$50 Your Way Giveaway September 2022!
Happy September Giveaway little Peanuts. Here is my monthly update. August was a pretty busy month. I finally got back to work in my garden. Let’s just say it’s a big dead piece of land and not really a garden. But, all weeds are pulled. Everything has been trimmed back. I dug up some of my lavender plants and planted them in different places. It worked wonderfully last year so I’m hoping for the same next spring. Only a small amount of touch-up left to do and this year is done.
I also cleaned up my little roll-top desk. (Refresher, my Grandpa built this little roll-top desk for my Mom in 1939. My Mom used it, I used it, my sisters, and brothers used it. My daughter Selena and son Zachary used it. Then granddaughter Alice used it. I decided to try the fad I’ve seen on Instagram where people are stripping furniture with oven cleaner. I decided to try it on the underside of the little chair. I was in LOVE with the look!!
In progress; I admit I was SCARED!!
I am giddy with the way this turned out!!! Even took the cigarette burn my Dad left on the top. There are a couple of spots that need some sanding but I am so happy with the results.
Okay Peanuts! Drumroll…. the REAL reason you are here!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. As always I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide. $50 American $$.
This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me.
So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!! Seriously, HOW subtle is that?!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Shelly Peterson
I am ready for the weekend!! Happy Friday.
Tamra Phelps
Finally, finished with that daily trip to the hospital for the IV. They will test me in a week and see if the infection is gone.
Connie: The Head Peanut
How are you feeling? How long does the IV take? And ewwwwwwww I would not want to go to the hospital every day. No thank you.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. A cold front with rain is scheduled for tonight.
My day is going pretty good it sure was a busy one today. I got my flu shot first one I have ever gotten so hope all goes well.
gloria patterson
had to make a trip to the farmers market……………….. in need of big thick tomato sandwich!!!
This weather is really getting me I either am to cold or to hot. If I turn the heat on its gets to hot. with out the heat my feet are cold and yes I have sock and shoes on. Long pants, sweat shirt and a wrap on my shoulders.
I think our problem is it just got to cold to quick
Connie: The Head Peanut
No kidding! I went from 80+ to 50 overnight.
Kate Sarsfield
No sign of the keys as yet and stormy today so I’ll wait till the weekend to go out to the house to get meter reading & do some gardening.
l p
the day is going well. can’t believe it’s the end of September already. getting caught up on a few indoor chores before connecting via videoconferencing with a few friends. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday.!! I’m heading to dialysis soon.
Polly Hall
Will be heading to the lake house for the weekend, need to take the dock and the boat out of the water.
Michele Soyer
Here we are at the end of another month – I hope all here had a good one!
Sarah L
Had a fun time at the plant sale today. Weather was just right.
Polly Hall
Met up with an old friend today it was nice to reconnect.
Tamra Phelps
Just one more day of antibiotic IV, then it’s done, thank goodness. That has been a real disturbing time for me. I think it’s just because being at the hospital every day for an hour and having that mid line in my arm brings back bad memories.
gloria patterson
Had a Dr appointment one of those if you need prescription refilled you have to come in.
Scheduled for 1:30 checked in sat down and they called me did the nurse stuff dr will be right in dr came in talk a little checked my heart did the record gave me new prescriptions blood draw checked out got new appointment…………………….. BACK IN MY CAR AT 1:55
Shelly Peterson
I didnt sleep well last night but I did sleep in. Today I am just relaxing.
l p
the day is going well. it’s a lovely fall day and there are lots of outdoor work to do. thanks
Dave Stephenson
Beautiful fall weather in Ohio–but the leaves are falling fast!
My day is off to a fast start and seems to be wizzing by. I am taking it easy today did a lot of running around yesterday and still feel a little worn out today.
Kate Sarsfield
No keys as yet. If I don’t have them by the weekend, I’ll go out to the house & take an electricity reading to set that up. Every household is being ‘gifted’ €200 in October to help with energy costs and I don’t want to miss out on that. I’ve insured the house from today.
Michele Soyer
So sorry for the people who are in hurricane Ian’s way – right now we are in a weather pattern fro the equator.. never heard of that oen before – 10 miles north we are so thunder – lightening the whole ball of wax – inside today!
Tamra Phelps
I’ve gotten all discombobulated by having a midline in my arm and having to go the hospital every day…it seems to be a sort of ‘trigger’ for me, as the psychologists call it, lol. Just 2 more days, though, and it’s done.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Being grateful that Colorado just gets blizzards and tornados and wildfires but no hurricanes. Good thoughts for all those in Florida.
Polly Hall
Expecting a frost tonight so I had to pull out all the old sheets and cover the vegetable garden.
gloria patterson
I have not colored my hair in at least 20 years 🙂 I have waited and waited to go all gray and I finally figured out it was not going to happen. My niece is a beautician so today she cut my hair short and high lighted me gray. Love it!
I had a great day today all green lights day. Just one of those rare days when everything seems to go right woohoo!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s official: I am a home owner and no mortgage! There’s about 20K left in the kitty but I might save that for the inevitable rainy day and get a low interest loan to cover the cost of the renovations. Still thinking about it. Hope to collect the keys tomorrow.
gloria patterson
Tamra Phelps
Champagne problems, lol…trying to decide whether to take a loan or spend the kitty…Seriously, I’m glad it has all come to a very good conclusion, or at least end of a chapter.
Kate Sarsfield
I know, it’s tough at the top but I’ll be a pensioner in 3 years!!! Got to think long-term!
Michele Soyer
I am so happy for you! All the best of life for you in your new digs!
Shelly Peterson
Today is just another day of dialysis.. Happy hump day.
l p
today is going well. lots of errands to run and then a reward of tea with a friend. thanks
Michele Soyer
More thunder in the distance – yesterday there were storms in the west but nothing as bad here in the east. not taking any chances have to get out and clear the lawn of any branches and put things up…
Tamra Phelps
I’ve been lazy today, played way too many games online, lol.
Shelly Peterson
Today I got together with my daughter to do some baby shower planning for my other daughter and went to lunch, which got interrupted with a call from my grandsons school stating they think he broke his finger. Poor baby.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then grocery store pick up. Then an hour long Zoom for cashier training for this week’s plant sale at the botanic gardens. I’m working the plant preview party Thursday.
gloria patterson
Our weather is about 60 and rain and rain……….. getting in from the south. Was at walmart picked up a little of this and some of that. Have been picking up stuff to make the paper clip angels. Thought great niece could help and she could give some as gifts
Polly Hall
Husband had his second cataract removed yesterday, had it checked this morning and it is doing very well. He will not have to wear glasses any more.
My day is off to a great start got some super good new this morning and I am just giddy about it!
Kate Sarsfield
Got an email this morning: Solicitor hopes to close the sale TODAY!!!!!
Tamra Phelps
Yes!! That’s great!!
Michele Soyer
Michele Soyer
Back to staining furniture today – deciding what I will take and what can stay behind…Planning to put this house up in March….
Kate Sarsfield
EEK! Such excitement!
Tamra Phelps
I’m more than half way through the daily antibiotic IVs, lol. It just wears ya down. I feel blah.
Kate Sarsfield
Hang on in there it’ll be worth it xxx
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Lovely outside wit 81 degrees and sunshine.
Kate Sarsfield
Went for a short walk today – got to get fit for the new house – I love the smells of Autumn!
My day is going pretty good I was up super early and did a ton of work around the house. I think I am all caught up and now I am totally worn out. I think I just had a burst of super energy this morning.
gloria patterson
Couple hours cleaning out my closet and moving things around in there to get better organized……….. Then a nice long nap
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a typical day of dialysis!
Michele Soyer
I wound up ( even though I said I wasn’t going to) yesterday raking and cleaning out the drains..glad I did the rain is bad this morning .. so.. taking today off!
Sarah L
Had a lovely time in the class at the Botanic Gardens today. Came home with neat things.
gloria patterson
Sleep in till 7:30 this morning so warm I just didn’t want to get up. Didn’t feel good so ended up laying down at noon and slept for 4 hours. Feeling better but still cold.
Polly Hall
Winterized the cottage today I’m beat again.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I had Sunday off from the antibiotics, lol. But tomorrow is back to that grind. Hopefully this is the last week of that.
l p
the day is going well. lots of work done this morning so now it’s rest time. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today I have no plans, just relaxing.
My day is going pretty good so far. I got all my work done this morning so now the rest of the day is all me time.
I’m a bit overtired from doing extra fall cleaning yesterday.
Kate Sarsfield
Bad night’s sleep – rowdy crowd in town after a football win – so I’ve spent the day pottering about doing little things like sewing on a button, putting coolant in the car, feeding the houseplants etc.
Michele Soyer
I did 1/2 of the weeding yesterday – bleh – the lawn man is here and that means raking! You know what? Not today – it can sit until tomorrow!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Need to remember to go to bed early tonight. Have to get up at 7:30 to go to the class at the botanic gardens.
Polly Hall
Worked all day to put 2 new window in the cottage, I’m beat.
l p
the day is going well. it’s bright and sunny but the wind certainly has a chill. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Either the antibiotic or the midline they put in my arm to administer the antibiotic is making me so tired. I swear, the body does not like it when you make a new unexpected hole in it, lol
Kate Sarsfield
It’s your body fighting the bugs. Sleep, darling & save your strength x
Shelly Peterson
I did sleep in a bit today. I am heading to my daughters later for a seafood boil.
gloria patterson
The way our weather feels you would think it was late October. I pulled out a sweat shirt and pants and wore them yesterday. Today going to great niece’s 6th birthday party…………… WHAT to wear with all the people in that building it might get hot…………..
Kate Sarsfield
Yesterday I went to the new house (I know, I know, I said I wouldn’t). Just did a bit of clearing the path round the back of the house.
Michele Soyer
I understand completely…Enjoy your new home – you deserve it.
Michele Soyer
Never got to the garden yesterday – the day was lovely but I finished staining some furniture and by the time i was done I did not feel like doing any weeding at all – it seems as if everyday there are more weeds! how can they possibly grow that fast? LOL…
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Lovely first full day of Autumn. 81 degrees and sunny.
gloria patterson
the seniors today received either a cell phone or a tablet with with 25 GB on them. That took a couple of hours for me. I picked the tablet because I already had a cell phone.
Got gas at krogers with 40 cent discount full tank for only $35.80
Kate Sarsfield
I was awake early today and oh my, it was worth it! The most beautiful Autumn morning I’ve seen in years; misty, sun breaking through … gorgeous!
Shelly Peterson
Today is a day of dialysis. Happy Friday
l p
the day started out well and, hopefully, will continue along that vein. friends to meet later. thanks
Michele Soyer
Sun is out strong today… should be out there working but a second cup of coffee is what I want!
Sarah L
Went swimming as usual but it was lonely. I usually have 3 other friends but none showed up.
Tamra Phelps
So, I have a ‘midline’ in my left arm so they can give me an IV antibiotic for the next few weeks. I swear the body can tell it has a hole in it…I feel bad. I feel like crap. My body just wants to sleep. I have been going to bed early and sleeping but I still feel so tired. And I think I will until they take this tube out. The human body can just tell if there’s a strange thing going on, lol.
Polly Hall
Got some laundry done and vacuumed the house a good productive day.
My day is going pretty good except for a sore neck slept on a new pillow last night and it messed up my neck.
Shelly Peterson
Today is a relaxing day..
gloria patterson
just being lazy today doing nothing and a little bit of this. I have a aerogarden full of petunias nice to have fresh flowers. Trim a little bit here and a little bit there. Everything needs a hair cut once in a while
Kate Sarsfield
Not done a whole lot today but a bit more than yesterday!
Michele Soyer
Still in an alert for storm activity – last night brought the rain and wind but I am grateful it was not bad – today is a repeat – flooding in the south of the island.
Polly Hall
Finally found some Jeff Crunchy peanut butter on the shelf at our store today.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I can’t tell you how much I hate having a tube, no matter how small, coming out of my body. I have to keep the midline in for that IV antibiotic until next Friday. It just brings back bad feelings, lol. I think it’s what kids call a trigger for me…
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 30 degrees cooler than yesterday but so far no rain.
Sarah L
Wanted to mention that I bought a new swim suit from Land’s End yesterday with the money I won from here. Thanks.
gloria patterson
Busy busy today Dollar Tree – Michaels – krogers — UPS store to return shippment
got home put ever thing away and had a long nap
Kate Sarsfield
I managed to vacuum my room today, then showered & went out for a bar of chocolate to celebrate my birthday!
Shelly Peterson
Today is a say of dialysis.,.
l p
the day is going well despite a late start. lots of errands to run but they’re fun. thanks
Tropical wave coming our way – sky is dark and dreary – supposed to have an Amazon delivery today hope the driver makes it here early! Need my bubble wrap! LOL…
Tamra Phelps
They couldn’t get a good vein for an IV today, so they did a ‘mid line’–sort of a more long term IV, it’ll stay in for the whole 10 days. Of course, it started to bleed after I got home, so it’s a mess. Well, they’ll clean it up tomorrow, lol.
Polly Hall
Rainy day so all of my work today was indoors.
Sarah L
I did go to the pool but my friend had called and said they were going to have to put their dog down today. So it was sad.
gloria patterson
Just having one of those days not doing a lot. I will be on the computer then will get up and go looking for something. I am trying to clean out and get rid of stuff that I not using. This senior building has a all purpose room that we can take things down for donation. And I have a lot of stuff to take down today.
Shelly Peterson
I tried sleeping in but the neighbors below decided to play music early. Soon I am heading to lunch with my cousin who I haven’t seen in a long time.
Kate Sarsfield
Did my laundry today & it wore me out. Slept for 2 hours.
l p
this day is going well. it’s laundry day which is somehow invigorating. gets me out of my chair and use different muscles. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Found out today that the culture of my infection show that the antibiotic I was on won’t work for this. So, starting tomorrow, I have to go to the local hospital every day for 10 days for an IV of a strong antibiotic. Well…not looking forward to that, but maybe it will knock this infection out for good.
Kate Sarsfield
Good, something positive at last.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Still pretty hot, almost 90 degrees, but will be 60 degrees on Wednesday.
gloria patterson
Watch some of the Queen funeral around 6-7:30 left for dr got shots in my hand and knee — really hurt this time.
Got home and watch the rest till it was over. then I took a nap 🙂
Fredrick Pauly
Besides waking up too early, this has been a good day. I can’t complain.
Polly Hall
Got the boat taken out today and taken to the marina to have it fixed, hope it doesn’t cost an arm & a leg.
tammy ta
My day has been pretty good so far. 2 more hrs till works done, so that’s good.
Kate Sarsfield
I managed to shower & get out of bed today. Went out for fresh air but was exhausted by the time I’d gone up & down 2 flights of stairs. I really did far too much far too soon. From now on just concentrating on building up my strength ready for the move.
Tamra Phelps
That sounds smart to me. You don’t want to be ‘puny’, as my Granny called it, when you most need your strength.
Shelly Peterson
heading to dialysis soon…
l p
another dreich day here – indoors chores take priority for now. thanks
Took the whole day off yesterday – all I did was make Sunday lunch! Today it is back to early class – doing more furniture restoration then cutting bushes! I have plenty of leftovers so lunch is covered.
Tamra Phelps
Not feeling great. I don’t know if the antibiotics aren’t working or if they’re just what’s making me sick, lol.
Please feel better soon.
Kate Sarsfield
Hell, look after yourself xxx
Terri Quick
My day was alright, just had to run some errands, so nothing special lol!
Shelly Peterson
I ran to Costco this morning. I came home to find out my landlord is selling the duplex I live in. I have lived here for over 20 years. It’s not easy to find places to rent these days and if you do, rent is sky high. I am stressed.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. We went earlier than usual so she could be home for the Bronco game. I did not stick around to watch with her.
My day is going nice and quiet today loving the clouds and rain here today.
l p
a bit of a change in plans – a friend brought over a reusable bag of apples from their trees. as it always seems to go, there was one very rotten apple in the lot. the other apples weren’t affected but the bag was dripping. laundry’s on. the apples are soaking to get them cleaned and ready to be made into applesauce right away. thanks
gloria patterson
Here I was thinking time change was just around the corner………………
Sunday, November 5
Done a lot of little things but when I added it up does not sound like much.
This weekend has been one changed plan after another–no major disasters, just timing and some lack of coordination!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That makes for a frustrating weekend. Hopefully your week is better.
Polly Hall
I plan on making and canning pickles today to use up the extra cucumbers from my garden.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OH YUM!!!! Do you ever make spicey pickles? I have no idea how but they are my favorite.
Kate Sarsfield
Still got a v. iffy tummy. I managed some dry toast yesterday. Time for a much-needed shower and get out of bed for a bit.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Feel better QUICK!
Tamra Phelps
Take care. You need your strength for all that house repair, lol.
Feel better quickly!
Each day gets a little better. It’s such a relief – recovery is a hard hill to climb.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope you feel better ASAP!!
Tamra Phelps
I just spent the day watching TV. That’s it. Oh, read a little. That’s all.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m addicted to the reruns of the series Warehouse 13. OH and the reruns of the series Lethal Weapon. They cracks me up!
Tamra Phelps
I watched Warehouse 13 every week back in the day!!
Polly Hall
Went to a good friends husbands celebration of his life. They threw a party at their farm, it was fun but a bit sad also
Connie: The Head Peanut
I would much rather have a celebration of my life than a funeral. Sending you hugs! Saying goodbye sucks.
tammy ta
Day off today so that is always good. Quiet kinda day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I like a quiet day. I think I’m about ready to make my day quiet too……. sit and veg in front of the tv for a while. Enjoy your quiet.
Sarah L
An other quiet day at home. 80 degrees and sunshine.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Beautiful! We have a NEW fire in the area. So, no sunshine. I miss my lake and my sky. Add in 63degrees. EWWWWW
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a day to relax.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent way to spend a day!
l p
the day is going well. it’s cool here but the sun’s bright and that really makes a difference. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
The sunshine makes me happy too. Now if the fires would go out I could actually SEE my sunshine.
gloria patterson
Just another lazy day the weather is cool. Don’t know if I am catching something or not I keep being cold/hot hot/cold
going to do laundry
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh no! Have you ever tried Zicam Swabs? I swear by them. I grab them at Walmart or Amazon. https://amzn.to/3QSiyjd
I start using them as soon as I start to feel off and it kicks whatever to the curb quick.
My day is off to a nice start just have some errands to do and then enjoying this wonderful cool weather we are having.
Kate Sarsfield
Been in bed with a yucky tummy – surrounded by concerned Ukrainians! Had my temperature taken. Normal so at least it’s not an infection.
looks like my plan of the lawn man coming today is not working out.. pouring rain! LOL..I have a small bookcase/cabinet that I plan on refurbishing so off I go with my sander and other tools and stains! A project that will take me days!
Tamra Phelps
Another weekend has come around…remember the days when you so looked forward to weekends, lol? Now I could not care less.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Reading a good book. 78 degrees with clouds but no rain.
gloria patterson
Stopped at Krogers to pick up a few things for the weekend. It was 60 when I left at 9:30 I wore a jacket. When I got back it was almost 70. Took a long nap, now thinking about getting something to eat. For some reason I stay cold
My day is going pretty good just got done making a huge pasta salad it should be so delish once it has chilled
l p
this day is going to be a challenge after a wickedly strong storm last night but it will be OK in the long-run. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I am ready for the weekend.
Polly Hall
Not looking forward to towing our boat to the launch ramp in a hour, so I’m not in a good mood.
Kate Sarsfield
Thunder & lightening knocked our power, internet etc. so I’ve just read & slept.
Tamra Phelps
I wondered where you had got to, lol!
Today is clearing out the garage – cleaning and oiling the farm equip I want to sell – only 3 left so hopefully I can get rid of them soon and open up the space….then on to the tools – taking the basics and some of my fathers that I still have from the late 40’s – real old time drills etc…only for sentimental reasons.. I gave away a good deal of them so I don’t feel guilty about selling the rest!
Tamra Phelps
Ugh. I’m now on 2 different antibiotics, taking each one twice a day. The doc has decided to knock out any lingering infection, lol. I hate antibiotics; they seem to make me feel blah. But hopefully they do their job.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a treat of French dip sandwich from Arby’s. (the price has gone up a dollar since the last time I bought one)
Polly Hall
Hubby has been working on our boat trying to get it to run nothing is working for him. So tomorrow we will have to tow it to the launch and take it in to be repaired
Just got in the door from doing some running around taking it easy the rest of the day.
tammy ta
My day is going by feast as it always, always does.
gloria patterson
I think all of this cool weather has lead me to catching a cold…………… sore throat
Couple of naps so far today maybe I can sleep it off 🙂
l p
the day is going well. a few unexpected glitches (one can never anticipate them all) but they will be dealt with before the end of the day. thanks
Outside right after breakfast to reap some bananas and then clear drains and get ready for the lawnman to come – hopefully on Saturday…
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Got up to 81 and then some rain came and cooled us off.
Tamra Phelps
Another cool day. Really feels nice outside. I really think Fall might be here, lol.
Polly Hall
Woke up cranky because of some upsetting dreams but as the day wore on I got better.
I am just staying close to home today and getting stuff done around the house. I am so loving this cooler weather we are having here.
gloria patterson
It has to be the cooler weather I am feeling so lazy and thinking about a long nap.
Baked some chicken breast today will eat on them for the next couple of days. Call and got a appointment for shot in my knee and hand. I can only get them ever 3 months usually the last month I hurt and have to take a lot of aleeve.
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a day of dialysis..
l p
today is going well. it’s tidy up day – so there’s lots of little things to do. hope yours goes well. thanks
Woke up this morning dreamt about Greece…I am very grateful for the blessings I have – the house – food- the ability to live – BUT is it selfish of me to want my dream – the life I want – my husband got his and for that I am happy – but the rest of my life is mine to live.. if my parents were alive they would applaud me that I do know – if my son was still alive he would give me a thumbs up – my daughter wants this for me also – with a cheering section like that who can go wrong?
Tamra Phelps
Don’t ever feel guilty for going after what you dream of!! You only go round once…
Tamra Phelps
Two days in a row will actual Fall-like weather. I made chili. Lol, is it too soon??
Never too soon for chili!
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Warmer today and possible rain tomorrow.
Polly Hall
Husband had his first check-up for his cataract surgery, his left eye now has 20-20 vision, he’s looking forward to having the other eye done.
gloria patterson
Had a busy day had my car serviced, tires rotated and inspection. In WV we have to have our vehicles inspection one a year and we have to show proof of insurance at that time. I got off lucky with ever thing done only cost $72.50
Stopped at walmart and a few other places.
Shelly Peterson
Today is a day to relax.
My day is going pretty good I was so happy that there was a chill in the air this morning I pray that summer is over.
l p
today is going well. it’s baking day and the suddenly cool weather works out just right. thanks
It is pouring out so forget the plan I had for today – even if it stops the ground will be too wet – will do my daily clean and then see if my amazon order is on the way – bubble wrap and peanuts for packing!!
Tamra Phelps
I think Fall hit today. It stayed pretty cool all day, with a breeze. It wasn’t cold, just cool. Fine by me.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Much warmer at 86 degrees with smokey haze from other states west of here.
Polly Hall
Had to get up at 5:30 to take my husband to his 6:40 appointment to have cataract surgery.
l p
the day is going well. got the errands taken care of first thing – even found a bargain along the way. now to the housework. thanks
Shelly Peterson
It’s Monday already. Back to dialysis I go.
gloria patterson
another cool rainy day so I am being lazy ,,,,, BUT I do have a new book that I may just sit down an enjoy
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like an awesome way to spend a rainy day.
Kate Sarsfield
EEK! Just got a call from the solicitor’s secretary – the cheque hasn’t arrived. I posted it on the 1st so rang the bank & cancelled it then stuck another one in the post. Fingers crossed!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh nooooo. Fingers crossed.
Tamra Phelps
Oh boy, that kind of thing always freaks me out, lol. Good idea, I think to just send another.
Well it is back to work today – the aviary needs to be sanitized and all the weeds growing up inside the concrete cracks have to be dug out! Off I go…..
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh, I still have more weeding to finish but the smoke is so thick I will craft instead. (YEAH me!!)
Tamra Phelps
It’s hard to believe it’s been 21 years since 9/11. It seems like it was just a few years ago. It seems the attention to it has been de creased over the years, which I think is normal. But still, today there are several channels showing all the old news shows about it. One news channel usually replays there coverage from that day as it happened–I wasn’t up this morning at that time but I wonder if they did.
Kate Sarsfield
What? Bloody hell, makes you stop & think, doesn’t it?
Connie: The Head Peanut
RIGHT!?!? Isn’t it insane that time goes this fast. We watched for coverage too and didn’t find any.
My day is going pretty good sure got a lot done did a lot of running around today and some major grocery shopping and now my feet are tired and I am chilling for the rest of the night for sure.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I did a lot of crafting yesterday. I designed a bunch of bookmarks for my daughter Selena’s book club. Now I need to hit the post office and yet……. just one more…….
Kim Pincombe-Cole
It’s been pouring buckets here for the past few days and I’m dealing with an asthma flare – looking forward to better days!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ewwwwwww I’m so sorry. Feel better Kim.
Shelly Peterson
My daughter and her fiancé took me to breakfast this morning. It was pretty good. I am heading to go do laundry soon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Lucky!! I love spending time with my kids. BONUS it’s breakfast. It’s my favorite go out meal. Gimme some Eggs Benedict please! With well done hashbrowns. YUM!!!
gloria patterson
I had several things planned to do today………………………………. It is now 3:35 and the only thing I have done is take a LONG nap
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hear ya. Yesterday I spent most of the day in bed reading and just watching the view. It was a very wasted and calm day.
Kate Sarsfield
I ache all over but a hot shower helped. Went out & bought a ready meal – that’s how flipping tired I am.
Polly Hall
A quite rainy Sunday day.
l p
the day is going well. there’s a lot of smoke in the air so the windows have to be closed all day. grateful for the fact I can do that and am not in the fire zone. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
We don’t have air conditioning so leaving everything closed up makes it worse for The Husbands MS. It’s just YUCK!
Michele Soyer
Sitting here thinking about all the things to do for the move – it is probably a year away but it is never too early to start…I have already got 50 boxes packed sounds crazy I know but once you have the dream and start working towards it – the universe helps you along!
Kate Sarsfield
Been there, still hoping!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I truly hate moving. BUT, if you have to move doing it slowly is the best. Of course I still packed a ton of stuff that I shouldn’t have. Oh well. When I’m gone the kids can sort it all out. LOL!
Sarah L
Had quite an adventure on my Cirque trip. Drove to the light rail stop. Train came within 5 minutes and was supposed to get me to the arena stop by 3:05. Instead something happened and we waited at one stop for 20 minutes. So I get to the arena and make it to my seat just as the show starts. It was fantastic. Then I go down about 4 flights of stairs back to the train track and got on one right away. OOPS! It was the wrong train so I got off a couple of stops later once I figured it out and had to wait for a train going back to the arena and catch the RIGHT train back. It was all worth it to see the show. Temp was 50 degrees with light drizzle. Much better than Thursday’s 100 degrees.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh! I am glad you made it in time though. I’ve heard Cirque is AWESOME!!
Sarah L
Connie, I’ve been going to their shows for the last 10 years as a birthday present to myself. I highly recommend it. Missed seeing them the last 2 years due to Covid.
Tamra Phelps
I had bought a bag of apples and it turned out I really didn’t like them–too crispy for my taste. So, I peeled them, sliced them and dried them–I can use them for Christmas cakes.
gloria patterson
Don’t know why but I am in the mood to clean out drawers, closets etc and get rids of things.
The weather almost made 70 today and rain off and on. All week it in the 70’s
Polly Hall
I did two loads of laundry and vacuumed the main floor of the house, I can relax tomorrow
Kate Sarsfield
I went to the new house again today. Some of the previous owner’s stuff was put into plastic bags round the back of the house which had deteriorated so I re-bagged them. So glad I did: whoever did the clean-up for sale just cleared the decks. I found a load of keys in a small jug, some of which are those for the windows & the shed. Saved myself a bit of money there. Also 5 kindles, 4 dressing gowns, 20 pairs of shoes … she threw nothing out.
Michele Soyer
I am so glad that you have your new home and are almost ready to move in – so exciting and wish you all the best!
Kate Sarsfield
Still very worrying. Do I have enough cash left to do all that needs to be done? It’s going to be very tight.
Shelly Peterson
I have dialysis today to make up for missing it yesterday.
My day is off to a good start sure got a lot done this morning before the heats sets in.
l p
today is going well. helping a friend with some canning and freezing. thanks
Sarah L
30 degrees cooler today. Got a lovely massage and then picked up my groceries.
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, I’ve just done a couple of hours hard labour – had a hot shower but a massage would have been wonderful.
Polly Hall
I did nothing special just getting some work done on the computer.
l p
today is going well. it’s one of those days where lot of things are being accomplished but right now, there’s nothing to show for it. that will come later, I guess. thanks
gloria patterson
Busy day … stopped to have add added to my tires and made appointment for inspections, oil change etc etc next tuesday. Stopped at a discount store found some good things …………….. home ……………… NAP
Tamra Phelps
There’s diddley-squat going on around here today, lol. Just a normal September dy.
Kate Sarsfield
I drove out to the new house & spent 2 hours clearing gutters & digging up nettles from the back door. Haven’t got the keys yet but I was itching to get started on the huge to-do list. Feels great to do manual labour again!
Tomorrow is my birthday so I hope this weekend is a good one.
Shelly Peterson
Today is my daughters wedding. I am so excited.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Congratulations!! I wish the happy couple a life time of happiness!!
I still have one tree left to take the vines off ( they grow like crazy) and some bushes to trim – honestly all this work is beginning to get old – real old – but I am grateful for the health and strength at my age to keep it up – for now!
Sarah L
Quick swim in the morning then a trip downtown to see the dermatologist. She zapped me with her ice wand but sail my skin is doing well. 100 degrees today but cold front coming tonight.
gloria patterson
For some dumb reason I am in the mood to get rid of stuff. I have been going through and get rid of stuff. I also had a nap 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Long day. Got up early, peed in a cup (for the doctor, lol–checking on any possible infections), waited around for a maintenance guy who finally showed around 3. I feel like I’ve been up for days. Heard that the Queen of England died. Seems strange to refer to a King of England, doesn’t it?
Shelly Peterson
Today is my birthday. I’m going to dinner with my family.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Happy Birthday a day late!! I hope it was AWESOME!!
Polly Hall
Did 4 loads of laundry today and got paid 20 cents from my husbands pockets
Connie: The Head Peanut
Well, 20cents is better than none I guess. LOL! I always told my family I get what is left in pockets! MINE, mine, MINE! Which worked great until Zac had a pocket full of roly poly bugs. Insert all over body shudder. NEVER checked his pockets again.
tammy ta
My day is going by pretty fast, as usual.
l p
the day is going well. today’s plan is to clean out all the air vent covers so that will be quite the workout. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Going to get my hair cut this afternoon then a little walk. Still getting worn out from doing anything physical so my rampant sex life will have to wait a bit longer 😉 😉 😉
Connie: The Head Peanut
Maybe a day or two.
I know I have to weed and trim bushes but all I want to do is sit around and do nothing – eventually will get up and start…wound up yesterday also cleaning out my closet so that is off my list.
Tamra Phelps
My oldest nephew came by on his way home from baseball practice. He told me about his coach (in the hospital, not sure why), and various team members who are either great guys or pains in the butt, lol. Teenagers. They crack me up but I talk to him seriously about these things because I know they matter to him. Remember the days when school sports and friends were everything?
Sarah L
Just got this forecast:
100° today.
100° tomorrow.
66° on Friday.
55° on Saturday. LOL – I did want it a bit cooler for Cirque. But this means wearing a coat.
Connie: The Head Peanut
HOLY MOLY!! We went from 90 yesterday to 70 today. The kids (in California) are 90 and raining. EWWWW
Polly Hall
nothing going on here today
Shelly Peterson
Just a typical day of dialysis
gloria patterson
Just being lazy to day I have 2 aero gardens full of petunias did some trimming and they look thin but they will grow back fast. Nothing like having fresh blooming flowers all the time.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I plain to throw sunflower seeds in my yard once the trees are all done being thinned. Hopefully, they will bloom in the getting to be naked yard.
l p
the day is going well. yesterday’s forecast for today had rain in it – now it’s going to be sunny all the way. makes it much easier travelling to and from an evening commitment thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Sent off a Round Robin sort of email to Dad’s sisters & old family friends. Plenty of catching up then till all hours. Hurricane Danielle is on her way – warm but windy & rain.
Moving along on my checklist.. with a Rx Mercury going back over ideas and doing research is the perfect way to spend this time…my list is long!
Sarah L
Quick swim in the morning with my friend, then almost an hour drive to see my Rheumatologist. When I got out of the doctor’s office my car thermometer said 101 degrees. Sorry, but that’s too hot for September. Cold front coming on Friday.
Polly Hall
A good day, made $50. by having our Electric Co. haul away our old freezer they even gave me a gift bag with LED light bulbs and night lights
Tamra Phelps
Went to a local discount grocery that I hadn’t been to before to check out their produce–turns out it is much better than Walmart’s or Sav-A-Lot’s–so I might be hitting it every so often for decent produce. Had to wait for an hour for the FTSB bus to pick me up to get home and it came a big thunderstorm while I waited…I guess rain never hurts unless you live in a flood area, of course. Too many in KY are in flooded areas right now.
gloria patterson
Stop at a farmer market picked up tomatoes and cukes. Then I drove to Lowes I needed a couple of things. I was so shocked to see all of the Halloween stuff they had there. They had characters that were over 6 feet tall.
Susan Smith
My day is going good. We are spending time at the pool before it closes for the year. I get so tired swimming so I’m going to pick up pizza for tonight.
Shelly Peterson
Today is a pretty relaxed day. I did do a grocery pick up.
l p
this day is going well. it’s cool again – sun’s out so that helps. thanks
Went grocery shopping yesterday!! Prices so high I might have to take out a loan…watching people walking around in a daze.. feel blessed that I can still eat well…
Connie: The Head Peanut
We have to do our ‘winter’ shopping soon (extra stock pile incase we get snowed in) and I am dreading it. UGH!
Kate Sarsfield
New smoke alarms, anti-bird cowls x 4 for the chimneys, a haircut plus a couple of walks: that’s the to-do list for the next couple of days.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a great list. I will be creating more Halloween decorations. 🎃
Polly Hall
End of the long weekend and a relaxing time at the cottage, back to the real world
Connie: The Head Peanut
I don’t like the real world. It scares me. 😱 LOL
Tamra Phelps
It’s been kind of gloomy today, rainy and gray…but now that it’s nearly night, of course the sky turns blue, lol.
Connie: The Head Peanut
We had two days of clear blue skies. It’s almost 7am right now and the sky is reallllly red and smoky to the south. I think that means the fires have kicked back up. Our poor firemen!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Still too hot out there – 97 degrees. Should be 84.
gloria patterson
BBQ canceled rainy and cool
So I am doing a little cleaning out and getting rid of stuff.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That doesn’t sound nearly as fun.
I walked my puppy with a friend and went to the grocery store. Nothing too exciting on Labor Day!
l p
today is going well. drastic change in weather – much cooler and overcast. we need it and some rain. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Today’s highlight: I bought a new toilet seat today!!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
You are like a ROCK star!! LOL More exciting than my day.
Kate Sarsfield
Wait till you see what’s planned for the rest of the week!
Tamra Phelps
Yep, definitely beats my day, lol.
Shelly Peterson
Heading to dialysis. Happy Labor Day!
Tamra Phelps
It seems like it’s been a long day, but I got nothing done, lol. Oh, well, as Scarlet O’Hara said, tomorrow is another day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I do love a good old fashion lazy day.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend and a stop at McDonalds on the way back. Too hot this week in the mid to upper 90s instead of the 80s like it should be this time of year.
Connie: The Head Peanut
We actually got rain the other night and that cleared some of the smoke in the air. So, I am happy with the 70degree and clear blue sky. I see the LAKE again! WOOT WOOT!
gloria patterson
Took a early nap and have not stopped since I woke up from it. Decided to clean the hall closet out. Got rid of purse and etc etc .
the closet looks so empty
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’ve been saying for MONTHS I need to clean my clothes closet. Last night we heard a crash, couldn’t figure out where the heck that noise came from until I went to get ready for bed. One entire side of the closet gave way. I swear the people that built this house………. makes me shake my head….. now I guess I really have to get my buttocks in gear and clean the closet. UGH!
Shelly Peterson
Today I’m just relaxing.
l p
today will go well. air quality has been drastically reduced due to fires from far away. very grateful for what I have. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Same here! We have fires all around us and it just is nasty outside.
Kate Sarsfield
Sorry to have missed the start – couldn’t find September! News of the month to date: still recovering from op. I always try to do too much … AND I’ve paid for the house!!!!! Once the cheque clears, various legal transfers made, taxes & fees paid, it will be mine! Then the physical work begins.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hot damn! YEAAH YOU!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I know it was 2am today that I remembered I didn’t change the link in the Giveaway Widgets. I’m so sorry!
Tamra Phelps
Yay!! Finally, one journey wraps up and the next one really begins.
Michele Soyer
Sitting here with my second cup of coffee…fed the cats and the dog…now emails and searching for the perfect home on Corfu….
Tamra Phelps
Yesterday I thought Fall might be coming– it was sort of nice outside and breezy, not hot. But today we are back to rainy but really muggy. Oh, well, at least it’s not Winter yet.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I would be fine with Fall but so not ready for Winter. I hear it’s ‘posta be nassssssty.
gloria patterson
quiet peaceful day got a lot done for some reason. Now I am playing on the laptop
I had a nice day talked with some friends and visited and that was super nice for my soul. Also it was a little cooler today and that is so welcome here.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love a good visit with friends. YEAH you!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. I found out Cirque du Soleil is coming to Denver next week so I jumped and got a ticket for next Saturday. For many of the past years I’ve treated myself to Cirque for my birthday but not the past 2 years. Then I checked out parking and they want $28 – Then I found the times to take the train downtown for only $5. So I’m all set.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hot diggity!
My day is going well so far. We’ll see what happens when the family gets home from their Labour Day Saturday outing.
Shelly Peterson
I am so excited to do the gender reveal today for my daughter. The weather sucks but I am still excited.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Are you secretly wishing for a boy or a girl?
l p
the day is going well – weather’s great and there’s time to relax with a cup of tea after the chores are done. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Well, I finally put together a shelf that I got back in July on prime day, lol. It wasn’t hard, sort of an IKEA type thing. I have just been lazy about it, lol.
Connie: The Head Peanut
SWEET! I love it when I get the energy or the ummphh to do my projects.
Sarah L
Yea! A wonderful massage today and they have an opening for next Friday.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I so badly need a massage. I think I will call and book mine for next week.
gloria patterson
good day did a little shopping at walmart………. kept finding things for great nieces birthday. So I would text her mother does she have this doll……… NO One gift done What about this does she have and what size —- NO and size 7 TWO gifts done
Then I found the dirt cookies she loves and we have not been able to find for over a year……………….. THREE gifts done
When I pulled in to the parking lot Zay and mommy were getting out of there car, short day at school. Miss nosy tried ever thing in the world to see what all I bought………………….. I did give her a pack of cookies
Connie: The Head Peanut
What a great day all the way around. BTW never heard of dirt cookies. Gonna Google that.
l p
went out to do some errands – only accomplished half (“supply chain issues”). at least it’s a lovely day for a walk. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
No outside anything for us. We have so many fires here in Idaho panhandle that it looks like super dense fog outside.
Shelly Peterson
I’m heading to dialysis. Happy Friday.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Seems I did not sleep well and boy am I tired.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Me either. Hopefully we will both sleep better tonight.
My day was pretty good. I started it with a walk with my sister and ended it with a visit from my other sister.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s very cool. My sister lives in Texas so no surprise visits coming my way.
Sarah L
Great swim today – two friends that I hadn’t see this summer showed up. Hugs all around.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra Phelps
It’s September. How did we get here so quickly???? Why does time fly these days when it used to creep by?
Connie: The Head Peanut
SERIOUSLY RIGHT?!?!? The Husband told be some ridiculous number the other day about how close Christmas was. UGH! I JUST learned to write 2022!
Shelly Peterson
Today is a day of relaxation.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully a nice calm safe long weekend for us all.
l p
the day has been very busy with extra things to do. I’m grateful for the cooler weather so things are getting done. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
I dunno what happened here in Idaho but Mother Nature is having a hot flash. Add to that we have so many wildfires. It’s hot and outside looks like dense fog with smoke. Ughhhh
My day is going pretty good just doing stuff around the house today too hot to do anything else. I am so ready for some fall weather.
It has been fine so far–hope it continues in this manner. 🙂
Polly Hall
Woke up at 4:30 and had a hard time getting back to sleep, last time I looked at the clock it was 5:45 so my head is very foggy, & I have no energy.