It’s My Birthday!!
It’s my Birthday, so I’m taking the whole day off!! Where will I be??? Maybe I’ll spend the day at a spa??
Perhaps I will be jumping in the ocean somewhere!??
Could be I’ll be enjoying a sunset and a campfire somewhere stunning?? Cold beer? Warm Fire! Good Friends??
Then again I could be spending the day in a fast, sleek sports car?!? Driving too fast, too far?? Of course this could be me?? Lounging beautifully on a couch?? (Just a side note here; can we from now on pretend that this is me?? Please?!)
More than likely though I’ll be cuddled up on the couch watching my favorite movies and eating junk food! Just like this!! Don’t be too jealous!!

Happy birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great one and a great year!
Sarah L
Happy Birthday! Hope you went for the spa treatment.
Jillian Too
Happy Birthday!
I hope you’re having a truly wonderful day. And if that entails binge-watching weird reality shows like “Real [LOLOLOL riiiiiight] Housewives of Le Fancye Gated Communitye” and mindlessly snacking on gummy bears, then ROCK ON. Treat yo’ self!
…A totally unrelated P.S.: If possible, could you please send me a quick email with info about where you found the photo of Blondie In The White Dress? …Because the dress, that’s why. OH GOD I’VE SAID TOO MUCH ALREADY.
:p Happy birthday, lovely lady!
Connie Gruning
Ann, that blonde it’s me. OF course! Or maybe that was from my friend Google search ‘lounging on a couch’ LOL!
Hush, Connie; I knew that already. I was TRYing to keep SOMEone’s iDENtity a SEcret, ahem. I’d just like to get the deets on that dress. …Oh god, I just said “deets.” I am so deeply sorry. 🙁
Look, I’m getting somewhere!
Tamra Phelps
Hey, Peg Bundy had it pretty good, lol! Seriously, happy birthday & many more!
Maryann D.
Enjoy and have a fantastic birthday!
Hoping you have a wonderful birthday and get spoiled by family and friends alike – heaven only knows, you deserve it, don’t you?
Jeanette Jackson
Have a great Birthday!
Happy Birthday…enjoy your day!!!
Karen R
Happy Birthday! Be sure to get some cake in whatever you do.
Veronica Lee
Happy Birthday! May this be your best day ever!
michele soyer
Happy birthday Connie… Enjoy the day to the fullest….
Happy Happy Birthday!!! I hope you enjoy it and do what you want to do!! <3
Sue A.
Happy Birthday! Have an awesome day!