Trail Cam Friday November 27th
I know I haven’t posted many Trail Cam Friday’s lately, but things in our yard had been pretty boring.
This past week though we’ve had a couple of beautiful bucks! You know I’m hoping for those shed’s (antlers) to drop by the house for me, come spring!!
Aren’t they so handsome??
Want to check out additional trail cam pictures? You can search trail cam (It’s on the left under “Whatcha Lookin’ For?” Or start here for some more of my wildlife photos.

Kate Sarsfield
So wonderfully magnificent, isn’t he?
Kate Sarsfield
I saw a stoat in a field the other day – stunning little things & rarely seen.
gloria patterson
What a beautiful fellow!! I am a big fan of trail cams my brother had some for years. He has 25 acres tree filled. He has a bobcat that goes through the area at least once a month. Once in a while he would see a bear. But most of his vistors were deer and turkeyus
Dana Rodriguez
They are really pretty. I love it when you share these!
Very handsome. The only time I see a deer is traveling on the interstate. Yikes.
Lisa DT
No matter what, these animals know that there is a presence.
It’s nice to see wildlife often1 Great share.
Richard Hicks
How cool! He must be foraging for some food.
Tamra Phelps
Wow, that big one looks like at least a 10-pointer!! I hope a hunter doesn’t get to him before you get his antlers!
Wow! These are really big fellows!
Kelly Kimmell
Really great catches! I enjoy seeing these.
Sandra Dufoe
Wow so beautiful love it when I get to see them stroll in my yard.