That’s my WHAT?!

Thank’s Janel over at A Mom’s Take!!  I won this AMAZING kit called “Teach My
I choose “Teach My Baby”  This kit comes with 66 pieces.
(66 Sturdy pieces!)
Teach My kit
Several things that I really like about this set are the fact that each ‘section’ comes in a heavy plastic bag with a velcro closure. Each bag states what lesson is in it. First words, Sounds & Touch, First Numbers, and Self. There are board books for each section. There are one piece puzzles, flash cards, finger puppets and mirrored nesting blocks. All of that tucked inside a nice plastic box with a handle and a latch. Easy to store away. Easy to keep everything all together.  This is such a great kit!!
Teach my baby kit

Now the kit says “6 Months” but BabyT IS an overachiever!  *She pointed to her nose and said “Nonnie, praytell WHAT is this on my face?!?!”
*Well, I was forced, FORCED I tell you, to break out the kit and the mirrored NOSE card.

*Maybe she just opened her eyes after a long nap. It’s all this kid does is nap!!
** I have a NEW TOY and a BABY all to myself HOW long did you HONESTLY think I could wait?!?! 3 more months?!?!  HAVE YOU MET ME?!?!??!!?

Teach My baby kit and baby

SEE???  She loved it!!!  HELLO???  She is looking in the mirror and seeing THE cutest baby ever!!

Teach My baby kit and baby

I did do a couple things that the kit recommends. # 1. I made a big fuss bringing out the kit.  BabyT looked at me like I had lost my mind.  # 2. We only worked for a short time.  (See the shaking of the fist??)

I love this kit!!  I really can’t say enough great things about it.
THANK YOU Janel over at A Mom’s Take (by the way she has some great giveaways going on right now! You should go look!!) and Teach My. (The have kits for Baby, Toddler and Preschooler.
I love love love this kit!!

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