$50 Your Way Giveaway February 2023!

Here is my monthly update before we get to the giveaway. January drug by! I think because it’s so dang COLD here in Sandpoint, Idaho. Which really means I spent more time in my craft room.

For Christmas my amazing children Selena and Zachary bought me the Cricut Mug Press. OHMYGOSH!!! I am beyond addicted.  I’m still working on getting colors and placements right, but DANNNNNNNNNG this is fun!!

I can take a plain ole white mug, white tumbler, coasters, and magnets and turn them into THIS!!!! Of course all the pictures have disappeared. SORRY!!

Granddaughter Olivia requested some new acrylic designs for her light. So I etched these on the Cricut Maker with the help of the etching blade. What I love about these blanks are they come with the stand, remote and a power cord but you can also use batteries.

While I had the etching tool attached, I made a couple keychains too.

While scrolling away on Instagram I saw this ADORABLE idea!!

Welllllll that backfired. Selena immediately asked if I could cut out a stack of hearts. I was thinking more SHE could just hand cut them……… however, the Cricut really does make it easier and faster. So after the set was done in record time Selena ordered a set for work, a set for SIL.

GREAT!!! Now I feel guilty if I don’t offer a set to Amber for Olivia’s door.

So, 144 hearts later these are in the mail. Seriously CUTE idea right??

Last but not least I also managed to make one kitchen towel for a girlfriend going through a rough time right now.

Funny kitchen towel

I hope your January was a good one and February is AMAZING for you!!

Now for the real reason you are here!

Giveaway Time!

February GiveawayI truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you every day. As always, I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!

This month’s giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. As long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue doing it. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide. $50 American $$.

This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me. 

So, coming back often and staying around for a while, and looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated!! riously, HOW subtle is that?!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Tooth Fairy

    I put on my backpack and walked to pick up some fresh groceries in the snow. I found my missing reading glasses in the backpack. I think I lost an earring somewhere along the way. It’s not expensive but sentimental value. So, at least I got some fresh air and exercise and made a healthy meal so that made me feel good. But I’m sad I lost my earring.


    I was going to krogers to pick up a prescription, while there of course I picked up a few other things. Then I decdied I am out might well go to Gabes our discount store And of course I found so much stuff on sale and few things not on sale

  • heather

    My day has been a busy one keeping the house warm in this MEGA snow storm. We are snowbound for days here at least the power is still on praise the Lord.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I did a ‘Gloria’ yesterday (apologies, Gloria!), i.e. went for a nap & woke up 5 hours later!! Off to the house later to do some planting and I’ll take some houseplants with me that need repotting.

  • Michele Soyer

    Did well yesterday getting things done so today I can move forward putting in some coconut trees and cleaning out the papaya grove – the new owners, whomever they are will have nice orchards …if time is still on my side I will plant some flower seeds….

  • Tooth Fairy

    Thought spring was arriving but it’s a cold snowy morning and that messes up plans that require commuting. ❄️ Got sad news a girlfriend passed away too but she was sick for a long time. 😥 Anyways in general I’m grateful for my present 🎁 the gift that is each day. 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Rain, rain, rain–and a little North of here, tornado sirens. At least we haven’t had bad storms. Fingers crossed we don’t.


    I was going to run around some today BUT after looking out and seeing it POUR rain………… I decided to stay home and maybe take a nap. LAZY DAY

  • heather

    My day has been a busy one keeping the house warm we are in the middle of a BIG snow storm right now. Internet is acting a little strange or it might be this site trying to get my comment to submit.

  • Michele Soyer

    Back to normal today – I totally enjoyed the weekend but reality has set in. Weeds to pull, flowers to dead head. vines to cut – better get up and going!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m humming & hawing whether to go to the house today. On the one hand there’s a lot of gardening to do, on the other hand, it’s an hour away, I’m really cold & tired. Decisions, decisions.


    I slept in this morning didn’t get up till 7:30!! Full of pep so have been busy doing this and that. Finished a book, started another one. Worked on my sun catchers. Found a basket in the house that was the perfect size that I was looking for……………… BUT Wrong color. Easy to repaint.

    Worked on the laptop, played some candy crush………..

  • heather

    My day has been a busy one just finished making a huge macaroni salad and it is now chilling should be yummy later. Hope you are having a nice Sunday

  • Michele Soyer

    Another day of rest and relaxation….Sitting here with the cats and coffee snd thinking about Corfu! Make a to-do list for the week? No……

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Why does the internet work perfectly when I’m supposed to be asleep? Might go for a drive later today to pick up some groceries, other than that, no plans.

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Hello and good evening. I had a good day and made two new recipes. I made some rocky road vegan ice cream and vegan hamburger helper. Both were awesome.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m staying in and taking water pills this weekend, lol. Seriously, I need a few days of serious water weight coming off–if the edema gets to be too much I have to do this. I have a bone scan Monday, and if I have to move around on an x-ray table, I don’t want to feel bloated and uncomfortable.

  • heather

    Busy day cleaning the house and grocery shopping ahead of the snow storm headed our way. I am taking a litte break right now to rest my tired feet and back.

  • Michele Soyer

    Listening to my daughters advise and taking the weekend off – aside from cooking I am studying my languages , art history and thats about it….later on maybe a movie…

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good sure has been a busy one though. I think I will take it easy for the rest of the day did too many chores this morning.

  • clynsg

    It’s still early, so the day hasn’t made any really good or bad things happen. Quite cold for this area, but after talking with a cousin in Minnesota, doesn’t seem bad at all!

  • Michele Soyer

    We had the evaluator for the property come yesterday and also my husbands 75th birthday…hope that he is watching down on us and wishing us well with the whole move….Outside to bathe the pooch, sanitize the aviary and take vines off the garden fence….

  • Polly Hall

    Our ice storm was not as bad as they thought it would be, we did end up with 2 inches of sleet which wasn’t easy to shovel this morning.


    Its 70 here today and going to be in the mid 50’s all next week……….. WEIRD weather

    Lazy day but still have done a lot. A little of this and a little of that. Not in the mood to cook so have ate a little bit of this and that from the refrig.

  • heather

    My day is off to a chilly start we got a dusting of snow last night. We sure need the snow right now we haven’t gotten very much this winter and we sure need the water in our area ahead of spring and summer.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Internet’s still iffy but I’m feeling a heck of a lot better – 5 days in bed, temperature etc. and the most vivid dreams. Didn’t eat for 3 days but Viktor came to the rescue with his soup, bread & cheese!


    I HATE to go to walmart at this time of year!! BUT what do I do I get up and go this morning. They have most of their winter stuff on SALE rack………….. AND they have SPRING CLOTHES out! You see something you really like but you know you would not wear it for a couple of months. BUT if I don’t buy it when I decide I want it they will be gone……………………. I BOUGHT THE STUFF lol

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m going to start physical therapy next week, hoping it will help the polyneuropathy. Plus mayvbe it will help strengthen my legs for when I finally do get that knee replacement.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Glad to see you’re back! I get a little worried if someone disappears for a few days because I remember what happened to me when I vanished for a while, lol.

  • Polly Hall

    We are expecting freezing rain tomorrow so I did my grocery shopping one day early so I can now hunker down during the bad weather.

  • gloria patterson

    Made some roasted cherry tomatoes this morning. Two boxes cherry tomatoes, olive oil, chopped garlic, glazed balsamic vinegar all in a glass baking dish. I usually 425 for 30 minutes or so.

    I use them so many different ways pasta on bread as is……………..

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I’m a little worried about Kate not posting a comment for several days, but she did say there was internet issues a few days ago, so hopefully that’s the problem. Not a lot going on here, but I’m back on several antibiotics, so feeling blah just from them.

  • heather

    It has been a busy day! I have been running around town getting things done and groceries in before we get snowed in here for the rest of the week.

  • Michele Soyer

    Carnival Tuesday lots of action in Port of Spain…here – peaceful and quiet, you would never know how much activity is going on! Scheduling an appt with our Greek lawyer for later on in the week – 7 hours ahead there so it will be an early call….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, that knot on my back that I thought might just be another lipoma is in fact an infection. Possibly faciitis. Turns out scar tissue can do that (I have scar tissue from when I was sick, spent months in a hospital bed.) So, antibiotics again.

  • gloria patterson

    Got up early had a heart test scheduled just one of several test my dr makes me do ever year. It was at the hospital NO valet parking right now, and it is a big parking lot that fills up quickly nearest the hospital. Then looked at my paperwork and I was at the wrong end of the hospital. So moved over to that side and LUCKED out parking spot almost in front of the door. Apointment was for 8:45 and they want you to get their 15 minutes early just in case. They take me in at 9:15 Ever thing was good no problems showed up during test. One more test next month then I go to the Dr Hopefully that is it for the year LOL

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good even though my kitty left me a yucky mess to clean up this morning but she is such a sweetie she is forgiven.

  • Michele Soyer

    Jouvert morning Carnival Monday – gone are days we used to fly down to enjoy the festivities..may all stay safe and here and carnivals around the world!

  • Sharon Rooney

    I’m really tired today, I must have done too much yesterday.
    Please post more pictures on Instagram, I look forward to seeing them. 🙂

  • gloria patterson

    Slept till 7 this morning got up dressed etc. Had some chicken breast cut them up oiled and spiced them and threw in the oven. There is enough there for at least 5 meals along with a side.

    Always enjoy have my great niece spend the day but it wears me out. Took a 3 hour nap got up and just have been lazy all afternoon.

  • heather

    Just got in the door from grocery shopping and for some reason I thought the pharmacy would be open guess I fogot it was Sunday. Hope you have a great day.

  • Michele Soyer

    By the time I was done painting yesterda and cleaning windows I was pooped.. Today IS a total rest day but i have to make a last minute to-do list up ntil Wed.. thursday the valuator is coming….The island is buzzing for this Dimarche Gras carnival Sunday….

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s just been a slow Saturday here. Read an old magazine, like from the 1970s, and felt like I was back in my teen years, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Great niece Zayada 6 is spending the day with me. She will be here for 30 minutes or so and then she will say ITS TIME TO PAINT!! She loves doing crafts we have been doing stuff since she was about 18 months old.

    They just buzzed on the way up!! BUSY BUSY DAY BUT IT GOOD DAY

  • Michele Soyer

    Very successful shopping day yesterday – surprised that the majority of people shopping are not wearing masks..with the amount of tourist arrivals for the Carnival you would think health would be uppermost.. anyway..doing some outside paint touch-ups around the pond area and the cistern….then I plan on taking it easy for the rest of the day!

  • Sharon Rooney

    The weather here was nasty and raining but all in in all it was a good day. On the plus side it’s Friday and the weekend is here.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Had to set up a few medical tests today. A bone density scan an a ‘sitting mammogram’ (they do them, it turns out, for people in wheelchairs. Not looking forward to it, but it must be done, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Had a little shopping to do checked the temp it 42 I will wear my light coat. What it didn’t say was that wind was blowing and it was cold out.

    Hit 3 stores and the bank and was home by 12:15 Everything put away and made a tuna sandwich. Tuna packs on sale for $1 so I stocked up.

    Now for a nap LOL

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got home from a doctors appointment I need to cut the salt it’s gonna be hard for me but it is important that I do it. Hope you are having a nice day.

  • gloria patterson

    Woke up at 5:30 am got up dressed etc…………. Though about running some errands and looked at and pouring rain. Worked on my suncatchers. I have 2 windows in my apartment and I have suncatchers hanging on the curtain rods. Nothing better to make your day special than to have a room full of rainbows.

  • Michele Soyer

    Todays agenda – back into the apartment downstairs to finish up the kitchen and dining room – then make a list for the hardware store tomorrow – also a list ( short) for the grocery and feed store….

  • gloria patterson

    I had the best sleep last night didn’t wake up at all. Got up at 6 am got cleaned up and decided to nap !!! Another 3 hrs and I really feel good, best I have in a long time. Even did a few things

  • Tamra Phelps

    Tried to call my insurance co. today but got fed up with being on hold, so I just sent an email, lol. I hate how hard it can be to get a human being on the phone these days.

  • Michele Soyer

    Back to normal today – need more coffee to get motivated to do the drawing room ceiling and vacuuming the walls…no matter how much i clean with 2 cats there tends to be hair everywhere!

    • Kate Sarsfield

      What colour are they? Or as Mom would say: “What make are they”? It’s the Welsh equivalent of breed. Have to say that Idris’ black hairs hardly ever showed up, then again, he was a shorthair & loved being brushed. Dad died April 2015, Mom got her diagnosis in May & MeToo (my Siamese) died early June; I’m still finding his hairs in books and in seams of clothes!

      • Michele Soyer

        Both of these cats are grey and white – they were abandoned barn cats that we rescued at 2 or 3 weeks syringe fed etc…now they are both BIG….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve been binge watching Only Murders In The Building today. I had never watched it. I like it. Really funny, if you’re looking for something to watch.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I had a wonderful Galentines day lunh my daughters and granddaugters at Heavenly Special Teas. We even had a nice couple pay for our entire ticket. Wish I could thank them.

  • gloria patterson

    Got up early wide awake a little after 5!!! Got up dressed etc etc did a lot. Cleaned out some of my old stuff out of the closet, ended up with a bag full.

    Made breakfast, cleaned up ……………. sat down had a long nap

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. We had some wonerful snow this morning and now it is all melting but we sure neede the water. Hope you have a great Valentine’s Day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Feeling better today so I’m organising concrete & men for Friday. Also ordering welly boots for us & a couple of extra wheelbarrows. Hopefully all will come together! It’ll take at least a month to completely dry out then I can decorate, get my stuff out of storage etc. Note to self: do not take things for granted!

  • Michele Soyer

    Happy Valentine’s Day all…taking the day off – isn’t it a holiday??? all I plan on doing is cooking – playing with pets and enjoying the morning ..later on a single malt and my book…

  • Kobi Carpenter

    Well, good and bad….power has been out so I had an excuse not to work (work from home) but then again the power went out so I couldn’t do much so I took a nap.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Another cold day here. But it is oddly supposed to get up into the 70s later this week, then drop back into the 30s. Insane weather, lol.

  • Sharon Rooney

    A little bummed today, my team lost Super Bowl. Oh well there is always next year.
    On a positive note the weather here is beauttiful and it’s in the 50’s.

  • gloria patterson

    Ran over to the Gabes our discount store.
    Some times they have stuff I want and sometimes they don’t. Found lots of sale stuff most for my great niece (6). Trying to get her organized so she can find what she wants Got her 4 different containers to hold her dolls etc and some other stuff. And 6 pk of coke bottles for $3.49 each, and a few other things. With my $5 dollar off $25 coupon, and senior day I ended up paying $19.25

  • heather

    My day is goin slowly still recoving from the BIG GAME yesterday. It sure was a great game and Chris Stapleton sang the National Anthem beautifully.

  • Michele Soyer

    Up and moving! After breakfast downstairs and clean and tidy – the living room has some small furniture for the move and the bedroom has 140 boxes stacked…vacuuming the floors and making sure all looks tidy – if I still. feel motivated cleaning the windows in the dining rrom and kitchen..tomorrow the kitchen and the dining room floors…

  • Tamra Phelps

    I am not a football fan, so I really don’t care about the Super Bowl. I wish we could get back to regular programming. The football playoffs have really disrupted my viewing schedule, lol.

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    My day is ok. I’m waiting for the Super Bowl to start. I have no favorites this year so I’m watching for the commercials.

  • gloria patterson

    Been a lazy day, got up late had a long nap…………….. read , playing candy crush, started new book and made a peanutbutter sandwich for dinner

  • heather

    My day has been super busy so far gettng ready for the BIG GAME! Man the store was cray cray and so was the pizza parlor! I am in for the rest of the day making dip and other goodies.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Feeling very proud of myself! I managed to get this new laptop nup & running all by myself and for an impatient technophobe that’s quite an achievement!

  • Michele Soyer

    Happy Sunday! Taking the day to rest and re-group…Should be making a list for the week but not motivated to do anything but read and relax!

  • Polly Hall

    It’s a beautiful sunny 42 degree day, enjoying sitting in my sun room watching some ice fisherman, getting some work done on the computer and doing some relaxing reading.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just getting a package together to return to Amazon I think I did it all correctly it’s been a long time since I returned a gift.

  • Michele Soyer

    Finished the dining room yesterday – was still motivated so I checked the ktchen walls for any marks and scrubbed the few I saw…cleaned out the pantry and put in new shelving paper and then i was done.. Today finishing the kitchen and taking a rest for the balance of the day!

  • gloria patterson

    Had lunch with a few old friends caught on each others lives………………. quick lunch 2 hours later

    little shopping and done

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got finished putting together my chicken and veggie soup in the crock pot should be so yummy later.

  • Michele Soyer

    Finally finished the study – would have been done sooner but I had to go and weed! From that room I am taking all the furntiure – 2 desks and the hanging lamps…Cannot leave them…I said I was going to sell the house furnished but now have to say partially furnished..LOL

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    My day is going ok so far. Listening to some of my 80s favorites on Pandora as I work on my contests: George Michael, Duran Duran, Cyndi Lauper, Chicago, Bon Jovi.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had to get up way to early because of an appointment,so I’m tired. Of course, I’ll be wide awake by bedtime. That’s the way my life goes, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    At almost 5pm it is 70 was a high of 73 Our weather is so strange warm / cold / warm cold

    Another lazy day of doing not much of anything

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good taking a break today did a ton of running around yesterday and I need recharge my body. Hope you have a great day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m getting worried about Sarah L. Connie, have you heard from her lately?

    This morning I took 2 Ukrainians to look at a second-hand car. They checked it out & bought it then and there then SLOWLY followed me ‘home’.

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    Hello and good evening. I had a pretty good day today. Watched some cooking shows and got new ideas for recipes.

  • gloria patterson

    It was high of 55 today and and at 6:31 it is still 48 Thurdays say high of 67 STRANGE WEATHER

    Just feeling lazy and not in the mood to do anything

  • Tamra Phelps

    Just discovered that Twitter is having issues, lol. When I tried to tweet it told me I was over the limit for the day–so I checked: I have tweeted twice today, lol. Uh, Elon, is there a new limit? HA! Apparently it’s doing that for a lot of people–and nobody can tweet at them about it.🤣🤣

  • heather

    Having a great day a little/lot ticked off though that Costco raised the price of my cat food $5.00 that is total b.s. I think that is quite an increase in just a few months!

  • gloria patterson

    Winter I am so over it!!! One day its in the 30 and the next day in the 50’s. Something is so screwed up in the weather system LOL

    Just a lazy day not in the mood to do anything for a long period. GOT a new book!!! Favorite Author!!! THE BIG QUESTION DO I QUIT THE ONE i AM READING OR FINISH IT FIRST.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good sure got a lot done this morning and now am taking a break and enjoying the sunshine before the rain gets here.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Weird day today–up way to early, lol. Just couldn’t go back to sleep. Electricity went off for a few hours, no idea why. Readsome of Bono’s autobiography in very low light, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Got up early shower did my hair……… Started to fill my kettle for tea and NO WATER….

    Turns out a pipe brust in a apartment and flooded the whole place. Got the water stopped and brough in a service to clean up the mess…………. I feel so bad for the lady

  • heather

    My day is going a lot better now that the Internet is working. I am so staying home today and resting been doing a ton of running around over the past few day and seriously need to rest today.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Went on my own out to the house today & ‘brambled’ – that’s one side of my property cleared of the nasty scratchy things.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Did a little house cleaning today since it’s possible the inspectors might choose to come by here tomorrow, lol. They pick and choose where they want to visit, never have come here–but you never know.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good, I got up super early and did my grocery shopping and am still in shock about how much I spent and what little I got – scary!!!!

  • gloria patterson

    Slept a little late got up and have done not much of anything. Worked on a suncatcher just about have it finished……………. Love my suncatchers have my 2 windows full of them.

    Little reading, little crafting, little computer…………….. heck might even take a nap

  • Michele Soyer

    Here we are at February – found the perfect licensed valuer and she will be here on Carnival week Thursday – once that is done can move on with putting the property up…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another Rugby Day today – France v Italy so in the meantime I’ll head to Mullingar where I’ve finally managed to find curtain poles at a decent price.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m watching some crazy mockumentary about the Rougarou (Cajun werewolf type thing.) Entertaining but completely nuts.

  • gloria patterson

    Well for the first time in I don’t when I slept till 9 am over 10 hrs of sleep for me RECORD for me

    Have not done much of anything today…………. just feeling lazy

  • Anonymous

    I fell on my a** walking in the snow this morning, it still is very sore. The moral is not to use your garden cloggs to walk in the snow.

  • heather

    My day is going dandy just got home from doing some more birthday shopping for my mother. I had to get roses and balloons today so I think I am almost all set. Have a great weekend.

  • Polly Hall

    Our driveway is almost 500 ft. I walked down to the mailbox this morning and almost froze my face off it was 8 degrees with a wind chill in the single digets.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just did a little birthday shopping for my mother today. I still need to get some more presents but that was enough for today needed to head home.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have been trying to get a human being on the phone at my doctor’s office for 2 days. I am so sick of places that don’t answer their own phones. I do not want to navigate the phone menu. Fed up.

  • gloria patterson

    I have been thinking about meatloaf for almost a week now. This morning I got up and made a meatloaf at 8 am…………………….. I like it out of the oven but my favorite is meatloaf sandwich.

    Clean a little Crafted a little Napped a little L0L

  • Shannon Victoria Holmes

    I had falafel yesterday at the Bell Greek, It was really good and they had an almond cake slice that was amazing.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Basically, I did nada today. I started trying to make a few calls that I need to make but I got fed up with the ‘press 1 for>>>>>, press 2 for >>>>>’ nonsense. Doesn’t anyone just answer their phone anymore? I decided I was not in the mood for that today and put it off until tom morrow.

  • gloria patterson

    It was high of 22 when I left this morning at 7:30am. Had appointment to get a cortizone shot in my left wrist. After Dr pushed, poked and twisted he decided the shot was going in my thumb!!! OMG the wrist is a piece of cake but the thumb hurts like hell. Its a quick shot but it feels like hours.

    While I was out made a few stops. I had not plans but………….. I stopped at a discount store and I kept finding stuff for great niece at a very cheap price. She is going to be excited when she sees it all.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just did a bunch of cooking and cleaning so now I am taking a much needed break. This week is flying by so fast can’t believe it is already Thursday.

  • Sharon Rooney

    It’s the morning so the day is decent so far.
    Just watching the news to see if the groundhog see’s his shadow. lol

  • Tamra Phelps

    Did a little grocery shopping today but it is so cold out there that I just want to stay home, lol. I mean we are seriously trapped in Winter now, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Busy time here. Yesterday evening drove one of the guys to hospital Accident & Emergency – he was in agony with a dental abscess. His whole face had swollen and, I kid you not, was green! Then took another to the nearest train station for 6.30 this morning, tried to get back to sleep but failed, so showered etc. then off to the house to start laying the floor insulation. Left the 2 guys there & headed for an appt. with my new Doc. & hit the charity shops! Bought a gorgeous soft faux fur scarf. Next, off to the pet shop for 2 cat collars with bells & ID tags, for the cats I don’t even have yet! All followed by 3 hours of cutting back/digging out brambles – phew!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good but I paid a bunch of bills and spent a little too much money at the grocery store so that all has me a little stressed out other than that I am good.

  • gloria patterson

    Decided to go out and clean the snow off my car since I have a early Dr apointment on Thursday. It was only a inch or so of snow but then it iced up. Took me over 30 minutes with car running and me pushing snow off and scrapping.

    Made a quick stop at aldi and decided that I needed to just pick up some fast food for late/early dinner.

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