#DrWhitening Dr Whitening Natural Teeth Whitening System

I’m sure that most people like me want a bright white smile for our holiday photographs. So how to do that? Use your whitening toothpaste, gels in trays, messy strips and give up coffee and tea. Ummmm no. Sorry, you do NOT want to see this NaNa without her coffee. Strips do a great job, but I’ve always found that they don’t do as great a job between my teeth, they are also expensive as all get out! No UV lights.  There’s gels, but they usually taste bad and are messy. Plus there is the whole boiling the mouth trays…. yeah I’ve ruined my fair share of those. Whitening toothpaste, good but that’s not a quick fix by all means.

I was excited to be given the opportunity to review Dr Whitening Natural Teeth Whitening kit system. This is an all-in-one whitening system. This is really  effective on tobacco stains and coffee stains!! Works for men or women! There are no harsh chemicals either!

What is Dr Whitening Natural Teeth Whitening kit system?


The above picture is what the kit basically looks like. There is a small plastic tool that you open up and insert one of these white foam pieces. The foam pieces has the texture and feel of a Magic Eraser.  So imagine that kind of cleaning power but in a tooth cleaner.

Since these foam pieces bend easily I am getting all the stains from between my teeth. This brush gets everywhere! In between teeth, behind teeth and even to the back teeth easily!! Added bonus!! NO sensitivity!! This tool doesn’t harm your enamel!!! Just clean, stain-free teeth.

What an awesome kit!!  I can see a difference in my smile after just a couple of uses.

You open the blue holder, there is a small dip on the side for easy opening. Then bend your sponge brush over the tab that is inside the holder and close. Then run the tip under water for a second or so just to get it wet, then simply rub your brush up and down on each tooth, be sure to do in between teeth too.

I do want to warn you about the squeak. Using the Dr Whitening Natural Teeth Whitening kit system squeaks on your clean teeth. I power thru because I am a trooper and I don’t think it’s really that bad. My daughter on the other hand couldn’t handle the nose or the feel. I just want you to be warned.

Truly, your teeth will feel so smooth after you’ve finished brushing with Dr Whitening. A clean that you only feel after the dentist has cleaned your teeth. I can’t stop rubbing my tongue over my teeth!! SO CLEAN!!

You can use the same tip over and over. These strips are very durable.

The Dr Whitening Natural Teeth Whitening kit system comes with two holders; both already have strips in them.

This is not teeth bleaching. What this is, is something that is going to totally remove any build-up or debris on the outside of your teeth. This is particularly good for somebody who has plaque buildup, or tobacco stains in between their teeth and in areas where your toothbrush can’t easily reach. Using it removes build up on the surface of your teeth, and it makes them feel as smooth as glass, like you just left the dentist office.


Not a single one. Dr. Whitening polishes, cleans and removes stains simply!!  My smile is brighter and I think with more use they will be even brighter and whiter! I really do love how clean and smooth my teeth feel!!  Now don’t expect over night results or just bleached look right away. You are not bleaching your teeth, you are removing tartar and build up where strips just whiten that build up.  But you WILL see a difference.  Your teeth will be so SMOOTH too!!! I really do love this kit!!


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