Happy New Year $50 Giveaway!

Happy 2016!! I hope this year brings you health, wealth and happiness!

This is my first giveaway of 2016!! My $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!

The January Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by.  This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and definitely going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases are always appreciated.

Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Voting for me on Picket Fence. Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!


  • Heather E

    Ready to start a new week, and a new month. 🙂 Hard sending my daughter off to school again, knowing I won’t see her for 12 days. But thankful that I”m working like a maniac to kill the time until she’s back with me!

  • Monica

    Damn it! It´s raining again and I´m losing my internet connection every 10 minutes!!! I´m posting this comment in case I lose my internet completely on February 1st omg, I´m scared! Nooo, my internet! ;(

  • Betty C

    I came down with shingles before Christmas and it still won’t go away completely. The doctor says he may have to have the anesthesiologist give me a shot to block the nerves. Oh, joy! Just what I don’t want.

  • Jennifer Boehme

    Today was breezy and sunny here, very nice. My Pug is still a little sick but much better today. I did a little house cleaning.

  • Monica

    Oh my God, today it has been raining like CRAZY here in my town! It was a storm I think, I LITERALLY spent almost all my day without internet, omg, now THAT is suffering.

  • Carol S.

    It has been a fast day, gone before I knew it. And another day of accomplishing absolutely nothing. Such as life…………

  • Maureen

    It was ok we went to get my brother and he helped my husband do something that he has wanted to do with our house and then we went to a favorite place to eat.

  • Trisha McKee

    I am having an okay day. I am on the last night of a 3-day work stint consisting of 13 hours each shift. Then i’ll only work two days the following week. Just have to get through tonight.

  • Shannon Garrett

    I woke up feeling lucky!
    Come to find out, my husband went and bought some asparagus and grilled it just for me!!!!!!!
    It was so yummy.

  • Karen Drake

    My day is going fine, we have our Granddaughter over today, she is always a lot of fun. I am entering sweepstakes and she is playing with her doll and watching cartoons.


    Mum ‘borrowed’ my grey pearl earrings this morning (note to self: NEVER leave my jewellery in the bathroom for sticky fingers to acquire), then went to get ready for Church. Now one of the earrings is missing & I’m feeling cross – I’ve only worn them twice myself! She has a habit of doing this but the missing items usually turn up.

  • Stephanie Larison

    My day is going ok so far. My daughter woke up a little early this morning, I only got 2 hours of sleep. So I’m waiting on my husband to get home from work so he can take her. 🙂

  • Laura J

    Oh our day is going well! Got lots of cleaning done, got some ice chopped up before the new snow comes tonight…and ordered pizza for dinner!

  • Carol S.

    I have had better days! No energy, really tired and accomplished nothing. I hate having those kind of days, especially on a weekend.

  • Laura

    My day has been kind of crappy today to be honest. We’ve been having car issues and found out that it’s going to be really expensive to fix the problems. Not fun.

  • Bebe

    It’s Saturday, 30 January, and I’m having a pretty good day! It’s warm here in Georgia and my thoughts turn towards gardening! 🙂

  • dari

    Thanks for asking. 🙂 It was pretty terrible, with me realizing for the past couple weeks I’ve missed some important appointments. And also I fell back into bad habit I swore I’d break 🙁


    My question for the day: How can one young dog produce so much poo! I’ve had to help my sister out this week as she’s put her back out & because she can’t walk the dog in the fields, it’s been a case of picking up poo from her yard. I’ve just been down there to collect said poo & there’s buckets of it – give me a cat any day!

  • Natalie

    I am glad that it is Saturday even though I work. I get done at noon and will go out to eat with my mom. I got enough sleep last night so I feel okay!

  • Monica

    Well, today has been a lazy day for me. I did nothing during the whole day lol, I just sat here in my bed playing with my Nintendo 3DS all day lol. Ahh yes, it was a good day haha.

  • Patty R.

    I got online this evening to find a recipe for Chicken Carbonara that I thought I had bookmarked, I had not, only to find that not only do I not have enough heavy cream for the recipe, but I also bought the wrong meat. I bought proscuitto, and it calls for pancetta. So I will have to do a bit more shopping tomorrow to get what I need.

  • Carol S.

    Today went really well, I was able to visit with my youngest son and his girlfriend. We had a very nice visit, his girlfriend is very nice and they seem so happy. It seemed alot cooler today, those 40 degree days really spoiled us.


    Another day of leaving the house at 6.30am but I was back by 10 so that wasn’t too bad. The weather was really bad though – like Janet Leigh driving through the rain in Psycho! Then tonight my choir took part in a concert to raise funds for Gambia. A group goes out each year from one of the local schools to help to build schools & hospitals etc. in one of the world’s poorest countries.

  • Terri Irvin

    Well I feel guilty because I live in Southern California and it is gorgeous today. Blue skies and sunny. However, we do have a major drought and I am seeing my city change from a green city to a brown city. Seriously, unless you are rich, people have stopped having grass lawns.
    That is depressing to me because I love nature and we are becoming a dry desert (which we always have been).

  • Tamra Phelps

    Had to be up really early because my niece & nephews caught the bus here (my brother had knee surgery early this morning. Did fine & on his way home now.) So, after they left, I went back to bed & didn’t get up until 11, lol.

  • Mai T.

    The appraisal discussion went alright with boss. He said I have strenghth and I should be able to get another year of work contract. I wish to earn enough for a trip to Canada soon.

  • Laura J

    Oh my day has been okay. I have been fighting a cold…it keeps winning! LOL But…today I can finally taste again! 🙂 Good progress!

  • Patty R.

    This evening I went online and played a few games of couronne with my best friend from Ireland. We have fun playing and chatting.

  • Heather Ellis

    Got notified that I won $15 in a PayPal contest. 🙂 Some unpleasantness between me and my beloved. Oh well, tomorrow is another day…

  • Tamra Phelps

    I slept late today, so I’m still feeling draggy, lol. I’m looking forward to the weekend & early next week when our temps are going up into the 50s & even 60s!!! Happy Happy Joy Joy!!


    I left the house at 6.30 this morning to get to an appointment in a hospital in Dublin. When I eventually got there at 10 it was to be told that they had no record of my appt. AGH! ‘What about the letter I got? And the 2 text reminders on my phone?’ Well, I know it wasn’t the receptionists fault but I really could have thrown a wobbly right there & then. ‘A clerical error’ … NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!! Phew, feel better after that little rant!

  • Monica

    I went to school to do my Japanese test and they´ve told me that the results are going to be given to me later. I´m confident that I´ll pass the exam, but that doesn´t wash my nervousness away lol.

  • Mai T.

    I wish people would spend less and donate more to dog shelters. The world is full of unlucky dogs and still, people keep buying from puppy mills. I just wish to win lottery so bad to come home and help them abused dogs.

  • Carol S.

    Had a wonderful day today. I was able to do alot of baking, I love to bake and miss doing it as much as I used to. Surprised my husband with lots of sweets when he got home! We had another bright sunny day which is always welcome here.

  • Sarah L

    Had the first WinterGreen outreach programs today. Two different group homes. We passed around some plants and then they made terrariums to put in their rooms. Good swim class

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m trying to ignore how cold it is today. I’m looking forward to the weekend, when we are supposed to get into the 50s. Lol, I’m at the point of considering that a heatwave!

  • Natalie

    I am having a great day so far because I am off work today. I did a lot of errands this morning and will go skiing later. I have a short week this week.

  • Patty R.

    There’s really nothing to report today, which to be honest is not at all a bad thing. Nice, quiet days are alright by me!


    I’m just home after a 5-hour round trip to take my niece for a hospital check-up. Jonas is still hitting us hard so it was an awful drive. I left the house @ 6.30am & now I’m finding it hard to string words together! These are the times when I wish I liked coffee!

  • Mai T.

    The British series AND THEN THERE WERE NONE leaves me haunted the whole day. I don’t read AGATHA CHRISTIE but she’s such a great plot twister. Highly recommended!

  • Sandra Watts

    My day has been pretty standard as far as days go. I am a bit tired right now but have a lot to do. My husband is working till 1am so I will probably be up waiting for him to come home.

  • Patty R.

    On Friday I took a prescription for my mom to the pharmacy, and was told they didn’t have enough to fill it and that it would be ready by the next day. Well, the big storm came through Friday night and most of Saturday. So my mom went to pick it up on Sunday only to be told they weren’t able to fill it, because their delivery trucks hadn’t come yet (also because of the storm), so today my sister and I went to go pick it up and it was finally ready.

  • Tamra Phelps

    The good news is: it rained last night & most of the snow was washed away. The bad news is: it’s probably going to snow again, lol. Well, maybe it won’t be as much snow next time!

  • Monica

    I´m kinda nervous because I´ll be doing a Japanese test tomorrow at my college. I´m pretty good at that language, but still I´m no expert and I´m fidgeting here and there omg. Wish me luck haha.

  • Natalie

    I have not had the best day today. I had a negative review from my boss yesterday which was upsetting. I just want to get off work today.

  • Carol S.

    So far my day has started great. I was able to accomplish so much yesterday that I can have a easy day today without any guilt that I should do something! And the weatherman said we might hit 40 again today!


    I couldn’t sleep at all with the stormy winds. We’re getting the tail end of Jonas that hit the east coast of America over the weekend. No snow but plenty of rain & a couple of trees down in the village.

  • Mai T.

    I finished MR.ROBOT season 1 today and think it was much better at the beginning at the end. The show’s plot seems to have strayed away from being nerdy to being psychotic. Anyway, it’s an eye-opening plot.

  • Candie L

    I feel like everyone of my days are up and down. Had a pretty good day at work. Then had a discussion with Verizon for upgrade and a new phone. Like always a frustrating difficult traumatic event and it never works out how I feel it should. Case in point. . . . my youngest sons phone is due for an upgrade in June, but they said he can get a new phone now. But my oldest sons phone that is up for an upgrade in April cannot get a new phone yet 🙁

  • Carol S.

    Today was great! The temps almost hit 40 today, it was so warm. It must have boosted my energy because I was able to get so much done today. It feels good to accomplish so much.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class today. Then I got home to a big box of CVS drugstore stuff. I’d won a $250 gift card from them but there are no CVS in Colorado. So an internet friend went to her CVS and packed me up a box of really useful things.


    I’m so thankful to be feeling better after a week of the flu’. I’ve been busy all day dashing about doing errands then just got home to find the remains of a HUGE wood pigeon on the front doorstep – heaven only knows how the kitten caught it, but it could have been one of the local farm cats bringing him a prezzie.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a pretty good day. My niece & nephews are here (still too much snow to have school, apparently.) But, miraculously, they seem pretty calm today; no fussing & fighting.

  • Patty R.

    On Saturday I decided that since I was basically snowed in, I would bake some brownies. Now I don’t know about you, but I love, love, love the edges of brownies far more than the middle. I just like the harder, chewier texture. So I decided to change it up a bit. I mixed up a box of milk chocolate brownie mix, chopped up some pecans to add to the batter, and instead of pouring it into your average baking pan, I decided to use a mini muffin tin. I put about a tablespoon of batter into each mini muffin spot, and topped it with a whole pecan. Seeing as how there are no baking instructions for such a pan, I was just winning it. I think I ended up leaving it bake for about 23-24 minutes. They were lovely while hot, but they turned quite hard once they cooled. I was a bit disappointed, but they still tasted good. I followed up the pecan brownies by a batch of plain, and baked them for the same amount of time. After the brownies were cooled I put them in a ziplock bag. Today (Monday, two days after baking the brownies) they are perfect! Just the chewiness I was hoping for, and I am loving them, far more than I really should. Mmm, mmm, mmm!

  • Myrna Kasick

    After another cup of coffee, it’s off to the gym. Then Mom wants me to take her bra shopping at Walmart. It’s a really nice day out here.

  • Natalie

    I am a little tired today but overall I had a great weekend! I hope the workday goes by quickly. I have plans tonight for dinner.

  • Mai T.

    I watched the 50the year anniversary of DOCTOR WHO yesterday and it was so interesting. All of the characters have their own ways of the DOCTOR. I still love DAVID TENNANT the most.

  • jeanette sheets

    hi my day went perfect ,considering i been snowed in for 4 days now lol!but seriously i love it ,spending time with my family and relaxing

  • Heather E

    It’s been kind of a long day. I have been up since 3 am dealing with some legal stuff. But I’m wired, so it may be a long time before I sleep again…

  • Myrna Kasick

    Well, after 3 or 4 cups of coffee, I started the day off by going to the gym. You can’t go wrong by starting the day off right. Then I came home, and had another cup of coffee.

  • Natalie

    I had a very productive day today! I thoroughly cleaned my entire apartment and then went out for lunch. Now I am really tired!!

  • Carol S.

    We were able to accomplish so much today. Most of the chores we did today will ease up my week so much! Maybe I can get some sewing done this week for my grandchildren.

  • Tamra Phelps

    We are still snowed in here in Kentucky, lol. So, not much is happening. But the power stayed on & the TV stayed on so I’m happy!!


    It’s official! I’m better & flu-free so I’m heading into town (as soon as my hair dries – not taking any chances, me) to grab some groceries, then home to catch up on ironing (UGH!).

  • Mai T.

    It is hilarious to read the news about the snow storm in the US and people actually die because of it. The Nordic people are curious how you could die because of a snow storm.

  • Sarah L

    Just got back from a great concert by the Denver Women’s Chorus. I would be up there singing if I hadn’t been sick lately.

  • Carol S.

    Today has gone so fast! I did finish all the chores that I had planned on doing, which makes me feel good. Now for a nice relaxing evening…….

  • Tamra Phelps

    We are pretty much snowed in, so I watched my niece & my youngest nephew (across the street) try to shovel their drive, lol. A 12 & 6 year old? You can imagine how that went. He kept throwing snowballs at his big sister. So…just on line & watching crazy hunting Bigfoot shows on TV, lol.

  • Natalie

    I have had a great day so far! I went skiing this morning with my mom and shopped all day. Now I am watching Pride and Prejudice.


    There’s a feel of snow in the air today & anyway, Mum has always said that whenever NY gets it bad then we’ll get the tail-end the following week which makes sense! Time to stock the pantry!

  • Mai T.

    I received a beautiful cake today from a friend as she thanks me for the translation work I did for her. What a great cake it is since she’s a professional baker! I’m so blessed!

  • Patty R.

    I’m hoping that we don’t get much snow from storm Jonas. All the weather reports so far say we are in the 3-6 inch range, which isn’t bad compared to some who could very well get 2 feet of snow. But to be honest, I still don’t even want that much.

  • Angela Newsome

    We are in the biggest snowstorm we have had in many years! I’m not minding being snow in though! Got supper cooking, Homemade Chili and Mexican Cornbread!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Wow! The snow is really piling up out there & it is supposed to keep going until Saturday morning. Well, nobody around here is going anywhere for a few days, lol.


    I think I’m finally over the worst of this head cold/flu-type bug. I slept for 10 hours last night and woke up convinced it was Sunday. Then the postman rang the doorbell and I just couldn’t work out why he was here on a Sunday … maybe I’m not better after all!

  • Mai T.

    I ate some specialties from my country with friends at work, drinking beer and talking about people. It seems everyone misses their family but no one wants to go back and live in that filthy country.

  • Natalie

    I had a very tiring day today but it was not stressful. All of my patients came today so I am physically tired. I hope to watch tv tonight.

  • Patty R.

    It’s been a pretty laid back day so far, knock on wood. I’m hoping that the storm, or blizzard as they are now calling it, will basically miss us, but I also hope that for those areas that it will hit hard, that people are indoors staying warm and safe, and hopefully will not be out on the roads, as I saw the news today showing a small amount of snow on the D.C. metro roads and a whole lot of accidents caused by just a small amount of snow, and they are in the path of the blizzard.


    I spent the night tossing & turning with a temperature & gave up around 7am. I couldn’t find any paracetamol till Mum got up 10ish and since then have managed a couple of hours sleep.
    However, the good news is that my audition for Oliver! went really well & I’m in! I’ve sung in choirs etc. all my life & in the local Panto since we moved here 12 years ago but I have never been able to sing on stage. After Dad’s sudden death last year, one of my ’16s resolutions was to just throw caution to the wind & go for it! And let’s face it, at my age (closer to 60 than 40!) does anyone really care?

  • Annmarie W.

    My day’s going well so far! My daughter was home sick from school yesterday, but all went smoothly this morning getting hubby out to work & the kids off from school! I love the alone time, for catching up on emails & Facebook & reading some blogs! I hope you’re having a good day, too!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it’s still pretty early, but I had to get up at 6 to get Mom’s oxygen ready for her trip to the dentist. Now I’m babysitting the nephews, lol. It’s going to be a long day, I think.

  • Mai T.

    I hope people would be more concerned about the wellfare of pets so there will be no abused animals on earth. I see articles of abuse every day and they break my heart. Humans are awful.

  • Jennifer Dunaway

    My day was good. We did school, then dinner with my dad. After dinner my dad took the kids to a movie and I got to spend the evening alone.

  • Sarah L

    I’m pouting because the massage place messed up and lost my appointment so I didn’t get a massage today. Had a good swim class even if I was pouting…

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it snowed last night, just a few inches. BUT on Friday, we are due to get hit with 5-10″. Nooooooo! I want to go back to that weird Spring-like Winter, lol.

  • Birgit L.

    My day has been going great! I managed to find a fantastic collector’s item for the birthday of one of my dearest friends. Can’t wait to see the look on her face when she receives it. 🙂

  • Patty R.

    I’ve had to make a few phone calls to try to keep my mom on liquid oxygen, because the oxygen concentrators that they want her to go on instead are not suitable for her needs. Batteries that only last 2 hours, having to carry extra batteries to make sure that she will not run out of oxygen while she’s out shopping, or doctor’s appointments. It’s frustrating, because the liquid oxygen just makes more sense! So now she will have to change suppliers, and who knows, we may end up having to go through all of this all over again.


    Boo hoo & pity me! I’m not well! I spent the night shivering & sweating, coughing & sneezing. Going back to bed with paracetamol …

  • Mai T.

    After purchasing the flight ticket, the boyfriend realized that his passport is expired in 3 months and that is not good for traveling to the country. Now we have to renew it at the police station.

  • Heather E

    Still no word from the judge! 🙁 Computers were down at work for quite a while today. Lunch with a friend, dinner with another. It was overall a good day. 🙂

  • Natalie

    I have had such a great day today. My coworker announced she is pregnant and I am so happy for her. She just had a miscarriage so I am hoping this baby keeps!

  • Sarah L

    Had my 6 month appointment with my rheumatologist. Everything is going well. Treated myself to lunch at Village Inn afterwards.

  • Patty R.

    Took my mom to the doctor’s, because she’s been having a lot of stomach and chest pain the last few days. He suspects a possible ulcer, so he put her on a new medicine to see if that helps, and if not, she may have to have a scope procedure done. Hoping it doesn’t come to that.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Wow, the internet seems to be bonkers today. Twitter went down, several blogs seem to be unreachable, lol, and I’m just expecting the worst at this point! Oh, well, I can go read a book!


    Ugh, it’s really cold & damp today. I’m on my 3rd mug of soup trying to heat myself up. Maybe I should just go back to bed!

  • Mai T.

    After a failed attempt of convincing the boyfriend to stay at home, he decided to come with me to visit my mom’s for Lunar New Year. A long journey is ahead of us there’ll be stress I guarantee.

  • Heather E

    I slept til 8 am and it felt really good. Figured out the rest of my tax stuff. Did a couple of loads of laundry. Went to work for a few hours. Went out for sushi with the kids. I’m looking forward to heading to bed. Then more waiting to hear what the judge decides…


    I’ve spent the day taking Mum to 2 hospitals: one for a CAT scan and another for a colonoscopy. Her surgeon found another tumour but it’s teenchy and he’ll probably just cauterise it. It was a bit disappointing but he’s not unduly worried so …

  • Patty R.

    Brrr! Baby it’s cold outside! I shoveled a couple of driveways this morning, went out to lunch with my eldest sister, and once I got home I went to fill the bird feeder. That also meant putting a couple of suet packs on the sides of the feeder for the woodpeckers as well as bird seed for the rest of the birds. I couldn’t get the suet packs open with gloves on, so I took them off to do that, and my fingers were froze after just two minutes being uncovered. Windchill was below zero and the wind was a whipping!

  • Jennifer Reed

    My day has been odd today. The kids were off school and underfoot and I did not exercise today and ate something I shouldn’t have for lunch so overall not the best day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am so ready for this long weekend to be over, lol. Seriously, my niece & nephews need to go to school tomorrow (please don’t snow!!!) & give me a break.

  • Natalie

    I have had a very busy day at work so far, but at least my coworkers are in a good mood. I am taking a snack break right now and my snack is delicious.

  • Mai T.

    Scraping the car windows on mornings is such an ardious work. But I guess that’s the price I have to pay for living in a civilized north pole instead of the orginal uncivilized tropical land where I was born.

  • Laura J

    Oh had a good day today other than so cold! Woke up to -15 and -28 windchill…got up to -3 today! Woohoo! 🙂 Tonight..coldest night so far…going down to -17 and windchills in the -40’s! Got alot done today…put some plastic wrap on a few windows we get huge drafts in.

  • Heather E

    Church this morning was a little rough ~ they are doing a series on building strong marriages. I experienced a divorce last year that I did not want. I’m sure God has something for me to learn though, so I’ll keep going even if it’s painful.

    Then I went home and took a nap. I really should have worked on my tax return. :-/ Since I am off tomorrow, I will commit to doing it then.

    Now I’m babysitting for a little one that goes to the daycare I used to work at. Committed to taking extra cash I earn on gigs like this and throwing at my credit accounts. I’m tired of being in debt.

  • Sarah L

    Went to the grocery store while the Bronco game was on (it still is) and it was lovely quiet shopping. Not doing too well in the game, but still time left. No TV but I check the score every once in a while.

  • Natalie

    I am so happy because I slept in til 930 today! I really needed to catch up on some sleep. Although it is super cold outside, I got to shop with my mom.

  • ginette4

    It’s been a long day..been up since 5:00am, husband was having really bad indigestion and was freaking out, had to help calm him down…very scary I tell you


    Last night was the final performance of Puss In Boots & it was bloody brilliant! I didn’t stay long at the after party because Mum needed me here at home but afterwards I slept for about 10 hours. Also got a maybe bit of nice news/text msg: The local Musical Society is putting on ‘Oliver’ in April & they want ME!!!!! I still have to do an audition but … Anyhow while I had a wee bit of me-time I put some of my very early & very red tulips on Dad’s grave & as there was no-one else in the graveyard I just stood there & sang all 22 songs from the Panto! I always feel closest to him when it’s just me doing my thing …

  • Tamra Phelps

    well, I just spent 20 minutes trying to thread the smallest needle ever, lol. (My nephew’s teddy bear had a tiny hole.) It’s a babysitting day around here, which means a lot of ‘stop it’ and ‘I said stop it’ and ‘don’t hit your brother.’

  • Mai T.

    I’ve taken the fact of animal testing in purchasing these days. I’m surprised at some familiar brands that use innocent animal in testing. I wish I could wipe them off this earth.

  • Monica

    I´ve been soo busy with college stuff and since I´m studying Japanese I´ve been also checking my books and notes in order to progress a little more haha, but it´s been a great week and a great day so far. 🙂

  • Laura J

    Our day is going good…tired but good! Got lots of cleaning done…went out to eat for a GREAT gluten free burger. Very cold here tonight…-35 with windchill right now. BRRRR

  • J Husin

    Not too bad. Just woke up, and I did a few tweaks and updates on my worldwide giveaway website ubosoras.com. It’s not as beautiful as this website, but it’s getting there. 😉 Great giveaway and happy new year!

  • ginette4

    My day is going well..going to get together with my sister in law and make my daughter’s wedding quilt..so excited to finally get it done

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve just been watching kids shows with my nephew & catching up online. Apparently, neighbors are out jogging even though it’s nearly freezing out there. One guy just ran by without his shirt! It’s barely above freezing out there!


    I’ve spent the day so far scurrying around catching up on errands & housework. Now I’ve just got time for a nap (I hope!) before I have to get ready for the final showing of Puss In Boots and then PARTAY!

  • Annie rajardo

    It’s Saturday morning and despite being sick I am happy as can be! I’m sitting with ,y beautiful little girl eating breakfast and planning our day together! Going to go run errands. Loves reading everyone comments! Hope you all have a great day!

  • Natalie

    I have to work today but because it is so cold out I do not mind. I hope to do some shopping with my mom after work! I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow.

  • Mai T.

    Getting a salary raise means a higher income tax. I do want to earn more but the amount I pay to tax office every month is just absurb. I wish it could be lower in the future.

  • Della Dabner

    Today was a pretty good day. Although I’m partly antisocial I had company most of the day. For some reason people like to come visit me, especially their kids. You’d think I had a small child at home. My one and only daughter is 20 but she and I have always had kids in our home whether we want them or not. lol Have a great day and I hope all is well.

  • Della Dabner

    It’s 1/15/16. Today was a pretty good day. Although I’m partly antisocial I had company most of the day. For some reason people like to come visit me, especially their kids. You’d think I had a small child at home. My one and only daughter is 20 but she and I have always had kids in our home whether we want them or not. lol Have a great day and I hope all is well.

  • Heather E

    We were hoping to have a decision from the judge today, but no dice. Since it’s a holiday weekend, it will be at least Tuesday. Waiting is hard. 🙁 Didn’t get the taxes done. Hopefully over the weekend. But I did get an unexpected IM from a friend asking if I wanted to have lunch next week. I yelled “Heck yeah!” and the realized she couldn’t hear me over IM. Lol!

  • ginette4

    My day is going well..I baked a batch of banana muffins and two pumpkin loaves while daughter vacuumed and dusted the house


    11.30pm here & I’m just in after another marvellous performance – the audience tonight was terrific! Tomorrow night’s the final one for this year & I’m missing it already!

  • Patty R.

    I am going to definitely have to censor myself to today’s post. It would be a rant, because that’s just how today is going. I really want to go to the movies tonight, but at this point, that may not happen. 🙁

  • Natalie

    I am having a great day so far, especially since it is Friday! I have to work on Saturday but only for a half day. Hopefully I can go skiing afterward.

  • Mai T.

    I started the series HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER today and it’s been brilliant so far. Though watching DOCTOR WHO til the end left me sad but starting a new exciting series is such an awesome feeling.

  • Emily Roesly

    I spent the first part of my day checking emails, then my fiance and I jumped in the car and went to lunch. After lunch, we went to his son’s house and he shampooed the rug for him because he’s having his first party in his apartment this weekend. I watched. We ate at a diner on the way home, then I settled in front of my computer and he settled in front of the TV. Everyone’s happy.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, Mom has gone to get a perm. My nephew is home from school sick & stayed here a little while, while his Dad (my brother) took our Mom to the hairdresser. But now I’m home alone. Wow. That’s unusual…and sort of nice!


    And Alan Rickman has died from cancer – what an amazing actor. I was lucky enough to see him acting in London some years ago & get goosebumps just thinking about that night!

  • Heather E

    Doing better today. I’m so glad God gave me friends to get me through days like that! Made myself take my walk when I got home from job #2 last night, then got up and walked again this morning. Planning to get my tax return done today so that all I have to do is wait for the w-2s and send it in. That will let me get FAFSAs x4 complete.

  • Cynthia R

    I’m sad, I found out a friend of mine died yesterday. She was only 35, left behind a husband and three young kids. Cancer is evil.

  • Mai T.

    Reading about dogs being tortured or abandoned by owners makes my heart wrench. I wish I’d won a lottery to build the biggest dog shelter in my country and collect all the unlucky pets there.

  • Rosanne

    I went to Mass because a club members son was being presented as a priest. Then went to visit my brother in the nursing home. He is adjusting for being so young and winding up there so I am thankful.

  • Patty R.

    I thought it would be a pretty boring day today, but not quite. So we got snow yesterday, and the plow/salt trucks were out to clear the roads. Well, probably some salt or a small stone managed to work its way up into the rear break of the car, and started squealing and grinding, making just awful noises. Took the car to the shop to be checked out, and wouldn’t you know it, whatever was in there had dislodged before we got there. LOL Been running quiet ever since.

  • Heather E

    Woke up with enough anxiety that I felt like calling every doctor in town to ask for Xanax. Fb chatted with a few friends that calmed me down enough to function fairly well at work. Looking forward to the work day being done so I can go do a three mile walk and head to bed EARLY.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been okay. It’s freezing (single digits), but at least the sky is blue & the sun is out. And my niece & nephews had school today! Yay, lol! The snow melted!


    Agh! I slept till lunchtime and missed the little bit of sunshine. Anyways, since then all I’ve done is a bit of hand-washing and household chores then it’s time to get ready again for Panto! Tonight I plan to get to bed a bit earlier!

  • Donna B

    It’s been a good day. The hubby ordered me a metal detector for my birthday! I’ve been wanting one. We live on land that’s been in his family for over 100 years, I can’t wait to start looking on it!


      Sorry to butt in but this sounds really exciting! We once lived in a converted poor house that dated from the 1700s and were always finding things under the floor boards & in the garden. Good luck!

  • Mai T.

    The boyfriend just cannot make any dish properly, even a simple smoothie. I just can’t stand his sense of cooking anymore. I wish to live alone right now more than ever.

  • Kathleen S.

    My day is going alright. It’s a snow day here in West Michigan, and tomorrow will be as well. Good thing my kids can entertain themselves. 🙂 They are good like that. We are just enjoying a quiet evening at home and thankful to have a warm house and food for our table! 🙂 Happy New Year!

  • Samantha D

    Day is going good. Vegging out after working 7 days straight. Don’t feel like going anywhere with this chilly single digit weather outside.

  • Patty R.

    Overnight it started to snow, so we got our first decent snow of the season. Which is actually pretty shocking to say. So I was out shoveling a couple of driveways and running a couple of errands. Nothing too exciting.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It snowed today. Only about an inch or so, but our schools are county schools (rural roads!) so no school today. My niece & oldest nephew have been here all day, but they’ve mostly slept, lol. They’re taking advantage of their day off.

  • Laura J

    Oh our day is going good thank you!!! It is a cold one though…..woke up to -9 and with windchill -28! Was a cold chilly morning getting our little one off to school! Is beautiful out with all the snow though!


    Would you believe it – the sun is shining AND it’s not raining! Hoorah! I’ve spent the morning doing outside jobs until I got too cold then wrapped myself around a mug of soup! Last night’s performance of Puss In Boots was brilliant: more adults than children so they got all the innuendos & local political snipes. I’ve just got time for a little bit of me time before I whizz around the house with the vacuum cleaner, then shower, put on my face & head out for tonight’s show.

  • Christy Caldwell

    My day is nearly over, but it’s been pretty decent. I fought the Walmart crowd without getting arrested and rode around with my mom without anyone crying! ?

  • Mai T.

    I’m so furious this morning when found out the boyfriend went to sleep without washing dishes. The whole sink was full of dirty dishes and seeing that just ruined my day. He’s disgusting sometimes.

  • Heather E

    Back to the grind today. Nothing to great, nothing to horrible. Getting ready for court tomorrow. Hopeful. Cold for my walk this morning ~ 29 degrees!

  • Monica

    Hello 🙂
    Well, my day has been great! I went to walk my dog at my local park today and I had tons of fun with him! I just came back from the park to play a little more with my dog here at home. We´re gonna watch The Revenant (the new Leo Dicaprio´s film) now!

    The only sad thing though is the fact that I recently discovered about David Bowie passing away…

    Rest In Peace David Bowie. You´ll be remembered forever.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class with a new person and several others. Went to Costco and got some groceries and one of their yummy chickens.

  • Angela Poplar

    I was having an OCD moment before the kids went to school and cleaned the bathroom closet by 8:30 am and then lounged in my jammies until 12:00 and then jumped in the shower. I’ve had an uneventful day doing laundry in between facebook games and reading about the unfortunate passing of David Bowie ( may he rest in peace). I’m now watching flurries scurry past my window as I type this 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    It is seriously cold here. It was so cold this morning that school was on a one hour delay. So, my niece & nephew hung out here for an hour, lol, after their parents left for work. You can’t have kids waiting at bus stops in sub zero temps these days. In my day, they shoved us out the door no matter what, I swear, lol!

  • Patty R.

    I stopped in at the dentist’s office today, to find out how much it would cost to get a new filling (as I recently had a filling fall out) and was told that since it’s a front tooth, and it would require a white filling, it would probably cost $200. Seriously?!?! Ugh. I hate not having dental insurance. I just can not afford that.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Patty, I noticed your comment just above mine, lol. Do you have a nearby University with a dental college? My Mom is having her dentures done through a University dental college & they charge about half the price. You do have to accept that college kids are practicing on you, ha! But they are always supervised by actual dentists.

  • Natalie

    I am having a pretty good day so far, except I did not sleep well last night. I am very tired this morning and could use a nap. Time for extra caffeine!


    Agh! The weather has turned colder! Last night I went to bed wearing a Tshirt, long nightie, pyjama bottoms, a scarf, fingerless gloves & woolly socks (just as well I sleep alone!).

  • Elaine Buonsante

    Today I spent a wonderful afternoon with my granddaughter and her young daughter. I was able to find a mini kitchen for her at our local thrift shop and she played with it all afternoon. She “borrowed” some jello and soup packets from my cupboard for her “food”. It was wonderful listened to her chatter.

  • ginette4

    It’s been a long day..tearing down Christmas..hate taking everything down and putting it away..I love Christmas and this makes me so sad 🙁


    Today’s matinée performance went really well – another standing ovation! I understand that you don’t have Pantomime in the States – guys, you don’t know what you’re missing! Fun for all ages (I should be on commission).

  • Tamra Phelps

    My 6 year old nephew is driving me bonkers, lol. He keeps kicking at a foot stool, and of course it tips over & hits with a thud. Kick, kick, kick, THUD. He blames ‘Bob.’ That’s his old imaginary friend. Unfortunately, only my niece is allowed to boss Bob around, lol. It’s complicated.

  • Heather E

    My day has honestly been a little stressful, and it’s only 10:30 in the morning! Finally cleaning up from the holidays. Gotta get started on my tax return. Teenage daughter is being unfriendly cuz she’s stressing over exams this week. Teenage son keeps making a mess in the kitchen and not cleaning up after himself. Gotta prepare for court over custody on Tuesday. Maybe I should just go back to bed….

  • Donna B

    My day is going good, hubby is sick so no Church today. I used the time to get some laundry done, unload and load the dishwasher and now I’m having giveaway time.

  • Monica

    My mom gave me 30 dlls today and I´ve put it in my bank account because I think I´m gonna buy some books or a little amiibo figure. But I´m not so suuuree, I don´t wanna spend my money loool!

  • Elaine Buonsante

    Today I finally figured out how to use my Snapscan. It’s been on my To Do List for months. I don’t know what I was doing wrong before, but today I took it slow and easy and I didn’t have any difficulty at all. It didn’t take long to scan a huge pile of photos.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I woke up in a bad mood. I have no idea why, either, lol. Maybe I was having a bad dream that I just don’t remember? Who knows. But now I still feel grumpy & sour. I hate that.


    Well opening night at the Pantomime was a blast! Now it’s matinées today & tomorrow followed by over a week of nightly performances. I’ll be running on adrenaline by Wednesday!

  • Donna B

    I had a restful night last night which I needed. I’m enjoying my coffee and feeling good. Looks like rain today, but without rain there would be no rainbows.

  • Mai T.

    Another Saturday at work. I’m quite excited lately since I’m purchasing gifts for the folks at home. Going home for Lunar New Year is something I really look forward to.

  • Elaine Buonsante

    Today was my catch up day with family and friends. It took me all day but I finally sent off an email to a close friend and I also had two long phone conversations, one with my brother and another with a good friend.

  • Monica

    It´s been a reaally cold day today. My fingers hurt because of the intensity of the cold air right now. Gosh, even with the heater on I can´t stand this coldddd!!!

  • Jennifer Reed

    My day is going good. I had a good workout this morning and lunch out with my husband. Just to let you know Picket Fences is saying bad gateway when you try to go to it currently.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am so over Winter, lol. It really has been mild so far, but now it’s cold & gray & gloomy & dreary. Argh! I just hate this grayness.


    A dress that I bought on eBay before Christmas finally arrived and it’s fab (even if I do say so myself) so that’s good. It hasn’t rained so I was able to get lots done tidying up (again) after the most recent storm and that’s good. And tonight is the opening night of Puss In Boots at the Gorey Little Theatre so that’s good as well! All in all a pretty good day! ps: still some seats available next week if anyone fancies a great night’s entertainment & you happen to be in the Wexford, Ireland area!!!

  • Monica

    I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES! This is greaaat thing because my teacher sent me my final grade in an e-mail. And I passed! omg

    So, to summarize: I had a great day, even though it´s raining (I like rain anyways!).

  • Kristen

    I had a nice day today. There was a break in the storms we’ve been having so I was able to get out and walk a bit at the park and get some fresh air. And get some errands done.

  • Mai T.

    I hate it when a co-worker is slow and that leads to the whole chain of actions of others. I wish she could be faster and more focus for the whole company’s shake.

  • Audrey Okaneko

    how my day is going – i’m smiling so that’s a good thing. I had a great day at work. My daughter cooked me dinner. I had a great workout at the gym. Hmm you caught me on a good day 🙂

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day. Slept late trying to get rid of this cough. Did go to the library since they got Winter in for me and I’ll read it while it snows tonight.

  • Josie

    my day is going badly unfortunately. I’m tired, not feeling well, and my kids were super cranky and not moving today. Very difficult to leave the house. Now I’m sitting at work just watching the clock and waiting for the day to end.

  • Patty R.

    My sister and I took the car to get the 4-wheel drive fixed. We were told it would take an hour to replace a module. We were there nearly 4 hours. The module wasn’t the only issue. The also had to replace some motor, but they had a used one lying around the shop that they put in, and didn’t charge for it. So that’s fixed. Now let’s hope we don’t need to use it this winter.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Had to call a retailer again to try & straighten out an order. Why does it take so much effort to get these things straight??


    It’s stopped raining! Phew! I’ve done a ton of laundry & it’s blowing in the breeze but other than that I have absolutely no plans for the rest of the day. Last night’s dress rehearsal was a bit patchy but we have tonight off & then opening night tomorrow. I LOVE Panto!

  • Donna B

    It’s a cold day here in Georgia, just about froze when taking the dogs out. Warming up with a cup of coffee and entering giveaways, just how I love to start my day.

  • Monica

    Well, I´m nervous about my final grade in school. I was told to sent an essay to one of my teachers and I´m scared, to say the least, lol.

    Let´s see how everything goes, because tomorrow my teacher will be telling me my grade. I´m gonna be crossing my fingers!

  • Elaine Buonsante

    Today was a really productive day as we were able to take all the Christmas decorations down, store them away. All the furniture is back in place and everything is vacuumed. It feels so good to have everything back to normal. It was a great vacation but I’m really to return to a schedule.

  • Mai T.

    I hope I can leave early from work today for a relaxing evening. Let’s see how it turns out. Also, buying long distance flight tickets is a real pain. I’ve spent the whole day watching the price fluctuate from high to higher.

  • Luminous Angel

    Happy New Year! I’m so excited because this holiday season I moved back to my home town where all my family and friends live. I moved away eight years ago but was never happy anywhere else. Now I’m back where I belong, with a great guy, looking for a new place to live and a new job. 2016 is going to be a wonderful year! 😉

  • Patty R.

    I had to make a few calls, to get some of my mom’s health insurance issues dealt with. Managed to get some answers, but not all of them. And even, somehow, managed to get contradictory answers to the same question from two different people from the insurance company. I’ll have to work out some things with her doctor, probably tomorrow, but I also have to go get the 4-wheel drive on the car fixed.

  • Sarah L

    I did get up and go to my swim class but had to have another instructor take over since I couldn’t talk without coughing. Bummer. At least I had the warm water for a while.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today is one of those weird days. It’s Wednesday but it keeps feeling like a weekend day for some reason. Maybe it’s because I don’t have to do anything today, lol.

  • Jennifer Reed

    My day is going really good so far. I worked out early this morning and my kids went back to school after the holiday break today. We all were ready to put the holidays behind us and get back to a normal routine.

  • Melanie Barclay

    hey so far my day is going pretty good! i managed to get kids to school on time! found my daughter earring that she lost!

  • Monica

    Well, today I am going to order a couple of books on Amazon and I just can´t hide my excitement!!! oh my god! The downside though is that I have to do an exam today… but oh well. I´ll survive lol.

  • Donna B

    It’s early, the coffee is on, entering my giveaways before I start the day. I love when I have time to get them done early so I can be sure not to miss them.

  • Shemp DeYoung (@ShempGames)

    I accidentally bought a bunch of stuff on sale at Walgreen’s. I got my daughter a train case for her makeup on Christmas, so when I saw they had a bunch of Revlon on sale I bought some. Also, at 70% off, I had to restock wrapping paper.

  • Christine Holliday

    Can someone reply to me please? Are we to make a comment everyday to enter or can we just comment the once and enter everyday? 😮

  • lyzy

    Simply not a god day for Monday so I did the best can but I do not feel well and stayed home, hope things get better. THERE’S always hope of good things in the New Year, fingers cross.


    Another busy day of rehearsals – tomorrow night is the dress rehearsal and then we’re into 9 performances of Puss In Boots! What a great way to start the year!

  • Patty R.

    So my sister took the car to the shop, thinking that when they rebuilt the transmission, they just forgot to reconnect the 4-wheel drive, and that’s why it wasn’t working. So they look at it, and it was connected, and they said that it was a faulty module, which will cost $225. This after a $2,100 transmission rebuild. 🙁 Boy do I need to win the lottery!

  • Elaine Buonsante

    Today started off well as we drove downtown and picked up the movie tickets that I won in a contest. My husband and I plan to see it tomorrow afternoon. During our drive we chatted about how we would use the other winnings from the contest for a mini staycation: overnight in a great hotel, dinner at a popular restaurant and high tea the next day. I do love entering contests.

  • Mai T.

    I’m so wanting another Vacation Time. Whether you are a student anticipating winter break (because finals are just torture), or in the real world waiting for time off from work, vacation time is always welcomed.

  • Travelbuds

    It was an ok day. Getting back into the routine of getting the kids off to school and then me off to work was hard but we managed.

  • sherry butcher

    Today has been a just okay day and I had to pick up meds at Walmart. Maybe I’ll get something else done tonight. Thanks for sharing.

  • christine burd

    It is cold here in Colorado and so I stayed inside and had a very quiet day . No phone calls , no TV , just sitting at the computer with occasional breaks and bouts of exercise and housework.

  • Lindsay T

    My day was ok. I had to go back to work and it was -25, which was horrible. It was nice seeing my co-workers again though!

  • Sharyn B.

    I can’t say this was my best day. I made a mistake with my son’s Dr appointment, and I had to take him to the office a second time. Then he came down with a temperature in the evening.

  • Deborah Wellenstein

    My day has been pretty good! We are watching our 7 year old grandson today, because he does not have school. We made cookies, and he did some reading.

  • ginette4

    I slept most of the day..not feeling well at all, my illness is kicking me in the butt, not fun at all, at least I feel better than when I woke up this morning

  • Tamra Phelps

    Geeze, it’s cold today. The sun is out, but the temperature is in the 20s. I really hate cold weather. (It just makes my knees ache so much worse.) Winter can’t end too soon for me.

  • Patty R.

    I have to take the car back to the transmission shop today, to have them check it out again. It keeps popping out of drive for some reason, and it won’t go into 4-wheel drive. So they’ll have to check that out as well. I hope they figure it out this time, because I’m tired of this.


    I’m cold, tired & can’t stop crying! Maybe it’s the New Year blues but I keep bursting into tears and crying about Dad and if I have to hold it in I get the most god-awful headache.

  • Natalie

    Today is my first day back at work after taking some time off. It is really slow at work so I am looking forward to the end of the day.

  • Janet W.

    I’m tired today! School starts back tomorrow for my grandsons and we’re waking up earlier this morning to get back on the early morning track. Hard to believe the holidays are over now!

  • leslie crosbie

    My day is going much better now now Christmas is over, dont get me wrong I love the holidays but as a single mom with 4 kids, 18yr son, 16yr twin boys, 11yr daughter and 1 grandchild (girl born Nov 27, 2016) money is extremely tight as it is and Christmas is so stressful!! When it is all over I just I can take a big breathe of relieve thinking ‘Thank God I made it through another year!!!

  • Mai T.

    My day’s been a rage since the beginning when the boyfriend broke the blender. He left food uncovered so the fridge smells of meatloaf. There’re days like this that I wish to be single.

  • Jackie Mercer

    I am having a tiring day. The family was on an indoor water park vacation this morning, but I got puked on by my 3 year old, so we decided to head home early. A 3 hour drive later, nobody napped, do bedtime couldn’t come earlier!

  • Donna B

    Not to be a complainer but, I’ve had a bad day. A bad week in fact. My husband has been in the hospital since last Monday and it can sure wear a body down. Praying he will be able to go home in the next few days so we both can get some rest!

  • Piper

    I’m not having too bad a day, not great either. I’ve been sick off and on all of December and it still is hanging around a bit. Other than feeling poorly, things are pretty good!

  • Janice Cooper

    My day went great. Had a nice lunch with hubby at Red Robin. Food was delicious! We went grocery shopping after lunch then back home. Now getting ready to go back to work after being off since Christmas.

  • Patty R.

    I’ve been having such a hard time getting warm today. The heat in the car was jacked up as high as it could go, but nope, still cold. I get home and start reading, and I’m freezing. As if reading doesn’t put me to sleep enough as it was, trying being cold while reading. Out like a light!

  • Sarah L

    I was having a quiet day at home and then I read your Kia car review: I WANT THIS CAR!!!! My car is a 2002 so it’s now 14 years old. This one has so many neat features that mine doesn’t have. When I got my current car after having my previous one for 20 years I was thrilled just to have intermittent wipers and adjustable side mirrors. Oops. does this mean I have 6 more years before a new car? Start saving now….

  • Jen L

    My day is awesome, thanks. I had Dim Sum and a Starbucks with friends in from out of town and now am surfing the internet while my stew cooks in the crock pot! Perfect Sunday.

  • Margaret Smith

    Day is going good. Been doing lots of chores this weekend. Took down our tree and Christmas deco’s and getting ready to start a new week tomorrow.

  • Christine Holliday

    Making my turkey soup today, so naturally had to clean up the kitchen…again …so am just now getting onto the computer, kink of a backwards day for me.


    I was up early to give the house a scrub & cook a big pot of my super duper curry (with all the trimmings) for visitors coming to lunch tomorrow, them off to Panto rehearsals for 5 hours. It’s 8.30pm and I’m fit to drop!

  • Natalie

    It is quite cloudy outside and cold, so I have spent most of the day indoors. I am super sore from running a half marathon a couple days ago. I am dreading work tomorrow.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been kind of blah. I slept badly & then fell asleep about 6 a.m. & didn’t get up until almost 1. Now I just feel draggy. It’s one of those days where you hope you’re not coming down with something.

  • Peter G

    The weather is finally turning cooler so I can put on my sweatshirt and long pants. I am enjoying taking a walk in the park and looking at the deer on the side of the road.

  • Janet W.

    My day is going well! Just got back home from a grocery shopping trip in the early morning hours. I love having the grocery store all to myself! Plus I love having that errand out of my way so I can enjoy my Sunday!

  • Lisa Brown

    well, I could not sleep so i got up really early, which means i will be falling over asleep late in the morning. i need more coffee today 🙂

  • Mai T.

    I try to order clothes from the same seller I’d always been buying from. And now they do not ship to where I live anymore. What a nonsense! My Sunday is ruined.

  • Tricia Hope

    My day is really my night.After doing 9 late shifts in a row,I came home and slept 10 hours.I got up when it was dark.I remember thinking this could be bad.But I will do my 10th late shift starting in 90 minutes.

  • Travelbuds

    I guess my day is going not too bad. My 2 kids are I are getting over our colds and feeling a little better so that is a plus. One more day of rest before back to school. I’m hoping they will both be well on the track to being better by monday.

  • Sarah L

    Had a great massage this morning and then a trip to ARC where they were having a big 50% off sale. Got 3 tops and one pair of pants.

  • barb g.

    My day is going fine, would be better when I win this prize. I like that you are letting us choose what we want to win that’s unusual. I might go Texas Roadhouse even.

  • Patty R.

    Today I went to Wal-mart to pick up a few things, and I found cherries for $2/lb. They are out of season, and generally closer to $7/lb, so I just had to get a bag of them. They are one of my absolute favorite fruits! I’m a little bummed that we are finally getting winter weather. I have been so spoiled at the warm temperatures that we’ve been having, that the last couple of days have just been blah!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s just a lazy Saturday here in KY. My youngest nephew came over about 9, he didn’t want to go watch his sister compete at a cheerleading competition, lol. He just went home, so I’m watching those true crime stories on the ID channel. Typical.

  • Jennifer Boehme

    I am about to start the coffee and clean the house. Should be a nice day, the flooded roads are starting to be reopened for travel, many just got phones back on but some still under boil order.


    I’m tired & worn out and it’s all my own fault as usual! I discovered that Dad has ‘Mahjong for Beginners’ on his pc – I started playing at 2am and when I next checked the time it was 8am! So 2 hours sleep and I’ve got an afternoon of rehearsals for the Panto ‘Puss In Boots’ ahead of me!

  • Mai T.

    And I’m back to the busy restaurant life today after 2 days off for New Year celebration. It’s actually great to be back to work knowing I’m making first money of the year.

  • Noelle Carroll

    Ive been having a great day! My 7 month old is trying to crawl, my dad came out for the new year, my husband got two weeks of vacation, and my 3 year old makes me smile everyday! Life is good.

  • Sarah L

    Happy New Year! It’s a great way to start a new year to get your email that I won the December $50.
    Now as your part time editor I have to tell you that you need to update your sidebar to remove the December one and add the January one. And the ‘Comment on my PMD’ entry has a bad link.
    Thanks for a great blog.

  • Brandi Dawn

    Today my day is great because I have the day off and I am laying in bed watching movies! That and entering a few giveaways, lol.

  • Madelyn

    It’s New Year’s Day and 2:18pm and I’m in bed in my suite on Madeline Island reading and internet ting, so it’s going pretty great!

  • Patty R.

    Well, today my mom and my eldest sister decided to go out to lunch. We were going to stop at Wendy’s, and on my way in I found a few plastic spoons propping open the door. So I turned back to my family and asked them to make sure to put the spoons back when they came in. I get in there to find there are no lights on in the dining area. I ask if they are open, and I’m told not until noon (we had over an hour to wait), so we decided to go somewhere else, who also was not opened yet, but when they saw us in the parking lot they unlocked the doors and allowed us to come in anyway (how nice of Arby’s). And this afternoon my twin sister and I are going to catch a matinee of Joy (the movie with Jennifer Lawrence). So that’s my day so far. I’m sorry, but you did say to ramble. LOL And to Google *sticks out tongue and blows a big wet raspberry, then has to clean off laptop screen*


    Well, it’s 01/01/16 and Mum & I didn’t wake up till 2pm! Storm Agnes’ is well on it’s way with more high winds and torrential rain forecast – half the country is under water (I kid you not) and the forecast keeps getting worse – I may use the PayPal to buy a canoe!

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