$50 Your Way Giveaway March 2020!

Giveaway time! Pleaseeeeee somebody tell me spring is on its way!!? Seriously, I wish I could get a good shot of the HUGE snowflakes that float from the sky. The they look fluffy!

We actually had two days in a ROW that was 54° days on the 27th and the 28th of February and then it snowed on the 29th. WhatTHE&%#!

It’s been a very weird winter Idaho.

My only real news for February is the mystery postcard person is at it again. Still giving me one line of the song I hate the most! EVER! HATE! Yes, I loath the song. NOOoooooooooooo I’m not telling you what it is because I don’t need more of these postcards. Some of you have the same wicked sense of humor that I do! SOoooooo NO!! I’m 99.999999% certain that it’s my Son-In-Law Dan. In the YEARS that these cards have arrived at my house he maintains his innocence and he’s got a hell of a poker face and laughs hysterically swearing it’s not him. WHICH only makes him look even more guilty.

The more mundane news is I invested in a dehumidifier for my craft-room. This room is a walk out with one side built into the hill.  Making the room SO COLD, truly too cold to stay in during the winter. It’s always the coldest room in the house normally but winters are horrible. My arthritis is NOT handling that cold very well.  It takes to space heaters to warm it up or turn the furnace up so the rest of the house is an oven. The Husband suggested a dehumidifier and it was A BRILLIANT idea!!
I am blown away at the temperature difference after adding the dehumidifier! Who knew?? In one day. ONE DAY it drew out 5 gallons of water!! My room is craftable now!!!! I am so happy. That might mean I can shake the winter blahs and get my creative ME back!!

WOW! How boring is this monthly update!? I just have the winter blahs!
How was your February?

Now for the real reason you are here!


I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. As always I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!

This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!!

Amazon deals

A shout out to Jenny H letting me know that the share buttons in the Giveaway widget don’t seem to work. I have an email out to ask for help Giveaway Tool. Hopefully, it will get fixed or they can explain what I’m doing wrong.

GOOD LUCK little Peanuts!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Susan Marina Brown Lane

    My day is ok! Three older kids in the house, somewhat resentful about it, but doing ok. Three of us are high risk…. We are Praying.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Been super anxious lately with everything. I’m in a high risk group. But found out that DH’s job is dragging their feet on granting leave to him because he’s on vacation at the moment and his boss is hoping for a doctor’s note so DH will be paid for the time he is off.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Another set back! I am in bed with a migraine and dizzy as a bat. I am so tired of this! Still can’t even get into a doctor. Is this Marshall Law!

  • Rosie

    Spent most of the day trying to help my sister get settled, she moved and didn’t change her address, nothing. She has some challenges, and doesn’t want to cooperate much. Now her son got laid off, b/c the plant shut down, and he is not good at filing for unemployment, etc., spending hours with her and him for all that he needs to do for health insurance, etc. So many people don’t do things timely, then have a more complicated situation, so tiring, but I hope I can be effective. More tomorrow. She has blown me off for the day and is playing on FB. I hope it is a stress buster, but she hasn’t done some important things, it blows my mind she can be so blase about it! This is what happens when you have a relative with challenges, they can barely manage, and need help, but it is easier to catch a greased pig than catch them before they mess up!

  • Sarah L

    Just a quiet day at home. (makes me feel like nothing has happened since Tuesdays have been my ‘quiet day at home’)

  • Cynthia Conley

    I talked to my dad and my son on the phone and watched some instructional videos. Planning to do a little cleaning soon.

  • Sherry Fowler

    I have been calling to talking to everyone that i know is in quarantine LOL; I ran to the bank and had to get out to sign papers on my car to refinance my loan since I am jobless due to the Corona Virus… it was either do that or lose my car. I hate that they are making more money on my misfortune

  • Tamra Phelps

    I walked 136 feet today before I needed to sit. Weirdly, it’s my arms that give out first. When you use a walker, your arms are sometimes taking more weight than you would expect. That’s why arm exercises are part of the drill in physical therapy, lol.

  • jennifer L corrado

    Hello, it’s going good today just getting used to this being home trying to find things to keep me busy!!

  • maureen

    I hope it is going to be a good day.
    Got out of bed and enjoyed breakfast with my husband who is working from home right now.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum is up and out of bed!!! It’ll only be for a couple of hours but so good to see her WANTING to move. No other news to report so far. Keep well, Peanuts x

  • Emily B.

    Enjoying a nice morning while sipping my coffee. Snow is expected later this week, so I’m appreciating the sunshine while I can. In a bit, I’ll get my kids up for the remote learning their schools are doing while our state is under a stay at home order.

  • Janice Wright

    Well it’s my weekend (Monday & Tuesday), so that’s nice. I have an essential job (911 dispatcher), so it’s back to work tomorrow. I have a Garden Tower that I will probably work on. I will be putting another bag of soil in it. I’m wondering if it’s warm enough to plant certain cold weather seeds.

  • Michele Soyer

    Cleaning accomplished today changing drapes and curtains then on to my mum’s apartment downstairs to do some cleaning.. she has been gone since 2005 but I still call it hers and keep it the same way….

  • Amber

    I’m doing a little better now. Yoga makes me feel better and I found a great virtual class that’s free in Instagram live.

  • Stephanie Larison

    My day has been so stressful! It seems like nothing is going correctly and everything I try to do to make it better has fallen short. Hope things start looking up soon. Tomorrow is another day!

  • Hesper Fry

    My day went pretty well. I made Rosemary Garlic Pork Tenderloin for dinner which was very good! I also spent quality time with my kids this afternoon.

  • Terri S.

    Rained for most of the day and then the sun came out. It made me think of the virus and brought me the feeling of hope that things will get better.

  • Sarah L

    Had an adventure today. Last week I was told I needed to get some blood drawn to see how my meds are doing. I called and asked where and when and they said the lab would be open Monday (today) at 7am (which for me is like the middle of the night). So I go to the Lakewood clinic, sat in my car for a couple of minutes til 7. Went to the door and was kindly told that this place is a ‘hot’ facility where they are treating people with the virus and I would need to go downtown to the lab there. During regular times it would have taken me 25-35 minutes to get downtown but there was so little traffic that I got there in 15. They have a table set up when you first go in and they ask why you’re there and take your temperature. My temp was 97.4. The lab was quick and I was in and out in a jiffy. Then back home with again very light traffic. It was sort of fun to just get out and drive around.

  • Crystal F

    My day was good. I’m one of the very few that actually has to go into work at my company. I’m the receptionist so I have to be there to answer the phone. I just don’t have anyone to transfer the call to. I’m ready for everything to get back to normal.

  • David Hollingsworth

    I had an appointment that I didn’t want to go to because of the coronavirus, but I went anyway, just to get it over with.

  • Karen DeVaney

    My day is going pretty well, except I thought I had scored some toilet paper online, and then my order was cancelled. 🙁

  • Tamra Phelps

    Lockdown is definitely getting old. Right outside my room is an exit door that goes outside. This morning, the administrator and a few other people stood by that door and discussed which halls would be serviced by that exit in the event it becomes necessary to take someone out. By that they meant someone contagious with COVID-19, or someone dead, I suppose. Either way, a sobering conversation.

  • Tari Lawson

    Day 1 of online learning. As an aide, I am finding it a bit crazy and have so many questions I feel I am being annoying :). Oh well, will have to get used to this new norm for a bit.

  • Suzanne K

    It looks to be a nice day in So Cal… a bit warmer. I’ve got 2 mandarin orange trees that decided to be extra fruitful this year so I’m canning them. I’ve done 35 pints but am switching to mandarin marmalade today for a bit of a change. Well, at least I won’t get scurvy during the ‘stay home/stay safe’ time!
    Stay healthy everyone!

  • Jenny

    Week 2 of staying at home with 2 kids and a dog….. pretty stressful. But I am also thankful that we are all healthy and have the things we need. Trying to be more creative with things to do!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Good morning! Well, today it is snowing again. I think I will turn on some inspirational music and try and get some things done around the house.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m still grouting the ensuite, Mum (touch wood) seems a little better each day, and the world is still turning.

  • Cynthia C

    Not much to say – one day is about the same as another. At least I still have power, thunderstorms knocked it out for many yesterday.

  • Michele Soyer

    A smile first thing this morning..
    Ice our only pooch now and a very big one ( like you Bear) was barking like crazy.. what is it… a tiny kitty from our neighbour wandered over… what a little cutie…by the time we brought it home and chatted an hour was gone.. better get moving lots of Easter cleaning left to do!!

  • Terri S.

    Connected with several family members and friends today using FaceTime. Everyone is spread out all over the U.S. It really helps to see them keeping their spirits up these days.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Well kinda got carried away with cooking today. I think I may have made enough food for all of next week. Lol

  • David Hollingsworth

    Just hanging out at home, of course. I’m trying to watch more movies. If not that, I usually clean up a little, like vacuum, mow the lawn, etc.

  • Rosie

    Staying in today, dark and rainy, so doing cozy things inside. Made a nice soup with the 16 beans package and ham. Good on a day like today.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Weekends here are so chaotic. Sleep is getting hard to come by here, too. The guy across the hall (who has the mental state of a five or six year old) has a radio that he’s been playing loudly, day and night, constantly changing the channels. He takes things apart, though, so it’ll tear up soon. Another guy on this hall sings constantly and its getting irritating. In short, we are getting on each others nerves, lo.

  • Asking Leslie

    It’s a beautiful rainy Sunday afternoon in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve got a bowl of macaroni and cheese, plus a sleeping, snoring dog next to me- life is pretty good. 😉

  • Susan Smith

    My day is going good. Spring is in the air and it’s nice to go outside without a coat. We are staying home except for a walk outside and I’m doing some decluttering and cleaning.

  • Giant Sis

    Ugh – having headaches lately. Probably weather related mixed with hormones, ya know? Thankful for a sweet hubby who is patient when I don’t feel good.

  • Rosanne

    My day is going good. Youngest son called and instead of losing a job like my husband did this past week from coronavirus, he is getting extra work on the weekends. A sigh of relief. Going to take a nap now

  • Kim Avery

    Just another chilly and dreary day today. Getting ready to pop some ribs in the oven. Then make some cheddar biscuits!

  • Christine Yvonne Groce

    So far it is going good; the sun is shining outside and thank God we have a screened in back porch to enjoy. The hardest part of this is missing my daughters & grandkids. I spent a lot of time with them before this began and I miss them dearly. At least we can Skype and FaceTime. We all have to keep the faith and hope this ends soon. Stay safe everyone!

  • Margaret Smith

    Going okay so far. It’s a rainy day and being stuck inside has me a bit stir crazy, but all in all it’s not too bad.

  • Amber

    I’m just trying to hang in there. This has really devastated my career and industry but I’m lucky to have family to lean on in these tough times. I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and well!

  • Maureen

    It is windy.
    I am concerned about an elderly parent and the sibling that has been taking care of her.
    Hopefully will be able to go out for a walk today.

  • Alyce Poalillo

    Well today is very rainy and the horses are slipping in the mud so we must move them around to safer ground so pretty busy and wet.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum is up & out of bed!! It’s a lovely day but the wind is cold so I’m going to grout another bit of Mum’s shower.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today is definitely going to be a quiet reflective day…Going to watch mass on TV then read and relax.. the garden is well watered from all the rain last night (along with a current outage) so i will not have to do that…Received a few birthday cake orders for May so time to start my baking calendar…

  • Terri S.

    Dreary rainy day today and tomorrow to be the same. Spoke to my daughter-in-law today. I worry about her because she is a doctor in south Florida and the number of Covid-19 patients are increasing.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My insurance won’t cover the med I have been taking for a while, so my doc switched me. Of course, I take my first dose on a Saturday when the doctor’s office is closed. You know how you hear on TV “pain at the injection site”? I was in horrible pain for almost 4 hours. Hope the doc can get my insurance to override the ruling I can’t have the first med. I cried for a good half hour. The other med I never bat an eye when I would inject it.

  • Sarah L

    Snow last night but sun is melting it today. Did my grocery shopping online. Next delivery time is April 2nd. I have plenty of food til then.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Need to get the John Deere Gator’s water pump fixed so we can at least go for a ride around the farm. I need to get outside just a little bit. So grateful to live in the country where we don’t have to worry about the distancing so much. Just can’t see family. Which also brings up being grateful for FaceTime. Love seeing the grandkids. They are growing up too fast.

  • Rosie

    Kind of quiet so far. I’m thinking spring and burning my Lilac Blossoms scented Yankee candle while doing my paperwork.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m not going to lie, being stuck in this place, not seeing my family, is starting to get to me. I’m definitely not as easy-going as normal, little things bother me. Oh, well, I imagine we’ll eventually get through this.

  • Michele Soyer

    Just came up from burying my Phoebe…she passed away yesterday afternoon right after her bath…dried her placed her down in the drawing room so she could be with us and within minutes she left us…. thank goodness for our wonderful neighbour who came and dug for us….the rest of this day is going to be a sad one…

  • Kim Avery

    Its a rainy day and I will be spending it relaxing! I’ve had a crazy week of running errands and shopping for my mom, mother in law and their friends. I’m glad to see some things back in stock but toilet paper is still hard to find.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    … and so, ladies and gentlemen, the Sarsfield saga continues. Highs and lows, tears and laughter, music and silence. The sun shines, the rain falls, the garden grows and we are safe. Wishing the same to each and everyone of you xxx

  • Crystal K

    We got heaps of snow today so I made the kids ice cream from snow, like my Grandpa used to do for me when I was a kid. They loved it!

  • Terri S.

    It was a beautiful sunny day today. It got up to 68 degrees. For several minutes I didn’t think about how the world is suffering with Coronavirus. I watched the birds flying to my feeders and returning to the trees. I felt the warm breeze on my face while my wind chimes tinkled sweet sounds. And then I began my daily prayers for all the people affected by this virus.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I’m in the living room and I sent my husband upstairs to do some chores. I’m enjoying the few minutes away from him. LOL We both are getting on each other’s nerves. LOL

  • Sarah L

    Cloudy and a bit rainy. Got a call reminding me to get my blood drawn. Called back and found out they have a 7am time on Monday where there are just the lab people. So I will be getting up really early (for night owl me) on Monday. I do need to get the tests for the doctor to make sure my meds are correct before I get my infusion on April 7th.

  • Rosie

    It was nice weather out today. I walked to a store that has the hour for seniors to shop, first time. Wow, I was amazed at how long the line was, and it was nice to be able to get a few things, that I could carry back home. I still haven’t found any toilet paper, the store aisle was totally bare of anything paper!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Today was good! Got out for another walk to see my three kids(goats). The sun was nice as it still is a little nippy out for me just yet. Had to make a stop and sit in our gathering place where we have swings surrounding our fire pit. Was truly a nice day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I found out today that this small town, where this nursing home is, has its first COVID-19 case (that we know of, likely others have it and just think they have a cold, etc.) This is really a tiny town, about twenty minutes from the town I ‘live’ in when I am not here. So, now we wait to see if it gets in here…

    • Rosie

      We have several cases in my town now. My hometown not too far from here the mailman has COVID-19. I’m being as careful as possible, not getting that much done, our town government is shut down, even the police won’t come unless a dire emergency. So far we are surviving, as long as we can get through this, it is worth making sure you do everything you are supposed to. Sometimes I forget, I just realized after I went to get my mail at the complex, I had used handrails, etc., I forgot to wash my hands when I got back. I’m getting better at it, though.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        Rosie, wear gloves whenever you go out. They don’t have to be surgical ones, then just sling them in the wash when you come home.

  • Laurie Nykaza

    we are in self isolation right now so were watching tv reaching out to friends online and going out in our back yard just to get outside.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    This was to be a lie-in day after a tough week so of course I was wide awake at 6am! Never mind, we’re safe & well (ish) which is more than so many can say. Count your blessings!

  • Michele Soyer

    Yesterday had to go to the chemist for meds for my Phoebe.. she is going downhill quickly…the last dog from a 2005 litter.. she was my special baby.. her mum wouldn’t feed her so there I was with a baby bottle …slept by my side of the bed on the floor next to me….anyway .. so strange watching people in our little village wearing masks and gloves going into the shoppes… older folks looking so scared…Our Prime minister has called an orange alert and a 6am-6pm curfew… all I can do right now is go out get some work done then come back in and stay by Phoebe…

  • Sarah L

    Thursday. Today seems quite normal since Thursdays are usually my quiet time at home. I gave my neighbors the rest of my Wendy’s coupons since they expire on the 31st. I put them in an envelope and left it on their porch. Still social distancing….

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Went to town to pick up meds. from the Pharmacy. Sure glad we went when we did because I guess there was several State Police cars doing traffic stops. They were asking people why they were out and on the road. Crazy!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m sitting here watching the news and getting depressed. The news is just so bad these days. I get a lift from watching NY Gov. Cuomo’s news briefings. At least he seems honest and in charge and at work. Our Gov., in KY, is the same, very proactive. Hopefully, it helps.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    That’s Mum’s second radiotherapy done. Plenty of rest now till she has a follow-up CT scan to see if it’s working. It seems wrong to go to bed when the sun’s shining but I’m so tired … see y’all tomorrow!

  • Terri S.

    Since we are staying in during this awful Covid-19 pandemic, I’ve been calling friends that I haven’t talked to in a while to see how they are doing. So far, everyone is well. I feel so sorry for the many people that have become sick, had to be hospitalized or lost someone. Many people are worried and very anxious.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      While I was waiting for Mum in radiotherapy a older man came in for his turn. The nurse was helping him to fill in his form … no next of kin. Broke my heart having to go through that all alone.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. I feel like I won the lottery, after several days of searching online and calling stores, I found toilet paper I could order! Yeaa! I never thought I’d be so excited about it, but wowie, zowie, and I just completed the online order a couple of minutes ago, so please excuse my giddiness!

      • Rosie

        ehh not so soon. This morning I tried to get through on their 800 number, and they do not answer the phone (all day). It says you can email them, and I did two times, nada. So then I started looking up reviews, all bad, I think I got taken, as they have no address. I want to give it a couple of days to see if they ever respond, and then take it up with the payment company. I feel like a big ‘ol fish that glommed onto that flashy lure. So I’m back to the drawing board looking around for the tp.

  • Sarah L

    I got wild and crazy and went out and drove to Wendy’s drive through. I had 2 free coupons for fries and a drink and bought a small hamburger. Lovely outside with temps in the lower 60s. Would have been a swim day. sigh.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m starting to miss my family. I’m not usually an overly sappy person, lol, but on occasion you just want to see people you’re related to, lol. I’m surrounded by people here, but they’re not my family. Oh, well, I imagine we’ll get through this. Maybe we’ll all appreciate each other more afterwards.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Going to try to go out again today to see my goats! I really need to get out as on Saturday it will be 2 weeks since I came down with the flu. It has really kicked my butt.

  • Michele Soyer

    Yesterday was a physically draining day.. put up wire for my string beans..I am not as young as I used to be but all in all I got it done…today I have to fix some of the wire in the aviary..I cannot leave any spaces for the snakes to come in…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m up since 4am with a pain in my hip – getting Mum up & about isn’t doing my torn tendon any good. It’s another lovely day here. I’ve to go into town later for Mum’s meds & a bit of shopping. Oh, and the female woodpecker was here today! I’m so hoping there’ll be babies!!!

    • Michele Soyer

      I truly feel for you and mum Kate…I out myself in the situation and it is so very hard…been there twice and all I can say is you have to be strong physically and mentally so take good care of yourself…

  • Jennifer Wilson

    It’s five in the morning and I’m enjoying some time away from my husband. He’s in bed. He doesn’t go back to work until April 10. It’s going to be a LONG time cooped up with him. lol

  • Crystal K

    More adventures in trying to entertain my kids stuck at home: did a letter scavenger hunt, made oat cookie balls, and went “fishing” in a “pond.” Used magnetic fishing poles and fish, and the pond was a blue blanket. I’m tired!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Finally got enough energy to walk down to the barn to see my goats today. I think Coger was glad to see me. He just wanted attention. It was kinda cute.

  • Sarah L

    Got my grocery delivery this afternoon. Had milk and bread (and chips) but no eggs. I’m just glad they deliver and I don’t have to go out.

  • Kim Avery

    I ventured out to buy a few groceries for us and my mother in law. I was pleasantly surprised to see the store somewhat stocked! I was able to finally get some meat and eggs!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Sometimes, the people who work here get nuts. Today, they told the aides that there was too much clutter, so get rid of some of it. They came in here and started just tossing out some of my roommates stuff. I flat out said ‘keep your hands off my s%$*’ and told them it’s not clutter, it’s my stuff. It’s not our fault that they shove two people in a small room with no adequate storage. I made it clear they better not think about rearranging or tossing ANYTHING that belongs to me. My roommate realized what they were doing and made them go through the garbage and let her see what they had thrown out of hers, lol. The great clean up seems to have halted. They might be rethinking that grand idea, ha!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’re just back from the first radiotherapy treatment. It’s a very high dose and she’s in a lot of pain and vomiting but she’s going to stick with it. We go again on Thursday for another high dose then rest at home for a while before another CT scan & bloods to see how effective it’s been. Sooo tired but it’ll get a lot worse before it gets better.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Another gorgeous day! Well, Michigan is officially on lock down, tarting 12:00 am. We may finally get the things done around the house that need done, as there is no place to go.

    • Connie Gruning

      Diane, I finally cleaned the main floor yesterday. But, I am so unmotivated to do anything else. You would think not being able to go anywhere I’d be a cleaning, creative fool. NOPE. This is just making me a big ole lump!

      • Rosie

        I kind of feel schlumpy, too, with all that is going on. But I managed to kick myself in the butt enough to get more paperwork done. That was after both my sisters called me, telling me not to listen what the other one was going to say to me. (Apparently, they had been talking about me, then started arguing about it, and each one was scared the other one would say what they said.) I told them both I already know the bad things they say, and not to worry, and that I won’t tell either one what they each have told me about the other one. I’m the middle child, so am used to that, but sometimes my head spins,

  • Tamra Phelps

    My ‘neighbors’ on this hallway are starting to irritate, lol. Geeze, I hope this virus ends soon. My physical therapist basically told me I’m probably able to go home, but how do I go? I mean, the house I was renting before is now for sale, so I have to go through the housing authority, I guess. I mean, are they even working now? They might only be doing emergency situations, like if someone has a fire and needs immediate shelter. Finding a new apartment or house for someone who isn’t in immediate dire need likely isn’t being done.

    • Rosie

      yikes. I hope you find something without much trouble. Our town is closed up, too, there are a few of them working remotely, but I doubt they are able to help much. It often takes a while to sell a house, maybe an investor will want to buy it and have you continue to live there?

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It IS a woodpecker! Black & white with a red cap & red pubic area (do birds have a pubic area?). It’s a male & my ‘expert’ says he should bring the young to the feeder once they’re old enough!!!!! Doing a Connie there with all the exclamation marks but this is the best news I’ve had in weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    up and at um today.. transplants and odds and ends around the garden. trying to make a rock border for some new plants.. in the afternoon checking in via email with my cousins and daughter-in-law….

  • shelly peterson

    Another day cooped up inside. I thought I would never say I looked forward to dialysis. Least I get out a bit.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Two people in the town where my hubby works in the most popular convenience store have it. So he has likely been exposed. 🙁 I placed my first Kroger online grocery order tonight. First pick up they had open is on Thursday, might ride along with DH to just get out of the house.

  • Tamra Phelps

    There’s nothing like being told not to go anywhere to make you want to go everywhere. My brother called last night as he was leaving work. He said their shelves are wiped out as soon as they can fill them. Even the fresh meat section was bare except for some fish. The human race has been a bit of a disappointment during this, you know.

  • Nancy

    Today has been fine so far. We got some things we needed at the store. It is still so amazing to me to see empty shelves in stores. Everyone, stay well and wash your hands.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    News from County Wexford, Ireland: I saw an unusual visitor to the bird feeder this morning & sent off an email to the Irish Birds blog – from my description they said it was a woodpecker!!! I hope it comes back so I can be completely sure – it’d be the first sighting of one in Wexford. Ireland had none until about 15 years ago when a pair were spotted north of Dublin, possibly escaped, and they’re thriving. Dad would have loved this! Oh, and it’s Mothering Sunday here & in the UK – a non-visiting, keep your distance Mother’s Day. So Mum had coffee & toast with birthday candles this morning.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Kate, did you get to hear him (or her) pecking? I’ve heard one a few times and it’s pretty loud when they get going. It’s really quick, da da da da da over and over. Very annoying, lol.

  • Michele Soyer

    Early morning drama.. the kind I hate.. a snake in the aviary at half six…thank goodness for awesome neighbours..one call and the snake was dispatched…first one this year.. was going to take the day off but mixing malathion instead and spraying the ground and tree base around the aviary….that clorox and black detergent are the only things that keep them away…pray that the day gets better….

  • Crystal K

    Connie, your scavenger hunt idea is a good one! Today we baked bread and made vegetable soup and read lots of books. Maybe we’ll try a scavenger hunt tomorrow!!

  • Sarah L

    My chorus is going to do an online rehearsal tomorrow. Should be interesting. Have a grocery deliver coming in a couple of hours. I do dislike shopping, but still miss trips to the grocery store.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m going stir crazy, lol. We are starting to irritate each other. We’re all stuck on this hall back here because they don’t want us mingling to much. Honestly, if Mike doesn’t stop singing at the top of his lungs, I’m gonna break something over his head. I feel guilty because he’s singing hymns, lol. But, to be blunt, he’s an attention ‘ho’–you know the type?? He needs to be the center of attention at all times. So, he’s like a giant toddler, constantly yelling, singing, talking. I’m realizing that I haven’t known a moment of just SILENCE since I first got sick. Hospitals and nursing homes are never silent, not even at night.–Connie, I guess I’m stuck here until this virus is over. My family can’t come in to help me get my things out, and the place we were thinking of going briefly for very intensive, sort of advanced therapy, isn’t taking anyone in right now. Well, I’ll just keep doing therapy here, lol. Barry, my physical therapist, is really the best. He’ll find a way to help you learn to do what you need to do even if they don’t have the most advanced equipment.

    • Rosie

      for quiet, I bought some safety ear muffs with high db rating, use them along with silicone ear plugs, Cuts out most everything, ahhh silence! Not as nice as being on a mountain top and hearing the chirping of birds, but better than hearing someone yodeling at the top of their lungs all day!

        • Rosie

          They can cut out up to 36db. I use them with silicone ear plugs, when needed. Instant Bliss! I only worry if there is a crash, etc., I’ll not hear it! The first time I bought them I walked into a gun shot and said my neighbors are making noise at night keeping me awake. And they say, so you want to buy a gun? Looking quite worried. I got a chuckle and said no, I just want the ear muffs!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Gorgeousday out today but it’s 19 degrees out. Don’t really mind being quarantined as not feeling just ready to go out in to the world just yet anyway. Boy the flu really kicked my butt.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Ha! Michele, I was up at 5am as well but only because I was cold. I fell asleep with the curtains & a window wide open. Then a very hungry and insistent cat bopping me on the nose. I’m venturing out to the nearest little shop today for some bread & milk but shall remain masked & gloved at all times, never fear.

  • Michele Soyer

    Up at 5am and the lawn man is here already at the break of dawn! Love this guy getting things done early…If the rain doesn’t come today have to go out with a bucket of urea and do all the fruit trees…then transplants.. picked all the eggplant and zucchini yesterday so new seedlings are ready to take their place…Mixing some calcium carbonate for my tomatoes then in to read and watch some news….

  • Crystal K

    Adventures in social distancing: the kids have been home for one week today (aside from walks and playing outside). We’ve painted, sidewalk chalked, read, played board games, did puzzles, danced, sang, colored, slept on the floor in sleeping bags, watched TV, baked, cooked, played video games, had a porch picnic, made blanket forts, and more. Phew. Getting short on ideas!

    • Connie Gruning

      Crystal, Great job! I am so glad my kids are grown. It’s got to be exhausting!! I bet other Peanuts have some ideas?? How about a scavenger hunt? Pedicures? Ohmygosh, I have to put my thinking hat on.

      • Rosie

        I don’t know, in that when we were kids, we just played by ourselves. I don’t recall ever feeling bored or saying it to our mom or dad. We did most of these things, and didn’t mind doing the same things again.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    My symtoms are getting better but still really run down. Hard to beleive how hard it hit me. Sure hope the rest of the family including the hubby doesn’t get this. Stay home Connie, nothing is worth going through this.

  • Sarah L

    We had about 4 inches of snow yesterday and a bit off and on today. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are easy for me since they are mostly my ‘quiet day at home’ days. BUT! I want my Monday, Wed, Friday swimming days and my Sunday chorus days. Compared to healthcare workers and other essential people like grocery people I’m in a very good place. Have to keep up my Attitude of Gratitude for what I do have. I’m certainly not spreading the virus…..

    • Connie Gruning

      Sarah, that’s a GREAT way to think about this time… Attitude of Gratitude. SNOW!? We had 50 degree weather today and I took Bear to the dog park. It was amazing!!! The 5 or 6 humans stayed 6 ft or more apart. It was Bears first trip to a dog park she was sooooooo shy. She did NOT want any other Dogs LOOKING at her Mom so she grumbled a few times (seriously, sounded like she was talking and says my MOM, MY MOM).
      Hopefully Monday, Wednesday and Fridays get back to normal. It’s hard not to get depressed being stuck at home. BUT, like you said Attitude of Gratitude! Starting in the morning.

  • Rosie

    I had a eureka moment about the TP dilemna – don’t buy food, another hard chore, then there won’t be any eating, so no need for the TP. Yeaa! Just got done watching our governor live, they are trying to be a very conservative state, our state didn’t get much masks, etc. First covid-19 diagnose in our town announced a couple of minutes ago. Staying in touch with relatives via FB, etc!

  • Tamra Phelps

    They just took one of the older ladies up front to the lobby so she can talk to her daughter through the window. Yep, that’s the only way any of us can see our visitors. I just talk to them on the phone. But for some of the older folks here, especially those who are a little confused, it’s upsetting to not see their families. They say that for ‘end of life’ situations they’ll arrange something, so I guess they’ll usher family in to the room for that.

  • Kim Avery

    Just taking it one day at a time. We are getting closer to full lock down and that worries me because we still aren’t stocked up on food due to being sick just a week before this started! Now the shelves are bare!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Thank you for the kind messages, girls. You really are very special – take a bow xxx
    Mum’s a wee bit better today, and has finally agreed to take the stronger pain killers prescribed for her. They contain codeine & she was scared of becoming reliant on them. However, needs must. Stay safe & keep your distance x

    • Michele Soyer

      So glad that mum has decided to take the stronger meds.. with the pain and her age I doubt highly addiction is going to be a problem…at the end my husband , who was so against any form of pain relief was begging for more…I can only imagine the pain and to make it easier is a must…

  • Michele Soyer

    Watching how many people are suffering either with the virus or the ramifications of it….feeling so grateful for my life no amount of empathy can be too much for all the suffering some are going through…as for me bathing the dogs today.. our oldest Phoebe at 15 has back leg problems and mild confusion.. she is the last of the litter and watching her slow decline is sad..

  • Crystal K

    Well preschool is officially cancelled for my kiddo for the rest of the school year. Looks like we’re going to be doing a lot of playing and reading!

    • Connie Gruning

      Crystal, Alice has been out a week already and it dawned on her she didn’t have to be home schooled if she had a headache. LOL Sneaky kid!! Her Daddy said it was fine. She has all weekend.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Not feeling so hot today. Think I just may have over did it yesterday. Sure be glad when the crud is finally gone.

  • Sarah L

    Been snowing since noon and more to come. Ordered some groceries. Will get delivered on Tuesday. Glad it’s not anything I need more quickly.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, physical therapy has to come to our rooms because they don’t want everyone in the p.t. room together, coming and going. We can go into the hall to walk, but we can’t go to the therapy room. Oh, well, it least it’s going well.

  • Shannon Holmes

    I am making sofritas. It is sad, the restaurant that Chris and I love was deserted. Our county hasn’t made restaurants close yet.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Up early this morning and found Mum crying with pain in her hip. Somehow we managed to get to Dublin on time only to have a 2 hour wait at the hospital due to triage, distancing etc. I couldn’t get over the lack of traffic on the roads with the schools, non-essential shops etc. all closed. Finally got her home & straight into bed to sleep. We’ll eat later/whenever. Anyway, she had another CT scan and the cancer in her hip/pelvis has grown in the couple of weeks since her last one. Starts radiotherapy next week, hopefully.

  • Michele Soyer

    Cleaning out the study today.. that is the only room getting done..I want to go out into the sunshine and enjoy the day out of doors….so many people are having such a hard time with the isolation but as for me, gratefully, I am very happy doing what i normally do…My garden research project is seeing if I can grow bulbs here… have done so with daylillies now to other flowers!!

    • Connie Gruning

      Michele, I am having the total opposite. I can NOT get motivated to clean the house. Maybe I will try gardening tomorrow. It’s supposed to be in the mid 50’s! Maybe that will help my mood.

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Ordered foods today on Amazon Fresh didnt go through at first but it did in the evening. Were just in watching movies

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband got called into work. Need the hours, but afraid to go out of the house. He negotiated to get off at 3 in the morning, before most workers at the local hospital stop in and get coffee.

  • Sarah L

    In the mail yesterday I got 2 free coupons for Wendy’s chicken nuggets and chocolate frosty. Today I went out for the first time in my car for 4 days to go to their drive thru and get my free food. Missing my swimming something fierce. I’ve been doing it 3 times a week for the last 10 years. Still trying to do the exercises, but just not the same as in the pool.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I’m baack! Well, I had one of the worst flu s I’ve ever had. The first three days I honestly thought I was going to die. Worst part was the excruciating pain and the body aches. Now left with Tonsillitis and still can’t get in to the dr. It was a bad one let me tell you. Stay home don’t get this, I was lucky it wasn’t worse.

  • Rosie

    Still looking online for toilet paper, wow, crazy! Did some regular chores, now that I have both my sinks working again I feel a little more back to normal. Trying to stay on top of what is going on in the news.

  • Chris Ann

    It is a beautiful Spring day. My Hubby has been gardening. Our pup loved being outside, too. We are staggering the pups walking time as to not run into others, out walking…keeping that social distance. Every one be careful.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, people at the nursing home were not happy to hear BINGO was cancelled due to COVID-19. You have no idea how important BINGO is in these places. It really is serious business, the highlight of their week. (They play two days a week here.) They were ready to rumble, lol. So…they took a suggestion from Kate, lol. They played over the intercom. The ones who play were in the hall, with aides, etc., walking around helping those who needed help, and the young ‘courtesy aides’ (they used to be called Candy Stripers’, remember that???) would run for the office if someone called BINGO! (To let the announcer know who won.) A little disorganized but it made them happy, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum’s cold/chest infection is much better so logically we should make tomorrow’s 11am appointment in Dublin. However, despite me waking her with breakfast at 9, showering etc. by 10, she’s still in bed asleep at 3pm. I just don’t know what to do anymore … Things aren’t all bad though – I was invited to join a virtual choir of people from all over the country! We’ll have live FB rehearsals etc. and then eventually meet up to perform with an orchestra! Off to get my hands dirty in the garden now xxx

    • Tamra Phelps

      Kate, I hope you guys get some good news tomorrow. And I’m glad you found a virtual choir!! You need that musical relief, I think. ??? As for your Mum, I can tell you that when I was really sick, like after that back surgery, all I wanted to do was sleep. I felt bone tired all the time. I think a lot of it, in my case, was mental exhaustion. Maybe when your Mom gets to feeling better she’ll rouse up a little. Sending her good vibrations.

  • Michele Soyer

    Stove repairman came fixed one issue but did not have the part we needed for the oven… Another week wait but the burners work.. have to be glad for small things….today looks grey and rainy but i have to get out and see about the garden so on goes the rain gear…

  • Shannon Holmes

    It is scary with the virus now, Chris works from home but we still need to get supplies and I hope they are restocked soon.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Our state just got its first confirmed case of CV. Some friends of mine in another state are being quarantined after one of them got sick after having contact with someone who is currently in the hospital. In other news, my guinea pigs are asking where veggies are. Not for a while, little ones. 🙁

  • Tamra Phelps

    My brother brought me some things I needed today. Someone had to meet him at the door to get them because no visitors can come in. And yet, they continue to take in new residents, even though most nursing homes have stopped doing that right now. Corporate greed trumps resident safety, I guess.

  • Rosie

    Quiet day today. Everyone is supposed to be staying isolated, and I hear the center of town is deserted. I spent quite a bit of time online today looking for toilet paper, but did not find any available. If anyone is aware of any from online that isn’t price gouging, let me know!

  • Sarah L

    Tuesdays are usually my day off from doing stuff. It’s just that Saturday, Sunday and Monday were all spent at home. Sigh.
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I’m eating corned beef and cabbage again today. ???

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day from an Ireland on lockdown. Very strange, almost eerie feeling, seeing the deserted streets – almost expect tumbleweed to blow across like in the westerns! If anyone’s on Twitter they can check out #RTEVirtualParade to watch people making the best of it!

  • Kim Avery

    I’m starting to have a little panic with this virus and all the shut downs. We have one roll of toilet paper left and some baby wipes. I’ve been searching all over because my mom and mother in law are completely out! It’s even getting harder to find food but I have faith it will be there when we need it. I’m only low on bread and if I have to resort to making fresh bread I have what I need on hand.

  • Michele Soyer

    Waiting for the stove repairman… he called to confirm so I am glad he is still coming…I really cannot do anything outside until this stove business is sorted….unless you are a national or a permanent resident returning no one else is being let off the planes here… my neice was supposed to come to settle some legal issues but she is afraid that she will not be allowed back into Barbados….she is a caricom national but who knows if that applies….

  • Terri S.

    All of us are staying home to avoid Coronavirus. Restaurants, bars, theaters, schools, etc. have all closed down to avoid spreading it. I pray that when warmer weather comes the virus won’t live in hotter temps.

  • Tamra Phelps

    They cancelled BINGO today at the nursing home. Do you have any idea how important BINGO is in nursing homes??? Oh, these people are ready to riot, lol. In nursing homes, BINGO is cutthroat.

  • Sarah L

    My corned beef and cabbage are delicious. Will be eating it for the next couple of days. Did most of my exercises, just not in the pool. T-Mobile increased every member’s data to unlimited for the next 30 days. I may start watching things on my phone.

  • Rosie

    I arranged for a ride today to go the grocery store Wed., and by noon I chickened out and canceled. Everyone is saying all the stores are as crowded as the weekend. Our town declared state of emergency, so that might be one reason why they are still cleaning out to the bare shelves. The number of reported virus cases are increasing dramatically every day now.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m trying to get Mum up & moving ready for her trip to Dublin on Thursday. She’s sleeping 10 hours at night plus naps. Fingers crossed we’ll get there. Spent a lot of time gardening.

  • Michele Soyer

    I was so incredibly blessed yesterday.. there was practically no one in the grocery…I guess after the announcement here about confirmed cases everyone ran day and night to the bulk and regular shoppes….yes there were people.. but right to the cashier I went..amazing I was there and back in less than 2 hours with a 1/2 hour ride each way….and LOL there was no TP or paper napkins.. but there was plenty of groceries… I would have thought people would have bought bread, milk, flour ‘canned goods like for hurricane times but no.. just TP!!!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband is home until Friday. He works weekends. Have to say I’m glad that he won’t be coming in and out of the house.

  • Rosie

    I’m seeing that many people are trying to hibernate and social distance. Our mayor told me today they are going to be doing more “controls,” something to do with our ride service for the elderly, I hope the vendor doesn’t cancel it during this situation. The ride service also transports school kids, and the schools are all shut, so their employer may just say no rides for the next two or three weeks. We’ll see.

  • Sarah L

    My corned beef and cabbage are in the crock pot making the house smell wonderful. Miss my Sunday singing. And now all the rec centers will be closed so no swimming for me (major bummer). I’m glad that I can get books from the library over the internet to my Kindle since all the libraries are closed, too.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I noticed several people saying they needed to do some shopping. Good luck. Several of my family members (in Indiana and Kentucky) have been trying for several days to find toilet paper. (Just for normal shopping, not to stockpile.) It’s not just a Facebook meme, lol, it’s real. What are people doing with all that hoarded t.p.??? Do they really think they won’t be leaving the house for six months? Honestly, people are crazy.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The sun shone all day. I spent a good 5 hours gardening & pottering about in the fresh air. Feeling wonderfully tired!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I need to whine. Sometimes I don’t always get my voicemails — sometimes they show up a few days after they are left. I just learned I was in the finals — 1 out of 20 to win a trip to Germany. (Probably would be allowed to take it when it is safe.). I needed to be at a certain restaurant on Thursday evening — free meal but I didn’t get the message until today. At the very least, DH and I would have had a nice meal out, and possibly won a trip to Germany, where I have wanted to go to do family history research

  • Tamra Phelps

    There’s a new resident here, which sort of surprised me. Since we’re in ‘lockdown’ and can’t have visitors I figured they wouldn’t take in new residents. And this poor old guy is a ‘wanderer.’ Like so many people with dementia, he wanders constantly. He’s been in every room here looking for his puppy. He stood outside my door this morning and sobbed. It’s heartbreaking. If he were to have COVID-19 we’ll all have it. He’s been in every room. On the lighter side, he saw a banana I had and said he believed he’d like that. So, he ate my banana, lolol.

  • Shannon Holmes

    I bought some cold meds in prep for Coronavirus, saw the stores getting picked over. We had the first Chesterfield county person diagnosed.

    • Connie Gruning

      Val, I did treadmill time today and as I was doing my “run” (walk 4 minutes run 1 minute) I really got INTO it and slammed the back of my hand into the rail OH HOLY MOLY the bruise is IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home. Would have been at the concert right now if it hadn’t been cancelled. Fixing corned beef and cabbage tomorrow.

  • Rosie

    It seems odd to see how most everyone here from all over has these situations with the virus, we’re all dealing with it. It is supposed to get worse here, we aren’t near the peak yet. I have plenty to do, so it may be good our ride service is limited, that curtails going out and possibly catching it. I just went out for a walk, and it was a nice sunny day, even though a little cold.

  • Natalie

    I have a continuing education class this entire weekend but I am looking forward to having Monday off. It is a nice break from hearing about the coronavirus on the news.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    News from Ireland re. Covid-19 is much like the rest of the world: increase in positive cases, everything being cancelled. Scary times. Mum continues to improve and I’m hoping to get her out of bed today for a couple of hours. The latest re. her cancer is (hopefully) get her to to St. Luke’s in Dublin, a cancer hospital with family accommodation, for more scans, start treatment etc. That’ll be on Thursday (again, hopefully). She’s a month behind starting treatment already because of her chest infection. Stay well Peanuts!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well we now have the first 2 confirmed cases here…Both came in on flights…the government has decided to utilize an old TB hospital from the British days as the quarantine unit…bulk stores here have been inundated and thank goodness I don’t have to go…Tomorrow even though it is Sunday I plan on going to my local grocery and do my normal shopping…Everyone please take care….

  • shelly peterson

    Today was not the greatest. I felt horrible after dialysis today and then I was a dummy and ventured to the store. It was a complete mad house and they are closing all our schools for 6 weeks,

  • Jennifer Wilson

    DH’s work finally announced if someone gets the CV, then they will get paid for two weeks and not coming in to work. I’m really glad to hear that because some of his coworkers wouldn’t be able to afford to take off and they work with food.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Well, we have no school in the state of Michigan till April 6th. I really feel bad for the kids that are seniors and in sports. That is where a lot of the kids receive their Scholarships. Even Churches have cancelled because if you have more than 250 people in attendance it is mandatory. 2020 will definitely be a year to remember.

    • Connie Gruning

      Diane, Alice’s school is closed until April 13th. So her Daddy is working from home. I’m trying to convince them Alice should be here with me. So far the Daddy isn’t liking the idea.

  • Tamra Phelps

    We’re still in lockdown here. My brother said he finally got a day off. (He works at the store where the first case of coronavirus was diagnosed in KY. He was on vacation but got called in. They’ve cleaned that place top to bottom now.) Anyway, the reason we’re on lockdown(no visitors, every staff member has to have their temp checked when they come in) is because we’re so close to the town where it started and a lot of people here are from there and their visitors would be coming from there. All schools in KY will be closed for the next two weeks. (The schools here are closed already, have been all week. Fortunately, they are prepared. The send home packets at the beginning of the year detailing school work to be done if school can’t meet for long periods like with snow days that drag into weeks.) Well, hopefully this passes as quickly as it came but I’m not holding my breath.

  • Sarah L

    Got in some swim time, then a trip to the library for books to read this weekend, then a stop at the grocery store for corned beef and cabbage and other things.
    Had a busy weekend planned: seeing 2 concerts and the Sage Singer rehearsal. All those have been cancelled due to that darned beer. Oh, right corona is a beer, but that’s not why they cancelled.

    • Connie Gruning

      Sarah, Yes, that did make me laugh. Son Zac sent me a text that said “I’m going home and getting drunk because I saw an article that said alcohol kills corona virus. I only read the headline but I feel totally justified”
      He’s a funny guy.

  • Kim Avery

    Still trying to get over the flu. I need to venture out tomorrow for more cough meds and hopefully some toilet paper! We were already stocked up on Lysol & wipes since its something I do months before flu season hits. Never would have thought people would be emptying the shelves of toilet paper!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Ireland now has 34 cases confirmed, out of a population of 4 million, one death. BUT, there is good news, one patient has completely recovered! All pre-schools, schools, colleges, public offices are closed; sports events, cinemas, concerts, marches, religious services cancelled. Even some pubs have shut their doors (in Ireland!). Shops, pharmacies & public transport still open for business but all staff wearing disposable gloves & masks.

  • Rosie

    Still putting some things back after the plumber was doing things in two rooms. Wow, our local FB groups are starting a sign up sheet if you run out of toilet paper, so now I’m getting nervous. They’ve shut down schools, courts, etc. Going shopping for the first time in weeks tomorrow, I hope there are still some things left! I’ve been trying to convince an elderly relative with respiratory ailments that lemon juice is not a disinfectant for Coronovirus, she just bought four quarts of it to clean everything. Sent her CDC info, you name it, she said a nurse told her that!

  • Michele Soyer

    Had to run into the village today…the shoppes were empty..picked up a few things and since the repair on my stove will not be until late next week I plan on using the stove in mum’s apartment downstairs.. hate to use it because it is electric.. mum was scared of a gas stove but the cost……

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Kinda laying back and cleaning up the house today, as I will be kidsitting all weekend. Starting tomorrow afternoon! Should be fun other than their puppy! She has a thing for my feet, she bites them. They call her Piper! I call her Hyper piranha. LOL May have to start wearing boots. LOL

  • Kate Sarsfield

    If anyone wants me to post them loo roll, just holler! The only things that are in short supply here are pasta, rice & breakfast cereals. On a brighter note, the people of Ireland, having got fed up waiting for Government to do something pro-active, have rallied to the call and have set up volunteer groups to help out the elderly, compromised, medical staff etc. of their communities. Even whole apartment blocks in the cities are following suit. Heartening to see.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim with friends. Then eye doctor visit with pupil dilation. Eyes looking good, just not seeing well right now.

    • Connie Gruning

      Sarah, when a girl friend of mine came in for her eye dilation I convinced her she had to wear the paper glasses all day long even inside, minimum of 24 hours. She wasn’t realllllllllllllll happy when she found out she only needed to wear them for comfort. Yes, I am an EVIL friend.

  • Rosie

    I’m trying to figure out how this day flew by! I did manage to get the small “to do” list checked off, so I’m happy with that, and some other small things that I never seem to get around to doing! So all is well!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Had a dentist appointment today and needed to go to the hospital to get some routine blood work done. Wanted to get it done before our part of the country gets sick.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I can’t beleive you can’t get t- paper anywhere around my area. Lol People are just freaking out! Really! It’s not as bad as some of the tuberculous, Pnemonia, Malaria, Seasonal flu, norovirus or several others. Just be smart! Wash hands, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and pray like heck. Lol

    • Connie Gruning

      Diane, have you heard WHY there is no toilet paper? I can’t figure it out. It doesn’t make any sense. Were these people not using any toilet paper before??? It makes you not want to shake hands with any one. Like ever!

  • Tamra Phelps

    They’re still on lockdown here at the nursing home.. Every time I glance up I see someone walking by cleaning the handrails in the hallway. Every staff member has to have their temp checked when they enter. Hopefully this all passes soon.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum wasn’t well enough to go for her biopsy. The Doc’s put her on antibiotics & something stronger for the pain in her pelvis. We’ll try again next week (that’s if they’re still taking admissions).

  • Kim Avery

    My husband and I have been down with the flu since Friday night! I’ve never had it and hope to never get it again!

  • Michele Soyer

    My oven is on the fritz and my espresso-coffeemaker isn’t working.. LOL…. called for stove service and awaiting a call back.. I cannot be w/o an oven this week have a birthday cake order to fill!.. as for the coffeemaker it was a present from my son in 2012 and I hold the memory of that visit very close to my heart…. grow up Michele.. you are lucky enough to have an old Mr Coffee put away.. take it out wash it down and use it….you would think Mercury was still Rx…..

    • Tamra Phelps

      Michele, Istill have a small stone my Grandpa gave me about 30 years ago as a joke, lol. I say you hang on to anything that brings you good memories of someone you love.

  • Terri S.

    First our phone went down the other day and yesterday we lost internet service. But, honestly it was fine to be surrounded by silence again.

  • shelly peterson

    I slept in today and relaxed. I also went to get groceries. They had no toilet paper and no hand sanitizer at all.

  • Rosie

    My day’s going good. I’m continuing to tackle the paperwork, and making some progress. Had a temporary side tracking with a water problem, the plumber could come in 4 days, so I literally bottled up all the water coming out of the faucet and saved it, so it wouldn’t get wasted. The usual turn-offs didn’t work. I felt like an episode of Lucy Ball with the missing plumber. Now that it is done, I’m back to the pen and paper.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Well, so much for the financial adviser. Wasn’t anything he could do for us at this time. We fall into the cracks! LOL! Story of my life. I always say it could be worse. Life is what you make of it. I am grateful for everyday that I blessed with.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, they put this place in a sort of lockdown today. Staff can go in and out, but no visitors. And when staff come in they have to stop at the door to have their temperature checked. And, of course, if they’re sick with any type of respiratory or flu-like illness, they’re sent home. I mean, this is a nursing home. People here are not in the best of health to begin with, so they’re desperate to keep it out. Of the 19 people who had died in Washington state as of Sunday (probably more now) 14 were in one nursing home. I’m so close to going home. I don’t want to get knocked down again.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    St. Patrick’s Day celebrations have been cancelled. Hospitals & nursing homes have strict no visitor policy in place. Meanwhile I’m trying to pack for Mum but she doesn’t want to go to hospital. She’s in a lot of pain and frightened. Trying to remain the calm voice of reason but not easy as her short-term memory is poor and we have the same conversation over & over. Oh well, at least it’s stopped raining!

  • Michele Soyer

    Yes Kate this world is amazing.. I did plant all my pineapples and today I have star apple seeds to plant…the seeds start very well and since I am in no rush after the plants come up the tree takes at least 3-5 years to come to size….also transplanted 2 acerola cherry trees yesterday.. had started them from seeds 2 years ago and they were ground ready….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I cancelled a dental appointment for Wednesday. They’re telling us to stay home if possible to avoid this coronavirus. I figure being so close to where it has hit (we’ve gone from 1 case to 4 to 6 in KY in two days, 2 of them in my town. All ‘have a connection’ the governor said. )—anyway, I figure I shouldn’t risk going to the dentist if it’s not urgent.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I’ve only taught 6 classes so far, but woke up this morning to see one of the students I have already taught has booked me again. I’m really excited to see the same student again! 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m sitting here looking at the wind and rain and Michele’s transplanting pineapples! I love this funny old world!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Monday! Well, here we go for the week. We have an insurance adviser coming this morning. Not really looking forward to it but this too shall pass.

  • Michele Soyer

    Monday so lets get moving.. I have pineapple plants to transplant..probably 20 or so ….then on to the rest of the gardening….my daughter will continue the big cleaning for today…..

  • Terri S.

    My day started off great. Sun was shining and I slept until 9:30 this morning. That’s rare for this early bird usual 6:30 starter. Last night’s strong winds must have knocked down trees or branches causing me to lose my phone service. Verizon tech coming to fix it tomorrow. It’s actually nice to have a quiet day. ?

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, coronaviris (COVID-19) has hit my town. Yep, the KY case is from the town I lived in until I got sick, the town my brother’s family is still in. There’s a second case there today, along with one in Lexington and one in Louisville. I’m at a nursing facility about 20 minutes from there. The staff here are getting antsy about allowing visitors. Nursing homes in my town have already locked down, no visitors. My brother called to tell me that he doesn’t want to risk accidently bringing it in here when I’m so close to going home, so being ultra cautious, he’s waiting a week or two to visit. (He knows the lady who has been hospitalized.) So, I’m hoping this disease gets stopped in its tracks by people being more cautious.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I had to repost this from my oldest daughter: Hey everybody! It’s crazy for me to think that 1 year ago today, my daughter took me to the ER, right about this time. I remember picking the girls up from school earlier, but feeling absolutely horrible when I got home. I went and took a late nap, they came in to ask for dinner and I guess I just didn’t make any sense. I am SO GRATEFUL for them pushing through and calling their Dad as to “What do we do? I think she has to go in!” My little Taylor took me to the ER, and that’s where we found out I had a brain tumor. It was a long few days waiting at the hospital. I don’t remember the surgery, or what it was like when I woke up – although my family has some rather silly stories that they share! I guess I told them all I had FECES for lunch!!! Oh my…I am SUPER grateful for so many of you that have prayed for us and helped us out. Thank you! Aaron, I couldn’t have done any of this without all of your love and support! The prayers you had for me meant more than any words I could say to express my gratefulness. I am so thankful for my girls, I don’t know how I would have gotten through it all without you! Taylor and KDJ were great in helping parent the little ones! Jordyn, Sidney, and Kam – the great big hugs and all of the I love you’s…❤️ My parents came down, Jen, and Cristy came to stay and help, I am so thankful!
    Jesus has helped me so much throughout this past year. There have been so many obstacles that I have had to walk through, some still here, but He is with me every moment of it! I questioned so many things after growing up in the church. But Jesus answered EVERY ONE of them! I know beyond all things that He is SO REAL! He is SO GOOD! And for the first time ever, I know that He LOVES ME! It’s been a tough one, but I know He has lots of plans for us! Thank you for all of your prayers and love! Thank you Jesus for your HEALING!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Let’s see, so far today, I’ve discussed the meaning of life with a Jehovah’s Witness, cleaned the filter on the washing machine, made a veggie lasagne for the freezer, washed the inside windows, prepped tonight’s dinner, spent some time outside (in between the hail showers) and paid some bills. Plan to put my feet up soon!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband was able to get extra hours at work again today, so that’s a good thing. 🙂 I do miss his early at home nights. He gets off at 2 tonight.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Hanging out with two of the grandkids till Morgan had to go sell Girl Scout cookies at the cookie booth. Now it’s just me and Mr. Hunter. Man I love this kid! It’s no secret that I have the best grandkids this side of the state. Oh and 5 more in Florida!

    • Connie Gruning

      Diane, Alice did her Girl Scout booth last weekend. The pictures my daughter sent HOLY MOLY the kid is growing like a WEED!!! I will concede you have the best Grandkids in Florida and allllllll of a sudden I can’t remember your state….. but I have dibs on the cutest Grandkid in California.

  • Shannon Holmes

    I am going to be making some mushroom stroganoff later today. Earlier we had some neighborhood dogs in the front yard that Chris took back to their house.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day, another storm so I’ve done a bit of de-cluttering of books to take to a charity shop. Mum got up today for a while. That’s about it, really!

  • Michele Soyer

    More cleaning.. got another bedroom done yesterday..today there is baking to be done and veggies to pick mostly eggplants….then into my bedroom and hopefully the study…

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Cleaning out the pantry and refilling it with the new foods i bought at the store last week. Such a stressful time for everyone. Stay well .

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I got $45 in unexpected money today in the mail. (Overpayment from an old bill from a doctor’s office we haven’t gone to in years.) But I got a bill from my current doctor in the mail today. Thankfully I’m still $24 ahead. lol

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    I am so tired today! I think it reminiscing about a year ago today I got a phone call from my granddaughter telling me my oldest daughter was rushed to the hospital. She then was taken by an ambulance to another hospital that could deal with what was going on with her. She was fine picked up her girls from school developed a headache and a few hours later she has a Brain Tumor. It was pressing on her eyes and scull. It was a team of specialists and 6 hours of surgery. There were complications during the surgery, she had a stroke and still has some problems yet today. But praise the Lord she is okay! I have my 37 year old daughter back.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Yesterday, it was 60°, today it snowed. Geeze, March, make up your mind. They’ve started making visitors sign in and answer a few questions like ‘have you felt unwell or had flu like symptoms?’ or ‘Have you traveled anywhere where the virus has hit?’ They’ve put those masks by the front door and housekeeping has been thoroughly cleaning everything in sight.
    —Hey, Connie, I saw in an email that that Cricut was won by Sonya S. I wonder if it was Sonya the blogger??? It said she hasn’t responded to his emails, so if it is her I hope she didn’t miss the email.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Gorgeous day. cold but sunny, so I’m washing outside windows, the car, the garage door … heading into town later for Mum’s meds. and groceries. She’s still in bed but seems to be better. Hope so, sooner she gets the biopsy done the sooner treatment can start.

    60 staff at a major hospital are in self-isolation; only a matter of time before other hospitals are affected. Please stay away from ER, doctors’ surgeries. Let’s contain this virus & keep our front-line crews healthy.

    • Connie Gruning

      Kate, THAT is scary!! 60?! WOW!! The trouble with some of these people that are SUPPOSED to be in isolation don’t stay home. What the heck is wrong with people.
      I’m sending positive thoughts that Mum get’s her biopsy done tomorrow. Come on Mum, strap on your boots and lets GO!!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    First day all week I haven’t run a fever. 🙂 Have some cubed steak in the crockpot for dinner. One of my favorite meals.

  • Sarah L

    Had fun volunteering at the book sale for the Denver Public Library. I managed to not buy any books (big deal for me)

  • Tamra Phelps

    This place. It can be chaos at times. They ‘misplaced’ one little lady who tends to wander. (Inside the building. Those who might wander off have little bracelets on their ankles that set off a buzzer if they try to go out a door.) But they were searching high and low for the poor soul, looking in bathrooms, closets, etc. I assume they found her, lol.

    • Connie Gruning

      Tamra, It’s not funny but I can’t help laugh. HOW do you lose a person!? Of course, when my Mom was in the rehab center a little old guy in a wheel chair would wait for someone to leave the building and he would catch the door. He would roll away laugggghhhhing while nurses chased. Where there is a will there is a way.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Today was a toss-up between heading into town or working outside. Guess which one won? Hint: the sun was shining …

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Good Morning! I can’t beleive it is Thursday already. I swear as I get older the days go faster and faster. On the good side I think Spring is just around the corner. We have dead critters on the side of the road again and the birds are back. Sorry about the dead critters but that is life.

  • Michele Soyer

    This is the Mercury Rx of the year that is going to be the most irritating…Rx in Pisces/Aquarius….lawyer got convaluted yesterday and we had to double check her.. the debit/credit card machines were not working communications error…had to dig thru my purse to pay for my purchases.. called the bank this morning and their systems are down…so now I am going to go to the feed and grain and the grocery lets see what fun happens on this shopping trip.. I am prepared!!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Day six with a fever. This is getting kind of old. Thankfully it’s a low grade fever, but still. . .
    Found out my guinea pig didn’t make it into the finals of the Cadbury contest I entered her into. Disappointed about that. Could have used the $5,000 plus would have been super cool to have her as the next Cadbury bunny. I know I’m biased, but I think she was cuter than any of the finalists. :-D.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had an appointment with an ear nose & throat doctor. My left vocal cord, it turns out, was injured by being intubated for nearly a month. But, the right one is compensating for it. So, my speaking voice is fine, if not quite the same as before, but I’m not likely to be able to yell loudly any more.

  • Sarah L

    There are 2 pools I swim at. One closer to my house and one closer to the library. Today I needed to pick up 3 holds at the library so I went to the Whitlock pool.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Hello Connie, Fortunately the birds can get out from under the eves. We just have to wait till they fly from the nest. Oh and get it patched before she does it again. That is very funny about the horse. One time my aunt & uncle were gone away ansk us to feed and check on their horses. Well, low and behold they broke the fence pulled the siding door open and helped themselves in the kitchen. Flour , sugar and lots of stuff all over. Funny now but not at the time!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum’s still coughing up yuck so the biopsy’s now scheduled for next Wed. Woke up at 3am freezing cold so got up & cleaned the hob to warm up.

  • Lilly Mae

    I woke up late today, and in turn the kids almost missed the bus. Somehow we managed to get them out the door with brushed teeth and clean clothes on. Success, right?
    How’s your day?

  • Michele Soyer

    Still cannot shake yesterdays news but I must get moving with an appointment with the lawyer….While I am out stopping by the post and then the chemist to pick up some extra flue meds and back inside….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I didn’t even get out of bed yesterday. Today my husband went to CVS to pick up meds, and he picked his up and forgot mine. Thankfully nothing for this crud that I have. Maybe I can get him to go to Walmart and get some ice cream tomorrow. Believe it or not I found a $25 Walmart gift card we got for our wedding almost 5 years ago. LOL

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Hello Connie! Been a long day. I really hate to mention this because we will sound like country hicks. This morning about 3:30am There is this scratching sound that wakes me up. It’s coming from the ceiling. Few minutes later I hear it again, only this time there are running little feet followed by chirping noises. We have a bird that got under the eves and made a nest between the second floor and the first. If that wasn’t enough at 8:10am while I was making the bed I hear a squirrel playing kick ball in the ceiling above our bed. You just can’t make this stuff up! Did I mention we have 13 walnut trees surrounding our house.

    • Connie Gruning

      Diane, LOL! Oh my gosh farm life just isn’t for everyone is it?? Ummmmmm HOW do you get the bird out from between floors?! When I was growing up we woke up to the HORSE in the front room. Just standing there. Can you imagine being the Mom and hearing your daughter SCREAM Comanche IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Yup. Just standing there.
      Oh my gosh my husband would be at your house begging to go pick walnuts! I think he could eat his weight in Walnuts.

    • Connie Gruning

      Sarah, that sounds great. I found an asparagus recipe to try this weekend. Crispy fry like and I’m going to use my Ninja Crisper. That thing is aweeeeeeeeeesome. All the mess in one pan.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Another rainy day in SC. And I was frantic this morning when I saw on the news about the tornadoes in TN. Putnam County was hit really hard with i8 deaths and over 50 injured not to mention it looks like a war zone there last I heard and that is where my brother lives. Finally got in touch with him and he is thankfully ok.

  • Tamra Phelps

    So, it seems Google has fixed a few of the glitches their last Chrome update left, lol. I can use the Pinterest button again. And so far, Connie, I can tweet from the entry form again. Knock wood!

  • Kim Avery

    I’m having a nice relaxing day . It’s a little damp and chilly out but have a couple windows open a little to let fresh air in.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I popped into the nearest decent-sized supermarket last night on my way home. Not a bit of pasta on the shelves. Flights from Northern Italy banned ergo no Italian pasta. I usually buy fresh locally made but like to have some dry in the pantry, just in case. Just one of the effects of the c-virus.
    ps: Please, if you have any symptoms do NOT go to the doctor/hospital, therebye spreading the infection. STAY AT HOME & self-isolate. Check local websites for advice.

    • Tamra Phelps

      I had no idea you were supposed to stay at home. It is good advice, now that I think about it. But most people will just be so scared that if they get a cold they’ll be high-tailing it to the E.R. I guess if it gets bad enough to go to the hospital, you should call them and tell them so they can get you right in, not leave you sitting in the waiting room spreading it around.

      • Connie Gruning

        Tamra, I’m not sure how to feel but the news just announced they have set up a triage tent outside our hospital for the coronavirus. Hummmmm I hadn’t heard there were any cases in Idaho.
        And of course wouldn’t ya know it I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Would it be bad to come dressed in a bio suit???

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Out buying meds and food water etc so will stop going out soon. Make sure to order meds that you don’t have on hand if they are from other countries too.

  • Terri S.

    I’ve been reading about shortages in cold medicines because people are stocking up on them from fear of the coronavirus. Hubby went to town and was able to buy some but the stores are running low on them. I already stocked my pantry and freezer. People are getting worried.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Good evening! Long day as I had those grandchildren that I talked about yesterday. Everything went well and this old woman needs to be in bed as I am definitely feeling it tonight.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh, today was a bad stomach day. My gut chose today to go into those old painful spasms. Fortunately, it was after physical therapy, so it didn’t interfere with anything. It just knocked me down for a few hours.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum’s coughing & sneezing so her biopsy on Wed. is in doubt. Sometimes I think she does these things on purpose … stay well Peanuts!

  • Terri S.

    March came in like a lion for sure. The wind was so strong. I went to the supermarket this morning and loose shopping carts were blowing all over in the parking lot.

    • Connie Gruning

      Christy, ME TOO!! I want fresh flowers on the table…… and pretty flowers on the porch and I want to rock in the rocker on the deck and knit. Outside. in the warmth. That was a long drawn out ME TOO!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I never run a fever, as in I had a jaw infection that almost killed me about eight years ago and I never had a fever, but I had a fever this weekend. So I just slept. I don’t like being sick right now. I need to keep my strength up so that I am at my healthiest for this virus that everyone will probably get.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, things are looking up here. I’m getting closer to leaving here, thank goodness. I’m afraid to even say it because I don’t want to jinx it. I’m just hoping things keep moving forward at a good pace.

  • Nancy

    Our day is going just fine. We went out to eat at a favorite restaurant today and we got some groceries. I am working on organizing my pantry.

  • Robin Creager

    I work the night shift in a warehouse for a well-known company. On concrete all night and frankly I’m very tired! I’m so ready for spring!!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    February went by! Not sure how to explain it, other than to say it went by! Somedays went quicker than others. Not a lot of sun so it didn’t help with the funk that I was in. Let’s see how much better weather March will bring!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Lol I was going to say Good Morning but as it is already 12:30, I guess good afternoon! I survived the sleep over and now tomorrow I have my two youngest, 3yr. Allyson and 2yr. Aaron for the day. Mom has jury duty and so I will be getting out the baby gates and locks for the doors. LOL You forget how busy they can be, when they are little like that. Wish me luck!

  • Maureen

    It is the start of a new month, so there is hope for a good day and then month. So far today is hopeful –the sun is shining.

  • Kim Avery

    So far it looks like March is coming in like a lamb. Today also starts the plastic bag ban in my state! Hopefully I remember to take my bags into every store besides Aldi!

  • Jennifer R

    It is early still but so far my day is good. I got up before everyone else so the house is quiet, I am currently drinking my 2nd cup of coffee and I have an exercise class planned in about 90 minutes.

  • Brittany Raisor

    My day is just starting, but so far, so good! My coffee is tasting great and the sun is out. I’ll take it!

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