No More Beige Food by Leanne Shirtliffe Review

“What’s for dinner!?” that has to be one of the most annoying and tiring sentence’s that parents hear at the end of a busy day. Closely followed by “I don’t like this” Seriously, when did Alice get so picky when it came to meals?!? UGH! It’s frustrating and irritating that she isn’t 16 and I could tell her FINE; then YOU COOK!!

BeigeLeanne Shirtliffe is an award-winning humor writer as well as a part of a movement to make children’s books more diverse. Part of her mission lead her to create the character Wilma Lee Wu. This is the second book to feature Wilma Lee Wu. Wilma is a cute little girl in this adorable book No More Beige Food.

When Wilma sits down to a dinner of; well Wilma wasn’t sure! It was all beige! Wilma begs her parents “PLEASE! No more beige food” and probably my favorite page in the whole book and like most parents would love to say Wilma’s mom replies flatly “So, go learn to cook” ohhhhh to be able to say that to our kids! Beige2

This cute book follows Wilma and her little brother as they interview the neighbors. The neighborhood is richly diverse with so many different cultures and so many colorful foods! This book made me hungry! It also made me want to try some new dishes! For instance at almost 60 I’ve never tried Lebanese food. Anyone know what I should order?  Okay, Alice too…. but mostly me! According to No More Beige Food spiced kibbe is delicious! (I so need to get out more!!)

About the author
Leanne Shirtliffe is an award-winning humor writer. She writes for the Huffington Post and Nickelodeon’s humor sight and authored the books Don’t Lick the Minivan (Skyhorse, 2013) and The Change Your Name Store (Sky Pony, 2014). When she’s not stopping her twins from stalking the guy driving the ice cream truck, Leanne teaches English to teenagers. You can read more about her misadventures at She lives in Calgary, Canada.Tina Kügler is an illustrator and author. She has owned a children’s bookshop, worked in a library, and drawn many funny storyboards for Disney, Nickelodeon, and Warner Bros. Animation. Tina lives with her husband, three loud boys, and an enormous hairy dog named Harryhausen in Los Angeles, California.

You can find No More Beige Food on Sky Pony Press,  AmazonBarnes & Noble and other fine bookstores. 

Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Author: Leanne Shirtliffe
Illustrator: Tina Kugler
Publication Date: 1-5-2016
Number of Pages: 32 Pages
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 11″ by 9.5″

Disclosure: I received a free or greatly discounted product for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Questions or concerns please contact me at



    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Alice’s pediatrician told us that if the kid wants only mac-n-cheese okay let ’em have only mac-n-cheese. That was a mistake. My daughter took that to heart and BAMB now the kid won’t try anything new.

  • Monica

    Hey! I really like the artwork in this book, it looks so cute and fun! I used to draw like this when I was little. Seen the drawing style brings me good memories 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have a niece (12) & two nephews (6 & 10), and one has allergies to nuts & eggs, one is picky picky picky!!!! The little one will eat anything, lol. In fact, his favorite thing is Brussel Sprouts. Now, that is weird!


    Ha! This is so familiar! When R. was the same age as Alice is now, she would only eat ‘white stuff’, ‘sannetty bolly’ or ‘Kate’s Slop’! Translated these were chicken with rice, spaghetti bolognese and my one pot throw-everything-in-and-hope-for-the best dinners!

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