Santa IS Watching!! With His Santa Cam!! GIVEAWAY!!
I am in full Christmas mode now!! (You know it’s only 5 weeks away! That’s about 42 days away. You’re welcome for that information.) You can’t avoid it, TV commercials, the stores from clothing to groceries are all decked out. Even Pinterest is red and green, Santa and elves!
So it’s truly not my fault that I’ve started decorating my house. I can’t HELP IT!! I LOVE Christmas!! I love Christmas as much now as when my 3 kids were little. Because I am blessed with three of the cutest Grandbabies on earth!!
Since Thanksgiving dinner is here at our home those three sweet Angelic, calm and well-behaved children (You will be surprised to learn that I typed that with a straight face!) will be in and out of every nook and cranny searching for those presents that may or may not exist at NaNa & PopPop’s house. I have a secret weapon this year!!
Check out my Santa Cam ornament!!
Seriously! HOW absolutely adorable is this glass ornament?!?! The ornament is 2.6″ around and arrives with candy cane ribbon to hang your ornament.
My Crews Designs has truly outdone themselves with this ornament. It truly LOOKS like a functioning webcam not just an ornament!
Who better to monitor my nosy trio while they are crafting in my home office?? Once my Christmas Tree is up I’ll be hiding my Santa Cam in the branches so I can be assured they are NOT shaking boxes and or peeling tape! Remember when I said three sweet Angelic, calm and well-behaved children?? I was SOOOO exaggerating!! More like sneaky, nosy, very LOUD trio! They need this Santa Cam to keep them on the straight and narrow for Christmas. The Elf can’t do it all!!
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One VERY lucky Peanut Butter And Whine follower will have their own Santa Cam in time for Christmas! Good Luck!

Kate Sarsfield
Aw! She really was the world’s worst! We had to give her a present on Christmas Eve to keep her happy!
Wendy R.
What a fun ornament idea! Love it! The My Crews Designs tote bags and earrings are also great gift ideas.
Robert Brown
I like the feather gel pillows, I bet they are amazingly comfortable.
Angela Saver
I would love to get the Lilypad Kids Pillow! It’s ALL-NATURAL and HYPOALLERGENIC too!
I’d like their Zuma foam wedge pillow. It looks so comfy 🙂
Vicki Wurgler
I’d also like the Sleeping Willow Toddler Pillow for my grandson
Nadia @ Adventures in Wonderlab
Love the Santa Cam – how funny, and what a great idea!
Tamra Phelps
I like their Skinny Tumblers. My mom has been looking for a really good tumbler for a while now. (By the way, the link in the leave a comment entry doesn’t go to My Crews website–it goes to the Brentwood site.)
Tamra Phelps
Now this is a good idea, lol! Santa needs to keep an eye on my oldest nephew! He manages to poke his head in every closet or cranny looking for hidden gifts.
Julie L
I like the I don’t give a sip stemless wine glass!
Julie L
I’d like the sequoia latex mattress….I like it when it’s still firm.
Marilyn Nawara
I love the Runyon Deluxe Pet Bed. It’s stylish with quilted surface and raised bolster around the edge. Both Fang and Queenie would LOVE for Santa to bring them one of these for Christmas (one each – they don’t share well).
Sue E
I see that MyCrewsDesigns have some of the most unique designs I have ever seen and funny! Anything you want to express, you can, serious, funny, emotional, etc. Very cool site.
Hahahaha! I really love this. My parents needed this when I was a kid.. I was always sniffing around the gifts under the tree… LOL! 🙂
Aw! I so wish I could enter this. Mum is, and always was, the worst offender in our house when it comes to poking around the prezzies!