That’s my WHAT?!
Now the kit says “6 Months” but BabyT IS an overachiever! *She pointed to her nose and said “Nonnie, praytell WHAT is this on my face?!?!”
*Well, I was forced, FORCED I tell you, to break out the kit and the mirrored NOSE card.
*Maybe she just opened her eyes after a long nap. It’s all this kid does is nap!!
** I have a NEW TOY and a BABY all to myself HOW long did you HONESTLY think I could wait?!?! 3 more months?!?! HAVE YOU MET ME?!?!??!!?
SEE??? She loved it!!! HELLO??? She is looking in the mirror and seeing THE cutest baby ever!!
I did do a couple things that the kit recommends. # 1. I made a big fuss bringing out the kit. BabyT looked at me like I had lost my mind. # 2. We only worked for a short time. (See the shaking of the fist??)
I love this kit!! I really can’t say enough great things about it.
THANK YOU Janel over at A Mom’s Take (by the way she has some great giveaways going on right now! You should go look!!) and Teach My. (The have kits for Baby, Toddler and Preschooler.
I love love love this kit!!