Even Small Businesses Can (And Should) Help The Environment

If you run your own small business, you’ve more than likely heard the term Corporate Social Responsibility. A phrase that’s become increasingly important to businesses as it becomes incrementally more important to the consumers that use them. Corporate Social Responsibility is essential if we’re to create a better form of commerce. One that acknowledges the necessity of its commitment to the workforce, and every link in the supply chain. What’s more, businesses are increasingly expected to show a commitment to sustainability and consideration for the environment. Indeed, millennial consumers in particular expect the businesses they buy from to have a strong focus on sustainability. And, crucially, they’re prepared to pay good money for the privilege. 

Small Businesses tree in glass ornament

If you run a small business, you may assume that you have the same obligations to the environment as your larger corporate counterpart. But the truth is that no operation is too small not to be able to make operational changes that can make it more sustainable. In fact, you may even be able to save some money and improve cash flow. Let’s take a look at how your small business can (and should) help the environment…

Use software to prevent packaging waste

If your business ships anything directly to the consumer (or other businesses) it’s potentially wasting a fortune in packaging costs. Not to mention contributing more waste materials that may not necessarily end up being recycled by the recipients. Take a look at this packaging software. It could help you save money and generate less waste. It offers 100% accuracy and may be able to reduce your packaging sized by as much as 40%. That can result in a lot of saved shipping costs as well as generating much less waste material, with up to 26% reduction in corrugate usage. 

Keep remote working going for as long as you can

Unless you’re a sole trader, your business likely employs a workforce of some kind. And although you may technically be able to welcome your team back into the workplace, you may benefit from allowing some of them to continue working remotely. At least on a part time basis. Facilitating remote working can massively drive down your business’ carbon footprint, as well as sidestepping operational inefficiencies caused by tardiness. 

Recycle your electronics

You’ve probably already made your operation as paperless as possible. But with an increased migration to digital devices comes an increased risk of electronic waste. The more your team use smartphones, computers and tablets instead of pads and paper, the more chance there is of electronics being dropped, or damaged beyond repair. When this happens do not make the mistake of throwing them into landfill waste. Electronics can leach harmful compounds like cadmium, mercury and lead into our oceans which can prove devastating for marine life. Use a responsible e-waste recycling company to ensure that these materials are dealt with responsibly. 

Serve up more veggies

Believe it or not, even the food you eat and serve at work can have a profound impact on the planet. Plant foods like veggies, fruits, legumes, grains and pulses have a much lower carbon, water and energy footprint than meat and dairy products. So serving up a vegan feast on “Meat Free Monday” might just help further show your business’ commitment to sustainability. 


  • Kate Sarsfield

    Don’t get me started on corporate resonsibility, just don’t. I get so angry at producers, retailers etc.

  • Rosie

    These are good ideas, and over the years, many have started being more conscious of, and implementing, corporate responsibility initiatives. This post reminded me I have some electronics in a box I’ve been waiting to find out where they can responsibly be disposed.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have a lot of old electronics and had no idea how to get rid of them. I knew you shouldn’t just throw them out, but I had just been putting them in a closet or storage room.

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