The $50 Your Way April #Giveaway
#Giveaway time!! My monthly update doesn’t include snow!! FINALLY!! Now, with the fact that the snow is melting so quickly my update DOES include mud. A LOT of mud. At the end of the driveway that veers off to the neighbors? So many stuck cars. Like go get the tractor and pull them out stuck. In case you missed the video on Instagram here is the link. Yup, that’s our driveaway!
March did help me get back into the swing of blogging everyday with pictures of my amazing (and for right now VERY clean!) craft-room. I managed a picture a day. I going to see if I can’t continue, but this time with the rest of the house. We’ll see if I can do it.
Now for the real reason you are here.
I truly am thankful you stop by!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!
Good Luck little Peanuts!
Here it is August of 2024 and this giveaway is still going STRONG!! Am I a lucky blogger or WHAT?!?!

shelly peterson
I had a pretty relaxing day today. I didnt do too much.
Crystal K
About to eat a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. A winning day!
Not a bad day. A bit rainy and chilly for April, but I was indoors most of the day anyway. Worked in the AM, then stopped at the supermarket by house to cash in $65 worth of scratch off lottery tickets. Then used $23 of that money to buy a few groceries. Came home and did some laundry and continued my two week battle with the ants that have invaded the house as they do each Spring.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, that sounds like a great day!! I do love scratch offs. I think I will do those instead of driving an hour away for a casino run!
Ants. I hate ants. Good LUCK to us both!
Sarah L
Had a good massage this morning. The off to downtown at Franklin Medical center for my first infusion there. I’ve always gone to a different one. Felt like the first day of a new school where you don’t know anyone or where anything is.
Cheryl Chervitz
Not a bad day. Its been raining all day and no sun!
Connie Gruning
Cheryl, it’s so cold here! I’m about ready to go snuggle under my electric throw and warm up! Come on sunshine!
Yea! Day is going good, I can finally get back into the giveaway form! Trying to do a cartwheel I’m so happy, hope I don’t break something being klutsy as usual!
Tamra Phelps
I definitely notice a difference in how I feel today. The incision spot seems to be healing. I know I’m in for a long haul. 6-8 weeks of IV antibiotics, followed by up to 6 months of pill antibiotics, but at least I feel they’re serious about beating this.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, WOW that’s a ton of antibiotics! WOW!! You are gonna feel like a whole new woman.
Kate Sarsfield
I was up with Mum a couple of times in the night and then we both slept till lunchtime. Still … Anyway, choir resumes tonight so better get rehearsing!
Tammy: Great to hear you’re bouncing back!
Michele Soyer
Kate fingers and toes crossed for your niece.. hope mum feels better…Tamra looking up!! Connie got my to-do list done yesterday.. everything on it + a few extras.. now today I am not that energetic…list rather small…
Rochelle Haynes
My day is o k so far
shelly peterson
Today was a day of dialysis and I am tired from staying up to late. I hope I can get to bed soon.
Crystal K
We went to a potluck tonight. It was nice getting together with friends and eating delicious food!
Sarah L
Good swim then off to the gardens for the Concert volunteers meeting. It was snowing when we came out of the meeting.
Still not able to get into the giveaway form! It got cold out again, I’m wearing a wool sweater today, supposed to get colder tonight, too!
Cathy French
I did a lot of shopping therapy over the weekend so today I’m putting up new curtains and decluttering/cleaning
Tamra Phelps
They took the drain out of the back today, so that’s good. Tomorrow, I might be able to get up and sit in the chair (with a lot of help, lol.) But every day is a little better.
Kate Sarsfield
…. and we’re back to Monday … my niece’s 3rd year College exams start this week so fingers crossed! Mum’s got aches & pains all over (I swear it’s the wine!) so we’ll just have to wait and see what the day will bring.
Connie Gruning
Kate sending great thought waves to your Niece and of course to Mum. You need the wine!
It’s still really early, but so far my day is going nicely. Been at work a little over an hr and haven’t felt the urge to choke anyone yet, so that’s good. LOL!!
Connie Gruning
Lynne, That’s a great start to a Monday, no choking anyone.
Michele Soyer
To-do list ready…breakfast on the table and dressed for the garden.. now all I have to do is get motivated to start!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, I have a list of to-do’s started and zip-zero-nadda motivation to do any of them. Good luck with yours!
shelly peterson
I just got home from watching the Avengers End Game. It was pretty good. I am ready for bed.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, Avengers is on my list of must see too. Maybe this week.
Crystal K
Worked in the yard pretty much all day. Trying to tackle our out-of-control weeds!
Connie Gruning
Crystal I could send you a deer! They eat weeds. And all my flowers too. But, they are cute!
Sarah L
Met with the dog I’ll be sitting for from May 6-14. Then good rehearsal for SAGE singers ahead of our concert debut next Sat & Sun.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, My daughter loves to dog sit. I would only dog sit a lazy dog. Bear has all the energy I can handle!
Tamra Phelps
Slowly feeling better. Hopefully, it won’t take long.
Kate, I remember ‘The Fog’— it terrified me, lol.
The snow that came for most of yesterday is melting. Yeah. We are going to go and have a good day–hopefully.
Connie Gruning
Maureen, the snow we had lasted maybe 30 minutes and was gone within 10. THANK HEAVENS
Kate Sarsfield
Does anyone remember the line from McCartney & Wings’ Mull of Kintyre “mist rolling in from the sea”? Well, that’s what I’m watching or it could be THE FOG, Connie 😉
Connie Gruning
Kate! THE FOG!!!!!!!
Michele Soyer
Tamra…praying that now they clear up the blood infection and the pain from the surgical site heals and you are finally pain free…
It is Sunday and all I can think about is relaxing today….No roast dinner but an Italian spread… Glorious Sunday to all….
shelly peterson
I had some internet issues for a couple dyas but now they are fixed and I am happy
Crystal K
Big excitement – just went out and bought a new lawn mower. Doesn’t get much more thrilling than that for my 4-year-old son.
Connie Gruning
Crystal, boys will be boys! The Husband and his tractor. Never seen him so giddy!
Sarah L
Attending a concert tonight. I used to sing with this chorus.
Tamra Phelps
I’ve been AWOL for a few days. Thursday the back pain became unbearable, I insisted on going to the ER. The ER sent me on to University of KY Medical Center in Lexington. The back pain and leg pain…not arthritis. MRSA had gotten into the spine. Yesterday I had spinal surgery to remove infection in the 6th vertebrae, some infected bone, too. In pain from the incision, but the nerve that was being compressed and causing leg pain has stopped causing that. Just glad to see a light at the end of this tunnel.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I am so glad you insisted on going and it sounds like FINALLY you’ve found someone to help!! Sending you healing prayers. I hope you are feeling better today.
I wish things could be better and I know they will be — hopefully soon.
My day isn’t going as planned. Was supposed to be going to lunch with a friend, but they sent a text this morning saying they had a sore throat and fever all night. But despite being disappointed by this, I am taking advantage of the day home and getting some things done around the house and snuggling with my kitties.
Connie Gruning
I think that is a great idea. I’m sorry lunch fell through but snuggling with fur babies is always a good option.
Michele Soyer
Howling wind makes me crazy Kate.. hope you are safe and had no damage….have to get out there and clean out the aviary this morning…love it when one of the doves lands on me… beautiful birds….good weekend to all….
shelly peterson
Today has been a rough day, lets hope tomorrow is better.
Crystal K
Today was great again. So happy to have my kids around all day now that preschool is done for the summer.
Connie, I saw that you asked how many people were at that crazy egg scramble. Pretty much the whole town was there, hahaha.
Teresa Moore
Well it is now Friday evening. Very thankful this week is over. Counting down the days till I leave on vacation to the mountains..40 days!!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s almost 3 in the morning on Sat. 27th. and I can’t sleep ‘cos of the wind. Internet’s a bit dodgy so doing this while I still can. Have a nice weekend, one and all!
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. It’s amazing to see how the pool helps people get better.
I haven’t been able to get the giveaway form to open up for days, oh well. little peanut here.
Today has been okay. Worked in the morning, got home just before the first thunderstorm of the day came through, so I was happy to miss getting rained on.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, it rained here too. I do like a good rainstorm. As long as its quick! 🙂
Kim Pincombe-Cole
TGIF! But I’m SO over all the rain – it’s flooded everywhere. And I’m hosting a huge baby shower this weekend. Hoping the sun makes an appearance!
Connie Gruning
Kim, I am with you! Rain quick and move on! I will keep my fingers crossed for sunshine this entire weekend!
Kate Sarsfield
Up early and all chores done & a big casserole made that I can heat on the camping stove in case we lose power when Storm Hannah hits later today. Just sitting here watching a pair of kestrels circling overhead …
Connie Gruning
Kate, Stay safe!
Michele Soyer
Kate please take care and I hope the storm passes by w/o any drama..
Tamra best of luck with the gastro doctor….may they find out the root cause of the bleeding..
Spent all day yesterday working in the garden and today very little to do so off I go for an early start….
Crystal K
My son’s first day of summer was today, so I took him to the park and out for ice cream. Fun!
Connie Gruning
Crystal, I love park days. Ice cream BIG BONUS! I will take ice cream anyday
shelly peterson
I was hoping for a relaxing day but didnt happen.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. You need to come up with more interesting words for May. How about a different flower every day? This month’s words are lame.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I don’t know if I can find a month of flowers to post.
I will work on a better list of prompts for May. Maybe I will do the alphabet
Kate Sarsfield
Ireland’s due to be hit by Storm Hannah tomorrow so I’ll have to stock up on groceries, charge up the emergency lights, collect Mum’s meds & tie down anything that might get blown about.
Connie Gruning
Kate be sure to check in after Hannah. Hopefully she passes you by!
shelly peterson
It was a nice sunny day and a day of dialysis.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I hope you are feeling better today.
Crystal K
Watched my oldest graduate preschool today. ADORABLE! He’s officially on summer vacation and STOKED!
Sarah L
An afternoon of Steve sitting. We went to France, Panama and Alaska courtesy of his great photo albums.
I am grateful for each day that I am still alive! Thank you for my life! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Tamra Phelps
Tomorrow, I go to Lexington to see the gastroenterologist. Hopefully, she can figure out where I’m losing blood so I don’t need more transfusions.
Gorgeous day today, windows open and a breeze is coming in. Getting ready to make some homemade noodles with semolina, plan on rolling some herbs into the dough.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, the day is fantastic here! Clear sky, warm AND when I went to Walmart today I’m 99% sure I saw Bradley Cooper. Great day all the way around!
Kate Sarsfield
Now that Mum can shower independently again, I get to do things for ME for an hour! I re-potted Mum’s orchids and fed all the other houseplants. All the seedlings on the window sills should be re-potted but I’ve got to go into town later. Colostomy bag, here I come!!!
Michele Soyer
Kate you have an inventive and awesome way of thinking good for you!! Dentist went very well thank goodness…. Tamra once again all positive vibes and prayers are going your way…
As for me had my coffee, made beds, laundry humming and getting ready to go out and get to that yard to-do list….
shelly peterson
I tried to relax a bit today before heading back to the hospital since my daughter was admitted again.
Crystal K
Phew what a tiring day! Lots of fun and sunshine and chocolate chip pancakes with my kiddos!
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra: Hoorah for doctors that listen to their patients! Wouldn’t MRSA show up in a lumbar puncture? Although that’s a bit unpleasant … especially if there’s arthritis in the area … hum, go with the MRI – lot easier! Fingers & toes crossed and thank heavens you have insurance.
Tamra Phelps
Kate, you have genius ideas! If you got that from your Dad, I wish I had known him. I like people with out of the box ideas!
They seem to have decided I might be right about these weird pains in my back. The doctor wants a thoracic MRI (on my back)– possibly, the MRSA could still be in the spine. Apparently, that can happen. I’m not even gonna google it. I just don’t want to know how bad it could be. I’m going to assume if it’s that, that they will fix it.
Sarah L
Had a fun group at the gardens. We saw all the beautiful tulips and then they did seed art.
My day is going pretty well. Much better then yesterday when I had a sick cat and ants invading my living room. Plus yesterday was rainy, but today is sunny and in the low 70’s.
Beans and rice – you got it!! Today the weather has been nice, I’m having a problem with my foot so couldn’t go out, but the windows are open. Love the breeze.
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra: So glad you’re getting some relief at last.
Michele: Good luck at the dentist!
Me: Yesterday I had a Dad-type idea to help make Mum feel more secure in the shower. I put a zimmer frame that’s been in the garage since I dislocated my knee into the shower tray & it fits! She’s using it now and loves it! Gotta go & put the kettle on for her coffee!
Michele Soyer
Off to the dentist this morning for a routine check-up…then who knows what?? Eventually I do have to get out of holiday mode and back to work!
shelly peterson
Man life has been crazy busy lately. I had to make another trip to the E.R. again today.
Tamra Phelps
Another day in paradise…not, lol. Well, at least therapy is doing ultrasound and E-stem (little things they attach to the area in pain, they give off little jolts that remind me of that feeling when you touch your tongue to a 9 volt battery to see if it still has juice…except this is much more intense.) That’s helping my back, but it’s slow going.
Crystal K
Great day…am thinking of buying chickens. Good idea? Terrible idea?
Sarah L
Happy Earth Day! Good swim with friends.
Kate Sarsfield
Mum & I sang The Messiah last night/this morning when we were going to bed! Then reminiscing about so & so from some of the choirs we’ve been in over the years. The best was when our ecumenical (radical for the time) travelled from the midlands down to Kerry in the south-west of Ireland to sing at a festival. Halfway through Some Enchanted Evening, a small flock of sheep wandered into the hall! “… across a crowded room …”
Connie Gruning
Kate, sounds like a perfect evening/morning.
Getting ready to walk to town. Supposed to have heavy rain starting this afternoon. Seems like it is always raining or going to rain, I hope at least that means not much risk for a drought! Glad the Stop & Shop strike is over, that is my grocery store, and haven’t gotten groceries in two weeks. But they say it will be a bit before they have food again, as the Teamsters didn’t deliver during the strike.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, TWO weeks would be rough! When the snow was bad in Sandpoint the trucks couldn’t get to the stores for groceries. Thank heavens for beans and rice.
Michele Soyer
Hope all here had a wonderful blessed Easter…here on Easter Monday I am still in celebratory mode….many go to the sea but as for me… once again the chair, the book and Handels Messiah…..oh and a cocktail!
Robyn Bellefleur
It was a pretty nice day here. Took the dogs for a nice long walk to enjoy the weather and get some exercise.
Connie Gruning
Robyn, I am all for days where I can take Bear for a walk. Wear this girl OUT!! Since she is still a puppy she has way more energy than the Momma!
shelly peterson
I had a wonderful day with my family. the weather was perfect.
Sarah L
Happy Easter! Good rehearsal with SAGE Singers. Then a very good dinner with friends.
Tamra Phelps
Still waiting to find out what’s going on with my knee and ankle. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor, and Monday, there supposed to decide whether to try an ultrasound or a CT scan…this is obviously not bone related.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I’m hoping you got some answers at todays appointment.
Crystal K
Enjoying a quiet, rainy Easter. We are just relaxing at home and baking and cooking – 2 of my favorite things!
We are having a gorgeous weather day in Minnesota! It is so perfect because it is Easter!
Happy Easter, Happy Passover, or just plain Happy Sunday!!! I’ve already eaten too much today!!!
Cathy French
Just trying to catch up on some laundry and other chores today. Bit chilly out and had to shut the windows,
Connie Gruning
Cathy, I’m working on laundry right now. It’s my least favorite chore! (pffffhhhhhhtttt like I have a favorite CHORE?! NO!)
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Easter to those who celebrate the religious festival and happy guilt-free chocolate day to one and all!
shelly peterson
Today has been a busy day. I gad to take my daughter home from the hospital and run errands and get things ready for Easter. I hope you have a Happy Easer!
Today was a good day. It was pouring rain when I woke up, but it cleared up and was sunny in the afternoon. I got laundry done and some other things around the house.
Torrential rain today, dark and gloomy, but it feels cozy. Doing some cooking and dishes. Our report from the fire marshall was released, and there are tons of things they are supposed to fix. The board president thinks he can talk his way out of having to remedy them, but I have read online in a couple places that fire code violations are not negotiable. They still haven’t fixed the ones they were cited for 2 years ago, so they have all them and many more. I didn’t hear the whole thing, so I’m not sure if they also got fined for the ones they were already cited for that they chose to neglect. In the local paper, two owner/landlords were arrested this week for outstanding fire code violations in their complexes. I wish they’d arrest our board president.
Crystal K
What a great day. Took the kids to a massive Easter egg scramble with 25,000 eggs! We had a great time.
Connie Gruning
Crystal, 25000 EGGS! How crowded was this scramble? Still sounds like a great time
Cathy French
Looking foward to our family Easter feast later today
Connie Gruning
Cathy, An Easter feast with family sounds amazing! Have FUN!!
Tamra Phelps
I decided to get difficult. That seems like the only way to get anything done here. I said ‘I’m not moving from this bed until I get answers about this left foot (horrible pain around the ankle, the rest of the foot feels like dead weight.) I’m afraid I’ve hurt it because it had to take about all my weight due to the right knee being hurt. If one more person tries to tell me ‘oh, it’s probably just arthritis’…things will not be pretty. I’ve had arthritis since I was in my 20’s, I know that pain. This is not arthritis. So, they had someone come in and take an x-ray. But then, those only show bones. Who knows if this is bone related??
Connie Gruning
Tamra, THAT sounds like a great plan!! Be the squeaky wheel and find out what is really going on!!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, Tamra, life’s so bloody unfair and no amount of ‘whining’ is going to change that (although thanks to Connie, it does help x). Scream and shout, Tammy, don’t give in even though you’re tired, you will go home soon.
Dad died 4 years ago today, Mum’s colostomy bag burst in the night so up to my elbows in poo and laundry, but the sun is shining, there’s snooker on telly for Mum, gardening for me and pizza & wine later. Keep it simple, folks.
Connie Gruning
Kate, Hugs to you and Mum. You are a strong woman. Mum is lucky to have you.
I’m going for straight marshmallow vodka tonight! We had pizza yesterday, chicken tonight!
Michele Soyer
Tamra I am truly speechless about what you are still going thru and for me to be speechless.. well.. it takes a helluva lot.. LOL.. Pray that today is a better …
As I sit here listening to the rain I am truly grateful for the life I have and health I enjoy…a total day off today….only thing I plan to do is go from chair to divan and back to chair to get another book or change the music… a simple lunch tomorrow will be our traditional Easter dinner.. Glorious Saturday to all…
Connie Gruning
Michele, I couldn’t have said it better myself. I am grateful for my life and health. With a few whines thrown in for good measure. Tamra we all are praying for you. Now, I am off to sit on the couch and binge watch something new. Scary movies I think.
shelly peterson
Today has been a long and busy day.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I had to go out for another blood transfusion today. It took 11 hours. Needless to say, being on stretchers all day did not hep my pains…so I was not a happy camper.
Michele, thank you for your prayers. I’ve pretty much lost confidence in doctors, so I think I’m better off asking God for help. At least He listens!
Connie Gruning
Tamra, you are a strong woman. 11 hours!! HOLY MOLY!!
Kate Sarsfield
CONNIE: One swallow does not a summer make! Are you sure they’re swallows and not swifts or house martins?
Connie Gruning
Kate; I have no idea. The Husband said “Look a swallow” I said Okay. LOL!! I guess it’s time to google.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a trip to the thrift store because I needed a blouse to wear for the Sage Singers first concert. Got 2 blouses & a pair of jeans for $12.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, my favorite stores are the thrift stores!! I wish I was in Colorado and I could come with you!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
It’s a cold, rainy Good Friday and I’m getting ready to run last minute errands for the Easter weekend!
Getting some things ready for the holiday. My usual grocery store is on strike, I’ve heard the other grocery stores are really crowded, as many are avoiding the store where the strike is.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just seen the first swallow of the summer! Quite early so that’s promising (and yes, I do know the old adage)!
Connie Gruning
Kate we have a ton of swallows around the house….. and no I don’t know the old adage. Are you going to make me look it up?
Michele Soyer
Kate you keep your dad’s memory alive and that is wonderful..
Tamra all I can is say a prayer for you and wish I could do more..
Started baking yesterday around 6:30 until late afternoon.. got all my orders done + ours.. Thank goodness for purchased fondant! Delivery today and stations of the cross…..
Connie Gruning
Michele, I have no family up here so I won’t be doing any baking. Oh I may make The Husband some fresh bread……… maybe.
shelly peterson
My day started out good by going to lunch with my nieces but then spent the evening in the E.R. with my daughter.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I hope your daughter is okay!
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. Trying to sign up for a thing called CarFit for seniors to make sure all the things that can be adjusted get adjusted right.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, never heard of CarFit I will have to go check that out.
Cathy French
Today I’m doing laundry and not much else
Crystal K
It’s downright warm here today! Enjoyed playing outside with my kiddos this morning!
I had said to myself last night, I was going to turn my head upside down and scrunch my hair to make it poufy. Have to stop and do it right now…… OK, it didn’t pouf much. I guess I have to check out some youtube videos – but no hair spray. Poufy sounds good. An easier way to get a couple inches taller than putting a deck of cards in your shoes!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, putting cards in my shoes sounds uncomfortable!
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra, I’m so sorry & feel so bloody helpless that there’s nothing I can do to help.
It’s a quiet day here but the sun is shining, Spring has sprung and my veggie & flower seedlings are healthy!
shelly peterson
It was a nice sunny day today. I gad dialysis so that’s where is pent my day.
Tamra Phelps
This has not been a good day. My knee was so painful in therapy that I couldn’t really put weight on it. Arthritis, I guess. Really bad arthritis. I guess I then had a little meltdown, just convinced I couldn’t do this again, that the universe, kharma, or God will always just knock me back down. I’m tired of there always being another hurdle to jump.
Connie Gruning
Oh Tamra, I wish I was there to help cheer you on. I don’t blame you for having a meltdown you have been through so much!! {{{{{{{{{{{sending you hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Crystal K
Fresh, sunny day in Utah! Flowers (and WEEDS) popping up all over, haha.
Connie Gruning
Crystal, I saw the SUN today!! Around 4pm but hey! SUNSHINE!! Weeds, no well, then again the deer eat them all so yeah……. I guess it’s okay after all.
It is a really nice day out today, have the windows open. Might be a waste to be inside, but I have my new Yankee candle, Salt Mist Rose, going, and split pea soup in the slow cooker. Chipping away at chores.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, Split Pea soup is my top favorite soup. It was on the chilly side here. Went to town and had my hair cut……… I have BIG POUFY HAIR. We are talking Steel Magnolias BIG HAIR. HUGE. It doesn’t look even remotely close to the picture. BIG! TALL! POUFY hair!
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just taken Mum to put some lovely flowers on Dad’s grave. Four years on Saturday and it only seems like a month or two ago but Mum has been the focus since he died so the last couple of years have felt sort of surreal. He was always very practical though and life is for the living …
Connie Gruning
Kate, I can’t believe your Dad’s been gone that long. Time is going so very fast.
Michele Soyer
Thank goodness Kate… off to the hip man….
On my way out the door to go shopping.. an all day knockabout…have all my lists and a tight budget!
Sarah Lehan
Good massage then a fun evening at DBG class on cooking with herbs.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, A massage fixes so much in your soul. Ahhhhhhhh so relaxing. Cooking class; that would be fun. I will have to see if Sandpoint even has that to offer.
shelly peterson
Not too bad of a day today. I got to relax a bit.
Crystal K
A gloomy, rainy day today, but Mexican takeout for dinner brightened my day! Snow in the forecast for tonight…where is springtime hiding?!
Connie Gruning
Crystal I am with you! NO MORE SNOW!! No thank you. I am out!
Was a nice day today, storms coming in tonight so have to close the windows soon. It is really starting to feel like spring, and there are big green buds on the trees, no leaves yet. I love this time of year! I’ve been goofing off about doing any cooking the last few days, so just had tortilla chips for dinner. I have a hunch I’m gonna’ be hungry again later….
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I found trees out in the Zen area and they are full of buds! I can’t wait for them to bloom. I’m ready for some bright green colors!
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve just got back from hearing the results of my hip scans etc. No arthritis – yay! But possible tendonitis ??? Anyway, I’m being referred to a hip man to find out more … Can’t get the image of Notre Dame’s spire collapsing out of my head – all that history …
Connie Gruning
Kate, no arthritis is great news. I don’t know anything about tendonitis so off to Google I go.
Notre Dame just made me cry yesterday. Like you said all that history. All that beauty.
Things could be better. I am trying to make the best. I am going to go to yoga and perhaps that will help.
Connie Gruning
Maureen, I do love my yoga. I admit I have been horrible about exercise, which makes no sense to be because I feel so much better afterwards. I hope Yoga helped today.
Annmarie Weeks
My morning’s good so far…no emergencies. My hubby got off to work fine, and my son caught the bus on time. I went to Starbucks to get an iced chai and am trying to clear out some email. A nice, relaxing day so far.
Connie Gruning
Annmarie, HORRAY for great days!! AND Starbucks!
Michele Soyer
Oh Kate memories memories.. Christopher and I saw JCS opening week on Broadway…would love to see you do a sitting – down charleston!!!
well some last minute cake orders but have no fear I am going out tomorrow to do my Easter shopping….today?? enjoying my week holiday…
shelly peterson
Today was an ok Monday. I went to dialysis and I am ready for bed soon.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, Have a good rest!
Crystal K
Quiet day. My son is almost done with preschool and I’m looking forward to having his wild energy around all day haha.
Connie Gruning
Crystal, That made me laugh right out loud. I would adore having that much energy for an hour a day. That’s all I ask. One hour. I would get so much done!!
Sarah L
Good swim then trip to Costco. I get a roast chicken and then split it with my friend.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, Costco chicken is the BEST!!!!!!
Cathy French
My sinus’ are bothering me today. The pharmacy won’t fill my meds..there is some sort of problem with their couting. Waiting on the Dr to call them to straighten it out. Spring pollen!
Connie Gruning
Cathy, I hope the doctor got your meds all straightened out and you are feeling better today!
Tamra Phelps
As of today, I’m clear of anything contagious and got to go back to therapy. I’m hoping things will get better quickly in therapy.
Connie Gruning
Tamra You’ll be dancin’ in the halls really soon. I just feel it!
Torrential downpour outside, double checked to make sure all windows closed. Getting some chores done inside. Glad I got my errands done in town over the weekend, no way I’d want to be walking outside in that!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I don’t want to jinx anything here but I HAVE BLUE SKY today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s so pretty!!!!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Michele: Me too! Love it & do the sitting-down charleston while singing! We had the album when it came out & learnt every word … “Why waste your time moaning at the crowds …. nothing can be done to stop the shouting!”
Meanwhile, back in Monamolin, it’s pouring with rain but we’re due sunshine for the rest of the week.
Michele Soyer
Kate.. slather on that calamine.. Tamra..healing vibes being sent your way….
Getting ready to go out and water the garden then turn up the volume on all my different renditions of Jesus Christ SuperStar and sing along.. out of tune of course with a rousing acid scream on Gethsemane…..but the Herod Rag has to be my favourite…..
Sarah L
Fun chorus rehearsal with a substitute director who was very good.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, I think choir would be such a joyful activity. I love singing in my car where no one else can hear!
Tamra Phelps
I’ve been dealing with a lot of pain in my back, under the shoulder blades. I know it’s just built up tension/stress. Trying a muscle relaxer, hoping therapy can start that ultrasound tomorrow.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I hope that Ultra Sound therapy helps! Sending healing thoughts your way!
Crystal K
Just a quiet Sunday. Enjoying having the windows open and having some fresh air after that long family sick spell!
Connie Gruning
Crystal, open windows sounds so nice! It hailed and rained all day here. Come on warm weather! I am glad everyone is better at your house!
Day is going good. Nice out right now, but storms later. Going to get out for a little bit before the storms roll in!!
It is going ok. Going to study and watch church online today.
Connie Gruning
Edye, I think you have a great day ahead of you!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s Sunday lunchtime & Mum’s still asleep. She hasn’t been feeling the best this week with pains in her joints but will she take painkillers? Only under duress!
As for me, I’m flea bitten again as Idris brought home another rabbit. God those bites can really itch!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I’m thinking that Idris needs to be grounded until she picks better rabbits to bring home. Hope Mum is feeling better today. Time for some Calamine lotion for you.
Michele Soyer
Palm Sunday…off to mass then a relaxing, reflecting day.. Everything ready for Easter only chore to do this week is bathing the dog and watering the garden.. I always try and take Holy Week off.. Pleasant Sunday all….
Connie Gruning
Michele, that is an AWESOME tradition, taking Holy Week off. I like that a lot.
shelly peterson
I was hoping for a relaxing day but no such luck. I watched the grandkids for awhile and ran some errands.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, Grandkids are so much fun, but not relaxing that’s for sure!
My day was good. In the afternoon I was a volunteer at our towns Easter Eggstravaganza helping with the petting zoo. Then after a few hrs rest I met some friends for dinner at a new Mexican restaurant where I had Tostones and Steak Fajitas.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, that sounds like the perfect day!
Went to town today, everyone was out and about, the weather was nice, stopped at Whole Foods on the way home but only bought milk! Their prepared foods looked pretty good. I don’t know where the day went, I didn’t get anything done, but don’t feel too guilty about it!!
Connie Gruning
Oh Rosie, everyone needs a good lazy day. I need to actually DO something, too many lazy days for me.
Cathy French
I decided to venture out this morning to get some Starbucks. One of those wierd everything goes wrong situations and one hour later finally got home. Then overdid and now I can’t come down from all the consumed caffeine! Ugh
Connie Gruning
Cathy, I hope the rest of your day went better. I haven’t been to a Starbucks since I moved up here to Idaho. I think I need to remedy that.
Michele Soyer
My ” driveway landscape man” is here cleaning out bush for me and lugging away coconut branches and all sorts of bush bleh….also cutting down dead trees and cleaning the good ones…he does a great job…. so as for me where is my book???
Connie Gruning
Michele, I don’t suppose I could borrow your landscape guy! I’ll send mine over. *** the deer. LOL!
Kate Sarsfield
Saturday and it’s catch up on laundry day then some potting up of seedlings.
Crystal K
It’s FRIDAY! Who could ask for anything more?!
shelly peterson
Today was a typical Friday. I went to dialysis. I then spent time with my grandsons.
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra: God, I still love cold pizza though! Good luck with the ultrasound. I’ve had it done a couple of times & it worked for me, so fingers crossed xxx
Rosie: Try shoe polish, the proper wax stuff in a tin. You can colour the white patch & wax it up at the same time!
Tamra Phelps
Kate, I remember just getting a few hours sleep, eating cold pizza for breakfast and going to class…no problem, lol. These days…not so much!
Tamra Phelps
I spent today with a heat pack on my back. It has hurt across the bottom of the shoulder blades since the whole MRSA mess. I think it’s just a build up of tension but man, it hurts. Monday, Megan in therapy is going to try ultrasound on it. I feel like that’s likely to break up those knots. Doctors just want to throw pain meds at it, but that’s very temporary. I want it fixed.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I agree, pain meds only mask the pain. Getting fixed way better. Ultra sound is what they did on on my ankle and it helped a lot.
Sarah L
Went to DMV to get plates for my new car. 1 hour 30 minutes. But I had a book. Then good swim with friends.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, First time in my life I only spent less than 10 minutes in the DMV to register my car. That’s a great perk for a small town! But, like you I always have a book with me.
Ok, so today I’m trying my new lavender candle, so nice on a rainy, dreary day. Glad I treated myself first time in … I can’t remember!! I’m fiddling with my floors, spots from watering plants, I found for mine that using a scrubbie with the liquid floor wax for floors takes away the white spots, as my wood floors have wax on them. A little at a time.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, for the white spots on the floor what about a crayon in the same color? I saw it on Pinterest one. Color in the spot. Lay a hot iron over wax paper on the spot. Course, I would try that tip on a hidden area first because with my memory WHO knows if I am missing a step!
Michele Soyer
Kate your niece gets it from you!!! mum also …. Cannot say I remember those days Kate…when I went that same year I met my husband and got married.. so it was being wife and student!!
Tamra glad you are better.. you will make it home soon..
As for today the current will be gone from 9-3 to facilitate upgrading the lines….what a joke they do this once a month and .. well.. whatever….so outside to putter about…
Kate Sarsfield
Remember when you could party till dawn, sleep on someone’s couch & still be in college for the first lecture? And we never thought those days would end? Ah me, … Feeling nostalgic after picking niece up from a rowdy College ‘do’ last night!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I remember those stay up all weekend. GO GO GO have fun. Drink WAY too much! Now if I make it to 9 I’m lucky!
Crystal K
Another day of crazy weather – slip sliding all over the place on my way home from work!
shelly peterson
I didnt do too much today. It sure takes a long time to get caught up on lost sleep.
Was a rainy dark day today, but was cozy inside. I tried my other new Yankee candle, Fresh Cut Roses, and it was so nice to sit and do paperwork with the scent of roses!
Sarah L
My eye had been bothering me since last night. Went to eye doctor – inflammation have to take drops 4 times a day to clear it up.
My day has been okay. Easy work day, got my State tax refund in the mail.
Connie Gruning
Lynne, a refund is always a good thing! Hopefully you get to splurge at least a little bit!
Tamra Phelps
I’m feeling much stronger now that the antibiotics are over. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel again, which is a huge relief. Hopefully, soon I’ll be able to tell you I’m home.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
I’m resting today – recovering from a ER trip due to my kidneys yesterday. ☹️
Connie Gruning
Kim! OH NO! I hope you are feeling better quickly.
Kate Sarsfield
Flying turkeys? That’s it, it’s the apocalypse folks! Take cover …
Idris, the cat, brought home a rabbit & now I have flea bites. Country living, never a dull moment. I’ve to head into Dublin city centre tonight to collect my niece who’s being presented with an award for her work with the students’ union against injustice, social issues etc. Wonder where she gets that from? 😉
Connie Gruning
Kate, WOW!! The women in your family are amazingly strong kick butt gals!!
I will catch a video of flying turkeys! I promise!
Birdie Skolfield
My day is goin good so far . I’m going to breakfast with my hubby . Well work in our garden later and bask in the warm sunshine. Tonight its a baseball game for us !!!
Connie Gruning
Birdie, I really should work in the garden while the soil is so wet but, here I sit instead.
Michele Soyer
Connie flying turkeys Toto take me home!! Got all my lists done yesterday and next week I am ready to go and shop….but for today have seeds to set and tomatoes and eggplant to pick… there are times when I remember that once I was a little girl growing up in NYC that had oodles of plans of what my life would be and it all took a very different turn…who would have thought I would be here.. and gardening…so different….so very different….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I never thought I would be were I am either. SO different. I never ever thought I would leave Colorado, then I swore I’d never leave California and here I am. Idaho. With flying turkeys!! WHAT THE!??!!
Crystal K
Well today was WEIRD…woke up to a massive snowstorm! Wasn’t expecting THAT! Utah is full of surprises!
Connie Gruning
Crystal, again. SUCH weird weather! Did someone in Utah pack away their winter clothes? I know if I wash my car here in Idaho I bring rain…….. soooo just sayin’…….. Stay safe! Hopefully you get to stay home. Warm and dry.
Sarah L
You say in this post you are done with snow. It is currently snowing in Denver with blizzard warnings out. Yesterday it was 78 degrees.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, as soon as I saw the weather report I thought about you. Which is really funny that you came to my mind before my family did. Hummmmm that might mean something??? Stay safe, stay warm. STAY HOME!
Tamra Phelps
I finished that antibiotic yesterday, so I’m hoping the side effects are gone soon. I feel stronger, and I think the vision is not as bad, so things are looking up, lol.
Connie Gruning
Tamra I am so glad your vision is clearing up, but I am even more glad you’re done with the antibiotics
My Yankee candles came today, and it didn’t take me long to light up “Lilac Blossoms.” It smells so nice! Went to town today, so now catching up.
Connie Gruning
Rosie I read about your candles and immediately went and lit my candles. The house smells so nice!
Cathy French
My boyfriends’ sister is taking us to Hilton Head this August and I am so excited.
Connie Gruning
Cathy. I have never been to Hilton Head but I imagine August would be the best time. Ahhhh who am I kidding? Anytime would be a great time!
Kate Sarsfield
I’d a lovely time at choir & was even given an Easter egg by one of the ladies!
CONNIE: put on a pair of wellies & wash your windows in the rain. Great fun!
Connie Gruning
Katie I should put on the wellies and wash my car! It’s filthy! You’d think I lived in Idaho on a mud road!
Michele Soyer
Sitting here with my coffee and my lists and calculator and ready to go.. If it rains today I will not have to water the garden so it will be an inside day…Just working on papers and relaxing a bit….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I am sitting here with my coffee watching turkeys FLY. It is one of the most bizarre things!
shelly peterson
I am really tired today. I couldn’t sleep last night and was hoping for a nap but never happened.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, maybe early bedtime? Hopefully you sleep all night and wake up refreshed.
Sarah L
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner tonight. Great food, good music and I got a Presidential award for my service. Too bad it’s signed by the wrong guy.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, congratulations!!
Michele Soyer
Today was one of those days where I have no idea what I did or how the hours passed but they just did! going over all the Easter dessert recipes and orders and trying to make an organized list for the grocery next week… My heart just keeps adding to the list for this and that and then my brain adds it up and says WHOA… but not tonight will re-think and re-do tomorrow…..
Crystal K
Thankful for a somewhat dull day after the over-the-top stress of 2 sick kids this past week!
Connie Gruning
Crystal, I hope that means everyone is well! Cheers to boring days!
Tamra Phelps
Same old dame old. Waiting for therapy. Not much going on around here.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, must be something in the water, just all around boring day.
Day is going OK. Went to renew my driver’s license today. I didn’t think ahead to get the new verify, as you need more documentation, but starting next year you need either a passport or a special verified license to travel in US. So I will be trying to do that ahead of time, I haven’t flown in ages, but if there is an emergency and you can’t get on a plane b/c you don’t have the proper identification, that could be really bad.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, same here. I had to renew when we moved up here. Thankfully I went ahead and got the star one and it’s good for like 8 years?!? Hot DIGGITY!!
Kate Sarsfield
Last night was the opening of Calamity Jane in town and the guys sent me loads of photies & vids on FB. I wouldn’t have coped with the crowds. I’m hoping to get to choir tonight though, even if I have to use the old zimmer frame from the garage.
Connie Gruning
Kate, I hope you made it choir! How fun to go see Calamity Jane. I bet that was a fun show, I know I love original movie.
shelly peterson
Today was a long day. I need to go to bed, very sleepy.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I hope you woke up refreshed!
Laurie Nykaza
Today was a Dr appointment and then off to the store to pick up goodies on the way home to make dinner.
Sarah L
Good swimming. Then a trip to Sprouts to get a couple of groceries. (why do I run out of things?)
Connie Gruning
Sarah, is this storm hitting you guys?? We (thankfully!) missed it and are just getting the rain. No snow.
Michele Soyer
Kate….How did I get a plumber on a Sunday that didn’t kill me and also re-enforced one of my fence posts to boot???? all I can say is I still have my charming ways! LOL
Planted some butternuts today and cucumber transplants….puttered around looking for trouble and by then it was 1pm and time to come up and start lunch….
Connie Gruning
Michele, I read planting and picture deer eating all my work. I am going to try tomatoes and garlic on the deck and hope that the bear don’t climb up and eat them!
Cathy French
Even though I am way behind today on what I wanted to get done its a great day! Finally able to open the windows without it being too chilly. So nice to hear the birds chirping.
Connie Gruning
Cathy, I wish it would stop raining. I would love to wash my windows!!
Crystal K
It’s a beautiful day with healthy kids! Can’t ask for more than THAT!
Day is going good. It is raining, and dark, so getting a few things done that don’t require going out or having bright sunshine. Getting preparations ready to put my drapery hardware back up and drapes that I had made a long time ago.
Tamra Phelps
Today, they let me out of quarantine, lol. I’m back in my regular room. Turns out, the first three side effect cautions of the antibiotic I’m still on for the staph are vision problems, feeling unco-ordinated, and weakness. I’ve had all three since I started taking it. The eyes are horrible. It’s like wearing someone else’s glasses while trying to go through a fun house. Everything is in constant movement. Well, only one more day of that pill. Hopefully, things get back to normal quickly.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, I am SO GLAD!!!!!!!!!! I’ve said it over and over, you are one very strong woman!
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra: After all you’ve been through it’s not surprising that you’re down in the dumps. Have a little wallow, that’s allowed, but we want you to get home xxx
I’m operating on 4 hours sleep today. I just got so engrossed in my latest book … well, I had a serial killer to catch, for heaven’s sake!
Connie Gruning
Kate, what is the title of the book that kept you awake till all hours?? I need a new ‘can’t put it down’ book.
shelly peterson
I relaxed for part of the day and then did some cleaning and grocery shopping. It was an ok day.
Sarah L
Most ambitious thing I did today: grocery shopping.
Tamra Phelps
Ah, I’m a little down today, but I’m trying to put my wishes and dreams out there, like Michele said. I really just want my ordinary life back.
Crystal K
OMG wine, bread, crafting, and pedicures?? Sounds like a dream! Everyone’s much better today, my husband will be home soon, and it’s a warm, sunny day in Southern Utah so we even got to spend some time outside!!
Kate Sarsfield
Connie: try some smoked paprika in the hummus – totally yum!
shelly peterson
I stayed up way too late Friday night. so slept in way late today. Happy Sunday!
Day is going OK. Nice and sunny and warmer, have to get out and enjoy it!
Connie Gruning
Rosie,it’s so foggy and rainy here I can’t even see past the railing. Enjoy your sun and warm. BRING on the summer here!!
You can save quite a bit if you make a big batch, I use a lb of chickpeas. You have to shop ahead for a deal on tahini, although I’ve also used sunflower butter, less expensive, but not too different.
Connie Gruning
Rosie, that sounds soooo good!! I imagine it’s better than any store bought (which is the only kind I’ve ever had)
Kate Sarsfield
Crystal: We’re all coming over for mac ‘n cheese & ice cream!!! PARTY 😉
Today’s the 7th. so I’m wondering about Tamra … & Michele, how’d you manage to even find a plumber to come out on a Sunday, never mind afford him/her? It’d cost a King’s ransom over here!
I got my lie-in. Went to bed to watch a film & slept on and off for 10 hours! As well as the TENS machine & heat pad, I took a little Valerian et voilá!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I love staying in bed late days. It’s 11am on Sunday right now and I’m laying in bed binge watching Netflix. Anything except the movie The Fog because well……… it’s really REALLY foggy here and almost closing in on the house.
Amy D
My day is off to a good start. I just had breakfast and now getting ready to go for a run. I’m looking forward to watching my daughters run races this afternoon.
Connie Gruning
Amy I never got into running. I wish I had when I was younger. Now I’m afraid I’d break something. I do take Bear on hikes and then of course the stairs.
Michele Soyer
Tamra.. gotta love that mojo! Sitting here awaiting the plumber and enjoying a coffee…grateful for the life I have the challenges are nothing compared to what some have….
Crystal K
Going a little better today. Eye infection kiddo is MUCH better. My little girl ended up having strep and was in rough shape yesterday. I thought we were going to end up at the hospital because she wouldn’t eat or drink. But things have turned around today (I bribed her to eat with mac n cheese and ice cream). Of course my husband is out of town for work LOL. But I’m just thankful everyone’s doing a little better today. Phew.
Connie Gruning
Crystal, I hope everyone is better today. When The Husband gets back you deserve a girls day out. Let’s all meet for pedicures. ORRRRRRR y’all come here we will have bread, wine and craft! Crystal I really do hope everyone is better soon!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home after a busy week. Have to get groceries, but that can wait until tomorrow.
Nice and sunny today, so got some of the hand sewing done. Made some scones this afternoon, used some whole wheat flour, sweetened with maple syrup and added black walnuts – stash from the freezer!
… can I hear you “whaling” or wailing?!!! Is that a Sandpoint slip?!! aye aye capt’n mud!
Connie Gruning
ROSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! I can’t stop laughing. Okay, I will go fix that. Course,capt’n mud…. it does fit!!
Cathy French
Very frustrated today. As usual we have the “whats for dinner” episode in our house and can never agree.
Connie Gruning
Cathy, I started getting the Martha Stewart meals. So for at least 3 nights a week The Husband just gets what I fix. LOL
Tamra Phelps
I’m feeling more like myself every day. That last illness really packed a punch. But, my mojo is coming back, lol. Hopefully, it’ll all get back to where it was very quickly, and I’ll be home soon. Michele, I won’t forget about tomorrow!
Connie Gruning
Tamra I’m so glad your mojo is coming back!!
Michele Soyer
No lie-in for you Kate!! Try this evening…. Tamra do not forget tomorrow….Yesterday went brilliantly…I can say with utmost confidence that the drive looks marvelous ( dahling) so it is pouring on and off today to wash the concrete even more….Transplanted a pineapple in my patch and some foliage plants…
We have a plumber coming Sunday hopefully to handle some barn / yard issues arranged all his parts and bibs and bobs already so tomorrow I can enjoy the morning…
Connie Gruning
Michele, A plumber on SUNDAY! Dahling I’m so glad the drive looks good. I took pictures of our walkway to the house I’ll post them sometime. I decided to try and grow garlic! Lately I use so much garlic in my recipes, so might as well try it.
Kate Sarsfield
Saturday morning & looking forward to a lie-in – no such luck! My sister & Lolly the Springer Spaniel arrived for a run around our field. How does it have sooo much energy? Anyway, then the dogs around started saying hello and then the cat joined in … bye bye duvet! Hopefully I’ll pinch Mum’s wheelchair when she’s napping and get a bit of gardening done.
Keep safe everyone!
Connie Gruning
Kate, this year I am going to honestly try my hand at gardening. Last year when I got up here I just admired the previous owners work. I’m still amazed that these flower bloom every year without my help. Ohhhhhhhhh noooooooooo it just dawned on me if I help them they may never return. We’ll see what color my thumb is!
shelly peterson
Today was a typical Friday, went to dialysis and of course I am tired as usual.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, I hope you are feeling better today.
Sarah L
Swimming at the pool. Then took a friend to an MRI appointment.
Tamra Phelps
Kate, I hope you get good results from your hip scans.
And Michele, I have a feeling you can do anything you set your mind to!
As for me, I can tell a difference every day. I’m feeling stronger, walking farther, etc. Monday I’ll be out of contact isolation (no longer contagious, lol.) Then, I can get back to physical therapy in the actual p.t. room and things will get better quicker.
Cathy French
My boyfriend came home early from work, I mean several hours early. I like it quiet in the house during the day but as soon as he gets out of his shower the tv goes on and doesn’t go off until he goes to bed. So much for my quiet day today.
Day is going good. Went to town today to get errands done before the rain/snow starts. Dark out today, so no hand sewing or cleaning. Plenty of other things to do, like some decluttering, an ongoing battle. Yesterday I went looking for some things I had put in a bag to donate, to take them back out, luckily, I had already donate them. I can’t let things sit too long before donating, they come back out of the box or bag!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, it’s rainy and icky here too. Some places near us are supposed to get SNOW?!?! Can you hear me whaling from there?
Sandy Pincombe
Michele Soyer, how sweet of you to comment on posts from others that needed some support. We need more people like you in this world! My day has started out calmly with no aches and pains and a chance to just sit and read. Perfect day for me.
Connie Gruning
Sandy, you will find the Peanuts are amazing cheerleaders!
I love a day that starts out with no pain!
Michele Soyer
Tamra….trust me things will get better… many people are cheering you on..
Kate…best of luck today with the scan and x-rays….
Yesterday one of our helpers came and sculpted the driveway for us the tracks were overrun and our wacker guy doesn’t do fancy stuff….he did an awesome job and even discovered some more concrete tracks that my husband did that have been covered by grass so long that it was like sod over them.. and I thought I could do this I am delusional…. today I want to chlorine them and haul away some of the debris for green manure….made a deal with him to do more clearing ….it is Friday so everyone enjoy the day and start your weekend early!
Connie Gruning
Michele you’re gonna be sore tomorrow with all this work! I would love a sculpted driveaway. I would actually love a smooth walk way to the front door more. It’s pieces of rock and very uneven. Soooo many things on the todo list.
Kate Sarsfield
Right, it’s 9am & I’m off to get my hips scanned & x-rayed. Keep tuned for further updates;) Have a good one everybody!
Connie Gruning
Kate, we are all here cheering you on and sending good thoughts.
shelly peterson
Today was a busy day. Took the grandson to Get Air and went to dinner. Then we took a trip to Get some Krispy Kreme doughnuts. That’s a lot for this old lady in one day.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, Get AIR! OMGOSH Alice loves that place! Krispy Kreme I have never lived anywhere that had a Krispy Kreme so I have never had one. The size of my tush it’s probably a good thing.
Crystal K
Crystal K
OH NO!! NOW MY OTHER KID IS SICK?! Is it summer yet?!
Connie Gruning
Crystal………. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooo!!
Crystal K
AHHHHHHH!!! NOW MY OTHER KID IS SICK?! Is it summer yet?!
Connie Gruning
Crystal, I think this deserves another OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stay strong Momma!
Tamra Phelps
Hmm, okay, Michele, I’m going to look forward to the 7th!
I’m still in this room on contact isolation because of c.diff They tell me that I’ll be back in my usual room by Monday, at the latest, and able to actually go to the p.t. room. I’m doing what I can in here, they come in and we walk, but it’ll be easier in p.t. This last illness really wiped me out, left me like a wet noodle physically. I’m hoping it won’t take me long to regain my strength.
Connie Gruning
Tamra, you are such a strong woman. You’ll be kickin’ up your heels really soon. Like Michele said on the 7th! Sending all my healing thoughts your way.
Cathy French
Couldn’t sleep well last night and had the weirdest dream this morning. Today I’m taking it easy and going to bed early tonight
Connie Gruning
Cathy, The Husband was having weird dreams last night, he woke me up talking in his sleep “OKAY! I’ll do it!” Who knows I may have been giving him instructions for his Honey Do list?
Day is going good. I’m cooking chickpeas in the slow cooker, then make hummus right in the crockpot when they are done. Works good. Enjoying the sun today, tomorrow may have sleet and even snow!
Connie Gruning
Rosie, I’ve never made hummus before. Now I am intrigued. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh that means add another item to the todo list.
Kate Sarsfield
Michele, I was born clumsy! There isn’t a door wide enough for me not to stub my toe or bang my elbow! It just hurts more than it used to 40 years ago 🙁
It’s gone really cold & sleety again so I’m doing some sowing of seeds inside, sitting down. On my windowsill I have spinach & coriander just popping through and have started on some colourful summer bedding like godetia & asters.
Michele Soyer
Kate….first analyze how you lost your balance…please take care it might just be over doing… you are always doing for others and maybe forget to sort yourself out….
Tamra put your hopes and wishes out there on the 7th….you will get a cosmic return I know it..
I feel up to snuff again…I will take better care and I do realize that I am not 30 anymore! LOL..Went to the shoppes yesterday and got everything at a great price and there were no lines thank goodness.. Today I plan on doing a bit of pre new moon planting….
shelly peterson
Today was a tiring day. I am so ready for bed.
Crystal K
A better day today! Antibiotics are awesome!!!
Tamra Phelps
Michele, go to the doctor! Passing out worries me. And Kate, give yourself a day off, rest that knee, hip, etc. You need it!
I’m feeling a little better. I’m getting my strength back, hopefully.
Sarah L
A day of Steve sitting. He’s now 100 years and 1 month old and getting frailer. Glad I got to spend time with him. I never know when it will be the last time.
Connie Gruning
Sarah, 100 WOW!! Imagine what changes he has seen. Some amazing. Some not so much!
Day is going good. Someone is coming over in a little bit to buy the matching kid’s heart pocketbook and sun hat I had made a long time ago and found in a tote going through things. Only listing on a local FB group, so should be safe. Enjoying a sunny day chipping away at things.
Cathy French
Unfortunately I awoke this morning with the dire need to drink some pepto. Last night, very late I might add, I used up leftover meatballs for a meatball sub. Too much garlic!!!
Connie Gruning
Cathy, hopefully you are feeling better. This aging thing is for the birds!! I find I have to eat earlier and earlier!
Connie Gruning
Cathy, hopefully you are feeling better. This aging thing is for the birds!! I find I have to eat earlier and earlier! I don’t know if I could ever give up my garlic!!
Kate Sarsfield
Michele, that sounds really frightening. Please take care of yourself x
Tammy: You’ve done it before, had a bit of a hiccup, and can do it again. Come on! We want a party!
As for me, I didn’t get to choir. I was getting dressed to go out and somehow lost my balance and ended up falling on my wonky knee. So now aching hips & bruised knees. Going for x-rays on my hips on Friday.
Connie Gruning
Kate, I hope your knee is feeling better. X-rays tomorrow let us know how your doing. Sending healing thoughts your way. I finally finished my physical therapy for my ankle. Gesh…. again…. this aging thing is HARD!
Michele Soyer
So bizarre… yesterday morning up and getting ready to do a bit of shopping and started to see stars then all I see is black next onto the bathroom floor…whew ok up and into bed… low grade fever again… thought this was over….spent the day doing absolutely nothing.. some mish mash for lunch .. thank goodness it rained for my garden… a different day woke up feeling fine and ready to go shopping….strange things afoot!!!
Connie Gruning
Michele, I hope you are feeling better! PLEASE be careful!!
shelly peterson
Today was another beautiful sunny day but we are expecting for he next 6 days. 🙁 today was good, went to see Dumbo with the grandkids.
Connie Gruning
Shelly, did you like Dumbo? I’m debating going to see that or just buy Mary Poppins.
Crystal K
A ROUGH day over here. I thought we were done being sick but now I have a kiddo with an EYE infection. Ughhhhhh poor kid.
Connie Gruning
Crystal hopefully everyone will be well for the weekend!
Sarah L
Got up early to go to DBG for the monthly SPARK group. It was chilly so we went through the Conservatory (jungle) instead of outside.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m back to physical therapy, so I’m happy about that. I’m a little weak, still, but I’m just going to have to do what’s necessary to build that stamina again.
Connie Gruning
Tamra you are amazing! You GO GIRL!!
Connie danielson
i have been sneezing all day and I have a headache ! hope I feel better soon!
Connie Gruning
Connie I think Spring is here! My nose is running, my eyes are watering and my head is throbbing. WHO’s IDEA was it to move to IDAHO?!?! I hope you are feeling better!
Molli Taylor
im doing ok, i was sick yesterday so im catching up!
Cathy French
I was up very late last night having a manic episode so now my kitchen cabinets are organized and I have a large bag of items for the food pantry. Sometimes mania is good.
Connie Gruning
Cathy at least organized cabinets is a good thing! {{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}
Kate Sarsfield
It snowed! Well, white stuff spluttered around a bit, that counts, doesn’t it? Just going through my alto harmonies for choir tonight. Thank heavens the rehearsal room has a lift!
Connie Gruning
Kate, any of that cold white stuff counts. I’m really getting worried, they are predicting 5 days of rain up here. Our mud hole has gotten so much worse. This weekend we had at least 3 cars stuck down there that required a tractor to get pulled out. UGHHHHHH
shelly peterson
It is about bedtime for me. Spending tomorrow with my grandson and I need the energy
Crystal K
Having a great day! It was nice enough out for us to enjoy a cookout this evening!! Great way to kick off the month.
Judy Thomas
Lovely sunny day here. Just sitting around waiting for my daughter to tell me it’s time to go to the hospital so she can give birth to my first Grandchild.I can’t wait 🙂
shelly peterson
Today was a nice sunny day. I went to dialysis and now watching my grandson.
Sarah L
Good massage this morning then a good time at the pool with friends.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Not the best start to April for me (dealing with some health issues)… Hoping for a turn around!
Connie Gruning
Kim, I hope you are feeling better and everything turned around for you.
The weather is a bit cool. This is a nice start to April.
Nancy Burgess
So far my day is going well.Just baked a pineapple upside down cake having coffee.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m back at Johnson Mathers. At least I’m not still in the hospital in April. I just have to regain my strength and I’ll be back up to speed…and hopefully WELL. I don’t know how many more hits I can take. I want to get home. I was supposed to be going home this week, so I’m bummed. But I’m feeling better and it’s just a matter of weeks, I think.
Stephanie Jane (Literary Flits)
A getting-better-towards-evening kind of a day here! Lovely sunset over the fields from our campsite 🙂
Janice Dean
I bit chilly here in Michigan today, so I am staying in and relaxing!
Cathy French
My day isn’t good or bad just kinda so so. I do plan on making a large grocery trip tomorrow so I have a long list to make today. I’m so detailed and color coordinate my info with highlighters so it may go into the evening. So much for making dinner lol
My day is starting out slow….nice and quiet actually.
Dana Rodriguez
March was a little lame. Hopefully April is better!
Well I hope that April is better than March. Today it is sunny out so hoping for a good day.
Kate Sarsfield
Happy April to one and all! Spring, as they say, has sprung in this Emerald Isle!