Amazon option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This giveaway is $50 US. This is a giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going thru my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a 1% commission.
Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course, ME!!
So, GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t forget to keep coming back… month after month…..
I am sorry, that stupid tweet button still doesn’t work. I’m so sorry!
Adding this giveaway to Instagram, Facebook, or Giveaway Blog posts counts as entries! Take credit in the Giveaway Tools. (Last entry) I REALLY appreciate it!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Polly Hall
Heading to dinner with two of my girl friends and cards after.
Kate Sarsfield
Lord above, I’m cold! Scarf & my fingerless gloves are on again. In July???? Just woken from a nap to find next door’s dog, Rollo, asleep in the hall. Poor old thing. I don’t mind but I’m afraid he might get paint on himself. Heading over the road for fresh drinking water when the rain stops.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m cold! It’s 10 degrees lower than June – where’s the summer gone? No other news today apart from the usual house renovations. I’ve finished prepping the walls in the sitting room so will finish painting this weekend. Then move on to prepping the floor. It’s a mixture of concrete & very old vinyl tiles so I’ll scrape it as best I can & remove rusty nails, fill holes with cement etc. ready for when I put the carpet tiles down.
Shelly Peterson
Today feels like a long day. I am super tred.
tammy ta
My day was loud and busy. See how the rest of the summer will be.
Polly Hall
Looking forward to a good $th of July holiday.
Tamra Phelps
Thank God Friday is here. I am so over June. It will not go down as my favorite month ever, lol.
My day is going pretty good so far. Spent like a hour putting together a simple fan why do they make it so difficult?
The day started out sunny and cool. I have to get out into the garden and do some weeding so I hope the forecast rain holds off until I’m done. Enjoy your long week-end, if you get one.
gloria patterson
I was krogers at 8 got my shopping done and out of there before 9. Then had to go pick up prescriptions.
Well WV is receiving the canada smoke. I have COPD and I can tell the difference in my breathing when I am outside. Staying in the house for the next few days.
I need to cuff up the house today, eesh…
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. Today is a typical dialysis day.
Anne Perry
I am well.
Have a great weekend.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s what we call a ‘soft day’ in Ireland. As opposed to heavy rain, it’s that misty rain that soaks you through without you noticing & makes your hair curly. My farmer friend brought over a box of ‘surplus’ home grown veggies!
l p
the day is going well. it’s quite warm but we’re expecting rain later on to cool things down. thanks
Umar Amin
I’m a medical student I desperately need 50$ for survival.
I’m going through a tough time.
Terri Quick
I’m getting pretty nervous about an event on Saturday. I have anxiety, so I’m worried about how I’m going to manage it.
tammy ta
My day went okay for a work day.
Tamra Phelps
I’m tired. Long day with a trip to the doctor in Lexington. Got back and the bus driver managed to actually drag the tire off the metal wheel of my wheelchair in the rush to get me off the bus. My brother had to come over later and put it back on. Yeah, it’s been one of those days.
Kate Sarsfield
We can all do without days like that. I hope he apologised.
Polly Hall
I took my sister in-law to her first PT session and then to the grosery store, she was exhausted when I got her home.
My day was going peachy until I found out that a scammer opened a social media account using my name! What a freak! I notified everybody so it better be down by tomorrow!!
gloria patterson
Had to run to the bank for my mother. And on the way home I stopped at a roadside veggie stand. My mother loves peaches and tomatoes. So I got 5 peaches and 3 tomatoes for $19.84
Shelly Peterson
I didnt have my grandson so I slept in. I am being lazy today.
l p
29 June already – where did the time go? it’s busy day but things are going well.
Had fun at an NHL draft party yesterday, but today I’m just running errands….
Anne Perry
My day is going well. How are you?
Kate Sarsfield
I had a wonderful night’s sleep & woke up singing! Amazing what cat cuddles can do!
Michele Soyer
Well i must admit today is a down day for me – looking at the calendar and another month has gone by and we still are awaiting more red tape – there are times I just can’t believe selling here is such a long drawn out process – I want to go go go and all the energy that is given to me is slow slow slow….
Tamra Phelps
It does sound frustrating. Hang in there. It will all get done.
Terri Quick
I went to get my hair cut today. I let a lady go ahead of me because she was in a hurry. She ended up paying for my haircut. I was pretty surprised.
tammy ta
My day was okay, for a work day. Not so great for another reason.
Polly Hall
Took my Sister-inlaw to a hair appointment today, she got a new knee 2 weeks ago and cannot drive for 6 weeks.
Tamra Phelps
I have another doctor’s appointment in Lexington tomorrow (nothing to do with the boob, lol.) It’s tiring when you have to travel for an appointment, but at least it gets me out a little.
Kate Sarsfield
I AM IN LOVE!!! The animal centre has 30 new-born kittens & Mums, 10 young cats and about 6 older ones all looking for homes. Also 10 dogs of various ages & sizes.
The sooner I get this house finished, the better!
Dad would have been 90 today.
Tamra Phelps
Oh, just admit it: you are going to be that area’s crazy cat lady!!!
Kate Sarsfield
You know me so well! Hope you’re feeling ok xxx
gloria patterson
So far full of pep and get up and go. Cleaned some vac some dusted some.
Just my day of peace and quite don’t have to do or go anywhere.
Was facing timing with my niece. Her mother & uncle have decided to rent her grandmothers home to her. Grandmother has been in the nursing home for over 4 years. And she was a hoarder she kept evething. Some of it is valuable antiques and my other niece is in to antiques and knows or finds out values., They have been selling antiques to pay taxes etc etc on the house.
They are going to bring all the craft stuff to me for the seniors in the building who want the stuff.
I might even fix something to eat or might just pull something out of the freezer
The day is going pretty good. It started off slow but I’m getting some more gumption to get some work done now. I’m procrastinating because I’m not really interested in what I have to do this week. You think I’d just get it done and move on quickly, but no… lol
Shelly Peterson
I’m not feeling the greatest today. I head to dialysis soon.
l p
this very busy day is going well. the weather is also cooperating. thanks
i am only just waking up but i have plans tonight, a big date at the adults only night at the science museum
Michele Soyer
Today I have to take a look at all the winter coats I stored in my cedar chest….last time I checked they were still fine – my late husband had made a cold storage unit for me in our gaarage storeroom so checking on the fur coats too – I know it is not politically correct but I do love them….
Anne Perry
Great! I slept well. How are you?
Terri Quick
I’m going to get my hair cut & colored tomorrow for Comic Con on Saturday.
Tamra Phelps
I have a couple of appointments tomorrow–we’ll see if I get both in. A lot depends on how long I wind up waiting between times for the bus.
Polly Hall
Air quility is really bad here because of the fires in Canada it’s like pea soup outside.
gloria patterson
Was out of the apartment around 8 this morning. Had to go to the DMV this morning and they open at 8:30. I got there at 8:10 and there were already 20 people in line waiting….. door opens 8:30. Once you get in the building you have to stand in line to first window to check your paperwork and give you a number………………. take a seat. At 9;30 my number got called less then 5 minutes I was done.
Ran around a little then came home. Rainy and cold today
Shelly Peterson
Today I am home with the grandson. The weather is getting hotter.
Going to try to find clothes and shoes for my niece’s wedding this fall…
Kate Sarsfield
Yesterday evening, the elderly farmer (the one who lets me use his water), came over & said he had something to show me. Well, I was a bit cautious, but went to one of his old far buildings & there were four lovely and perfectly dry interior doors! He said I can have them if they fit! He also has 2 exterior doors I can have as well and double glazed windows that would make a lean-to glass house.
I’ve been approved for a grant that should cover the cost of central heating but no idea how long it will take. So & happy dance!
Tomorrow I start at the animal centre. It’ll be the first time I’ve properly interacted with other people (apart from doctor etc.) since Covid & Mum dying. Bit apprehensive.
gloria patterson
How wonderfull for you. You might have other neighbors that will have something for your home…………… NOW remember you cannot bring on the puppies or kitties home with you LOL
Tamra Phelps
Sounds like a good neighbor! And you’ll be fine around other people. Around here, some still wear masks, some don’t–I do on the bus because I don’t know how many sick people the driver has come into contact that day, you know? But in stores, I tend to lower the mask. No idea what you guys are doing there, but here people have fallen back into a fairly normal vibe.
Michele Soyer
All this great news from youKate…I am so happy for you regarding the grant the doors and your animal shelter service…
Anne Perry
All is well here. How are you?
Terri Quick
I met my cousin for lunch while she was in town from Florida.
l p
it’s going to be another long day of daylight. loving summer here. thanks
Susan Smith
I had a good day. I spend the day at the pool with my daughter, then did laundry cooked dinner. Now Hubby and I are watching some TV together.
Polly Hall
We got a much need rain last evening and today, the grass is still a bit yellow yet but my vegetable garden sure loved it.
My day has been a busy one just got in the door from running around doing errands. Spending quality time with our pets they are big babies and need attention all day so I get a guilt trip when I return home and I feel like a bad mommy.
Shelly Peterson
Well it’s Monday already. It’s going to get hot this week.
Little tired from a local anime fest yesterday, we’ll see what I get accomplished…
Kate Sarsfield
I’m tired! It’s all the fault of the internet, nothing to do with me, of course! Before it got installed, I’d go to bed, read a bit & be asleep by midnight. Now I’m still awake playing solitaire (just one more game) at 3am 🙁
gloria patterson
great niece (6) Zadaya is spending the day with me. She is a lot of fun to be around. We will head to IHOP after her mommy leaves. 2 dippy eggs and buttered toast. and then after resting a little bit we will get 2 more dippy eggs and buttered toast. She just eats the yokes, like her mother and grandmother.
We might go to dollar tree that is just up the hill from IHOP. Last time I told her she could get 10 items…………………. so serious pick them out
And then who knows
Michele Soyer
More bubble wrap coming in this week and it is my last – all the fragile packing is done..whatever dinneware and glassware is left I am leaving with the house – still undecided about some of the furniture – all the desks are coming but with a 20 ft container not a 40 I have to think carefully about what big furniture comes and what stays with the house – you would think iam leaving tomorrow the way I plan but having done this twice before I know how things start to move quickly and if you are unprepared it is chaos….
Anne Perry
Great. I am enjoying my coffee.
Terri Quick
So hot & humid here so I tried to stay indoors & watch TV lol
tammy ta
My day was good. Got groceries, made jam.
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a stormy evening here. and I can hear people already setting off fireworks. The july 4th fireworks stands have begun popping up around here.
Polly Hall
My husband and I sat in the the ER for a few hours this afternoon. His seat broke off of his bicycle causing him to fall of the back of it. We were very glad that he did not break anything but he is very sore.
gloria patterson
Another great night of sleep did not wake up till 6 am this morning. Did a little of this and a little of that…………………. Then of course a nap 3 hrs later…… Don’t know where my energy is feeling tired all the time. That time of the month have to do my bills and my mothers thank goodness on line so its not a lot of work.
Shelly Peterson
Today is a day to just relax. It’s a nice sunny day out.
This day is speeding by for me got a lot done and still have more to do around the house then I can relax.
Anne Perry
Great. Today is my Birthday.
Michele Soyer
Gotta love this relaxing day today – aside from cooking all my day will include is reading – music and maybe a movie – a lovely martini before lunch. Grateful…
Kate Sarsfield
Belated birthday greetings, Connie xxx
Having a lazy morning before heading out to check for any damage from torrential rain last night. Thankfully it’s a lovely summer’s day now so I’ll potter about outside then do some more scrubbing, filling holes & painting another wall in the sitting room. It had wood panelling that was rotten in places so out it had to go.
Jeanna Massman
My day is going well. My husband and I went out for dinner even though it’s very hot here.
24 June – key word is ‘My Birthday!’ so, Happy Birthday. hope you enjoy it. the day is going well here – the banking appointments are finished and hopefully all taken care of. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Overall, today was a nice day. The sun was out (it has been overcast and rainy foir several days.) Hey Connie, happy birthday!
tammy ta
Spent the day with my son, so good day!
Shannon Mitchell
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Birthday! Today I planned to just relax but I have the grandbabies today.
Polly Hall
Very hot here but I got some gardening done before it got to hot.
gloria patterson
I was exhusted when I fell asleep last night, didn’t even wake up to go to the bathroom. I got a good 7 hrs sleep but was still wide awake at 6 am. Been a busy day! I cleaned out a bunch of books that I have read several times and took then to the building library. And I received a shoe bench by fedex today so I put it together. When I was ordering from amazon I looked at 3 I really liked. One of them said it was quick and easy to put together. So that one won!
The box was heavy but got it unloaded on to the bed ( cannot get down on the floor) The box was all together and I just had to add the legs and rack. 6 screws for the legs and 4 screws for the rack. Had to stack hardback books on the bench to balance the rack on and get 4 screws in. It really was very easy to assemble, then it was light enough I could get it off the bed and on the floor. I would take a nap but not really sleepy so guess I will do something else.
Having a nice quiet Saturday here. Just watching some news and doing some stuff on the computer.
Oh, happy birthday too!!!
Michele Soyer
Happy Birthday Connie!! I wish you a fantastic day and the best year ahead….
Good luck
Kate Sarsfield
Having trouble commenting but here goes: awake far too early & too awake to go back to sleep so filled in some holes in the sitting room walls, ate the remainder of last night’s pizza, gave the crust to Rollo, next door’s dog and now going for a nap and it’s not even 8am!
Dana Marie Germain
Finally got a sunny day so it was nice to sit out in the sunshine.
Tamra Phelps
So, current situation: long trip to Lexington today to see cancer surgeon. She says because my calcification in the right breast is about 8cm, which is pretty big, the typical treatment would be to remove the breast. BUT there is a new treatment, a pill, that she wants me to try first because mine is not far advanced (stage 0, which I didn’t know was a thing, lol)–basically, it was caught so early that it is sometimes called pre-cancer because it will definitely become cancerous and grow and get worse if untreated–but because it is so early, we have a little wiggle room and the pill has shown a lot of success. Which would mean no surgery. Of course, in about 3 months if it doesn’t help I will have to reassess. (She also wants to attempt non-surgical steps first because of my health over the last 5 years, with sepsis, mRSA, etc. She has concerns about my body’s ability to successfully rebound from that drastic of a surgery.) So, I’ll be trying Anastrozole. Fingers crossed, guys.
Kate Sarsfield
I did reply but it seems to have vanished. Anyway, just wanted to wish you well with the hormone treatment. xxx
Michele Soyer
Tamra all my best heartfelt wished go out to you with this treatment.
Tamra Phelps
Thanks guys! I have my fingers crossed!
Terri Quick
It’s been rainy & warm here, so I stayed home & relaxed with my dogs.
tammy ta
My day was really, really, really, really sucky!!!
gloria patterson
Trip to krogers to pick up this and that. Put everything away. I don’t mind the shopping but I hate putting the grocerys away. All my aches and pains feel ok right now……….
Still tried and took a nap
Just got home from running errand and doing some grocery shopping before it gets too hot. We have had major storms here yesterday and today so sticking close to home and praying no fires start from the lightning.
l p
the day is going well, I think. had the craziest meeting at the bank. I think things are sorted now but have to return to meet with another person tomorrow. thanks
Might try making some rhubarb or cranberry scones today.
Might check out the local classic car show today.
Rita Leonard
well my husband and I both got covid after going out to diinner and a play. Back to masks for us and plenty of rest and avoiding people for a week
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. I didnt have my grandson today so I got to sleep in a bit.
Kate Sarsfield
Awake most of the night with pain in my hip after a day of going up & down stepladder so taking it easy today. Besides, it’s raining so no outside work. Will work on sitting room walls from a chair, scrubbing, filling in holes, sanding etc. ready for painting this weekend.
Tammy Pereira
My day started off pretty okay! It’s Friday and going to be a 3 day weekend for me, so I’m feeling pretty good today!
Michele Soyer
Word must have gotten out in the cat village community that we are a great place to visit – other than our 2 indoor totally cats we have 3 visitors who have basically moved in – here from 5am until ??? Yesterday another ginger has come by endeared himself to us and now he is here! LOL…well we have plenty of food and space I cannot stand a hungry, lonely or sick animal so our dear Delilah has to adjust and believe me she is not happy..
Kate Sarsfield
There’s a colony of 80+ feral cats in this town cared for by the animal welfare centre. They’re trapped, neutered, released, fed & watered and look extremely healthy.
Tamra Phelps
My mom always said “once you feed an animal, it isn’t going anywhere!” She was right. Pets are not stupid. They know a soft touch when they find one! (Yes, I do the same thing…)
Tamra Phelps
Honestly, I just want to sleep. Lol. I am so sleepy today.
Polly Hall
I got some weeding done today before it got to hot , a lot more to do.
l p
the day is going well so far. the lovely bright blue sky is now yielding to thunderstorm-carrying clouds. we need the rain but not floods. thanks
Terri Quick
I’ve started drinking more water each day & it’s really making a difference
gloria patterson
Got my steroid shots today. For some reason they made me sick this time. When I got home I laided down in my reciner slept for 5 hrs. Feeling better now
meant to type – deceased passengers in my last comment
I have too many things going on right now to type correctly. sad day.
My day is going pretty good. I am glued to the news right now watching about the sad news about the sub and the deseaced passengers.
Shelly Peterson
I’m not doing much today. My daughter and grandkids are stopping by.
Need to tie up some loose ends today…
Kate Sarsfield
A change from my usual news for you: next Wednesday I start volunteering at the local animal welfare centre! 3 – 6 every Wed from now on, hopefully. Good for the animals & good for me, so win/win!
gloria patterson
That is a good thing to do! But the question is HOW MANY are you going to bring home with you??? L O L
Kate Sarsfield
It’s going to be tough! But have to be practical. I can’t adopt or foster till the house is finished and heaven knows when that will be so this is the next best thing.
Tamra Phelps
You will have half the animals at your house very soon, lol!
Michele Soyer
Oh Kate that is so wonderful…The animals will be happy you are there….
Tamra Phelps
So, I have physical therapy tomorrow and Friday I go see the cancer surgeon in Lexington–so then I will know more about how I can expect to handle this. I expect they will just want to remove it, but I have no clue about whether chemo or radiation are typical for this. I know it is not the kind that spreads to other organs and it is very early, so I’m hoping chemo isn’t necessary.
Kate Sarsfield
Crossing everything – you are not alone xxx
Polly Hall
I went to a cousins funeral today, sad but it was nice seeing my other cousins that I have not seen for years.
l p
the day is going well. lots of things to be done, appointments to attend in coming days so it was good to get things sorted. thanks
gloria patterson
Rainy and cool weather has me aching all over!!!! Took 1/2 pain pill couple hrs ago helped some. A little over 14 hrs and I will be getting my shots. He always adds a pain killer to the shot that last about 4 hrs and it take about 24 hrs or so for the shots to start working.
Well I have about finished all kitchen cabinets etc that I can do with getting rid of stuff in mom’s apartment. The big question is if she will part with some of her shoes……………….. Just guessing I would say she has at least 60 pr or more…………………………………
Just had some lunch, and I’m going to run errands…
My day is going pretty good just made a huge potato salad and we’re having cheese burger for dinner so that should be yummy. Happy first day of Summer.
Shelly Peterson
Today I was up early with my grandson andheading to dialysis soon.
Michele Soyer
Ran around yesterday – dog food, cat food small quick stops – another wave coming but the current tropical storm Bret passed us closer to Barbados and St Vincent and the Grenadines…..well we have got food for all pets and us (lol) wine and all devices charged up and solar working well – ready for whatever…..
Kate Sarsfield
“What on earth is that? A slug? How did it get there?”, “I don’t know”. “You do realise you’re talking to yourself, out loud, don’t you?” “Don’t worry, I do it all the time!” That was my morning!
tammy ta
My day was nice and quiet for a change.
Polly Hall
Just rested today after putting on a 4 day family reunion that just wear me out
Tamra Phelps
Not much going on here today. It rained all night but at least it was dry today.
gloria patterson
This has been my lazy lazy day. Got up at 6 and I out in the recliner by 9 and slep f0r almost 3 hrs. Just tired and hand and knee is hurting a lot. Thursday by 8:30 I will have my steroid shots in my hand and knee. And I have decided I am going to have my knee replaced.
Shelly Peterson
Todays weather sure is cold. just at home with my grandsons.
My day is going pretty good just getting ready to do some running around. I was up and at it early this morning.
l p
the day is going well. getting lots of indoor chores off the list as it’s cold and raining outside. thanks
I need to take some recycling and hazmat stuff downtown today…
Kate Sarsfield
I have spent the morning looking after my outside pots & collecting seeds for next year. Thunder & lightening starting again so heading inside to scrub the shower cubicle. It’s filthy & I love dirty jobs!
tammy ta
My day was pretty easy going and quiet today.
Tamra Phelps
It has rained all day here. I don’t think I even saw the sun. I hope it quits before tomorrow since I have an appointment and I hate going out in the rain.
gloria patterson
I am worn out……………….. spend 3 hrs still cleaning out mom’s kitchen cabinet. In the top cabinet of one was full of the cheap plastic bowls and lids. This is not the first time I cleaned out and threw her plastic away ….. and she just buys more. I counted 32 plastic containers and 50+ lids that I tossed, and I keep 15 pieces difference sizes.
Got rid of more expired stuff. I have just about finished the kitchen. A couple of top cabinets I am not going to try to get to………………… I am short.
Just took a hour nap!!
We are getting a mega rain and hail storm right now and I am so loving it! We need all the water we can get and this is such a blessing. My day is going great hope yours is too.
I’m trying to take it easy today, it was a long weekend…
l p
it’s a quiet, overcast day here. waiting for some deliveries, keeping busy by making the week’s bread. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today is a day of dialysis. Hope things go well today. I had problems on Saturday and couldnt finish my tratment.
Kate Sarsfield
I finished the little table & it’s looking lovely. Very pleased with myself. Now it’s thunder, lightening & bucketing down again. Think we’re getting the tail end of Michele’s tropical storms. Going to spend the rest of the day applying for grants/Govt. aid to get the plumbing sorted & central heating installed. I should qualify for something seeing as I’m so old & decrepit, living on my own, dependent on welfare etc. Hope so as it’ll be a v. cold winter otherwise.
gloria patterson
Apply for ever thing you can. Hope to see a picture of the table.
Tamra Phelps
Absolutely apply for any program they have! I know here the government will even pay for installation of solar power tiles on the roof sometimes.
Michele Soyer
Spent yesterday sharing stories of my father with my daughter – stories I have told numerous times before – did not matter we repeated this conversation….he was the most honourable man I have ever known – miss him so very much….
Michael Coovert
It has been a great day so far. No complaints.
Tamra Phelps
I got up late, then I came into the livingroom and promptly fell asleep in here, lol. I was just so tired.
gloria patterson
Last night around 10pm I decided to go down and do laundry. By midnight had evething put away and ready for bed. Slept the only night work up about 7am. Got up cleaned and walked in to the living room and my recliner started yelling at me…………… NAP NAP NAP
So what the heck I took a 3 hr nap. Just dont have a lot of energy.
Happy Father’s Day to all. My day has been pretty busy just got home and am relaxing and enjoying this nice weather that we are having 66 degrees here and I LOVE it!
Shelly Peterson
I slept in a little bit. I have to go do laundry today.
I’m pretty beat today, but might still have to go to my brother’s…
l p
another dreich day – great for curling up with a hot cup of tea and a good book. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
More tropical thunderstorms & rain on the way today so getting any outside jobs done asap. The rest of the day I’m dedicating to sanding a lovely little hall table with drawer that came with the house. It’s very plain & covered in cigarette burns (used as a phone table) but some elbow grease & Tung oil will bring it back to life.
Michele Soyer
Glorious Sunday… More coffe then music and reading my great book!
Today is going well, so far. I was able to get a lot of things crossed off on the ‘to-do’ list.
tammy ta
My day was rushed and scary today. Luckily things got better.
gloria patterson
I had no plans today except to be lazy……………… Then I decided to clean out some drawers …………. and 2 hrs later I was done…………….. plus a 3 hr nap
Kate Sarsfield
More thunderstorms coming in off the Atlantic this time with big ploppy rain teeming down. Least it saves me having to water the outside plants! I put on my wellies and washed the outside windows & the car during one of the downpours then, sopping wet, got into my defunct shower & washed using a watering can 🙂
gloria patterson
watering can LOL LOL I really did miss your story/comments
Boy, I was up and working early this morning cleaning the house and mopping the floor. Now I am tuckered out and am taking a break.
l p
the day is going well. lots to do – reducing clutter a bit at a time. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today I have a make up day of dialysis. So I have a short weekend.
Michele Soyer
I went and got the cats “chipped” yesterday – they were so good! No hissing. LOL…today I have yard/land work to do but all i do when I see it is sit and have more coffee….when you have mentally left a place you have left….
Tamra Phelps
It’s been an ugh kind of day. Started a new antibiotic for a uti. Went to the lymphedema clinic for massage on the legs for edema.
gloria patterson
I am dragging hand and knee hurt …………………count down 6 days till I get my shots
My day is going great got a lot done don’t get me started on my internet thought it is madness up and down for two weeks now and it’s not us it’s them.
Kate Sarsfield
Lots of thunderstorms here lately but very little rain since the middle of May. Another dry week and we’ll be in drought conditions. IN IRELAND!!!
More scrubbing, sanding, scraping & painting then the heat got too much for me even with all the windows & front & back doors open so lay on the bed with a damp cloth on my head. Woke up 5 hours later!
gloria patterson
Better watch out leaving the doors open and taking a nap…………….. That dog might decided to take a nap with you LOL
Kate Sarsfield
He’s a lovely old black lab, a real softie, but oh, he farts like there’s no tomorrow!
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. I have to head to dialysis today..
l p
the day is going well. friends coming for tea and the rain seems to be holding off. thanks
I’m stressed out about finding an outfit for a bridal shower Saturday…
gloria patterson
I bought myself a present a new chair recliner. Thank goodness for charge cards. I had some cash and checks I needed to depost so home and then to the bank. At the drive through she said checks first ……….. then you forget to sign the checks she sends them back, so I pick up a pen and put it on the checks. Then I put the cash in and turned around to sign the checks. i could not find them I was the only one in the car, I even turned on the flashlight on my phone to see if they slipped down between the seats…………………… nothing. So I pull out and park I AM GOING TO FIND THOSE CHECKS!!!! NOTHING…………. So I started to get out of the car and something pokes me in the butt…………………… It was the pen that I had put on the checks I was sitting on them…………………
Going to try to buy an outfit out of town, sigh…
Our Internet is still up and down and it has been over a week now! I am freaking out about it – other than that I am having a nice day.
l p
what a difference a day makes – it’s so cold, had to turn the furnace on. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Painted 2 ceilings & 4 walls yesterday. When I got up I noticed a big bubble on one wall so scraped it off to just repaint over it. Of course, as I scraped more & more paint just came away & now I’ve got to repaint almost half the wall!
Tamra, I just caught up with what’s happening with you. What can I say except that I wish you all the good wishes I can muster and more.
gloria patterson
its good to have you back!! I missed hearing about your edventures in your new home
Shelly Peterson
Today is make up day at dialysis for missing yesterday
Tamra Phelps
Went for an ultrasound today. On my kidneys, so they really dig that thing into your ribs, lol. Geeze. Anyway, it’s done.
Polly Hall
Getting last minute things ready for the 3 day family reunion that I have been planning for 6 months, I will be so happy when this weekend is over.
gloria patterson
I am tired worn out just had a big drink and going to go to bed!!
Having trouble posting my comment today so here I go again. I’m sure it is my Internet service because they suck and I am just about reading to lose my mind on them. My day was going peachy until I signed on to my computer!
Shelly Peterson
I switched my dialysis day to go to my grandsons graduation from grade school today.
Getting books ready for a library readathon today!
Michele Soyer
Trying to organize all the vet visits for our cats for the move. first the chips – then al the extra vac and rabies certificate – appts to be made!
tammy ta
My day was just ok. Didn’t see my kids hardly at all so that sucked.
Tamra Phelps
Tomorrow I have to go have an ultra sound on my kidneys. There’s no real idea that something is definitely wrong –just ongoing issues that m,ake my urologist want an ultrasound. I go back to Lexington next week to see the surgeon. No idea what she will recommend as far the breast cancer. (It is the best possible breast cancer you could have, odd as that sounds. It is not the kind that can spread to other organs & it is VERY EARLY.) So, those random mammograms are worth it, I guess.
Michele Soyer
I truly hope one day all I will read that you are healthy and are enjoying life to the fullest….
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a long strange trip, as they say, but hopefully I’ll get there, lol.
Shelly Peterson
I was up early to watch my grandson today.
Polly Hall
I got posion ivy last week and this week it seems to be speading more even though I’ve been using Ivy Dry, it’s driving me nuts.
gloria patterson
My niece who is beautian comes to the building once a month for 3 hrs to cut fro $20. When i got down stair my great niece (6) came with her mommy. She was going to go stay with her grandmother. But when I said I was going shopping had my cart Zay wanted to come with me. So off we go to walmart picked up what I needed and we finally headed to the toy department. We were there over a hour. And looked at everything she wanted some big $$ items but when I told the price she didn’t want it. So she ended up with a couple small things and she found a stuff elephant for her little 2 yr old cousin.
It was good with her recharged my energy!!
l p
the day is going well. there was a huge thunderstorm last night that brought lots of rain. up early to get the needed baking done. thanks
Just got in the door from running around. Boy it is humid here today going to have to turn the air conditioner on soon $$$.
Combo of errands and chores today, oh my!
Kate Sarsfield
Monday 15th May: Cleaned my room & packed the last of my stuff in the car. Last thing I did was cook a pizza to take with me. Major incident on the main road so had to detour. Of course I got completely lost and finally arrived at my house almost 2 hours later. Unpacked & started rearranging boxes & furniture so I could set up my little kitchen area in the other front room. At last, set up a little table & chair on the front porch, laid out my cold pizza, went to the loo, got back to find next door’s dog with my pizza in his mouth heading for the road! Shouted out, he dropped it, I cut out the toothmarks, sat down & ate what was left with a cold beer then went to bed. And that, dear friends, was my first day in Swinford, Co. Mayo!
gloria patterson
Thanks for some good laughs I missed them. I have to admit I would have done the same with my dog pizza………. You will never eat pizza in your home again without thinking of that dog!!
PS If it have been me I would have had a least 2 beers ………… LOL
Tamra Phelps
Yeah, I would have the dog for the pizza!!!
Michele Soyer
Happy happy that you are in your new home! Blessings to you!
Anna Memphis
I’m doing ok. Getting back into reading blogs for the first time in years — life has gone fast and there’s been a lot of changes!
tammy ta
My day pretty much sucked. So tired and not happy all day.
Tamra Phelps
I’m just feeling restless and moody and tired lately. No idea why.
Polly Hall
I had a bone density test today, it took longer getting to the hospital from home than the appointment took.
I went to a music club meeting at the library.
gloria patterson
I am just beat…………………….. my mother is 93 and to just put it blunt she is a NEAT HOARDER
Have put my foot down some or lot of stuff has to go for her to be safe in her apartment. Her hall is so full she cannot get her walker down it or into her bedroom. I cleaned out one large cabinet. Drawer full of pj’s all colors, she says she brought them from TN If so that would have been over 15 yrs. They were brand new so I bagged them up and took them downstairs to our giveaway table. A lot of stuff I just put in a trash bag and took it down to the trash room.
She told me she neeeded to lay down so I finished up what I was doing. Lock the door and came home……………….. I am now drinking a mikes’s hard cranberry lemonaid may get another one LOL
My day is going pretty good so far. I am just getting stuff done around the house before it gets too hot here 90 degrees is too hot for me.
Shelly Peterson
Back to the drawing board. Heading to dialysis soon.
l p
woke up to another beautiful day. we need rain. it would be great to live in Camelot – it rains all night after sundown and the days are warm and clear. thanks
Michele Soyer
More of the same weather so definitely an inside day today. Dreaming of Corfu!
Tamra Phelps
Honestly, I had another day of sleeping way late and then reading the rest of the day. That was it. That has been my day.
Just got home from doing some shopping and getting some Chinese food for dinner can’t wait smells so yummy. My Internet has been down for 5 days now up and down totally unusable I am about ready to freak out.
Polly Hall
We are getting our first rain in 4 weeks we need a lot.
Shelly Peterson
Today I am just spendingthe day relaxing.
gloria patterson
Slept in till 7 this morning…………………. and it is 3:37 and NO nap today so far. Have not done a lot just really lazy mood. It was warm today but not it i starting to rain. It is going to rain off and on the rest of the day and night. And monday is calling for more rain.
Not sure what’s happening yet, it’s gloomy out…
l p
this day started out well and hopefully it will continue. there are always a few surpises along the way – hope they are ‘good’ surprises. and hope your day goes well. thanks
Michele Soyer
Tropical wave blew thru around 2 this morning – plenty of drama – thunder. lightning and torrential rain!
Day is going good. Town is having a celebration, vendors and people come from all over, and food!
Tamra Phelps
I’m feeling tired today for no good reason, lol. I slept until almost noon, and spent the day just reading.
Polly Hall
My husband got one of the new windows in today in our upstair bedroom. I always worry that he will get hurt doing this kind of work at his age.
gloria patterson
I was full of energy this morning did this and that ……………….. and then the energy was gone!!!
3 hr nap helped a lot LOL
I was in a great mood until I signed onto my computer. Our internet service has been up and down for four days now and I am about ready to freak out and yell at them.
l p
the day is going well. new neighbors moving in this week-end. thanks
My DVD player won’t open…and I have to return the DVD inside. This will be interesting.
Shelly Peterson
Today is supposed to be a pool day but the weather isnt looking very good.
Kate Sarsfield
Long time, no whatsit! Only got internet yesterday & am working on old laptop as can’t find anything & no room to set up pc.
I’ll post more in a day or 2, just wanted to let you know that all is well(ish) xxx
gloria patterson
Glad to hear that you are still around and kicking………….. Missed hearing about your home and all that good stuff.
Tamra Phelps
Good to know!! We were getting a little worried!
Michele Soyer
So good to have you back Kate! hope you are doing well…
Michele Soyer
Have to bathe the pooch this morning then who knows what – it will be outside work while the sun is out.. more tropical waves on the way plus all that Sahara dust!
Tamra Phelps
I’m feeling a little blah today. I get edema once in a while and that is just so uncomfortable because you are suddenly carrying around extra pounds.
gloria patterson
I think my knee problem is really wearing me out………… NO energy what so ever…… naps and nap. Its only 14 days till my cortizone shot sure hope it helps a lot.
Polly Hall
Sitting around the lake house waiting for the new refrigerater to be delivered and so much to do at home. Their delivery time was 8 this morning to 8 tonight, it’s 4:00 now and we are 3 deliveries away. Looks like it will be close to 8 tonight.
My day is going pretty good so far. We are doing a ton of yard work today playing catch up for the season for sure.
Shelly Peterson
I am ready for the weekend. Heading to dialysis soon.
l p
it’s going to be a good day – a few errands to run, tea with friends. thanks
Tamra Phelps
There’s not much happening around here today. I went to physical therapy earlier but that was the highlight of my day, lol.
gloria patterson
Shopping for my mother at walmart had a list ……………………….. Everything would not fit in to my cart and I have a large cart. Had to go into the building and get one of the building carts. then I put everthing away that I could………………………
Then my brother showed up he is going to spend the weekend with her. And I started on mom about ALL the stuff she has. She has her hall so full that you can not get her roller walker down it. And so much stuff in the bedroom can not get it in there. When I left he was talking to about it…………. He is the soft talking (baby) and I am the bossy older sister
It has been one busy day for me just got home from running errands and am chilling for a while. I got a pizza for dinner so that should be yummy. Now we are just waiting to see what these thunderstorms do in our area.
Shelly Peterson
Back to watching my grandson so was up early. Later going to a family birthday dinner.
I need to make some phone calls, hope they don’t take long…
l p
the day is going as it will. lots of nitty gritty things to deal with. one step at a time…. thanks
Michele Soyer
Going to early mass for Corpus Christi then taking the day off – it is a holiday here so I don’t feel guilty! another one of my neighbors passed away very ill woman so another funeral to attend –
gloria patterson
The power company was turning off the power today in our area from 9am to Noon to do some upgrades. Well it was 9:15 still had power……….. going to be a long day. BUT at 9:20 power was off and surprise at 12:05 power was back on. If I had bet I would have lost. While power was out I had a 2 hour nap woke up because I got hot. Forgot to open a window
My day was going pretty good until I signed on to my computer. Internet is running like crap today. My Outlook email was out for four days and now it’s the internet service. I am not going to let it ruin my day though.
I’m going to make roast chicken and bread salad.
Gotta go fix a library mixup out of town…
Shelly Peterson
Another hot day. I am heading to dialysis soon.
l p
the day is going well. lots of things to do but inside as I have to wash my hair. thanks
tammy ta
My day was kinda sucky. Hopefully tomorrow will bw a lot better.
gloria patterson
It was hectic day till about 3 and then got to come home. Got a wine cooler out and it was so good. gGoing to have another one in a little bit. It was just a stressful day………….. And then I got a knock on the door. And it was great nieces grandma and her little cousin (2). CC likes to vist she get to play with zay’s toys and stuff. And then CC went into the kitchen and opened a cabinet her grandmother “get out of there”. NO it ok she is getting a drink. She remembered whre I had got one for her before. And when they got ready to leave she got in the cabinet and got her two to go. She played with the toys and then she headed to the bedroom to craft. She set on zay’s chair and used markers and then wanted to paint stuff. She had fun!!
The visit recharged me made me think of zay when she was that little and I was just starting to teach her crafts.
Shelly Peterson
Today I did a Costco run and now just relaxing.
l p
today is going well. had a visit from an old friend and it was so nice to get caught up on their news. thanks
It has a busy day for me just got done grooming the dog and I am tuckered out. I am taking a break and drinking some yummy iced tea right now.
It just started raining, so I’m reevaluating my plans…
It’s raining heavily right now. So, it’s change of plans for the remainder of the day.
tammy ta
My day was just ok. Nothing good or bad I guess.
Tamra Phelps
Ugh. I had a doctor’s appointment today for a leg problem but other than that, it was a nice day outside.
gloria patterson
My knee has been giving me fits for almost 2 months now. Dr says it bone on bone BUT I don’t want to have the surgery now. Ran a couple of errands thank goodness for riding carts in stores. then home for a long nap
My day would go a lot better if my comment would post. I will try it agin. I went major grocery shopping today and I am total spent!
l p
a cooler day here. fighting with the new cell phone to get it to find the Wi-Fi here. hope it works soon. thanks
Need to return a book that was given to me by mistake…
Shelly Peterson
It’s getting hotter and hotter by the day. Today I have dialysis where it’s nice and cool.
Polly Hall
Been a very busy weekend, I,m hoping for a less busy week.
gloria patterson
woke up at 3:30 am and could not go back to sleep. Got my laundry together and downstairs I go. Back in my apartment and everthing put away her hung up. By 6 am decided I needed a nap sleep 3 hours. Did some crafting and now on the computer
Tamra Phelps
I’m starting to wonder when Kate is going to rejoin us, lol. I hope she’s getting her new home set up nicely.
gloria patterson
I posted on her facebook page on May 26 that we were missing her over here but she has not commented or anything on her page. Hope she is OK
My day is going pretty good but my email has been down all weekend it’s making me a little cray cray. Hope you have a nice Sunday.
Shelly Peterson
Today we are going to have a family bbq.
Going to try to cuff up the house today…
l p
woke up to a beautiful day. hope it continues. meeting with friends later. thanks
Michele Soyer
Well the month has started off with more tropical waves – at least today I can run out handle the poochs walk then run back inside!
Tamra Phelps
I like the idea of the elevator. That seems really necessary in your situation. You would think insurance would cover that kind of thing because it could prevent falls and keep an ill person in their home. But that is too logical for the insurance companies, lol.
gloria patterson
After thinking about it I have NOT done a lot of anything today. I did get a long nap in LOL
My day is going well so far. I’m about to head out to do some shopping.
Shelly Peterson
I slept in a bit and then went and got coffee. Now I’m just being lazy.
My day is going pretty good so far. I was up early and got a lot done around the house and even ran errands and it’s not even Noon yet. I am taking a break right now and yelling at my Internet service.
Hoping bus traffic won’t be too bad this graduation weekend!
l p
the day has been going well with a much-needed shopping trip and a few unexpected surprises. thanks
tammy ta
My day was busy at work but luckily my work day ended a half hour early.
Polly Hall
It’s been a good day, a bit to warm out but I still enjoy the sun shine.
Tamra Phelps
It’s hard to believe June is here already. I’ve turned into one of those old people who sits and marvels at how quickly time passes, lol.
gloria patterson
Off to krogers to stock up a few things. And then I decided to go on up to walmarts picked up a few things. then headed to kroger gas station………….. I was on empty car said I could drive 6 more miles LOL Filled my car but with kroger points I had 50 cents off a gallon it coast me $44.50
Home for nap after putting everything away
My day is going pretty good. Talked to a friend for a while and that was nice. Took a drive and now I am home before it gets too hot.
I need to make phone calls and run errands, exciting!
Shelly Peterson
I am excited for the weekend. Today I have dialysis.
tammy ta
My day was okay. Not too bad for a work day.
Tamra Phelps
I’m a little off today. The doctor told me during the Tuesday biopsy that based on what she was seeing on the mmmogram, she believes it will be cancerous–but the type that is in the milk ducts, meaning it cannot spread beyond the breast and it is likely very early stage. So, I guess if you have to have breast cancer, it is the kind you would root for. Odd thing to say, but you know what I mean. Anyway, it won’t be for certain until the biopsy results come in, so I’m just going to wait and see until then.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OMG TAMRA!! I don’t even know what to say. I’m sending love, prayers and sooooo many positive thoughts. And HUGS!! BIG HUGS!!
gloria patterson
My mother has been bitchen about a tooth for several months………… told her where to go to get it taken care of…………… did she go NO Talked to her last night it was killing her.
So we left this morning at 9:30 and got home at 5:30….. Its a emergency dental at the dental school and students work on you. They finally took her in a 2 and then we moved to another location for them to pull it.
I am tired picked up sandwich on the way home………….. eating and having a big drink!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh Gloria you are a very good daughter. Poor Mom,poor YOU! Waiting rooms are so boring.
l p
June 1st already. it’s a chilly, rainy day so a great day for working around the house. thanks
I have been cleaning all day and just got back from the dog park which was a lot of fun!
My day is going just so so today. I still can’t believe that it is already June 1st wow that is crazy the year is flying by so fast.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Happy June! I hope the new elevator helps your husband. My grandfather had a chair lift added onto their stairs and it was a lifesaver for his MS
Connie: The Head Peanut
I think the elevator will help so much!
Happy June!
Shelly Peterson
Hapy June!! today I am going to run some errands.
Michael Coovert
Today has been a great day!
Polly Hall
Good luck today with the elevator being installed and hope your stress levels stay low. I’m sure once the elevator is in and working for you it will be very much better.