
I spent today looking at strollers for my Granddaughter Alice. I need one here since Alice will be here all day with Nonnie & Poppy. I will eventually put her down… I will eventually take her out of the snuggli. (I think I will anyway!)
It’s been a LONG time since I shopped for a stroller! My kids (34 years ago) had those flimsy umbrella strollers that you could close up one handed mid-air like Luke Skywalker snapping his light saber open! They weighed nothing…. and didn’t support your baby very well either.  Looking back my kids didn’t look very comfortable!! (Bad parent moment!!)
Let’s not dwell on that…. guilt is only good when I’m doing it after all!
Criteria I have in mind (that I didn’t even know I had before I started shopping!)
First it can’t break the bank! I have 3 grandbabies afterall…
I’m really liking the strollers that have a place for a water bottle and a compartment for keys and change.
I like the all terain strollers with the larger tires so we can go on the dirt roads and the walking path around the lake.
A canopy that moves. I don’t want to be the one to let Alice go home with a sunburn! Noooooooooo! That would be a BAD Nonnie!
This stroller has to work for an infant! Alice is only a month old!
So here are 3 strollers I’ve been looking at:

Jeep Stroller
The Jeep Overland (JEEP makes a STROLLER?!) This stroller even has a plug in for your iPod! AND a pedometer!
This one even adjusts to different heights (you know.. so Poppy can take Alice for a walk too)
2nd stroller is the Jeep Liberty Sport X All-Terrain. This one has a place for Alice’s bottle or cup but no where in the write up does it say there is a place for adults water bottle.  I like the big wheels.  I love the little steering wheel for Alice. (although it doesn’t say if the steering wheel is removable when she is bored with it) Also no where does it say if the canopy moves.

Last one is the GoGo Babyz. This one has a kick stand so the stroller doesn’t get accidentally tipped over. (You haven’t met Gracie… it could happen… unless this is Selena or Dan reading this… then IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!)

Mostly all these strollers are starting to look alike.  So moms out there…… do you have a jogging stroller you love?? What other MUST have’s should I be on the look out for??


  • jdubu2

    Hey Connie, we have seen the Jeep line of strollers, they are really cool, the canopy does move a little, but they are attached to the seat back, the one I saw also has a from wind type of canopy, the steering wheel doesn’t come off or at least it didn’t look like it. also check Amazon they seem to have the best prices. cool blog too 😉

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