Did You KNOW Ripley’s Had Children’s BOOKS?!??!

First, did you know that the Ripley Believe It or Not had children’s books that I love has more than just the Believe It Or Not titles??

I had NO IDEA!!

From picture books to adventure books. You can check out the titles on Amazon. Ripley Believe It or Not books

Since I am in full on Christmas mode already I want to share with you four titles that would be GREAT for gift giving. I am and always have been a firm believer that books are always under the Christmas tree. I take full credit for the fact that my daughter Selena is a veracious (look at me with my big words today!!) reader. THAT fact has trickled down to 8-year-old Alice who loves to read!! The kid goes through books like crazy!!

Let’s start with Gabby and the Dark.  This is the newest (and the 3rd book) in the Gabby series. Written by Carrie Bolin and Jessica Firpi.  Illustrated by John Graziano

Gabby the sea turtle is one of Ripley’s Aquarium mascots. The other is Norman the penguin (don’t worry he has his own book!)  Gabby is filled with beautiful, colorful illustrations and of course  silly situations. From the sparkly cover to the easy to read font this book is a keeper. Reading this book to a baby or toddler would keep them fully entertained.

Gabby’s not afraid of the dark! Well, maybe just a little. Join Gabby as she explores the deep, dark ocean. Told from Gabby’s point of view, kids will relate to how scary the dark can feel but, like Gabby, will be assured that they, too, can conquer their fear and maybe even make a new friend in the process!

Gabby and the dark

Next up is Norman and the Flight. Written by Carrie Bolin and Jessica Firpi.  Illustrated by John Graziano.

This one had me laughing out loud.

Who says penguins can’t fly? Join the adorable Norman as he searches for a way to accomplish the impossible. Told from Norman’s point of view, young readers will giggle at Norman’s silly attempts and relate to his disappointment at his failures. Will Norman ultimately find a way to fly? There’s only one way to find out!

Norman reminds me of the wild turkeys in my yard….. of course, mine actually DO FLY!! Did you know that turkeys could fly??  Maybe Norman just needs to come to Idaho and learn!??

Norman and the Flight

Again, beautiful, fun illustrations with a great message of great friends!!

Last but not least I have two picture books to share. These two are perfect for babies and the very young can hold and ‘read’. I really truly believe that kids are never too young to enjoy a good book. Seriously, start them YOUNG!!

Odd Opposites and Funny Feelings. Both are hard back books and illustrated by the Ripley’s cartoonists!!

Children's BOOKS odd opposites

Odd Opposites is super cute. The expressions on the faces will make everyone laugh. The books are sturdy with no pages to tear! SWEET!!! Silly drawings that illustrate everyday opposites from day and night to clean and dirty. Fast and slow. Long and short.

Next up is Funny FeelingsFunny Feelings

Feel all the feels! Are you happy? Maybe it’s nervous? Are you curious? This book would be so fun to read with your kids!! With each feeling you could ask the child to show what it looks like to be bored?  To be tired? I can only imagine their interpretations. Kids would also love seeing YOUR emotions too!!

All of these books are available on Amazon. Some are on sale BIG time too!

Yup, Ripley’s surprises me again! Kids books. WHO KNEW??!



  • Mary Gardner

    I did not realize that Ripley’s had chidlrens books but am so glad to know that they do. I think my grandchildren would enjoy all of these.

  • Crystal K

    Thanks for the recommendations – we always give our kids a book, and our youngest is obsessed with penguins so that one looks perfect!

  • Diane Brimmer

    These books would be awesome for the grandkids. Hunter is always infasinated with every detail of different creatures characteristics, what they eat and what the do. Thanks for the ideas for the Ally, Morgan, Avery and Aaron.

  • Rosie

    These are so nice!!! I want them! For my nieces and nephews, of course. And I didn’t have any idea Ripley’s had children’s books – nice find!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    These are so much fun! We’ve got some lovely photos of The Niece, aged about 18 months, sitting on Dad’s lap while he read from a Spike Millican poetry book. She loved the sounds of the words!

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