Data Security!! Stay Safe On Line!!

I travel quite a bit, I work from hotel rooms a LOT! I work at the library and at coffee shops. I use the free wifi a lot! It does worry me that hackers could see my information. These cyber crooks steal your private information, everything from credit card information to emails! Let’s face it, after the Target mess, with so many credit card numbers being stolen, we should be worried!! As bad as Target and Nordstom hacks were, the largest amounts of cyber crimes are aimed at hotels! Actually in 2011 Willis Group Holdings, a global insurance broker found that 38% of all cyber attacks where aimed at hotels!!  The biggest risks is to travelers who submit credit card information and other personal information to hotel websites. 

So, what can you do to protect your information? Well, Private WiFi has some awesome ideas! Here are a few.

  • First, make sure you use strong passwords!! A capital letter, a character and most importantly change them often!!  Use a different password for each account!! Do NOT use a universal password!!
  • Use your computer’s firewall! Make sure your virus and malware protection package is up to date!
  • Disable your file sharing, peer to peer networking and remove sensitive data from your laptop!
  • Be sure you are logging into your hotel’s Wifi Network and not a fake hotspot!! Bad guys are SNEAKY!!!
  • Don’t pay bills while you are using a hotspot!
  • Turn off your wireless network when you’re not using it.
  • Very important!!! Monitor your credit card statements after each trip!!  You really should be checking those each month!!

I know I’m going to look into using a virtual private network. One that will encrypt the information going to and from my computer. One that means my information is hidden from hackers!

I’m off to change passwords again! I would love to know what steps you use to stay safe on line!! 

Disclosure: This is a paid post. I have NOT been paid for this post.  The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


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