My Idaho Update

I know it’s been awhile since I have done an Idaho update especially the progress on the house. So; here goes! Get a cup of coffee and get ready for some whining!

If you are new here; The Husband and I just moved from California to Sandpoint Idaho. It’s quite the change. From the people (who are SO NICE!!) to the weather! The last month has seen 100° + days (I didn’t think Idaho got this hot!) today is actually cool (downright chilly!) with heavy wind gusts that are bending the trees around our house. (Keep bending…. Please! No fall down. No fall into house. Please!)

I decided that while I am enjoying the master-bedroom, curled up on my big comfy chair, under my new cozy blanket! Starting a new book. (A real BOOK even!! Because; no Internet except my phone for a month!?! Has me a little cranky. AGHHHHHHHHHHHH) I am anxious for the siding to be up on that side of the house so the TV and Internet dishes can go back up. I am kinda going through withdrawals!

Now, before the whine starts in earnest here I have to give a shout out for my new Honeymoon blanket. Holy GUACAMOLE Batman this is one super soft blanket! But not just a blanket; oh no my friend!! This is a blanket that you can zip up and wear as you walk around the house!! Super soft. Super cuddly soft. In the perfect shade of pink too!! 59″ by 65″ this even works as an extra throw on the bed!! I adore the fact this doesn’t shed on my beautiful brown comfy chair in the bedroom.  Washes like a dream; with out shrinking or messing with the softness. Man I love this blanket!!  Idaho Update in a nice warm blanket ponchoBig zipper that hides in the folds. Zipper pull that is easy to find and grip. Doesn’t that just look so SOFT?!?!

Idaho vs California

Idaho is a whole different pace than California. 100% different.  When a contractor tells you he will see you next week; he means anywhere from a week to a month. It’s very frustrating!!  I am use to “someone will be at your house between 10am and 12noon” but I am learning to roll with it. (barely!)

The siding on the outside should be finished this week. I was told it would be finished by Tuesday; but since they didn’t show up today I imagine they will be done next week??

The siding is looking really nice on the sides that are done. Of course, the HUGE piles of old siding and trash really detracts from the look. (by next summer I won’t even remember this. RIGHT?!?!)

Idaho UpdateThe Kitchen

The kitchen is torn completely apart down to plywood. The cabinets arrived and are stacked in piles in the garage and the kitchen and the craft-room.  Today, they will unbox everything to check for damage. I will also get to see what I ordered!! A major fluke at Home Depot means the cabinets didn’t get ordered. It’s been 14 weeks; I have forgotten what the cabinets even look like!! (Take a deep breath!!)

The craft-room has always been an empty room so that is not different.

Idaho UpdateThe carpet. Oh the carpet. This on-going battle has been a thorn in my tuckus for so long!!  Oh Home Depot……. The tile layers came out and installed our tile….. but Home Depot didn’t allow them the correct amount of time to actually do all the work they needed. So carpet can’t be done until the tile is finished….. I don’t imagine I’ll have carpet until Christmas. I swear to you I TRULY do NOT remember the color we ordered.

Not to mention:

All of this work means all our furniture is still in storage.

Zachary dropped off Alice and stayed a few days. It was so good to have him here and I was so sad to see him go. Still hoping that he moves up here.

7-year-old Alice and The Non explored Sandpoint a little more. Hit the beach, Schweitzer Mountain, parks, walks and a lot of Barbie doll playing.  MAN I have missed that baby!!!

Last week Selena arrived, she stayed for a few days. She and Alice flew back to California on Saturday. I miss them so much!! This house is really too quiet without Alice!  3 weeks went by really fast!

I am sad that my kids didn’t get to see they house in a good light. It’s all total construction/war zone. Add in the fires in the area have created a heavy layer of haze like I’ve never seen! The kids didn’t get to witness our amazing view. This is the fire haze!

That’s my update for this week. I hope you are all enjoying the last few days of summer. I’m going to curl up with my new blanket and read while the contractors work.

Ohhhhh I just heard a crash….. do I investigate or do I stay put?? Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


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