Sports To Try With Your Significant Other To Spark Romance

Relationships require ample effort. As time goes on, many couples feel as if they’re lacking romance and intimacy. Getting stuck in the typical routines can be repetitive and tiresome. You both need to try something new!

Exercising releases endorphins and serotonin. As the stress and anxiety hormones dissipate, the mind feels clear and content. Perhaps embarking on a new sport will spark romance with your significant other! Read the list below to see which ideas pique your interest.


It doesn’t matter if either of you have ever danced before. Dancing is an amazing sport sure to ignite a spark. Partner dances require eye contact and physical touch. It strengthens intimacy and attraction, which many couples can lack after many years.

Schedule a private dance class or visit a bar with a large dance floor. Then, enjoy each other’s company and feel the flames burn.


Running isn’t an overly social sport, but it’s a great method of motivation and exploration. Try visiting new trails or travel to new locations to run. As your body exudes serotonin, you’ll feel happy and have a connection with your partner again.

Paddle Boarding

SUP YogaIf intense cardio exercise isn’t a favorite for either partner, a calmer sport, such as paddle boarding, might be a good fit. There will be plenty of laughs and mishaps along the way as you navigate the water. Each mistake and gorgeous sight will create incredible memories.

Visit a river or lake at sunset for enhanced romance. You can even try stand-up paddle board yoga and tackle each yoga pose together.


Tennis is a fast-paced sport that’s perfect for competitive couples. The constant movement will keep you both active and continuously working to win!

A little bit of competition motivates each partner to work harder. It’s a healthy way to express emotions and bring you closer together. By the end of the game, you can go home and laugh about the time you had on the tennis court.


Golfing is another competitive sport, but it moves at a slower pace. Sing along to songs as you ride on the golf court, enjoy a few drinks, and keep your competitive spirits up.

This sport is sure to spark romance with your significant other! It will keep you working to improve your techniques and wanting to play the course again.


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