Goldwheat Mini Portable Bluetooth Wireless LED Bulb

Okay this post will really show my age because I am BLOWN AWAY by technology once again. I have a LIGHT BULB that not only changes color but PLAYS MUSIC!! Okay, so the color changing in a single light bulb is nothing new. It’s still pretty amazing to me. BUT it plays music!! REALLY excellent sound quality music. The Husband and I seriously just sat here, mouths agape staring listening to our light bulb play music!!

GoldwheatThis is my review of the Goldwheat® Mini Portable Bluetooth Wireless Speaker LED Smart Light Bulb. Starting with setup. Super easy! Screw your bulb in the socket turn on the power. Then sync to your electronic device “MyLight” shows up instantly on both my android (Galaxy S4) phone and my iPad. Once you have paired your device with your Goldwheat Bulb it works just like any other Bluetooth device. You can even add additional Goldwheat Bulbs and play the same time!

There is an app you can download, but with the enclosed remote control I don’t feel the need to add an additional app.
The remote is FULL of features and easy to use!!

With the remote control I can turn on and off the music and the light. I can have music with no lights and so on. From the remote I am able to change the volume of the music, I can adjust the my light to a soft romantic glow to a nice brightly lit room. I can change the color of my light from red, green or blue.  With a push of a button the light will dance to the beat of the music.  This small very smart LED bulb, has over 16 million supported colors plus warm and cool white. I can customize the COLOR I want!!

This is an amazing light bulb. The sound quality is amazing. I am very impressed. Now if you are a bass addict like our son; well I’m not sure you will love it as much as I do.  With that said; Zachary prefers the walls to shake sooooo ya know… take that comment with a grain of salt.

The Husband and I have been playing Christmas music all day and we are extremely pleased with the sound. We have our bulb in the livingroom where we spend a majority of our time. The lighting is perfect for us.


Paaaalease!! My LIGHT BULB is playing MUSIC!!  I am thrilled!! And as my Grandma use to say “What WILL they think of next?”



  • Sally Wilsey

    Everytime I see something new like this I think what will they come up with next. How ingenius is this. Technology is really coming so far.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I agree with your Grandma, lol. Seriously, this is genius. Put the speakers in something we use everyday (lightbulb) & not have them cluttering up the tabletop space! I am curious about how long the bulb actually lasts. Is it any more likely to blow?

  • Krystal Waters

    That is neat, I would like to have it playing music in my house and let the kids try and find out where it’s coming from.

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