Rise and Shine Peanuts With Davina Wellness!!

It’s Sunday! Davina Wellness time for me. I hope you are doing exactly what you want to do today! Really, wouldn’t that be the perfect day? Doing exactly what YOU want to do. No worries about anyone or anything. Of course, I think this will have a HUGE impact on what I want to do when I win the lottery! Ya’ know just sayin’

I had a great week. I actually incorporated yoga in my day. I managed 4 days of yoga in the morning with my amazing view to stare out at. I know you that you should close your eyes when you set your intention or during the meditating segment, but the view I have relaxes me wayyyyyyy more.
Davina Wellness

I also added in Davina Wellness essential oils to my day. If you’ve never used essential oils before, don’t roll your eyes! Did you know The origin of essential oils is usually attributed to Ancient Egypt and India. Usually, it dates back to the mysterious Kingdom of Sheba, situated in present Ethiopia, which was considered the cradle of humanity.

Essential oils is NOT some hippy, peace, love, rock-n-roll, new age stuff. It’s been around forever!!

Essential oils smell so good but they also WORK!! Take lavender for instance, it does help you relax. Several studies have shown that lavender promotes sleep as well as encourages deeper, more restful sleep. A 2005 study out of Wesleyan University showed that lavender increased deep sleep and decreased the amount of time it took to fall asleep.

Let me tell you a little about Davina Wellness; their oils are harvested from around the world. At the peak of their potency. There is a very interesting page called the Secret Sauce of Sourcing you should check out if you’re interested in learning where these oils come from.
Davina Wellness
My personal favorites are the artesian blends. These are oils blended together to give me the benefits that I am seeking from my oils, but without me having to do the work.

Y’all know I’m lazy. I adore sleep. I would rather scroll Instagram, check out Pinterest and write blog posts than get up and exercise. I am NOT a good exerciser. Which is apparent with the amount of weight I’ve gained in the last 7 years.  But, I am trying to fix this. So, my goal has been get up, throw on my yoga pants and follow a class. 4 days this week. It’s a start. I HATE to admit it but I do feel better during the day after I exercise. (I hate that the experts are right!! Especially The Husband! I really, REALLY hate it when he is right!)  I can attribute some of this new ‘get up and go’ attitude to my new artesian blends. Starting with Jump Start; the perfect blend of Peppermint, Lemon, Rosemary, Black Pepper, Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, Lemongrass all in the perfect combination for a scent that starts my brain to workin’. I add a drop to each wrist, the a couple drops in the palms of my hands and inhale deeply. Added benefit for this is when I bring my hands into hearts pose I inhale another deep energizing breath. This is great Jump Start for when I’m starting to lag during the day too.

Liquid Sunshine. This one may be my favorite. If sunshine had a scent this would be IT!! This is a mix of vanilla and citrus (AND tons more) that creates a HAPPY SCENT. That’s the best way to describe it. It’s happiness in a bottle. This is my first pick for my lava rock necklace and bracelet. I can’t get enough of this one. LOVE. L-O-V-E. LOVE my Liquid Sunshine.

Lighten Up. Anyone that deals with depression knows that when the sads hit, they hit hard. I’ve found living in a new state so far away from my family and friends has been hard. I don’t make friends very easily. (Surprise! In real life I’m a tad on the shy side! Sayyyyy whaaaaa??) Lighten up seems to trigger something in my brain that helps me deal a little easier. I’m not saying that an oil will cure your depression but there is something about this oil that seems to help me personally, refocus. It’s a floral and citrus blend (again with lots more scents incorporated). It’s a great scent in the diffuser. My house smells DAVINEAAAAAA……. (like that attempt at a word play??)

ZENtered. This one I have in my oil diffuser in the bedroom. It’s not a girly scent and it’s not a manly scent. It’s a perfect calming balance. Our bedroom has the most amazing view so having a calming, relaxing scent really emphasis this is our oasis.

Last but not least is Inches Away. This one intrigued me the most of all the blends. Not only can use this on pulse points, in diffusers but you can also take internally. In my morning coffee. In my ice water. It’s too soon to tell how many inches go away. But I admit it does help push away my that late night craving for ice cream. That means it’s a winner already!!

More to love about Davina Wellness site is each oil, each artesian blend has a tab that gives you suggested uses as well as the full description of the oils.Davina Wellness
I am a HUGE fan of diffusers; I have mine running all day long. Not only does it make the house smell good but it does effect my mood. I’ve been having a hard time with this move, I miss my kids and I miss Alice (7-year-old Granddaughter; in case you are new here) like crazy!! To the point of tears somedays. Add a couple drops of Liquid Sunshine or Lighten Up does help my mood.

The oils are quickly shipped and arrive well packaged.  The prices are SO AFFORDABLE!! I can actually afford to use my oils daily! The oil are in amber bottles and available in different sizes! There is even a tiny 2ml size. I love the idea of the 2ml size; especially for items I think I may like or items I will use the most when Alice is here. Like the Boo-Boo Glue. Personally, I’d buy this just for the NAME!!


The oils are quickly shipped and arrive well packaged.  The prices are SO AFFORDABLE!! I can actually afford to use my oils daily! The oil are in amber bottles and available in different sizes! There is even a tiny 2ml size. I love the idea of the 2ml size; especially for items I think I may like or items I will use the most when Alice is here. Like the Boo-Boo Glue. Personally, I’d buy this just for the NAME!!

Besides, did ya see the LIQUID SUNSHINE!? Hello! How do you whine about a scent that makes you smile? How about a scent that calms and relaxes you like ZENtered? Nope, no whines here. Amber bottles, awesome scents. Multiple use oils, from inside to the outside. Oil Diffusers to simply unscrewing the lid and inhale. Davina Wellness Essential Oils are 3rd Party tested. PPQ Certified. Sustainable Farming Practiced. Affordable. Seriously, what could I whine about?!  I really hope you will click over and take a look. I would LOVE to know what oil perks your interest the most.

While your here have you entered my $50 Your Way Giveaway? It happens every month! Check the side bar.



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