Farm Fresh To YOU! Review


Are you ready for REALLY fresh fruits and vegetables??  Then you have GOT to see Farm Fresh To You!! This has to be the most unique subscription box I have EVER come across!!

WOW and YUM!! YUM! YUM!! YUM!!!

If you haven’t heard of Farm Fresh To You Produce then you are MISSING OUT!!!

I love finding a product or service that makes my life easier. This one DOES!!! Farm Fresh To You is better than growing it in my own garden. I don’t have to weed the garden, I don’t have to do any harvesting; I just get truly fresh produce! SWEEEEET!!!!!

Delivery with Options

You can set up Farm Fresh to You to deliver your fresh produce either to your home or work address. Decide what day you want your package to arrive and whola! Fruits and veggies to YOUR door!! You decide how often you want deliveries too; weekly, every other week, or every 3 to 4 weeks.

Simple and Practical Produce Options

I had never tried produce delivery before, I wasn’t certain if anyone else could pick out MY kind of produce. I was thrilled because Farm Fresh actually did a better job than I DO!!


There are some fruits and vegetable that I don’t particularly care for. DH on the other hand hasn’t met a veggie he doesn’t love. So, it was a huge perk for me to go through the list and mark items that I didn’t want in my box. There were a few items listed that I had no idea what they were; so why waste money on those items?  I LOVE the fact that with Farm Fresh to You I can edit items for my shipment a few days before my order is sent out.


I DECIDE how often I want my shipment to arrive. Since it’s just myself and DH I can customize the shipment so that nothing goes to waste.

There are four different boxes to choose from: Mixed Fruit & Veggie, No Cooking, Fruit Only or Veggie Only.

I ordered the No Cooking box. WOW!! Absolutely everything in my box is fantastic!! I have to say Farm Fresh To You has the BEST grapes I have ever tasted in my entire life!!  The apples??  HOLY MOLY the apples were beyond delicious! The pears? OH MY GOSH I wanted to hide them from DH. MINE, MINE, MINE!! DH scarfed down the carrots before I even had a nibble. Not a single bite went to waste.

Truly I can’t say enough great things about Farm Fresh To You. On time delivery, amazingly fresh items. Well packaged and ready to eat. Every single item in our box was so delicious!! I promise you I could not have picked better items for myself if I tried!!

For those of you that are juicing or just trying to eat healthy this is the subscription you should look into. Farm Fresh To You has been organically farming since 1976 and grow over 130 varieties on their Farm here in Northern California, and in Southern California.


The only way you will get better produce is to grow it yourself. That’s a lot of work.  You could go to a Farmers Market or Health Grocer. BUT WHY???  Save time, gasoline and frustration and just have it delivered to your front door.  Everything from Farm Fresh To You is farm certified, ncatural and organic and is grown on their farms in southern and northern California.

Farm Fresh To You’s website is simple and easy to navigate. Delivery was a breeze. I truly can’t say enough good things about Farm Fresh To YOU!! I hope you will give it a look.


NOPE! None!! Not a single one. Fresh produce delivered to MY door on my schedule. AWESOME!!


Follow Farm Fresh To You on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and their blog.


Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


  • Jesselyn A/Jesstinger

    I’d never heard of this before (and am mad at myself for not thinking of it myself!!!) And your review/description tell me you are very impressed with this service All the boxes sound great and I was leaning toward the Fruit & Veggie combination – but your description of the No Cook option ~ well you had me at a the CARROT! When I was a kid I loved carrots and ate them like fruit – because back then they were SWEET, crisp and richly flavorful _ ~ like they were/are suppose to be!

    I could actually feel the energy and the source of life running throughout my body ~ eating fresh produce like this really does give you a natural high!!

    Thanks for the intro and the review!

  • Betty C

    I would love a service like this. Unfortunately, this one isn’t available for my area but during spring and summer we do have some co-ops that have a similar program.

  • Michelle Tucker

    This sounds like a great service. I hope they keep expanding throughout the country so a lot more people are able to benefit from the service.

  • Lisa Canada

    While this particular company is not in my area I have belonged to a local CSA in the past. It is a great way to support local business and the food is fresh and grown locally.

  • jenn giannetto

    That is such a great idea. I hate buying lots of veggies from the store and having some spoil before i have a chance to use them.

  • Natalie Brown

    This sounds like a nice service! I especially like that you can customize your box. I too have some vegetables and fruits that I don’t like and it it’s nice that I could choose. Thank-you for the information!

  • Becky VanGinkel

    This is sooo awesome!! I love that you can choose the items you don’t want in your box, and I love the 4 different types of boxes. I also think the Donate-a-Box is an amazingly generous thing for them to do. So many companies forget about the people in need and when companies like this go above and beyond, I make an effort to support them 🙂 Thank you so much for your awesome review!!!


  • amanda Hendricks-selby

    I need to name drop this company to my boss. She gets us doughnuts on fridays, but why not get something that’ll increase our work potential.
    I wonder if they have good plums. I’m so picky with plums.

  • Amanda

    This is a great idea, if you can afford it. In this case, I understand the expense due to shipping costs and what not, but I wish locally grown produce was less expensive.

  • Terri Moore

    I would have chosen the no cooking box too. One because you get more of the natural vitamins in fruits and veggies and Two.. No cooking! That’s my kind of box.

  • Elizabeth

    I love the fact that you can pick & choose just what you want! Sometimes it’s difficult to find decent organic produce in the grocery store…a service like this would be wonderful…where do I sign up :?)

  • Pamela Gurganus

    WOW!!! This is absolutely awesome! I had no idea you could get fresh produce delivered to your door! Thanks for the review and information!

  • Tea Sainovic

    This is a great idea for anyone who doesn’t grow their own, I live in an apartment and even though I’d love to, I just don’t have the space for it.

  • Tracy Robertson

    It sounds really nice, but I just checked out their site and I have to be honest, it is pricey! I know the postage for sending heavy fruits and vegetables are the reason why, but unfortunately the high price is a deal breaker for me.

  • Yvette Weeks Figueroa

    The farmer’s market is our go to during the summer. I wish we lived in a climate where they would have them year round.

  • Cynthia C

    This would be wonderful for those who don’t have easy access to fresh produce. Luckily, I live in farm country and it is easy for me to find.

  • jeannine glen

    I believe cooking at home is much more healthier than going out. you know exactly what’s in your food and how much calories you are eating.

  • Rosanne

    I like that there is a No Cooking Box. After 40 years of cooking I prefer going out but it’s not as healthy as cooking at home.

  • Jennifer Hiles

    What a wonderful idea. We have a garden in the summer but I haven’t learned how to can yet so we don’t have much for the winter. This sounds like the perfect solution. I love that you can also donate a box. What a wonderful feature.

  • Olesia Flegka

    Amazing service, I never heard of them but the idea is stunning – there’s nothing betterthan fresh veggies and fruits, only veggies and fruits that someone else is grows and delivers to your door!

  • Kelly

    Super sad, but they do not deliver to my area. Not super surprised but, hopefully soon 🙂 This is a great service, and I will sign up the second they are here.

  • Jan Lee

    We don’t have anything like this where I live. The closest I can come is the Farmer’s Market in our town during spring, summer and early fall. I do agree that it is more convenient to have the food delivered to you. I’m glad you liked the service 🙂

  • Sarah L

    I’ve tried this in the past but it was too much for this one person household. Now that I have a Vitamix I may have to try again.

  • Tamra Phelps

    This does sound like a great idea. There are plenty of people out their who have no access to Farmer’s Markets or can’t find space or time to garden. I could see this being a great boost to their diets!

  • Erica Barnes

    This would be great! We go through a lot of produce in our house and I have to make quite a few shopping trips, so this would help a lot.


    Brilliant idea for anyone who doesn’t grow their own. I live in the country & grow some veg (aches & pains permitting) & swop with neighbours. Luckily I love fruit & veg but Dad is a meat & 2 veg man and v. boring. I sneak spinach, sweet potato etc into stews & casseroles and he declares it delish. I’ll get round to telling him one of these days!

  • Christy Leeper

    My employer gets boxes of fresh fruit and veggies every week, kind of like this. It’s a nice way to lighten up snacking.

  • Maureen

    What a great way to get the fresh foods wanted for the family and still be able to have time to do the other things required through the day.

  • Michelle Elizondo

    Id love to start being more organic and eating healthier. Id also love to learn more about things that are beneficial and will work with my family.

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