Hot Cherry Pillows #hotcherrypillows

I have to tell you when I first heard about Hot Cherry Pillows the first thing that popped into my mind was Warrents song Sweet Cherry Pie.

Yes, again, it’s one of those weird things I remember. I know all the words to that song released 30 years ago (but can’t for the life of me remember what I want to the kitchen for 10 minutes ago!)

Then as I started writing this post “Sweet Cherry Wine” by Neil Diamond came to mind…… ohhhh how my mind does wander. It’s a scary place up in my mind.

ANYWHOOOOOOOOO; Now that I have those two songs loud and clear in your mind as well, I want to introduce you to Hot Cherry Pillows. It’s NOT even a SONG!! It’s a hot cold therapy pillow. Seriously, this thing is AWESOME!!  Therapy pillow is such a better description than heating pad. WHY??  Two fold.

First, when you move the pillow it sounds just like a rain stick. If you don’t know what a rain stick is, Google it. I’ll wait here.

Cool right?!?!

Hot Cherry Pillows 1The sound that a rain stick makes is so relaxing to me.  I find it very calming. The sound isn’t the best part of this this therapy pillow. The fact that I can use it hot or cold. 4 minutes in my microwave and I can envelope my hands with the large Hot Cherry Pillow. Seriously, Rheumatoid Arthritis is a pain. (Connie made a funny!) It’s really not funny though. The pain in my hands is starting to truly impact my life. Typing? Knitting? Opening A F)(#(#$*&*(Y jar?!?! Holding a fork and a knife? Okay, okay, okay enough with the whine. Between my lower back, hands, FEET too I’ve found the moist heat from my Hot Cherry Pillow to be aMAZing!! Ammmmmmmmmazing.  (You did that in a sing song voice right?? I do have you guys trained so well.)

My Rheumatoid Arthritis has responded so well to the moist heat of this pillow. I have seriously used it every SINGLE day since it arrived.

You don’t have to have RA to reap the benefits of the Hot Cherry Pillows. Tight muscles? Stomach ache? Back ache? How about warming up your bed when winter comes. Shoulder pain? Warm your feet?

Just about everybody has heard about microwavable pain relievers like buckwheat pillows, or socks filled with rice, corn, flax or other herbal pillows. However, few people in America have heard about cherry pillows. They are, in fact, a Swiss tradition. Foundry workers of ole used heated cherry pit sacks to ease their sore muscles after long days at hard physical work.

J’Nelle Holland, Founder & Owner had a friend who was raised in Switzerland, and she remembered her grandmother having a little door on the side of her wood-burning stove where she warmed sacks filled with cherry pits. Every night after dinner her grandmother would place the pit sacks in their beds. Covered with down comforters, those cherry pit sacks kept the family warm all snowy-night long.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds heavenly!

J’Nelle continues; The trend soon spread to Germany, where they have their own term for a cherry pit pillow, Kirschkernkissen. I purchased my first cherry pit pack in London. So it’s safe to say that in much of the colder European countries, cherry pit filled pillows are well known and loved.

Often I’m asked, “Who eats all those cherries to get those pits?” I’m proud to answer that our source of cherry pits are 100% from the most precious and favored Montmorency tart cherries. Every July when cherries come in season, the Montmorency cherries are pitted and juiced, as a nutritional supplement, that aids arthritis and sleep, because they contain high levels of antioxidants and melatonin. Instead of going to a landfill, those pits become part of a sustainable product, that are used in spa massage, chiropractic care and home health.

Moreover, our pits are cleaned and dried with a patented process that uses only water and heat, no chemicals. I once ordered a cherry pit pillow from China and was shocked at the horrible chemical smell that almost ruined the microwave. You can be sure that our pits will never mold, smell subtly like cherry pie, are entirely machine washable, and will last for years. In fact, they get better with age as they get “broken-in”.

Now you know what a cherry pit pillow is, here’s what makes Hot Cherry® pillows the best. We offer them in a variety of fabrics and sizes, from eye pillows to body pillows. Choose from natural-dyed 100% cotton denim or our plush maraschino ultra suede. That means that there’s a size and design that’s perfect for your body. We hope that you will relax and enjoy Hot Cherry pillows, warmed or chilled. We love that we make pillows that help people feel better.

I found this all fascinating!!  If you want to learn more I highly recommend you head over to the Hot Cherry Pillows Blog.

Back to my review of the Hot Cherry Pillows. Presentation. Y’all know I am A BIG TIME sucker for packaging. I WILL and DO buy things that I have no real use for simply because the packaging was so great.

Well, move over PEZ candy dispensers, Hot Cherry Pillows arrives in a PIE BOX people!!!  With a red ribbon.  It is seriously SO DANG CUTE that it sat on the counter for a full day because I didn’t want to mess up the box. I know, I know… but it made me soooo very happy just to look at it.

Although after the first use I could have kicked myself for waiting that day.

Words of caution. Make sure that the pillow can rotate around the plate in the microwave. These pits get HOT and you could end out ruining your pillow. Microwaves are all different. I started at 2 minutes but found that 4 minutes works best for me and my microwave.  HEY! No microwave?? First how do you heat up coffee?? Or bake a potato??  Second you can put the pillow in a baking dish and warm it in the oven. Very cool right??

I’ve used my pillow on my shoulders (like right this second even), my hands (which is my favorite!), even warmed my frozen tootsies on the pillow.  The pillows stay hot for 20 to 30 minutes. I keep my hands nestled in the pillow long after because the weight feels so good on my hands.

  • Triple Square pillow measures 28” x 9.5” and holds approximately 4 lbs. of clean dried cherry pits.
  • Hot Cherry® pillows are made with love in the USA.

Next for me?? The neck pillow! Check this puppy out!

Hot Cherry Pillows neck pillow

  • All Hot Cherry® pillows are machine washable ––follow instructions carefully–– and they will last for years!
  • Every Hot Cherry® pillow is microwavable and freezable. They can be used hot, cold or room temperature.
  • Hot Cherry® pillows come in six different sizes and three fabrics to choose from.

I can not begin to say enough good things about this pillow. Don’t just grab any heating pad. Seriously, go check out Hot Cherry Pillow Therapeutic Pillows. You WILL NOT be sorry!!

BTW!! Go SIGN up for their newsletter. They giveaway a free eye pillow every month to one lucky subscriber.  You’ll find the subscription box at the bottom of the page.




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