The Craft Room Of My Dreams!!

It’s happening!! It’s really happening!! The Craft Room of my dreams!!

We sat down with Suzanne over at the Ponderay Home Depot and started designing my craft room! I can actually SEE it!!

Now fast forward to 2024. WHAT a HAPPY mess!! But, it really is organized. I promise. I can create and leave the mess and it doesn’t bother anyone!

I have to tell you Suzanne is amazing! She seems to just KNOW what to add and where to add cupboards, drawers and shelves.Ā 

So, here is my craft room now. Just a plain empty (sorta) room.

Here is the first picture as you come down the stairs:

Craft Room

I love the wall sconces (thank you Rosie!! I was hungry!. I adore the view straight ahead!!

Craft Room

To the left; that first door is the laundry room. Side note here; the house is huge! The rooms are ginormous! The laundry room? Nope, it’s the size of a small closet. I would really love to sit down with the people that designed this house, I have sooooo many questions!!

Craft Room

Aren’t the colors perfect??Ā  Marshmallow white on the walls and WHITE, WHITE on the ceilings, baseboard’s and windows.

Craft Room

Not a bad view out of any window!!

Craft Room

I love the big windows.

Craft Room

So much beautiful LIGHT!!!!!!!

Craft Room

The blue is the painters tape, we still have to paint the doors. Under this window by the blanket on the floor is where my big comfy chair will go.


Another wall for cupboards.

Craft Room

Down this little hallway is a small bedroom, bathroom and closet.

Craft Room

And back up stairs!

Craft Room

Sitting down with Suzanne on Thursday here is the first design shot.

Craft Room

Then this will be the longer wall by my comfy chair. Look at all these cupboards, counters and drawers!!!

Craft Room

I can’t wait to see what the next design looks like!!!!!!!

When we were all done with these sketches we worked on the kitchen remodel. Those pictures are for a whole different post, so you’ll have to just come back later to see those.

I am so excited!! Can you tell??


  • Anna Pry

    Wow, what a wonderful space you have to work with! I will be doing a much smaller space in our workshop out back for crafts and homeschool projects. I’m excited to get it started!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Wow! All that wonderful natural light and space! I’m afraid that if if that room was mine I’d spend all my time just looking out at the views and nothing would get done šŸ™‚

  • Rosie

    It will be such a nice craft room. I’d take before, during, and after pictures for a magazine article submission. With the views, it would be an exceptional standout! I need to get back on and finish an order I started, I keep forgetting to complete it, as I load up the cart, then go back later and shake my head saying to myself “way too much,” then take items out of cart, then start adding new items…

  • Karen R

    It is so nice to have your ideas come to life in the design. You’ll be spending lots of time in there. It’s going to be so nice.

  • Robin Creager

    Amazing!! So much beautiful open windows! I’m so envious right now. I have a spot picked out upstairs, not as big as yours but it’s cozy for what I need it for. Love your design plan for your craft room, very roomy!

  • Rosie

    I’m excited for you! I feel my heart to pitter patter looking at the design. Nice! I wouldn’t have thought of Home Depot for designing a craft room, I’ve seen pictures of kitchens they’ve designed with the owners. I look on Home Depot all the time, they have a great selection – no wonder why they have gotten to know you there! It is a good thing I have a hard time getting there, as I’d be there all the time, too, and spending way more than I should. Pretty color the mushroom. And the scones heh heh (were you hungry writing this?) instead of sconces. I figure a man must have designed this house with a closet-sized laundry room in a nice big house!

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