Five Ways You May Be Standing In The Way Of Your Company’s Success

If your business is going through a challenging time, it’s important that you’re able to identify the roadblocks that stand in your way. After all, this will put you in the best possible position to do something about it, meaning they will not serve as a hindrance to your long-term success. 

Of course, there are many challenges that you’ll face that are caused by no fault of your own – such as consumer spending habits. However, there are other challenges that could be self-inflicted, such as failing to understand your audience or not using your social media to your advantage. 

Your Company's Success working on a Laptop on coffee table


With that in mind, here are five ways in which you may be standing in the way of your company’s success (and what to do about it).

1. You don’t understand your audience.

Developing a thorough understanding of your audience is one of the easiest ways to build a successful brand. After all, it makes it easier to tailor your products or services towards those who are most likely to buy them, meaning you’ll secure more sales as a result.  Despite this, a recent report found that over 60% of businesses do not know their target audience. Those that do claim to know their audience often know very little about them beyond their age and location – despite the fact that a more complete understanding of their audience will allow their business to thrive.

As such, if your business has hit something of a standstill, it could be due to a lack of audience awareness. Therefore, you should begin by working to identify your target audience. The more specific you can be here, the better. For example, it’s often not enough to give a vague description of your demographic, as this will make it difficult to target them during marketing campaigns. 

One way in which you can get to know your target audience better is by hosting a series of focus groups. This way, you can ask them plenty of questions about their shopping habits or what they look for in brands so that you can continue to meet their needs and expectations moving forward. You can also ask them for honest feedback about your brand and what they conceive to be your shortcomings. 

2. You’re wasting time.

In the business world, time is of the essence, which means you should always be on the lookout for ways to improve upon your team’s time management skills. After all, successful time management means that tasks will be compelled on time and to a high standard without your staff feeling stressed or overwhelmed. 

One way in which you can help your employees maximize the time they have available to them is through the use of technology. For example, you could automate specific duties, such as admin tasks, using software to free up more time in the day. 

When utilizing technology for your business, it’s also important that you use industry-specific software where possible. After all, it was identified to remedy a pain point that others in your industry face, meaning it can be a great way to ensure you stay on track. For example, if you run a HVAC company, you could use 

hvac software to manage projects, bring in new customers and send out invoices – all within just a click of a button. This can save your team a lot of time and energy, making it a very worthwhile investment.

Beyond this, you should also encourage your staff to take a break when they need one.  While this may seem counter-intuitive when trying to combat poor time management, breaks are not actually a way for your team to slack off but rather a way to reduce stress and heighten productivity. In fact, many studies have found that we’re more productive after we’ve taken a break than we would be if we simply continued working. 

3. You aren’t using social media correctly. 

By now, you’re probably well aware of the fact that you can use social media to grow your business in ways that more traditional forms of marketing will struggle to achieve. For example, your social media accounts expose your brand to a global audience, which makes it much easier for you to build your audience. 

However, many companies mismanage their social media, especially if they have little experience in the digital world beforehand. 

To use social media effectively, it’s essential to choose the right platforms. For example, there’s no point in posting an endless stream of TikToks if your target demographic does not use this platform. Instead, it would prove more fruitful to build up your presence on the sites they visit on a daily basis, such as Facebook or Twitter.

Beyond this, you should also ensure that you post consistent, quality content. For example, audiences should always be able to take something of value from your posts – whether this be information about your newest product line or insight into your brand.

Posting consistently is important because it encourages social media algorithms to work in your favor, meaning your posts will get as much exposure as possible. Furthermore, failing to post regularly could mean audiences “forget” about your brand. 

Another way in which you can ensure you’re using your social media correctly is by ensuring that your content is as accessible as possible. For example, you should ensure you use closed captions on all images. This way, those that are visually impaired can engage with your content.

4. Your website isn’t ranking.

Having a website that ranks highly on search engine results pages will put your brand on the path to success. This is because it will increase web traffic quite considerably. After all, “a number 1 position in Google gets 28.75% of all clicks.”

As a result, if your website fails to rank highly, you’ll struggle to get the kind of traffic you need in order to succeed. Fortunately, while it may seem complex, there are many ways in which you can combat this issue. To begin with, you should use SEO best practices to optimize your content. For example, you should ensure that any blog posts or web copy contain the keywords and phrases your audience is looking for. This will make it easier to search engines to categorize your web page, pushing it further and further up the rankings. 

You should also ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and accessible, as this could once again impact where your website lands on the rankings. This is particularly important when you consider the fact that “60.1% of consumers use their smartphones for online shopping.” This means that having a website that isn’t mobile-optimized could alienate over half of your audience, meaning you’ll lose out on a lot of potential sales.  

5. You aren’t looking after your team.

If you aren’t taking care of your employees, you’re likely to run into numerous challenges as a business owner. For example, if your team is burned out and overworked, they’re more likely to consider working elsewhere, which means you’ll struggle to maintain a full workforce. Furthemore, it could also mean that your team is not as productive as it can be. 

As such, it’s vital that you begin to take employee well-being seriously moving forward. For example, you could kickstart this process by launching an employee wellness program that is designed to help your team care for their mental well-being. This way, they feel more equipped to handle the stressors of everyday life, which includes coming to work. 

You may also want to keep an open-door policy within your office – which means that employees can come and speak to you whenever they feel the need to. This way, they’re less likely to feel uncomfortable about voicing their opinion or asking for help when they need it, as you’ve built a working environment that is as supportive as possible.

Whenever an employee approaches you asking for help, it’s important that you take the time to truly listen to them. Don’t penalize them if they’re struggling to meet deadlines; instead, work closely with them to figure out the reasons why. This way, you can eliminate the hurdles they’re stumbling over, making a better workplace for everyone involved. 

Final Thoughts.

No matter what industry you work within or how strong your business plan is, you’re bound to encounter some challenges from time to time. After all, this is just part and parcel of running a business. 

However, it’s vital that these challenges are not self-induced, meaning you should work to avoid the issues outlined above wherever possible. Being aware of these potential roadblocks makes it easy to deal with them when they present themselves, but it could also mean that you’re able to avoid them completely. This means that your journey toward success will be as straightforward as possible. 


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