5 Things to Look Out for When Selling a Used Car

Car owners who are selling a used car you have two main options: either take care of the sale themselves or work with a specialized dealership that will take care of the entire task for them. However, if you’re looking to get the best possible price and make sure your old baby goes to a responsible owner, we recommend taking the first version.

Of course, this means investing some time in organizing the sale and doing some research. You should also know that there is a risk element involved when selling your own vehicle. Still, if you pay attention to the steps discussed below, you should be safe.

Paperwork & Condition

Selling a Used CarThese are the first elements that matter when selling a car, but they’re also the first to be poked at by someone looking to haggle. So, to be able to stand firm on your asking price, you need to take two important steps:

Check the Paperwork

A vehicle could be fully yours or obtained via a loan. If it’s yours, you’ll need to have the title of ownership and the car manuals required by the local authorities.

Quick note: If you lost the title, you can get a duplicate from the motor vehicle department.

If the car still has a loan on it, make sure you know the exact payoff (talk to your bank if you have doubts). The buyer will have to write a check to the bank and one to you (if you have any equity).  

Check the Condition

The vehicle must be in ready-to-sell condition if you truly want to get a good price and find a serious buyer. Otherwise, people may feel cheated and lose trust in your vehicle, opening the door for various scammers.

So, before you decide to place an add, inspect all the elements of your vehicle starting with the engine, hoses, wires, brakes, and so on. Also, replace old tires, fix any dents or scrapes, check your windows, and replace the light bulbs.

Yes, this means investing a bit in a car you’re about to sale, but there are ways to reduce the spending and get a good price.


Once everything is in place, it’s time to devise your advertising strategy. Start by taking pictures that depict the reality of your vehicle’s state (retouched photos won’t sell the car faster).

Next step is finding various online platforms that allow car owners to post ads. The team at AutoVolo suggest that users who sell a car should always add as many details as possible, to make the vehicle easier to promote and find by anyone interested in buying.

You should also place a ‘For Sale’ ad in your car’s window, one at your house (in a visible location), and even post an ad in the local newspaper.

Patience & Calm

As soon as the ads are up and running, you’ll get various calls and messages asking for all sorts of information (usually redundant). You’ll also get visits from interested and not-so-interested buyers, you’ll be asked to lower the price, and so on.

Know that this is part of the sale and you need to remain calm and committed to your price (if you know it’s worth it). It may take time, but the right buyer will show up eventually!

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