$50 Your Way Giveaway July 2023

Happy July $50 Your Way Giveaway.

My monthly updates are really cool actually.  Our Stiltz Elevator is in and very, VERY helpful on laundry day and moving furniture! Yes! It is large enough for furniture or two people.  Even our fur-baby BEAR would rather ride the elevator than walk up all these stairs. Yes, the real reason is that The Husband (he has MS) has great difficulty walking up the stairs. (You remember the stairs that are different sizes on all floors. GESH!!)

Stiltz Elevator

Then we FINALLY (been on the list of must haves for 7 years) so we finally ordered our wood-burning stove. Okay, seriously WHO builds a house on a mountain IN IDAHO without a fireplace or wood-burning stove?? We ordered the stove and 2 days later it was installed.  DANNNGGGG!! That’s AMAZING right!??

Wood burning stove

With the Husband’s Birthday today July 1st, the kids are driving up from Southern California to surprise him. I can’t wait!! Non-Camp 2023 starts in one week! SOOOOO excited! And just a tad bit on the ummmmm panic side because I have been having a MAJOR dingbat week. I kept thinking that Sunday was the 1st. So NOW I’m in a 100% panic mode because I need to finish cleaning the house!! GESH!!! Talk about air-headed!!

July $50 Giveaway

Okay, now for the REAL reason you are here!


This June Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo and Amazon option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This giveaway is $50 US. This is a giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going thru my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a 1% commission.
Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course, ME!!

So, GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t forget to keep coming back… month after month…..

I am sorry, that stupid tweet button still doesn’t work. I’m so sorry!

Adding this giveaway to Instagram, Facebook, or Giveaway Blog posts counts as entries! Take credit in the Giveaway Tools. (Last entry) I REALLY appreciate it!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Jeanette Jackson

    I chipped a tooth on Saturday so this afternoon I was at the dentist getting it fixed but a good day other than that

  • gloria patterson

    for some reason my original comment has not posted…………….. walmart etc blow up mattress etc school

    My reply to ikate posted ok

  • gloria patterson

    Time is flying this summer, hard to believe that school will be starting in less then 3 weeks. I was at walmart to day buying a twin blow up air mattress. Great niece wanted to spend the night and I didn’t have any place for her to sleep. It has a pump and only cost $21.44 and picked up a set of sheets in her color dark / light pattern blue. Zay has decided her colors are Blue / Black/ Brown

  • heather

    My day is going better now that I am home. I had a lot of running around to do this moring and had to wait in every place that I went to for some kind of problem. I am so happy to be home.

  • Kai

    It’s the end of July already. There are so many things to do before the end of the month, it’s rather overwhelming! However, I shall persevere and get what I can done.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Just seen the news: we have had five days of sunshine in July. FIVE DAYS???!!!!! More records being broken.

    Moved onto the sitting room this evening: walls & ceiling are already done, but the v.old vinyl tiles have to come up, shelves to make & paint … went for a drive to charge the battery & bought myself some sweets and a beautiful big Calathea as a treat!

  • Michele Soyer

    July is done and here comes August – I wish everyone a great new month coming up…The dog and the cats are looking at me and asking – can we do what we did yesterday? – tempting as it may be I have to deal with a independent realtor today – feels like I have done all this before – lol. anyway more coffee is needed!

  • Margaret Davis Ward

    Today is better than any other day I have had in the last month. Last week my 91-year-old mother passed away.in her sleep. She lived a long and most importantly, a fun life.

    My father is buried at Arlington and my mother thought it was funny that when her time came, she would be buried on top of my Dad. forever. She even went as far as to think ahead and had embroidered on the inside of her coffin lid the phrase “I get to be on top for eternity”.

    I am sad about losing her, but her death didn’t feel tragic because she was very clear that she was ready to go, and she managed to leave us laughing even at the end.

  • gloria patterson

    Does anyone remember their grandmother (years ago) cooking dinner early in the morning?

    I remember years ago when we would visit my mother in TN going over to my grandmother the moring we were leaving. She would always have some kinda food packed for us to take. We would be there about 7 am and she would already have green beans (cook all day) in the pot and somekinda meat in the oven. And I always wonder WHY she would cook so early in the morning!!

    I have turned in to my grandmother. By 10 this morning I had already baked chicken, and made a pasta salad. After that I have not done much else today…………. I did do laundry at 2 am this morning. Woke up so decided to go to the laundry …………. hour and half later all washed and put away! Then back to sleep 🙂

  • l p

    the day is going well. a friend had to cancel yesterday’s plans due to a health emergency. mercifully, they were discharged after 10 hours but are posing a medical connumdrum for the specialists. grateful to hear they are home. lots of tests coming up so hopefully the results will point the direction to what is going on and what can be done about it. thanks

  • Rosie

    Wow, where did this day go! I did get a lot of small things done, which feels good! It was a nice day, not too hot and sunny. I made the seitan sausage, I didn’t taste it yet, but it will be for putting on homemade pizza.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My wardrobe/storage room is finished! I’ve spent the day putting in clothes rails, filling them, moving 3 big ‘industrial’ shelving units in, filling them, hoovering & cleaning. Phew! Having something to eat then I’ll boil the kettle to have a good wash, then bed.

  • clynsg

    Very quiet, which has been nice, since the week was a real upset–nothing really bad, but a lot of unexpected happenings that completely changed my plans almost every day!

  • klp

    My day is going well. I was out and about doing errands and got everything accomplished early. So it’s time for a bit of a rest and a cup of tea.

  • gloria patterson

    Wide awake at 5 am…………. slept like a log all night never woke up once. Today not in the mood , so decided I needed a nap 2 hrs later…………… have a little energy now. thinking about doing some stuff but to be honest thinking is about all I am going to do 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    Looking out at the yard and the land and all the things I should be doing and I have absolutely no desire or motivation to do any cleaning, weeding or clearing…My heart is not in it and all I want to do is sit, drink coffee and start a new book – somehting a bit lighter than what I have been reading.. something easy and fun and I can pet the dog and the cats while I am reading! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I think I mentioned that I’m cutting/pasting my comments into a document/diary and look what I came across:
    DECEMBER 31, 2019 AT 5:33 PMREPLY
    Here’s hoping 2020 beats 2019 by a long shot. It’s hard to imagine it getting worse…knock wood.
    Little did we know ☹

  • Tamra Phelps

    Wow, it stormed off and on all night and most of the morning here. Flash floods. My oldest nephew came by and said they were all up all night because the basement started to flood and they had to get out the big h-vac thing to get the water out.

  • gloria patterson

    Had some errands to take care of and quick trip to krogers. It has been a hot day by 10 it was already 89. At almost 7 it is still 87 Raining is scheduled in the next couple of hours. I like to open my windows when it rains the air smells so good

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Starting to drive again after 12 years! Taking it slow, mostly trips to the grocery store. Need to drive enough to keep the battery charged – can’t have a charger at the condo complex.

  • heather

    My day is going so so today stil playing catch up as I took a week off away from the computer. Hope you have a great Friday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Did the first coat of white paint round the edges of the floor of my new wardrobe/storage room today, filled in some gaps under the windowsill. One more coat of paint & I can start moving in the shelfing units, assemble my clothes rails and hang mirrors. Then shift all my clothes, bedding, towels etc. in. EEK!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    I don’t believe in chance meetings – yes you might meet by chance but it has a more destined way about it in my mind.. Yesterday in taking the rubbish out to the road for p/u I ran into a taxi driver who I only meet when I need help! For instance when our 40 ft container could not make it up our road and we stood around not really knowing what to do he drove by – told us just wait and 5 minutes later a small box truck appeared and for a very reasonable price did load after load into the night transporting the contents of that container up tio our home.
    When my husband and I broke down at the top of a hill – he drove by took us to a tow garage and again for a reasonable price had us towed back home and lastly when I had to rush my husband to a private hospital one afternoon and no taxi men were available he was dropping someone in the neighborhood and spent the better part of the afternoon deep into the evening waiting for me to leave the hospital after admitting for again a very reasonable fee….When I saw him yesterday I told him the property was up for sale he asked the price and drove away.. Now if he brings us a buyer I know he is an angel!

  • Tamra Phelps

    The driver from a local community services agency who I also go to for therapy came by today to show me the vehicle they use to take clients to appointments or other things (not necessarily related to appointments with the agency, it could be anything you need a ride to)–and I wanted to see if I could acctually get into and out of the vehicle. It looks very doable. No big climb up into it, lol. So, maybe I could actually use it to go places I can’t use the usual local service for. (That one has limited hours/days)

  • Sue E

    My day was pretty lonely. I was hurting and it was too hot 🥵 to go out! So my cat and I bugged each other. I think she was bored and lonely too, because she followed me everywhere today! Poor kitty 🐱

    • Sue E

      It was a trying day!! I was on the phone waiting to talk to someone for a long time waiting – I would still be waiting if I didn’t have the option to HANG UP!!

  • gloria patterson

    Well it is 7:30 and I could go to sleep right this minute! Great niece (6) spend the day with. I got a new craft stand to hold all our paints and other stuff. She decided where ever thing should go and your know she was right in her choice placements. Finger painted and some other stuff, she made her own mac & cheese I was so surprised……………. I was used to doing it.

    trip to walmart I took her to the little girls outfits she was not really interested TOYS TOYS!!! But we passed this shirt she liked him pulled one down and asked if it was her size. Almost a hour in toy area. She finally picked a few little things out……………….. I will not pay $30 or $40 a toy for just because a birthday etc yeas…….

    Then I wanted to look at the girl clothes again NO NO lets go. We got to that section and OMG she went nuts looking at the Justice Clothing. YES we got a lot of it!! When we got home she wanted to try it all on!!! She was so excited

  • Rosie

    Had a new refrigerator delivered today! Yea, I’m glad I could get it before the old one crapped out. I intentionally didn’t get groceries for two weeks, and I’m still amazed at how much I had to take out of the old refrigerator. Much of it is essential oil and ingredients for making my own lotion, but still!!! I’m taking a break, but it is so nice!!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. we had warning yesterday that the weather would be changing – and it sure did. dealing with inside chores today. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Tamra, everyone here accepts that Sinéad did take her own life. She lost her 17-year-old son to suicide 18 months ago. Wonderful talent but a very troubled woman from childhood.

    On a lighter note, I put my duvet out to air today & replaced it with the one from the old spare room. Went for a 3 hour nap & woke up with the Tommy Cat’s hairs on me. He died just after Dad.

    I appear to have been accepted by a ginger cat. I’ve seen him/her around but don’t know if he/she’s a stray. He’s hungry so I gave him some tuna. Now he’s sleeping in the sun.

  • Michele Soyer

    I called and made an appointment with the drone photographer…Today I am reaching out to the freelance real estate agents that I can find….I do not want an agent that is attached to a large agency – they all do not want a quoted price from you they will only list according to the mortgage bank valuation – they won’t negotiate on your behalf either – forget that – by the time the person goes thru all the red tape here to see if they qualify it will be Christmas LOL… Reaching out also to the business connections I have made in the 23 years I have been here – my home is 2 apartments and I have a 3 bedroom guest house fully quipped. 3 rental properties + 6 acres a good rental situation for an investor..We shall see.. Code word for the day… positivity!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I see that Sinead O’Connor died. That makes me sad. I remember her back in her heyday. I know she has had a lot of mental health struggles over the years, and I just hope that wasn’t behind her death. I hate to think people were miserable even when they were still here.

  • Terri Quick

    I’m struggling to cope today between the heat & a new social relationship. I think my radar is a bit out of whack lol!

  • Rosie

    We’re back to hot and humid today, but I ended up totally changing plans and staying in. Tried making seitan today, that are akin to burgers, they came out good. I still had real hamburger for dinner, though LOL!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Spent a lovely 3 hours looking after the cats & kittens then a dash to the nearest big town to buy more paint.

  • gloria patterson

    Last week some how I broken a piece off a inside mouth tooth. Didn’t hurt but my tongue was just alwasy rubbing the place. This is a college town and we have a dental school. They have emergency dental work BUT it is first come first serve. I left my apartment at 7:15 am got a close parking spot. Walked to the sign in desk at 8:03 🙂 I was the second person to sign in. They filed the tooth and I was out by 10:30 and it only cost me $189.

  • Rebeka Deleon

    I am a little sad and lazy today because my husband has just left town to work in Georgia for 3 weeks so i am sad that I will not see him!

  • l p

    what a difference 24 hours makes. yesterday’s meeting with a friend was just what I needed. so many friends were commenting yesterday that their joints, especially knees, hurt. today, the weather turned – cold, rainy, windy. Mother Nature seems to be still in charge. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Thank you Connie, Kate and Gloria! your support and kind word are well appreciated..It is going to take me another day to settle with this but I am better than yesterday! Getting all my house and land pics ready and my lawyer had suggested some drona pics of all the property – calling that photographer to see about prices and prices on realtor.com international per month…What good are prayers, affirmations and a novena if you have no faith? I have faith so this has to be happening for a reason that only God and the cosmos knows….I do need more coffee!

    • Tamra Phelps

      I hate that this happened, Michele. You’re right. Stay positive. Maybe things will turn out even better. The next offer will be even better!! Everything will be right in the end.

  • Dawn Snow

    My day went great! I mainly lounged around, but did get some homework done, the living room cleaned, and binged on Desperate Housewives.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Not a lot going on here today. It’s still too muggy to breath outside. Ugh. This Summer has been just hot but rainy.

  • Melissa Shirley

    My day has been interesting. My dad decided to clean out my garage (very appreciated) but I realized that the threw away a big huge bottle of weed killer (concentrate) that i habe had for everal years. It was a huge bottle and it lasr for ever because you add it to water. When I sent to get a new bottle at the farm supply (not I do not own a farm I just have a big yard) I was informed that the bottle is now $130.00. When I got it the last time is was $50.00 NOW when I added this to the thing above i added this ro that insteD OF MY NAME i TRIED TO RE DO IT BUT NOT SURE IF ITS RIGHT. i THINK i MIGHT NEED A DRINK. and i hit tyhe caps so yeah its been real interewsting today. So some of this post is where my name sgould be in the thingie above. I havent had the drink yet. I swear.

  • Tracy Robertson

    My day is going okay. I am watching a rerun of Welcome Back Kotter on Antenna TV. I love that show. I have laundry going and I’m going to work later this afternoon. Take care!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve finished painting the walk-in wardrobe/storage room and put down one coat of PVA on the concrete floor. That’ll take till Thurs. to completely dry, then another coat, dry, paint the edges & lay the rug. Ta da!

  • gloria patterson

    Didn’t sleep good last night kept waking up……. Abut 3 turned the tv on and was watching a old rerun. I might have saw 10 minutes of it and I was out. Got up etc etc………… made a cup of tea set down in the recliner and turned the tv on. And the next thng I knew it was 11 am!! Just playing on the laptop don’t really plan on going or doing any thing to day…………….LAZY DAY

  • Polly Hall

    The day is going very good, ran some errands this morning, hubby is off on a bike ride so I have the house to myself for an hour and I do not have to fix dinner because we will be eating leftovers.

  • l p

    the day is going well. about to go and meet a friend for tea for the first time since COVID started. we’ve met over Zoom but not in person. a good day. thanks

  • DebP

    I’m really looking forward to a picnic with a new group of friends I’ve met at a weekly breakfast club. It’s a joy to be around such positive people.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well I am glad that we share here – positive not so positive – all the tribulations of life, that being said. all the time (6 months) all the money and time spent getting all the ridiculous paperwork all of that has been for naught – the buyer changed their mind and we are back to square one…The paperwork thank goodness is good for another 6 months but I am not! Well that reallly doesn’t matter I have to give myself another day to be sad, down in the dumps and plain depressed – all my dreams of leaving here by October have vanished..So back to foreign listing and going through my contacts again – no more agents – freelance only…I cannot let this take away my joy and sparkle..I have been through a good bit in my life and this is just another set back that will lead to a set up…I must believe that , stay positive and carry on…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m haaving one of those days when I miss things I used to like but can’t really do now. Like going to yard sales/estate sales or junk shops or farmers’ markets. It’s impossible at the moment. Unreliable trensportaion that accommodates wheelchairs.

    • Sue E

      My day was great members of our family met at the church my daughter goes to and we watched Keira (my granddaughter) get baptized!
      At 13 years old, she gave her heart to God!
      My other granddaughter got baptized 2 weeks ago. I’m so proud of them both 💕💕🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • Kate Sarsfield

    So far today, I’ve handwashed clothes & bedding, topped up my water supply from the tap over the road, popped into a garden centre to price bitumen paint (and bought 2 half-price perennials) and will start on what will hopefully be the last coat on the ceiling. Phew! Amazing what a bit of sunshine can do!

  • Rosie

    It is a sunny day today, it is alrady hot and humid. But time to get some things done around here!!!! Making chicken salad for later, for starters.

  • Michele Soyer

    Alright back to normal today – no more Neptune fantasies! Have to call the estate agent first thing and the reply there will set up my day…No matter what the amswer is I will smile, lift myself up and carry on with the day – only positive affirmations…

  • Kath

    This is a good day. Somewhat of a flashback, though. It’s a family member’s birthday. We’ve had to celebrate over Zoom due to their high risk status. Somewhat like the lockdown days. Regardless, it’s a day worth celebrating no matter how.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m hungry but I don’t know what I want to eat; I’m bored but don’t know what I want to do, lol. So, I’m a little frustrated today.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I took Michele’s advice & took most of the day off! Went for a nap, read, played music and ate marshmallows in bed! I’m going back through Connie’s comments & cup/pasting my comments onto a document. Been meaning to do it for ages. I’m up to Oct. 2015!

    • Michele Soyer

      So glad you took the day.. If you fall ill from exhaustion you will never see your dream house finished…You must take care of you first and foremost…

  • gloria patterson

    I can say that I have really done nothing today!!! Read a little, watched some TV, took a nap, now on the laptop

  • Shelly Peterson

    This morning I went for coffee and breakfast with my daughter. I’m going bowling with the family later.

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. It is a gorgeous day outside, but I’m here making bread. It is whole wheat with sunflower seeds and a honey topping.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s a warm sunny day here so I’m getting started on the weekly bread baking early. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    It is another Sunday and i still feel like I am moving so slow and blah – well got to cheer up – a chicken in the oven with some scalloped potatoes for lunch – a single malt and a Christmas in July movie to take me away!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    The theme of this Summer, at least here, seems to be muggy and rainy, lol. We haven’t had any long, dry, hot spells like we usually do, but it has stayed humid to the extreme.

  • Katrine

    I’m having a great day. I’m helping a friend find a new place to live so it’s a lot of driving but we’re seeing lots of places that are possible. I’m glad it’s not my decision to make, though.

  • gloria patterson

    For some strange reason I am full of engery today!!! Dusted and I hate to dust because I sneeze for days because it is in the air.. polished, vac, cleaned mirrors………………..ETC ETC

    So the plan for the rest of the day is a new book I have

  • heather

    I am having a mellow day so far it has been a busy week and I so need to just chill this weekend. Hope you have a great Saturday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well I was wrong. The ceiling has a lot of old damp patches/cigarette smoke still showing through so had to do it yet again and it’s cold and it’s pouring down and I’m tired …

    • Michele Soyer

      Oh Kate, I wish I coould snap my fingers and come and give you a hand…Please take some time for yourself today relax and have a nice meal and a drink and tomorrow it will all still be there…

  • Rosie

    It is a gorgeous day out, and it looks like we’re going to have a few days of sunny weather. We’ve had quite a bit of torrential rain and flooding, so this is nice!

  • Suzie B

    I was supposed to leave on a flight yesterday night that was cancelled. Im a little bummed out as I lost a day of vacation

  • Michele Soyer

    Tonight is the lotto draw – really big .. If wishes were horses beggars would ride – I can still wish right?

  • Tamra Phelps

    Struggling with a few health issues right now (nothing serious) has left me fed up and tired. Honestly, I feel like I wake up more tired than when I went to bed. Mostly it’s just because I wake up several times at night. If I hve to get up and then go back to sleep, it’s like I just went to sleep. I need a full 7 or 8 hours, lol.

  • heather

    Just got in the door and am taking a break. Our power was out last night for 5 hours and it was beyond HOT so I got no sleep. I am a little grumpy today I need my sleep.

  • gloria patterson

    The first thing I did this morning was check the 3 forms from yesterday that would not let me enter………………………….. THEY ARE ALL WORKING Who knows what the problem was but they fixed it 🙂

    Quick trip to Krogers, picked up a little of this and little of that. Got some really nice pork chops 4 or them on sale for $4.99. Cookie sheet, olive oil, and some spices and into the oven. Baked and they looked so good…………… and the alumium fold makes for quick and easy clean up.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    More torrential rain … at least it’s not cold. Mainland Europe is struggling with record-breaking temps, drought & wildfires.
    Think I’ve finished the ceiling, maybe just one old damp patch will need another coat. I wear an old neck brace when I do ceilings to save my neck & shoulder muscles. It really works! You’re welcome.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        You’re kidding! Although there are a few that have tugged at the old heartstrings. One is a stripey male called Rascal who’s very vocal and a tiny black guy who’s blind in one eye but has the loudest purr ever! Oh, and the kitty with a shortened tail (genetic deformity) and the 4 gingers and ….

  • Michele Soyer

    Still waiting on others – have to just give up and relax – driving myself crazy…the best medicine right now is to play with the dog and cats and enjoy life as it is…We have one ginger boy who jumps in your lap anytime you sit down he really makes me laugh!

  • Katrine

    It’s a gorgeous day here. Lots of sunshine, not too hot, a gentle breeze. I don’t need extra heat to get the yeast working – so nice. Just finishing baking the bread for the coming weeks.

  • gloria patterson

    This is the 3rd entry form that I have opened today that was not rereshed fom yesterday entries. I cannot enter any items STRANGE

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Had to buy more paint today but hope to have the ceiling & walls finished by the weekend. Then I’ve to seal the concrete floor, give it 24hrs to cure, paint around the edges of the room, put down the rug & start moving clothes rails and shelves in. That’ll be one room completely finished apart from the curtain pole. Then move on to seal & paint another floor …

  • gloria patterson

    Walmart shopping today…………. made a list on my phone or I would have forgot a lot. I HATE walmart new store arrangement. I can not find anything. I play hunt and seeks ever time I am there.

    Home put everthing away and my recliner started to yell at me…………………. hour nap 🙂

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The shelter now has 50+ kittens and cats. Some of the mummy cats aren’t even a year old themselves – what’s wrong with people? Rant over for now, suffice to say I’ve had a lovely snuggly day.

  • heather

    My day is flying by for some strange reason. I went to town and only went to a few places and that took three hours???? Talk a time warp that should not have taken me three hours???

  • Michele Soyer

    Sitting here so antsy it is not even funny – all i want to do is finish the sale and move on – patience was never a strong suit with me – as long as I can get up and work to make things move I am great – when I am at the mercy of other peoples work ethic I go crazy! LOL

  • Tamra Phelps

    Just another day here. Hot and humid. It rains almost every day lately but that isn’t cooling it off any. Ugh.

  • gloria patterson

    Done a little bit of this and that…………….. cleaned out some more drawers….. I admit I am hooked on getting rid of stuff…… BUIT I am carefull so I don’t throw away anything important.

    Put a couple ears of corn in the air fryer……………… it is so good this way

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Back to painting walls & ceiling of my new walk-in wardrobe/storage/laundry room. If the rain holds off I’ll try to get some weeding done – I’m going snowblind from all the white paint! Kitten Day tomorrow – YAY!

  • Michele Soyer

    Took the cats yesterday for their rabies vaccine – took a good while – Judy had no intention of being an easy patient! Her sister was a gem….

  • Sue E

    I am really excited that the two grandkids that I am living with now, are coming home from a 2 week vacation from family and friends in Illinois where we used to live. 😍

  • gloria patterson

    Ran around a little took care of a few things. Came home and my recliner was just screaming at me………………………NAP NAP NAP So I gave in 2 hrs later. Woke up to rain

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good laundry is almost all caught up. Just got home from a spendy trip to the grocery store and I am in for the rest of the day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had all my plans laid out for yesterday and did nothing but sleep. Catch up today with painting, oh and the sun showed it’s face!

  • heather

    Having a nice Sunday so far. I made a big breakfast this morning and now am just doing some light chores around the house before it gets too hot.

  • Susan Smith

    I have had a productive day so far, I got up early, did some lawn work, laundry, cleaning and started decluttering our basement that I had been putting off.

  • gloria patterson

    So proud I slept till 7 am!!!

    And I have really not done a lot of anything. And the sad part not in need of a nap LOL

    Next week is going to be a little cooler and off and on 4 days of rain

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Michele, they’ve closed the Acropolis to tourists because of the extreme heat. Record-breaking temps across mainland Europe, drought etc,

    Couldn’t sleep last night because of the torrential rain & thunder so have been lazy so far. Will do some painting soon. Hope to get into the garden tomorrow as the weather looks set to improve and the weeds are waist-high!

  • heather

    Just got home from the store and it is already hot out there. My day is going pretty good so far stay in today way too hot outside for me. We are just going to watch some movies and keep the fur babies cool.

  • gloria patterson

    Up at my usually 6 am……………… Its a little warm but not hot and looks like it is going to start raining soon. Don’t plan on doing much today. I got a store made pot pie yesterday will put it in the oven later. Heck I may take nap

  • Kate Sarsfield

    More bloody rain but at least it means I have to plough on with the house rather than pottering about outside. Starting on walls today & measuring shelving units/clothes rails to plan the room. This is the last room to be decorated & then I can start on the flooring then sorting furniture, unpacking boxes etc. The kitchen and bathroom aren’t finished but no point till I can get the plumbing sorted. The hall wall needs replastering in places but there’s no rush.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I slept most of this day away. I got up early then went back to bed and woke up 7 hours later, lol–at 3 in the afternoon.

  • gloria patterson

    My day atarted at 3:30 AM……………………. woke up I was hot, hearing voices and noticed no power. Got up and looked out the window and 6 floors down is the BOX ( tranfsform??) for the building. There are 6 guys down there with flashlights looking for something in the grass. The box was open, I watched for a little bit then tried to go back to sleep, I dozed it was to hot. Was up at 6 and in the shower still hot water. Our building has a generator so we had one elevelator running and all of our solariums have a power plug connectyed to the generator .

    Finally power was back on 12:45

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day of torrential rain & thunder/lightning. So utterly pi**ed off with the weather. It’s like now we only have two seasons: warm wet summers & cold wet winters. Anyway, just having a rest after the first coat on the ‘wardrobe room’ (what you guys call a closet) so pleased about that. I’ll do another one before bed and start on walls tomorrow hopefully.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the Walmart today so I’m exhausted. That place is just too big. I eventually just say ‘enough’ and abandon the search for what I need, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Great niece 6 spend the day with me. Out to IHOP for breakfast and then stopped by the park. There were a lot of kids they she played hard and had fun.

    when we got back we did this and that. She has been coming here since she a baby. But I would never have though about kid noticing what you had on the walls. Her grandmother also lives in the same building and she stopped and Zay had to show her bedroom and the changes.

    But when her mother got her to pick her had show her the bedroom and then the hall she was pointing out that stuff was gone and that and I add this……………

    I never dreamed that a 6 yr old little girl would notice what you had on your walls.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good. I was up and out the door early this morning and got all my errands done before it gets to 104 degrees here. I really don’t like this hot weather anything over 85 degrees and I just can’t function correctly.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Living without running water is hard work! Just finished a week’s worth of clothes washing. That took 15 litres of water carried from over the road. Flushing the toilet = another 5 litres. Drinking water = 2 L, cooking & washing up 1L, washing self, cleaning teeth etc., another 2L. Not to mention scrubbing walls prior to painting … anyway, enough moaning & time to get at it.

    • gloria patterson

      What is the status of you having water??? Could you buy a big tank and place it by the house and here you can pay the fire dept to come out and fill a tank. I don’t know about there

  • Michele Soyer

    Planning on a short shopping trip tomorrow – just bips and bobs nothing really iuportant so if the rain gets heavy I can cancel my plans ….I should get out there and weed today but blah no motivation at all – some quick yard clean up. and thats that…now yoga and exercise before anything else!

  • klp5

    The day is going well. I’m not sure what I did or where the time went but I have to make the most of what’s left. Let’s have some fun!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Had a long day of physical therapy and cleaning the house. and tomorrow is grocery day. So…a busy few days for me.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My little sister is 62 today. How the hell did that happen? Where have the years gone? Life is too bloody short, that’s the truth.

    Had a lazy morning then off to kittyville and had a very busy but lovely 3 hours cleaning cages, litter boxes, feeding and cuddling fuzzy little creatures. They grow so fast. One of the long-term old cats, Izzy, had to be put into a cage; she’s a long-haired bad-tempered semi-feral cat and had to be sedated by the vet. Her fur was so matted she had to be shaved and now she’s out to kill!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My little sister is 62 today. How the hell did that happen? Where have the years gone? Life is too bloody short, that’s the truth.

    Had a lazy morning then off to kittyville and had a very busy but lovely 3 hours cleaning cages, litter boxes, feeding and cuddling fuzzy little creatures. They grow so fast. One of the long-term old cats

  • Anonymous

    Ran some errands pick up prescriptions, stop at bank, get a new iphone. The battery on my phone was in bad shape so just decided time to replace.

    Great niece is spending thursday with me

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from going to the store boy is it hot out there and it wasn’t even Noon yet. I miss rain Lord.

  • Michele Soyer

    Never letting go of the goal – got positive vibes from both parties who came yesterday – last night reached out to a couple in the states that were interested – see how that goes.. later on this week have the number of another developer and 2 parties who do rentals – buy properties then rent and develop – no grass will grow under my feet as all I think about is Corfu!

  • gloria patterson

    The Ranch (2 guys) showed up this morning right on time and started hauling stuff out. I thought I had a lot of stuff but they got everthing carried out to the elevator in under 15 minutes. Gave them a $20 said for coffee or lunch to day. IT LOOKS SO EMPTY!! And I love it!!!! I am already looking at stuff thinking do I need ot get rid of that. It is a GREAT feeling that stuff I don’t use or what ever is gone……………………… I LOVE IT!!! This afternoon I got the call that a recliner I ordered was in and ready for delivery…………….. they are going to be here friday AM

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got done watering the flowers outside before it hits 95 degrees here this afternoon.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Those ‘birds’ were at it again last night. Very strange. One calls a long single note and 7 or 8 seconds later another answers with a similar cry. Must get some batteries for the torch & go into the garden tomorrow night. I’ve finished scrubbing the wardrobe room & might get started on the painting this evening. Kitten day tomorrow – can’t wait!

  • Michele Soyer

    Developer coming by today to look att he propert – also had an offer from another couple – lets see how the day goes….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Finally a nice sunny day. Tomorrow I have to clean house but I guess it has to happen at some point so I won’t complain, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Had a 8:30 apointment at the Ruby eye clinic I think I have cataracs. Yes I do in both eyes only left is the worse. They did all the eye test, measurments etc, reading of the eye chart, checking my glasses………………. NUMBED AND DILATED my eyes OK will tell the Dr you are ready………….

    A hour later I got up stuck my head out the door, saw a women and asked DID I GET FORGOTTEN BY THE DR?????

    Finally he came in excuse excuse…… first time I have ever NOT like a dr on first meeting.

    Looked at all the information on computer, then checked my eyes…………. so going to do my left eye first…………….. will call with date

  • Rosie

    Hmmm it was supposed to be raining and t-storms all day, and it started out that way, but for about an hour it is sunny. So doing some floor washing and things that having the sun helps. I kind of liked it raining…. it feels cozy, and now I have no excuse to not do those chores dang!

  • Michele Soyer

    Another rainy raint day – I should get up from this chair and start doing something but making the phone call to the developer at 10am is all i can think about…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Got up at 3am to go to the loo & could hear a sqeaking sound. At first I thought I was wheezing so held my breath – still this odd squeaking noise. It was coming from outside; could someone be on next door’s swing? Opened a back window & realised it was coming from 2 different directions. Could it be birds in the trees? Spent an hour Googling night singing bird calls in Ireland with no results so none the wiser.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Another day of rain. Man this is getting old. Weekends seem to have gotten boring to me. I think I actually look forward to Monday, lol.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I have spent most of the day relaxing but my daughter and I checked out a local small bakery It was yummy.

  • Rosie

    Active flash flood warning until tomorrow night. It is very humid, which kind of steals your energy. So not getting much done, I guess it is a guilty pleasure, an excuse to do a few things here and there, nothing big. I’m experimenting adding rose essential oil to my favorite fragrances, fun! The rose adds a new dimension to the scent.

  • heather

    My day is going just so so. Ticked off my internet has been out most of the week. I truly hate our internet provider!

  • gloria patterson

    It was pouring rain when I got up and it has rained most of the day. But have nice cool fresh air coming in the windows.

    Still adding to my donation that they are picking up tuesday. It is a nice feeling to look around and see empty spots. I was just thinking about one shelf there was so much stuff on it…………. now there is just one item.

  • l p

    the day is going well but quickly. have to take a trip to the store for a few groceries so had better get on it. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Bloody internet! Still playing solitaire at 4am. What’s wrong with me? Used my TENS machine on my hip last night & it’s much better today so I’ve managed to finish a few little jobs that involved going up the ladder. I want to organise the shed (got bags of cement that need to go in there) but it won’t stop raining. Expecting thunder & lightening later.

  • Michele Soyer

    I have a workman coming today to do some work on the front steps – all the torrential rain over the years has created some small cracks and I want them taken care…he is fine on his own so I plan on making more coffee and cuddling up with another book….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Honestly, it feels like it has rained or looked like it might rain for weeks now. Geeze. I need a sunny day.

  • Rosie

    It was on the cusp of a thunderstorm off and on all day, so opening and shutting windows each time! No storm yet, but we had thunderstorms last week and every day next week possible. Wow!

  • gloria patterson

    Was up at my normal 6 am ……………….. by 8 I had chicken tenders in the oven, lIttle olive oil and cereol seasoning. I remember asking my grandmother YEARS ago why she cooked dinner in the morning. Her answer was it was cooler and she could eat it when ever she wanted to. I guess I have reached that age LOL Found some more stuff to put in my give a way boxes. It is a nice feeling to look around and not have all that stuff that I don’t use or even notice.

  • l p

    08 July started out early with construction next door. they’re taking a break now so that’s great. a little peace and quiet goes a long way. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Stormy winds & torrential rain overnight. What happened to summer? Anyway, more scrubbing of walls, filling in defects in the plaster & painting but my hip’s sore from going up & down ladders so I’ll do as much as I can sitting down.

    Mum would have been 90 yesterday. It’s almost 3 years since she died & sometimes it feels like it was only yesterday, sometimes years.

  • Michele Soyer

    Finally got all the red tape done – lawyer handled the paperwork and Monday calling the property developer to see about selling the property…fingers crossed…was told after all the paperwork was done he and I would talk – well the day is finally here…

  • gloria patterson

    Up dressed and out just before 8 am……………. trip to the big kroger store, They have a better selection of veggies etc. Even tho I place all my freezer/refrig product together THEY NEVER END UP IN THE SAME BAGS. So at the car I have to go through each bag of pull out the stuff that goes in the cooler (81) at 9am bags. Then off to the smaller kroger to pick up prescriptions and while in the store I pick up a few more things. Then over to kroger gas station where I have 80 cents off a gallon. I was on empty but with the discount it was almost $40.00

  • heather

    My day is going better now that I am home. I had a bunch of running around to do and I should have left earlier this morning to beat the 100 degree heat. I am now sitting in front of a fan and the air conditioner until I feel better could take a while.

  • Rosie

    Having a decent Friday. It is hot here, but getting used to it. I’ve been experimenting with making my own seitan with vital wheat gluten. Made a “meatloaf” and it came out good! My first try was vegan pepperoni for pizza, and that was a good substitute. I’m not vegetarian, but try to not have overly processed foods, like pepperoni. I had one flop a couple days ago, but not going to throw it out, trying to figure out how I can disguise it…. but I wouldn’t foist it on anyone.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      My sister made her own pizza some years ago, put it in the oven & forgot about it. A couple of days later I was changing lightbulbs for her & discovered the charred pizza. I got it framed & gave it to her for Christmas!!!

  • l p

    second time of posting – first time didn’t go through
    the day is going well. going out for groceries later on to take advantage of the sales. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    More torrential rain – so pi**ed off with the weather. Next door’s dog is sleeping on my doorstep to stay dry, poor thing. No wonder he’s limping, his poor old bones.
    Work continues on the new wardrobe room. Actually got up at 7am, scrubbed down another wall, filled in holes & heading for a nap now!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It seems that this Summer has been pretty rainy. Maybe it just seems that way because of this week, lol.

  • Marie

    Day is going good. The newish property manager said they are going to look into a problem I’ve been asking for to be repaired for a long time. So typing w/fingers cxrosst. LOL

  • gloria patterson

    This is first time we have really had a heat wave high of 88 today. I have been getting so much stuff ready to donate next week. Some of the things I wondered why I kept them I didn’t really like them.

    I am thinking a nap sounds really good

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Back to Earth with a bump today; a very soggy bump. So sick of this rain but I collect it in buckets & an old dustbin and use it for scrubbing down walls etc. so I can’t really complain. My wardrobe room is coming along slowly, it’s so dirty I stand out in the rain afterwards to feel clean again!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Some days. I mean, some days you wonder why you bothered to get out of bed. This has been one of those days.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve just got back from the animal centre. Met the dogs for the first time but me heart belongs to the cats & kittens! Honestly, I know it’s only my second visit but my mood is better as is my get-up-and-go.

  • Anonymous

    I live in a senior high rise and the first tuesday of ever month (wed this month) the exterminator comes in and sprays all 103 apartments and public areas. I have lived here for over 9 yrs and have never saw a spider or any other creepy crawly thing.

    After he left took a quick trip to walmart. I hate there redesigned store. Reminds me of higher end store not a walmart that you want to buy some comfortable clothes but not expensive ones.

  • heather

    Hope you had a nice 4th of July. My day is going pretty good but our internet is down today so that is ticking me off more than I can possible say.

  • l p

    posted a comment a few minutes ago but it didn’t go through. the day is going quite well. up early due to a keener on an excavator starting work on a high-rise around here. it’s going to be a longggg two years. thanks.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, the 4th was a rainy day here, so I sat here and fell asleep, lol. Yep, I literally fell asleep sitting up.

  • gloria patterson

    RAIN & RAIN ……………. to me that says NAP

    Worked on a hanging suncatcher for my windows. Started a new book I hate to put it down

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy 4th. of July!!! Hope your weather is better than Ireland’s – torrential downpours & flooding over half the country. Not too bad here though, just very soggy.
    My sister is on her way to America for 3 weeks! Her long-time long-distance BF has moved from Philadelphia to Arizona so she’s visiting him for first time since Covid.
    I’ve moved on from the sitting room (it’s almost finished) to the back room that was the 2nd bedroom but will be my wardrobe/linen storage etc. Cleaned the ceiling, sat on bed to check emails & slept for 3 hours.

  • Elizabeth

    There have been so many illegal fireworks going off in the neighborhood for months that I’m nervous about tonight…

  • Rosie

    It is great to have that elevator, I’ve seen them in some condos. People do them to move small things up and down, also! I adore the woodstove. It will be a fav place to hangout in the colder months.

  • gloria patterson

    Don’t remember is I mentioned my niece was cleaning out her grandmothers home (she is in nursing home for 5+yrs) and she was a craftier she loved all kinds of stuff. Today was the second drop off of boxes here at my building (senior high rise) I have opened the boxes and laid out some stuff. When I left there were at least 10 women there grabing stuff.

  • Kk P

    The day is going well. While it’s a chilly day here with some drizzle and smoke. I’m grateful that we don’t contend with the fires that go along with the smoke. Our part is easy – close the windows and doors. Others don’t have that priviledge.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Sorry I missed George’s birthday, I was still commenting on June’s g/away! Connie, the lift looks amazing and will certainly make life a lot easier.

    Spent the morning cooking & freezing rhubarb (no sugar!) – yummy!

  • Jeanette Jackson

    We had a nice day shopping for groceries. The weather is dreary and foggy but not too cold so it’s a bit strange for July.

  • Kk P

    My day is going very well. I’ve been working most of the time on preparing dinner for great friends whom I haven’t seen for what seems like ages. I’m sure we’ll all have a great time.

  • gloria patterson

    Who I feel sorry for right now is the animals. For the last 2 nights they have gone off here for hours. I am still on my getting rid of stuffand somethings I pick up they were special or had memories………………. BUT what am I keeping them for?? The Ranch is due here on the 10th and I am going to have a lot for them. NOT working to hard had a couple hr nap. It rains off and on and I love to fall asleep to the sound of rain.

    Love your stove! Is it on the second or third floor?? Those things really heat your home up. The stuff under the stove is it some kinda stone??? Now you are going to have to order a load of wood for the winter.

  • l p

    the day started with a major bang – huge thunderstorm that kept circling around and around. brought lots of rain and, in some places, hail. definitely was an indoor day today. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    I thought that the storms had eased up this evening, so we might have some quiet outside. Of course, I had forgotten July 4th, lol. Yep. People are letting off fireworks like crazy out there. And it’s just July 1st! Of course, this has been happening for weeks and will go on for a while, too.

  • gloria patterson

    I have been on my mother’s case about getting rid OF STUFF!!! I have caught the bug WHY keep stuff that is just taking up room, or collection dust. When I moved from my home I contackted a non profit called The Ranch. They have a home/school for boys and they also run a thrift store. I called the Ranch last week and they are oming on the 10th to pick up my donations. Lets say I started out small but keep adding to the pile. IT IS A GOOD FEELING TO GET RID OF STUFF!!

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